Just networking. Realizing the need, as I feel (likely accurately) vulnerable



As said in title, I’ve been noticing perceptions and some “small” synchronistic events that lead me to believe likely I’m being targeted and a heavier attack may manifest soon.

Unfortunately, I don’t have many people to network with at the moment and less so who I can talk about these subjects explicitly. I haven’t been nurturing relationships as well as I needed, it seems. So I’m confident that just by posting here, and showing up, it should be helpful.

For the context of these happenings, I’ve been back to reading the Wave series, which I had stopped at book 5/6. I’ve been doing yoga and meditation daily for many years now, but it really picked up power lately. Especially after this March the eighth, I’ve been having quite some deep, insightful, and unusual experiences, and I’ve found the stability to integrate them with little turbulence. They are mostly related to seeing things somewhat differently and beautifully. I could sense little to no presence of animosity hovering around me.

I did start feeling it about three days ago. I’ve been doing consistent reading on psychology for the sake of self-healing, and then turned to past lives literature, the day after I finished reading a book on the subject (Life Between Lives), I started feeling the unfriendly presence. I read about trauma therapy, and had also experienced the desireable effects of abreactions, so I thought I’d experiment some self-hypnosis and see if anything showed up in digging fir past lives. Something did show up - of course I have no way to confirm externally -, but more importantly, I have noticed some compulsions have significantly subsided in just a few days of experimenting.

I started reading The Wave series again right afterwards as it seems to relate to my own experience, and looking for clues for maybe extremely painful and intricate trauma which is far from my conscious memory. This is the context the miasma made itself noticeable.

There are small happenings like a cockroach got into my apartment yesterday, this morning when I woke up I smelled burned protein/flesh (smelled like when mosquitoes are zapped with the racket) with no discerneable source, and when I got home after leaving for a while - that was the most unusual - I smelled sulfur. Usually when I get home I’m “hit” with experiencing similarly to what I was doing before leaving home, and this didn’t happen this time. Instead, I smelled the sulfur and I got the sense that the energies that were happening before I left were somewhat fuzzy in layers I don’t usually notice at home. I can’t think of any source for the smell, and after I burned a matchstick (it kinda smelled like methane, you know? I thought it might amelliorate the air) and opened the windows it was gone. And then just now I heard some noises in the kitchen, and when I looked, I saw something racing by on the floor level, probably a rat, but that’s a very, very rare happening. I never saw a rat in any home I lived. Been seeing shadows in the corner of my eyes when reading, though to my surprise they don’t feel energetically charged or menacing.

More importantly though is the feeling of being stalked, watched, or whatever to call it. And of being slightly harassed, zapped maybe is the word. This one I know well, and it did intimately coincides with sleep paralysis I used to have, draining relationships, death of pet, and the like. It feels particularly similar to when I was just about to take some courses on pranic healing, after which I never had sleep paralysis again.

So, thanks a lot for listening. I’m not sure how this networking mechanics functions, but I’m confident that if one fellow brother/sister cares to listen, this is already a form of protection and connection.

Appreciate it very much
We own most of the ghosts and apparitions we create, by virtue of building them somehow. You are in control of the things that relate to you. There are exceptions possibly but lets not assume you are living on top of a 1700's dated mental hospital or something along those lines.
We own most of the ghosts and apparitions we create, by virtue of building them somehow. You are in control of the things that relate to you. There are exceptions possibly but lets not assume you are living on top of a 1700's dated mental hospital or something along those lines.
The neighborhood isn’t exactly somewhere people congregate for prayers, but it’s not a 1700’s mental hospital either😆

That’s a helpful comment. Part of my these sensations, as I have become more aware recently, is that quite literally much of the uncanniness and creepiness of my own creation. Like my fears become agitated, and some thoughts race like “what if ~this~ is happening?”, “it could be like in that horror movie…”, “what if I lose it all”. And also I feel like, somehow, my own energies start churning and curdling in many spots somewhat at the same time. Not very intensely, but persistently, and that’s quite draining.

