jobs vs. The Work, homelessness & WANDERERing

To be of service, you need to be able to give. If you are not in a position to give, then shouldn't that be your aim? To work within the rules of this world to put yourself into that position?
Q: (L) Why do you say "their ability to compensate me for my time"?

A: We have spoken before about the necessity for energy to be balanced. It is correct for you to make this program available according to the individual ability to compensate. But all must remember that it is STO to GIVE [planchette circles board] ALL to those who ask. You have given all REPEATEDLY and many still do not understand the value nor do they compensatorily give in return. Those who have difficulties with the program may find that they are not giving "all". And that does not always mean money either. It can also mean commitment.

Q: (L) Questions? (DD) Is the group still doing Monday and Thursday? (L) Mm-hmm. (Joe) Well, we're gonna make the program available for purchase as a set, in a nice package. That'll be an opportunity for people to - I know it's not just money, but it'll be an opportunity for people to at least give for receiving something, like directly.

A: Those individuals who still think that you can get something for nothing will find themselves blocked.

Q: (L) Well, what is the nature of this kind of thing? I mean, what do you mean "blocked"?

A: It can take 2 main forms: In the STO candidate, it can be blocked by the subconscious process that knows there is an imbalance. In the "others" it is simply that they are not on the correct frequency to receive. Remember "receivership capability" and also capacity.

Q: (L) In other words, somebody could conceivably, ya know, pay a million dollars for the program and if they were a billionaire and it was a drop in the bucket to their income, or even if they were doing it manipulatively to gain for the self, they would still not be able to get anything out of it even though they had made an exchange because they would still not be at the frequency to understand. Is that correct?

A: Yes. Remember the "widow's mite".

Q: (Joe) The Widow's Mite? (L) It's a story in the bible. It's a small amount. Ya know, the rich man who gave a lot and thought he would buy salvation, and then the poor widow who gave a little bit but it was all she had - she gave all. So the principle is giving all, but not necessarily in the sense of money. Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes

I understand the 'selling your soul' thing, but by taking and not giving you are 'stealing others souls' (energy) - STS. And if you are STS that means something else is most likely working through you very hard to convince you with stories of 'being free' that you are entitled to a free lunch (because you are IT's lunch!)

This pathological society is all about entitlement and 'freedom' - by 'being free' you've bought it's sales pitch! If you can understand that deeply, you can navigate it (i.e. have a job, pay bills etc) in a way that is not about that entitlement, but about 'paying your way in life'.
I will do my best to reply to everyone.

Please excuse my manic tirade about the roof, and all.. I was a bit aggravated(in general, nothing to do with the forum, just life in general). What I meant to say, and you bring up a valid point, I would like to clarify...

"The builders have been compensated according to what they and I agreed upon as fair exchange.."

"In a perfect world", as the saying goes, this agreement according to what you believed was fair... and I'm not necessarily saying it isn't, its according to context.

What I AM saying is.. Spirit and Matter are inextricably entwined, at least here on earth, at least generally speaking, if measures aren't taken to disentwine them.

And so, according to this agreement, it appears as if it were merely a physical transaction with no spirit involved. But how can spirit NOT be involved with EVERY action.

In my world, spirit must always be taken into account. Every action leans either STO or STS, although I suppose neutrality may exist, in theory. Every action must be weighed carefully to determine where it may fall on the STS/STO scale. To disacknowledge this, in my view, is to exercise a lack of foresight.

Not to sound high & mighty but simply an observation, lack of foresight seems common in those without an ability to SEE. As such, the common man, the laborers, those who work with Gross(as opposed to Fine) materials, usually do not see the whole picture, focusing only on the Matter at hand, disregarding the Spirit of the work.

And thus it is, that unknowingly, a piece of their Spirit, resides within your bath. Not to mention a piece of whoever manufactured the bath, at the factory, for example. And anyone who ever handled it, for that matter. To put it mildly, there are a lot of people in your bath.

Perhaps none of them will come to retrieve their pieces. But if they did, it would be your duty to allow them to return to themselves. Or you could tell them to piss off. Choices Choices. To say you do not feel you owe them the use of YOUR bath, is in my opinion, a simple misunderstanding.

