jobs vs. The Work, homelessness & WANDERERing

Tracy Anne said:
I seem to recall a quote from the C's which I read in one of Lauras books. They said that being STO meant being 'smart' ie......clever. Will try to find it.....not at home at present.

You won't be able to find that as stated because that quote was about enlightened beings of either variety (STS or STO).

Said quote originally stems from session September 19, 1998.

It was recently brought up again by 1984 in Reply 114 of the session September 20, 2014 thread (page 8):

Q: So, when you seek to impose or exert influence of any
kind, you are, in effect, trying to play God and taking it
upon yourself to decide that there is something wrong with
the universe that it is up to you to fix, which amounts to

A: Yes, you see, one can advise, that is okay, but do not
attempt to alter the lesson.

Q: He also says: 'I believe that an enlightened being is
emanating love where ever that person is, and this is even
without being asked. It just happens because that is what
they are - love.' Comment, please.

A: An enlightened being is not love. And a refrigerator is
not a highway.

Q: What?! Talk about your mixed metaphors! I don't get that

A: Why not?

Q: They are completely unrelated!

A: Exactly!!!

Q: What IS an enlightened being?

A: An enlightened being.

Q: What is the criteria for being an enlightened being?

A: Being enlightened!

Q: When one is enlightened, what is the profile?

A: This is going nowhere because you are doing the proverbial
round hole, square peg routine.

Q: What I am trying to get to is an understanding of an
enlightened being. Eddie and a LOT of other people have
the idea that an enlightened being IS LOVE, and that is
what they radiate, and that this is a result of being

A: No, no, no, no, no. "Enlightened" does not mean good.
Just smart.

Q: Okay, so there are STS and STO enlightened beings?

A: Yes, we believe the overall ratio is 50/50.

Q: Okay, what is the profile of an enlightened STO being?

A: An intelligent being who only gives.

Q: Well, since we have dealt with the idea of not giving love
to those who don't ask, what do they give and to whom do
they give it?

A: All; to those who ask.

Q: He says: 'As you can see, I believe in the power of love.
I am open to try to understand that which I have not yet
been able to. Perhaps that is why I am here with you
guys. So, could we talk more about this subject? Could
provide more of what the C's have said about Love?' I
collected the excerpts from the text about love and how
you had said that Knowledge was love and light was
knowledge and all that. Anything further you can add to

A: No, because the receiver to this does not wish to receive.

Hope this helps you out. :)
I saw this video today and thought many in this thread would benefit from viewing it:

Also, I will add that I meet people every day who are well off in live, but homeless in themselves.
Palinurus said:
Tracy Anne said:
I seem to recall a quote from the C's which I read in one of Lauras books. They said that being STO meant being 'smart' ie......clever. Will try to find it.....not at home at present.

You won't be able to find that as stated because that quote was about enlightened beings of either variety (STS or STO).

Said quote originally stems from session September 19, 1998.

It was recently brought up again by 1984 in Reply 114 of the session September 20, 2014 thread (page 8):

Q: So, when you seek to impose or exert influence of any
kind, you are, in effect, trying to play God and taking it
upon yourself to decide that there is something wrong with
the universe that it is up to you to fix, which amounts to

A: Yes, you see, one can advise, that is okay, but do not
attempt to alter the lesson.

Q: He also says: 'I believe that an enlightened being is
emanating love where ever that person is, and this is even
without being asked. It just happens because that is what
they are - love.' Comment, please.

A: An enlightened being is not love. And a refrigerator is
not a highway.

Q: What?! Talk about your mixed metaphors! I don't get that

A: Why not?

Q: They are completely unrelated!

A: Exactly!!!

Q: What IS an enlightened being?

A: An enlightened being.

Q: What is the criteria for being an enlightened being?

A: Being enlightened!

Q: When one is enlightened, what is the profile?

A: This is going nowhere because you are doing the proverbial
round hole, square peg routine.