There may be a ‘wonk’ from outside, or a sense of being stared down, but these are less frequent and would much less relevant if there is more internal stability. And in a mechanism I can’t quite explain, it’s like I fabricated “mini-spooks” for myself in this process. The impression I have is that they are created in different point of my body (especially in my lower back), and go up to my head, and there they are somewhat the content or the stimulation for the fearful thoughts.

All of this happens quite rarely now, and doesn’t usually last long anymore. But especially yesterday, it was in a sort of overdrive.

By the way, I’m feeling a lot better now. I’ve had good sleep these days - to my surprise -, and I’ll experiment with doing the practices in a pace I can actually keep up. If I had plenty more resources, maybe in terms of knowledge, network or even vast material stability, I’d just press on. But I have a bit too many vulnerable spots and actually the practices were going swimmingly before - it’s not like I was loafing around by any means. Had a similar reading with the I Ching, which has been dead on many times before.

Appreciate the support very much!

As said in title, I’ve been noticing perceptions and some “small” synchronistic events that lead me to believe likely I’m being targeted and a heavier attack may manifest soon.

Unfortunately, I don’t have many people to network with at the moment and less so who I can talk about these subjects explicitly. I haven’t been nurturing relationships as well as I needed, it seems. So I’m confident that just by posting here, and showing up, it should be helpful.

For the context of these happenings, I’ve been back to reading the Wave series, which I had stopped at book 5/6. I’ve been doing yoga and meditation daily for many years now, but it really picked up power lately. Especially after this March the eighth, I’ve been having quite some deep, insightful, and unusual experiences, and I’ve found the stability to integrate them with little turbulence. They are mostly related to seeing things somewhat differently and beautifully. I could sense little to no presence of animosity hovering around me.

I did start feeling it about three days ago. I’ve been doing consistent reading on psychology for the sake of self-healing, and then turned to past lives literature, the day after I finished reading a book on the subject (Life Between Lives), I started feeling the unfriendly presence. I read about trauma therapy, and had also experienced the desireable effects of abreactions, so I thought I’d experiment some self-hypnosis and see if anything showed up in digging fir past lives. Something did show up - of course I have no way to confirm externally -, but more importantly, I have noticed some compulsions have significantly subsided in just a few days of experimenting.

I started reading The Wave series again right afterwards as it seems to relate to my own experience, and looking for clues for maybe extremely painful and intricate trauma which is far from my conscious memory. This is the context the miasma made itself noticeable.

There are small happenings like a cockroach got into my apartment yesterday, this morning when I woke up I smelled burned protein/flesh (smelled like when mosquitoes are zapped with the racket) with no discerneable source, and when I got home after leaving for a while - that was the most unusual - I smelled sulfur. Usually when I get home I’m “hit” with experiencing similarly to what I was doing before leaving home, and this didn’t happen this time. Instead, I smelled the sulfur and I got the sense that the energies that were happening before I left were somewhat fuzzy in layers I don’t usually notice at home. I can’t think of any source for the smell, and after I burned a matchstick (it kinda smelled like methane, you know? I thought it might amelliorate the air) and opened the windows it was gone. And then just now I heard some noises in the kitchen, and when I looked, I saw something racing by on the floor level, probably a rat, but that’s a very, very rare happening. I never saw a rat in any home I lived. Been seeing shadows in the corner of my eyes when reading, though to my surprise they don’t feel energetically charged or menacing.

More importantly though is the feeling of being stalked, watched, or whatever to call it. And of being slightly harassed, zapped maybe is the word. This one I know well, and it did intimately coincides with sleep paralysis I used to have, draining relationships, death of pet, and the like. It feels particularly similar to when I was just about to take some courses on pranic healing, after which I never had sleep paralysis again.

So, thanks a lot for listening. I’m not sure how this networking mechanics functions, but I’m confident that if one fellow brother/sister cares to listen, this is already a form of protection and connection.