For it to be YOUR bath, 100% yours, prerequisites are required. 1) you PERSONALLY, and alone, must aquire the materials, in their pure state. (You cannot acquire them from a store, since with much handling, these materials are part-owned by many people). 1a) you cannot have help in acquiring these materials, since a friend, for example would thus include His Spirit to the mix, and then you have a SHARE situation. (Which is another topic, currently I am focusing only on STOCK that is YOURS, since you assume the belief that this bath is YOURS). 2) You must build this bath, alone, with tools acquired in the same manner as the materials. 3) You must install this bath to working order, and then, disallow anyone but yourself to use it. (for if I use it, it also becomes Mine, in part)

And then, when all requirements are met, this will be 100% YOUR bath.

The key point to all of this is simply the definition of the term MINE. (mine Vs. yours.)

Obviously we desire to SHARE, and not everything under the sun has to be MINE. the distinction is understanding the difference.

In all honesty, there are maybe two things I truly own in this world. All else, I simply take care of to the best of my ability, until its rightful owner comes to retrieve it.

Concerning Money.

Money is essentially a medium of fluid exchange. Funnily enough, it seems to me, the highest evolution of Barter. Fluid exchange, which is the essense of barter. Money = Currency = Current = Electricity = Power = Energy, that's my two cents.

Also, no, I do not receive Government Assistance. No welfare, no "crazy pay", no food stamps.

The reason for this is simple. It comes down to me asking another to place a value judgment upon me. To jump through hoops like a circus animal, which I am not, to PROVE that I am worthy of some such entitlement.

Only I can PROVE my existence. Or disprove it. If I am water and I want to be wine, or I say that I am wine, where's the PROOF? if I ask another to PROVE me, then my PROOF comes from them, and not me, and thus it is like water with alcohol poured into it. The true alchemy states that this is a watered down drink with little to no PROOF. if I cannot prove my existence than I shall die trying, but I will not cheat. For if I cheat I only cheat myself, and all my other selves.

On a bright note, in the vein of fluid exchange, and opening the flow... While charging the phone this morning, I sensed someone needed help. This BBQ man, with a BBQ stand, across the road, needed a hand. He had told me he isn't shy and would ask for me help if it was needed,(I have offered to help, previously) but I sensed he needed it but wasn't asking. So I went over and he needed help with the firewood. And, I love hauling firewood! Don't know why, I just do. Its FUN! So, essentially the job itself was rewarding, though he offered me food, I said maybe later, cuz I was pretty jazzed electrified from hauling firewood.

Thank you ALL, this forum has reeeaally been a great help, communicating with everyone! Good Things are happening.
Okay I'm going to try to reply to the things I missed.

In other news, while I was posting the previous post, a man asked me if I wanted two bananas. I accepted the offer. Afterwards, I GAVE the peels to the aina(land/earth). In this way, instead of throwing them in the garbage can, which may also be GIVING, but somehow I feel its less effecient. Later on, I accepted the offer for BBQ, and GAVE the bones to the cats, and the Mac & cheese I couldn't finish, to the birds.

To redfox, this is precisely my aim. Its not that I don't have anything to GIVE, because I do. Its finding out how to put my self into Position, so that I may.

To white coast, would my giving scraps to the animals count as being a good obyvatel? I'm a bit confused by the term, but I think this is generally the idea?

To Tracy Anne, I am not necessarily obsessed with being transient, although it seems to be a defining factor in my life, rolling with it.

To davey72, "struggle to get clean", I might add, while playing in the dirt! Hahahh... It is quite the struggle. But I really do not struggle these days, its not even an issue. Personally I never did drugs, I even refused aspirin or cough syrup, as a child. It wasn't until I was a total wreck, sleeping for 16 hours a day, and not being able to be awake without also feeling constantly suicidal, at 24, that a random person said, Hey, might as well try.. And so I did. Drugs to me have been the greatest of teachers, the kindest of nurses, and the most comforting solace. With that in mind, they(drugs) have always told me that they are medicine, and that the point in communing with them is not to carry on forever with them, but to at some point, with their assistance, learn to heal thyself, to become Healthy, and thus not NEED their medicine, to say goodbye. And that is the hardest part, saying goodbye. To in all ways, honor their presence, respect their being, and to remember them even if you say goodbye. The problem lies when you think drugs alone are your salvation, thus losing yourself and losing sight of their teaching. One then begins to RAPE them, and by "doing drugs", the drugs DO you.

Concerning, "wanting things handed to you and are not willing to work for them", no this is not at all the case, even though I have been accused of this many times in life.