Q: What I am trying to get to is an understanding of an
enlightened being. Eddie and a LOT of other people have
the idea that an enlightened being IS LOVE, and that is
what they radiate, and that this is a result of being

A: No, no, no, no, no. "Enlightened" does not mean good.
Just smart.

Q: Okay, so there are STS and STO enlightened beings?

A: Yes, we believe the overall ratio is 50/50.

Q: Okay, what is the profile of an enlightened STO being?

A: An intelligent being who only gives.

Q: Well, since we have dealt with the idea of not giving love
to those who don't ask, what do they give and to whom do
they give it?

A: All; to those who ask.

Q: He says: 'As you can see, I believe in the power of love.
I am open to try to understand that which I have not yet
been able to. Perhaps that is why I am here with you
guys. So, could we talk more about this subject? Could
provide more of what the C's have said about Love?' I
collected the excerpts from the text about love and how
you had said that Knowledge was love and light was
knowledge and all that. Anything further you can add to

A: No, because the receiver to this does not wish to receive.

Hope this helps you out. :)

Thanks for digging this up Palinurus!
Martfotai said:
I saw this video today and thought many in this thread would benefit from viewing it:

I am sure that homeless people do look after each and share food. My own feeling about this particular video is that it is fake, and the homeless man is an actor. I think the whole story is likely to have been scripted by the video maker. I could be wrong though.

Near the beginning of the video, the homeless man with the sign doesn't seem to be in an area that has foot traffic, but is rather on a traffic island in the middle of a busy road. The weeds growing on the ground I think show that he is not standing in an area that would have many passersby walking along it. Does he think people driving by in cars are going to be able to read the small letters on his sign and throw money out their car windows?

The maker of the video, Josh Paler Lin, has made other videos, including many of the "prank" type, with supposedly candid reactions from random members of the public. There is a webpage here suggesting that in a "my eyeball fell out" prank, one of the "random reactions" came from someone who knew what was going on and was acting:

Mal7 said:
I am sure that homeless people do look after each and share food. My own feeling about this particular video is that it is fake, and the homeless man is an actor. I think the whole story is likely to have been scripted by the video maker. I could be wrong though.

I think he very likely thought the man would buy liquor with the money and was genuinely touched when he didn't -- he did later go up to the man and say "I feel like I should apologize." Fake? Perhaps, but I think not -- it's too out of character compared to his other 'projects.' Also, when they are speaking toward there end and the homeless man is telling his story, there are literally a dozen cuts to edit the video. That's a nice touch if it's really scripted. How sad we live in a time where we even have to question.

[quote author=Mal7]Near the beginning of the video, the homeless man with the sign doesn't seem to be in an area that has foot traffic, but is rather on a traffic island in the middle of a busy road. The weeds growing on the ground I think show that he is not standing in an area that would have many passersby walking along it. Does he think people driving by in cars are going to be able to read the small letters on his sign and throw money out their car windows?[/quote]

This is actually a very common practice in panhandling, I surprised you haven't seen it. People are more likely to give money when stuck in traffic and confronted face to face with someone holding a sign then when they are walking down the street and more able to 'avert' their attention.
tohuwabohu said:
So the question is: Is it better to have more time at disposal but less money or the opposite?
Well for someone who has got a family to support the right answer might be to have a job. Because it is his/her way how to serve others, in this case his/her family. But if someone is all alone then exactly the opposite might be true.

I was thinking about this question some more and it occurred to me that maybe we’re looking predominantly in the wrong place here. When we talk about ‘freedom’ the place where we really need it is internally, an ‘inner freedom’. We can change everything externally, but if no inner work is done then we are exactly the same as we were before, same programs and thinking errors running just as they were before, nothing permanent is achieved.

So maybe the question is better put: What steps can I take to move towards a lasting inner freedom?
Alada said:
tohuwabohu said:
So the question is: Is it better to have more time at disposal but less money or the opposite?
Well for someone who has got a family to support the right answer might be to have a job. Because it is his/her way how to serve others, in this case his/her family. But if someone is all alone then exactly the opposite might be true.