The crux, is sometimes I don't feel right about something and refuse to act, not out of laziness, but not wanting to obliviously do something stupid, even though by "normal standards", it seems alright. Again, doing what is right at all costs. When the C's first contacted me, they only said one word: cassiopaea. And it took me a year of pondering before I finally turned to google. I thought about just googling it often, but I thought maybe I'd stretch my brain, try to solve it, if I could. But a year later, I was coming up blank. I would think this demonstrates a no-nonsense approach and absolutely refusing to let things just be handed to me. That's just how I operate.

Al Today, honesty. Its called a smart phone. And FREE WiFi.
I acquired the phone by finding a lost one and returning it to its rightful owner, I was rewarded $100, thus I bought a phone. Enjoying the ride.

Concerning survival and needing to Eat, and how I reconcile this, just read all my posts.. It basically explains my attempt to reconcile all these twists & turns of life.

To tohuwabohu, keep asking your self " what if.." But direct it towards the future. You may say "what if I had done...", but ask your self " what if I do.."

To Alana, I use extreme examples because they are illustrative.

And yes, I wear clothes. But I ask my self, why is someone in China making my clothes??? To me, this is not right. And I feel awful about it. To this end, I have begun sewing my own. And I do realize that the needle, thread, and fabric I use are also "made in China", but I am taking steps. Steps to free these people, for if everyone made their own clothes, nobody in china would have to slave for my clothes. To free oneself, one must free others. Also, to minimize impact, I simply wear one pair of clothes every single day for a year or so, usually till I wear it out, to where its falling off my body. To really WEAR them, you know. This is my own particular obsession, not necessarily necessary for everyone. And also, by doing it in this manner, one can easily learn to sew and repair, to mend and amend. The philosophy of High Fashion.

Yes, even the curb I sit on, someone made. My only regret is that I wish they'd be more conscious of what they make. Some things do not need to be made. I acknowledge these things exist, however, at times I lament for their even existing.

Okay, I have not covered all the replies but.. I must take a break now.

Once again, thank you ALL.
cheezemurda49, I have to say you have a talent for writing and can articulate yourself in a clear manner better than good chunk of corporate bosses I've worked for. If I could throw out a little bit of experience I've had, I would guess that in situations when you feel alienated, you may actually just have people being surprised by your intelligence and wondering, "why is this person here?".

I've personally come across this situation a few times. Day laborers/homeless people tend to work very hard in temporary positions. The challenge I find is that there's a difficulty in communicating between between the two parties. The "boss" with the secure job sees long-term development, and the worker sees immediate relief of suffering. I've been involved in both sides and I'd love to tell you I have a solution.

But I don't. All I could offer is that there is always a common ground - no matter how desperate you feel, there's always an opportunity to try and see through someone's eyes. I personally was a "starving artist" for my entire 20's and became somewhat radicalized towards anti-capitalist, exploitational work. I still feel that way politically, but my day-job work has changed to the point where I don't need to protect myself. Yes I do still feel exploited by the powers that pull the strings. The difference being that my polarized viewpoints seem to have more of an impact on them with success in "their" world.

It's a very painful start to break in - and at times it even feels futile - but you can find that the work has value and it becomes easier to offer assistance to others - if they ask. I'm not advocating any submission, but "they" are pliable. I think it's okay/patient to save the "resistance" emotions/ideas until you can get to a higher level (internally or externally) when they can't resist you anymore. My 2 cents FWIW.
[quote author=cheezemurda49]
To redfox, this is precisely my aim. Its not that I don't have anything to GIVE, because I do. Its finding out how to put my self into Position, so that I may.
To white coast, would my giving scraps to the animals count as being a good obyvatel? I'm a bit confused by the term, but I think this is generally the idea?

This is what Gurdjieff wrote about the "good obyvatel"

[quote author=ISOTM]
A man who can be a good obyvatel is much more helpful from the point of view of the way than a 'tramp' who thinks himself much higher than an obyvatel. I call 'tramps' all the so-called 'intelligentsia'— artists, poets, any kind of 'bohemian' in general ( Wikipedia describes "bohemian" as those who follow unconventional lifestyles, wanderers and vagabonds. ) , who despises the obyvatel and who at the same time would be unable to exist without him. Ability to orientate oneself in life is a very useful quality from the point of view of work. A good obyvatel should be able to support at least twenty persons by his own labor. What is a man worth who is unable to do this?"


[quote author=ISOTM]
"People who are not serious for the obyvatel are people who live by fantasies, chiefly by the fantasy that they are able to do something.
A few things before I get maniacal. I can feel it coming on in the background. Will resist the urge to post before I come back to earth, unless you're curious what the view is like from Space..........

TOHUWABOHU, thank you, really, and truly, thank you. Yes, Now is The Time for me to become even more pure, to work on my self even harder! The Time is Now. My thoughts are with you! I might be kur-A(to)Z, but I care about people! And I know your pain, trapped, watching, waiting.. Waiting.. waiting.. My love is with you. My courage is with you. BE TRUE TO YOUR NATURE AND FEAR NOTHING. if you can only be courageous in your dreams, start somewhere.. even if its only in your daydreams.

Timotheos, I must clarify. I do not refuse steady employment. Technically, I have and do, but it is not employment that I refuse, its the selling of my soul disguised as employment. And I do not confuse this with freedom. Simply having no job means simply having a lot of time on one's hands, which if left idle, are apt to enslave one through complicated maneuvers to relieve boredom. Freedom requires the discipline to consciously direct the Will towards goals in sync with one's true desire. Thus one may easily have a job and still practice freedom, if one chooses. If one chooses that job wisely.

Am I free to donate $100,000 to charity?

Are you free to house transients at any given time, at your house, with an absolute tolerance policy?

Could you afford it?

Am I free to buy a first class ticket to travel around the world?

Funny you should ask. I see this as a probable reality, in my near future...

Am I free to even hang a picture on the wall in the home I don't even have?

An impossible equation, if ever there was one!

Alice laughed: "there's no use trying", she said; "one can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was younger, i always did it for half an hour a day. Why sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

Or.. Yes. I have achieved at least enough freedom to hang a picture on the wall of the home I don't have. Many many times. Assuredly.

cheezemurda49 said:
Where can I work and NOT sell my soul????? Its very easy to sell your soul, you can do it accidently! I have to be VERY VIGILANT.

Jtucker said:
cheezemurda49, I have to say you have a talent for writing and can articulate yourself in a clear manner better than good chunk of corporate bosses I've worked for. If I could throw out a little bit of experience I've had, I would guess that in situations when you feel alienated, you may actually just have people being surprised by your intelligence and wondering, "why is this person here?".

A writing job seems to be the perfect 'fit' for your current problems, as far as I can see.

Be it in advertising, as a speech writer, as a blogger, a columnist, or as a 'real' writer like Jack Kerouac for instance -- or one of the others of his ilk: Burroughs, Ginsberg , or who ever.

Obviously, you don't really need examples or idols to understand that it's vital that you find your own 'tone', subject range and adequate outlet, in order to reach your own niche of steady readership who will support you financially, as well as in every other respect thinkable -- wanted or not-wanted.

Even Laura here could be an example for you: just survey what she created 'out of nothing' (with the help of a few of her friends) and how all that is supporting most of her needs now (and vice versa)!

You only have to stop whining and start right off for the real deal ... :knitting:

Just my 2 cents, FWIW.

Hope this helps a bit. :)
It seems, on one hand, you ask for help yet on the other have thought patterns which adhere rigidly to a self imposed discipline. Which, forgive my forward motion, seems contradictory.

You abhor the apparent servitude implied in restaurants, yet patronize them. You would not do favours for others who appeared lazy or unwilling to so for themselves, but you rail against the idea of selling your soul for work or making appointments you have scheduled. Which, frankly, appears lazy from the perspective of one who works his butt off to pay the bills, with a justification for your unwillingness to commit to a contract of employment which would lift you out of your homelessness.

And that is precisely what a job is; a contract between you and your employer where you trade your time and energy for money. This is not selling your do you get your money otherwise? Begging? How is it better to rely on the generosity of others for a pittance when you could make a life for yourself by being reliable and punctual and having a positive attitude towards work. The other thing is, if you end up resenting the contract, walk away! This proves it is not slavery. While I agree there are dismal economic conditions and some people are forced to work in conditions which are akin to slavery, that doesn't mean that it will be the case for you!

And, if you want a good job for which you would be remunerated fairly for a skill set that you could be the master of...get a trade! Then, once you've been a journeyman for long enough and understand business well enough, you can start your own business and work only for those you feel are worthy.