I was thinking about this question some more and it occurred to me that maybe we’re looking predominantly in the wrong place here. When we talk about ‘freedom’ the place where we really need it is internally, an ‘inner freedom’. We can change everything externally, but if no inner work is done then we are exactly the same as we were before, same programs and thinking errors running just as they were before, nothing permanent is achieved.

So maybe the question is better put: What steps can I take to move towards a lasting inner freedom?
Like I read earlier today, it's about being "in" the world but not "of" the world. I could work a 9-5 at McDonald's and still be free, emotionally free, free from A influences, free from the control of petty tyrants in my life, free to carry on with the work without distraction because I have been DOing the work to free my mind. I stand a much better chance of being able to give if I work hard and be a good obvyatel. I look after myself so I can look after others it's a pretty simple concept and this idea that we are willingly becoming slaves by working is just another narrative to excuse yourself from not trying hard enough to integrate yourself and learn your lessons IMO.
This link contains the definition of strategic enclosure that may be useful to you.
truth seeker said:
tohuwabohu said:
I can remember how I realized all these things that you are now talking about. And then I was ready to serve this universe, to serve others but nobody came whom I truly could serve. I was really sad because there was no one who could grasp what I knew. And as you put it there were only people interested in slaves and slavery. Then I got low on money and with faith that this universe knows what is best for me I applied for a job and I got it.
Is it possible for you speak more to this?

Gladly. As you know STO aligned being can only help those who ask. This is based on honoring their free will. The law of free will is the first universal law I grasped at that time. And I mean not only theoretically but it was part of my being. It was truly understood deeply within me and acting against this law would mean loss of polarization. This was understood by mental projection of 'what if' scenario and i felt like I would be shortcircuited. I used my mental faculties a lot to see what is 'right' and what is 'wrong'. This law is truly universal and manifests in all areas. For example one of its manifestation is let others freely think what they wish to think. This requires that you are always yourself because as soon as you start pretending (even being polite) you infringe their free will. I was viewing myself as a humble servant of the one infinite creator thus this was not a problem I could accept everything. Even if I would have to act as a crazy person I would do it because it was my duty and I would have no hard feelings about it. If you understand the law of free will to the fullest extent it wont bother you any more what others think about you because it is their responsibility. And you are of course responsible for your own thoughts.
There was truly no one with whom I could interact because all people around me were STS. It was a feeling like being in a ghost town. Nonetheless I loved all those people because I viewed them as manifestation of the infinite creator.
Alada said:
tohuwabohu said:
obyvatel said:
The cheeze murda "solution" is no solution IMO. Rather it takes one further away from a potential practical solution where one would be able to develop along the lines that one wishes to - like "awareness" and "strength of being".

Well, if he is comfortable in the position where he is then I see no problem why he could not accumulate enough energy and utilize it to expand his awareness.

Maybe it can be done, I don’t know, but you have to question what kind of an awareness it would be. Reading through some of the justifications listed in recent posts, the following question occurs: How can a person hope to become STO oriented, if all they do is consume the work/effort/energy of others?”

Even if a person is ‘free’ by not having a job, it is impossible to live without consuming the efforts/energy of others. You still have to eat, still have to wear clothes, still need medical attention every once in a while, still need electronic devices to use the internet! If we then fail to make any useful payment back to life isn’t that a purely STS path? – As above so below.

If you really wanted to follow an STO path after that fashion, wouldn’t you have to strip naked and go live in the wild eating nothing but that which you caught for yourself?

Gurdjieff often mentions that we have to pay for our arising, so even though it may appear semantic I think its more appropriate to look at the question in terms of ‘what can I do as work to pay (my due) to life’, not ‘what do I have to do for work in order to buy’.

The question of work seems to me more about the flow and exchange of energy, balance, about what we give to life. Which brings this to mind:

[quote author=Cassiopaeans, 09-28-02 ]
'Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the 'past.' People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the 'Future.'