As an owner/operator myself, there are certainly times I'd rather not be working, but I have goals, responsibilities and ambition which propel me to get up and get going. A clear understanding of what your goals and ambitions ought to be is crucial and as for your responsibility, let me relay a little story, which I may have discovered in the works here.

There was an aging monk in a Shinto temple in Japan. Every day, he would attend to small chores like weeding garden beds, pruning small fruit trees sweeping the courtyard, etc...

One day, the monk fell from a ladder and injured himself. Once he had recovered and felt well enough to go back to his menial duties, he discovered that all of his tools had been hidden. It was a group of young monks who felt the aging monk would hurt himself further who had hidden his tools. On the first day of the aging feeling well enough to work but being unable, the monk took no food or drink. The second day the same, until the third day during which the group of younger monks who had hidden his tools became concerned enough by the older monks fast that they asked him:

"Why do you not take your meals and drink with us?"

To which the older monk replied:

"No work, no eat."

They returned his tools the next morning.

This just illustrates the idea, that there is no free lunch. Contractual, consensual work in 3rd density supports our ability to pursue the work which will allow the development of free will, and an astral body. I suppose your reading hasn't borne out the idea to you that you are, in fact, already bound and your soul a servant. It is only through work that you will release them. I feel for you and your situation, but, also am reticent to empathize with someone who refuses to earn his daily bread for fear of selling a soul which has already been sold. Your job is to work to release it.

I'm not disagreeing with the way you choose to live your life, but it seems that if you want to move on from this condition you better find a craft you feel comfortable trading for money. You sound like you'd also do well in the horticultural world. I work with trees and yes, I sometimes cut them down for people based upon supercilious reasons. I feed of the tree and the trees feed me. I atone by planting trees and gardens and paying back the debt of my family and my required sustenance by doing my darnedest to invigorate the natural systems which sustain me. In short, I consider it a symbiotic relationship.
Please stop pretending that these STS jobs are oh so great. They are not. They are ugly and dirty.
This is the reality. Having a job is equivalent to being put in a pit full of pychos. What chance do you think you have? But first heal yourselves and then try to risk it. Not now when you are part of the system and your view is distorted so obviously you have no problem with that.

This is how it works. I know that you do not realize it anymore but if you work for a corporation, and as long as you work for someone that someone owns you. It is an unwritten law of this reality. He can command you and he can do whatever he pleases and what can you do? If you say quit the job then you are living in a dream because there are people who can not afford it.

If the contract would be fair, than ok. But this is not the case in general. So this is the problem. You look at this world like this is a fair place. Well no place owned by STS forces is fair. There is always greed and hatred and you name it.

I see that you like to dwell on theoretical stuff. You have studied some books and writings and that should make you experts. But even if you would study till the end of your life you would not understand what does it mean to be STO and to live in an STO environment in the way someone who saw a glimpse of it would.
It's the same as if a blind man would be giving me or someone else advices about what do colors look like.

And if you are wondering if the environment matters then this is a big YES. Do you think that you get strong by being nonstop attacked? Well you might learn a things or two but will you be stronger if you bleed to death? I doubt it. I know what gurdieff promotes and yes i see it as a possible way but to be succesfull on that way you have to be first strong so you can fight off every petty tyrant and greedy creature. That is if you are alone. Do you think that you are strong enough?

You are all bashing cheezemurda49 because he has no job and in yourselves it evokes some kind of feeling like he is only taking and not giving. It also evokes in you some sort of superiority because look he is homeless. What escapes your attention is that having a job and serving others are two different things.
You think that because you have job you are also helpful toward others?

Do not be surprised if people without job can do much more for others. Why? because they can devote their time to some useful things.

Is it fair for those hard working people who really create something, for example clothes, that the owner pays them few dimes and on the other hand without any remorse asks ten to hundred times the manufacturing cost from you? Is it fair towards you?

So here you have some things to ponder about. Other topics vere covered by cheezemurda49 nicely. But not because he has got some 'talent' in writing, but because he sees things clearly. I really enjoy reading this thread.
Most of you have long forgotten what it feels like to be free.
Most of you can not even imagine what an STO world looks like. Try to heal yourselves first and then you might understand. If I would know back then what I know today I would not sell freedom for anything.
But of course if someone was never free, born as a slave, he does not know the price of freedom.
That's the point of STS, to keep us in the dark.
tohuwabohu said:
Please stop pretending that these STS jobs are oh so great. They are not. They are ugly and dirty.
This is the reality. Having a job is equivalent to being put in a pit full of pychos. What chance do you think you have? But first heal yourselves and then try to risk it. Not now when you are part of the system and your view is distorted so obviously you have no problem with that.

This is how it works. I know that you do not realize it anymore but if you work for a corporation, and as long as you work for someone that someone owns you. It is an unwritten law of this reality. He can command you and he can do whatever he pleases and what can you do? If you say quit the job then you are living in a dream because there are people who can not afford it.

If the contract would be fair, than ok. But this is not the case in general. So this is the problem. You look at this world like this is a fair place. Well no place owned by STS forces is fair. There is always greed and hatred and you name it.

I see that you like to dwell on theoretical stuff. You have studied some books and writings and that should make you experts. But even if you would study till the end of your life you would not understand what does it mean to be STO and to live in an STO environment in the way someone who saw a glimpse of it would.
It's the same as if a blind man would be giving me or someone else advices about what do colors look like.

And if you are wondering if the environment matters then this is a big YES. Do you think that you get strong by being nonstop attacked? Well you might learn a things or two but will you be stronger if you bleed to death? I doubt it. I know what gurdieff promotes and yes i see it as a possible way but to be succesfull on that way you have to be first strong so you can fight off every petty tyrant and greedy creature. That is if you are alone. Do you think that you are strong enough?

You are all bashing cheezemurda49 because he has no job and in yourselves it evokes some kind of feeling like he is only taking and not giving. It also evokes in you some sort of superiority because look he is homeless. What escapes your attention is that having a job and serving others are two different things.
You think that because you have job you are also helpful toward others?

Do not be surprised if people without job can do much more for others. Why? because they can devote their time to some useful things.

Is it fair for those hard working people who really create something, for example clothes, that the owner pays them few dimes and on the other hand without any remorse asks ten to hundred times the manufacturing cost from you? Is it fair towards you?

So here you have some things to ponder about. Other topics vere covered by cheezemurda49 nicely. But not because he has got some 'talent' in writing, but because he sees things clearly. I really enjoy reading this thread.
Most of you have long forgotten what it feels like to be free.
Most of you can not even imagine what an STO world looks like. Try to heal yourselves first and then you might understand. If I would know back then what I know today I would not sell freedom for anything.
But of course if someone was never free, born as a slave, he does not know the price of freedom.
That's the point of STS, to keep us in the dark.

Maybe if one can get through life and provide for themselves and hopefully others, then it does not matter whether you are homeless or not. So long as you are doing the work on youself as many do when working in an STS job (whatever you class as an STS job). As I said in my pervious post, I work for extremely STS people but Im trying to align myself with STO all the while being an observer and doing The Work.

My definition of freedom is to be free in the see the world for what it is....because then you have some choices.
Dylan said:
There was an aging monk in a Shinto temple in Japan. Every day, he would attend to small chores like weeding garden beds, pruning small fruit trees sweeping the courtyard, etc...

One day, the monk fell from a ladder and injured himself. Once he had recovered and felt well enough to go back to his menial duties, he discovered that all of his tools had been hidden. It was a group of young monks who felt the aging monk would hurt himself further who had hidden his tools. On the first day of the aging feeling well enough to work but being unable, the monk took no food or drink. The second day the same, until the third day during which the group of younger monks who had hidden his tools became concerned enough by the older monks fast that they asked him:

"Why do you not take your meals and drink with us?"

To which the older monk replied:

"No work, no eat."

They returned his tools the next morning.

You can not apply to this world that what is only applicable to a tribe.
I heard about a 'joke' when some colleague stole cash from the counter.
He was all about pretending that he will teach the cashier a lesson. But only if he would get caught.
Well he was not so try and guess who kept the money and who got fired.
tohuwabohu said:
And if you are wondering if the environment matters then this is a big YES. Do you think that you get strong by being nonstop attacked? Well you might learn a things or two but will you be stronger if you bleed to death? I doubt it. I know what gurdieff promotes and yes i see it as a possible way but to be succesfull on that way you have to be first strong so you can fight off every petty tyrant and greedy creature. That is if you are alone. Do you think that you are strong enough?

tohuwabohu, it sounds to me as if you are opining that when a person immerses him/herself in the 'System', he/she will end up too stressed by their environment to grow effectively. Is that an accurate reading of what you posted above?
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