The thought also occurs that if nobody had a job, then Laura and Ark’s work, this forum, SOTT, would most probably not exist.

Well I try to explain where you all err. You think that working on yourself is not giving. But if you are STO being then you view yourself exactly in the same way you view otherselves. Therefore to care about you is to care about others and to care about others is to care about you. This is because you are giving to this universe a better servant a tool that you are working upon and this universe is very grateful for that.

If nobody had a job then Laura and Ark would be living happily with all the other pople... in an STO world.
lainey said:
Alada said:
tohuwabohu said:
So the question is: Is it better to have more time at disposal but less money or the opposite?
Well for someone who has got a family to support the right answer might be to have a job. Because it is his/her way how to serve others, in this case his/her family. But if someone is all alone then exactly the opposite might be true.

I was thinking about this question some more and it occurred to me that maybe we’re looking predominantly in the wrong place here. When we talk about ‘freedom’ the place where we really need it is internally, an ‘inner freedom’. We can change everything externally, but if no inner work is done then we are exactly the same as we were before, same programs and thinking errors running just as they were before, nothing permanent is achieved.

So maybe the question is better put: What steps can I take to move towards a lasting inner freedom?
Like I read earlier today, it's about being "in" the world but not "of" the world. I could work a 9-5 at McDonald's and still be free, emotionally free, free from A influences, free from the control of petty tyrants in my life, free to carry on with the work without distraction because I have been DOing the work to free my mind. I stand a much better chance of being able to give if I work hard and be a good obvyatel. I look after myself so I can look after others it's a pretty simple concept and this idea that we are willingly becoming slaves by working is just another narrative to excuse yourself from not trying hard enough to integrate yourself and learn your lessons IMO.

Perhaps but you would still be STS. For an STO being it would be impossible to work in an STS job and stay STO. I already told you that such being views the self in the same manner as otherselves. Thus even infringing free will of the self would result in loss of polarization. And the job itself does it by its rigidity. For STO being every day is different and the duties are different. Thus such being is flexible and does what needs to be done and not what some boss thinks is important.
Perhaps you can understand what it is like if you look what happens with wild lion in a cage. The same would happen with STO being in a job. It would be completely depolarized and faded away after short time.

Another thing many do not realize is that to free oneself from the ilusion a great deal of energy is necessary. And this energy has to be flowing. Thus if you are blocked (forced to do this or that) you cannot polarize and without the energies the mind will not make connection with higher levels thus preventing realizations on a deep level.
Nonetheless you do not need to be sad, because it is only necessary to be STO candidate for the promotion. Thus understanding the universal laws as you do and discipline one self to live according to them. The distortions present in anyone can only be ameliorated but that is enough because with higher densities the distortions will fade and you will be closer and closer to the one infinite creator.
tohuwabohu said:
Perhaps but you would still be STS. For an STO being it would be impossible to work in an STS job and stay STO.

This may be in part where some confusion lies. We're all STS on this planet - every one of us. It's not possible in our current state to be an STO being, and we also won't get there by avoiding the world in which we live. We can strive to be STO candidates, but we're still here with lessons to learn, which include facing this STS world. This concept is explored more thoroughly in The Wave so you may want to finish/read/reread that.

When I first came across this material I had a similar misunderstandings and ended up withdrawing from certain responsibilities as a result. I told myself that I didn't want to contribute to this system we find ourselves in. Had I a better understanding of things before making some poor decisions, I likely would have fared better and wouldn't of have had to go through some lessons the hard way. And this is why networking is so crucial. I didn't network and I really didn't know what I was doing. Life's challenges are difficult enough and we don't have to go it alone. But it does take some internal work of challenging what 'we think we know' and learning how to be receptive to others feedback. There's been a lot of good advice that's been given and I think it would be worthwhile to consider/reconsider what has already been said.

I could be wrong, but it does sound like you're struggling. Life doesn't have to be so hard, at least not in the ways we usually experience it. Much of the purpose here is to figure out ways to learn these lessons and not have to suffer so unnecessarily. There are tools available if you want them. It's easy to get so caught up with our struggles that there doesn't seem to be a way out. There is, but it takes a different kind of struggle to work through it. It relates to mechanical and unnecessary suffering versus conscious suffering that Gurdjieff spoke about. If you haven't read In Search of the Miraculous, that book may help a lot as well. I know it helped me to start facing things during the time period I mentioned above.
tohuwabohu said:
lainey said:
Alada said:
tohuwabohu said:
So the question is: Is it better to have more time at disposal but less money or the opposite?
Well for someone who has got a family to support the right answer might be to have a job. Because it is his/her way how to serve others, in this case his/her family. But if someone is all alone then exactly the opposite might be true.

I was thinking about this question some more and it occurred to me that maybe we’re looking predominantly in the wrong place here. When we talk about ‘freedom’ the place where we really need it is internally, an ‘inner freedom’. We can change everything externally, but if no inner work is done then we are exactly the same as we were before, same programs and thinking errors running just as they were before, nothing permanent is achieved.

So maybe the question is better put: What steps can I take to move towards a lasting inner freedom?
Like I read earlier today, it's about being "in" the world but not "of" the world. I could work a 9-5 at McDonald's and still be free, emotionally free, free from A influences, free from the control of petty tyrants in my life, free to carry on with the work without distraction because I have been DOing the work to free my mind. I stand a much better chance of being able to give if I work hard and be a good obvyatel. I look after myself so I can look after others it's a pretty simple concept and this idea that we are willingly becoming slaves by working is just another narrative to excuse yourself from not trying hard enough to integrate yourself and learn your lessons IMO.

Perhaps but you would still be STS. For an STO being it would be impossible to work in an STS job and stay STO. I already told you that such being views the self in the same manner as otherselves. Thus even infringing free will of the self would result in loss of polarization. And the job itself does it by its rigidity. For STO being every day is different and the duties are different. Thus such being is flexible and does what needs to be done and not what some boss thinks is important.
Perhaps you can understand what it is like if you look what happens with wild lion in a cage. The same would happen with STO being in a job. It would be completely depolarized and faded away after short time.

Another thing many do not realize is that to free oneself from the ilusion a great deal of energy is necessary. And this energy has to be flowing. Thus if you are blocked (forced to do this or that) you cannot polarize and without the energies the mind will not make connection with higher levels thus preventing realizations on a deep level.
Nonetheless you do not need to be sad, because it is only necessary to be STO candidate for the promotion. Thus understanding the universal laws as you do and discipline one self to live according to them. The distortions present in anyone can only be ameliorated but that is enough because with higher densities the distortions will fade and you will be closer and closer to the one infinite creator.
It looks like you are talking like you already know the "rules" (for want of a better word) of being STO. How can we, born of an STS world, possibly dictate what"duties" are involved for STO. IMO we can only strive to learn more about our condition in order to merely speculate what it might be like to be fully STO. Saying "I don't need a job because it infringes my free will" is kind of like living in a fantasy world where everything you need is handed to you. In the world we live in how can we expect to wear clothes, eat and have shelter without someone else having worked towards producing such things? Yes in a perfect world we would all trade skills and work towards a common aim of feeding, clothing and sheltering each other without needing money but even that ideal still involves effort, time and sacrifice ie. work ie. having a job. Just because money isn't exchanging hands or because it's not in an air-conditioned mall doesn't make it different. I think the point is that having a job proves that we are capable and willing to make conscious efforts to look after ourselves and be able to give a little of what we have worked hard for away to those who need it. Isn't that perhaps more in line with what I can only speculate is STO thinking? Conscious efforts and sacrifice?
I think the point is that having a job proves that we are capable and willing to make conscious efforts to look after ourselves and be able to give a little of what we have worked hard for away to those who need it. Isn't that perhaps more in line with what I can only speculate is STO thinking? Conscious efforts and sacrifice?

I try to explain as best as I can to help you understand. Having a job and doing your duties are two different things. STO being has only duties. Thus in this world you might have both. This is tricky to explain so I will make an example. Say you live in a STO world. You wake up one morning and feel really physically strong and feel like you could do some heavy lifting or some hard manual work. You view yourself as a humble servant to the one infinite creator thus you are grateful that he has blessed you with strength and you know that your duty is to utilize this strength to do some useful work. The point is that it will come naturally so it is a joy to do your duties and definitely not some forced effort. When you do your duties it is like you are working side by side with the one infinite creator thus you will feel yourself even more energized afterwards. Well the next day you would feel like your body is completely relaxed and doing some physical work would only hurt you. Nonetheless the energies are configured in such manner that you feel like going for a walk to admire the beauty of the nature. Because you know that the one infinite creator blessed you with heightened ability to perceive the beauty then you also know it is your duty to utilize this gift and to enjoy the beautiful sight. Remember you are doing it as a humble servant of the one infinite creator for the creator therefore there is not any limit as to what your duty can be. It can even be to talk to someone or to write something. When the energies are right then this is not an effort but a joyful experience. Now try to imagine what would happen if someone would force you to do something else. Not only you would not be able to make you your duties toward the one infinite creator but also the work that is required to be done in a job would not be done efficiently. You might do the job perfectly but it will cost you a lot of precious energy. And on top of that you will feel really sad that you could not be with the one inifnite creator working side by side on your duties.

If you can understand this what I tried to convey then you can also understand that there is no sacrifice involved. Of course it is free will of anyone to make sacrifices but will it help anyone? The 4D is density where the law of love should be understood. And some 4D beings will sacrifice themselves if they see there is a distress call made by other selves. They are doing it with the intent to help which is in accordance with the law. Nontheless they are not wise enough to see that what happened to the otherselves was part of a lesson for them. Thus they were prevented to learn.
tohuwabohu said:
lainey] I think the point is that having a job proves that we are capable and willing to make conscious efforts to look after ourselves and be able to give a little of what we have worked hard for away to those who need it. Isn't that perhaps more in line with what I can only speculate is STO thinking? Conscious efforts and sacrifice?[/quote] I try to explain as best as I can to help you understand. Having a job and doing your duties are two different things. STO being has only duties. Thus in this world you might have both. This is tricky to explain so I will make an example. Say you live in a STO world. [...][/quote] The thing is as others have mentioned said:
[...]Now try to imagine what would happen if someone would force you to do something else. Not only you would not be able to make you your duties toward the one infinite creator but also the work that is required to be done in a job would not be done efficiently. You might do the job perfectly but it will cost you a lot of precious energy. And on top of that you will feel really sad that you could not be with the one inifnite creator working side by side on your duties.

If you can understand this what I tried to convey then you can also understand that there is no sacrifice involved. Of course it is free will of anyone to make sacrifices but will it help anyone? The 4D is density where the law of love should be understood. And some 4D beings will sacrifice themselves if they see there is a distress call made by other selves. They are doing it with the intent to help which is in accordance with the law. Nontheless they are not wise enough to see that what happened to the otherselves was part of a lesson for them. Thus they were prevented to learn.

There’s a whole lot of wishful thinking/imagination going on here. I don’t know that we can claim to know or understand anything useful about how or what happens at 4D. Not that it has much to do with the practical questions of dealing with what IS, right here and now in 3D.

If your interest is in being ‘at one with the infinite creator’, how do you reconcile the fact that the creator has placed us wherever we find ourselves within creation?

We each find ourselves faced with a certain set of lessons – what IS. To deny/make wrong the reality of what IS would suggest that we think the creator is wrong to place us where we are (3d reality in this case) and we are right, know better. That the lessons of 3rd density do not/should not apply to us.

Surely, to deny/make wrong the reality of what IS, suggests that we think we know better that God Himself what ought to be!
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