Appreciate it very much

I remember feeling this way when I was first reading The Wave - feeling stalked or watched, that kind of thing. I also thought I was seeing all kinds of synchronicity. Perhaps I was. It was a very intense period in my life.

As time has gone on, I hesitate to make any strong conclusions about such experiences, and to keep an open mind to it all being a product of my sometimes overactive imagination. One of the things that our mind will do is quickly interpret a feeling or emotion or experience - and this interpretation will generally come from our programs. For instance, if I'm reading about entities and spirit attachments, then the brain jumps to interpreting a negative feeling as a results of a spirit attachment. If I'm reading about trauma, then the negative emotions are interpreted as being a result of trauma. If I'm reading about 4D STS, then our experiences are interpreted as being a result of some esoteric attack. So what we are reading becomes a lens through which we see the world and understand ourselves. Sometimes it's correct, and sometimes it's not.

The way we feel, our unique experience in life, and how we interpret it, is a really complex process. Most instances of illness are still pretty mysterious to me. Often healing is multi-layered and takes an approach that includes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Sometimes it is clearly a virus, or a broken bone, but then there is also layer of emotion connected with that, where it could be emotions locked up in the body trying to express. There's also a mental layer, and how we think about things, which can have a huge impact. Then there is the spiritual layer, and some role could be played by past life trauma resurfacing, or a karmic debt being balanced. There are risks with going straight to the esoteric explanation, though. There are also risks to doing past life work or energy work without the proper protection. Even certain kinds of meditation can be risky. Do you understand these sorts of risks?

To me it makes the most sense to take care of the basic fundamentals - getting enough sleep, eating properly, exercise, taking supplements, detoxing, and ridding ourselves of parasites. Have you familiarized yourself with these kinds of diet and health recommendations from the C's? Basically a non-GMO and organic (chemical-free) low-carb diet is recommended, and also intermittent fasting. Everything we do effects a transformation of our DNA, and also our frequency resonance vibration. Our DNA is an antennae that attracts certain experiences. Focusing on diet and health - our body and our daily habits - is one of the best ways to practice making good choices, and attuning ourselves to the best possible future in the sense that information is readily accessible and understandable, and provides a solid base from which we can move into the other more ephemeral areas of heart, mind, and spirit.
There are also risks to doing past life work or energy work without the proper protection. Even certain kinds of meditation can be risky. Do you understand these sorts of risks?
I actually don’t understand the risks. At least now that is clear to me. I’d been using more academically tested methods of psychology for quite a long, including some trauma work which has been quite successful, but apparently the past lives work or the level and quality of trauma (even in this lifetime) was something I wasn’t ready. Consciously, I didn’t have any significant problem with the unearthed material, but apparently other layers of my mind went wacko quite quickly.

Yes, I find it insightful when you talk about multi-layered process. Just way too much more going on than I can understand.

About the meditation and yoga, this practice has quite a huge group of teachers and practitioners - some who are long-time practitioners - with whom I’m in close contact. So there’s a structure and ample supervision for that. I must say I’m only marginally aware of the risks, but at least so far I can barely count even side-effects.

Have you familiarized yourself with these kinds of diet and health recommendations from the C's?
About that, not really. I actually consciously avoided reading much about it because I already feel oversaturated with different kinds of diets. I generally do a lot of experimentation and found something that seems to work for me. It’s not very different from a bit of common sense diet, like eating whole food, non-gmo, preferably organic, includes meat some times of the week, plenty of veggies and fruits, and closely listening to the body each to see what combinations to make or not to make, generally intermittent fasting and longer fasts when necessary or profitable.

As you asked this, it became also clear to me what I’ve heard many times from different schools: “don’t mix the practices!”. I wouldn’t be foolish enough to plainly go against that, but I didn’t know what the boundaries were. Is doing cognitive therapy mixing practices? Trauma therapy? If trauma therapy isn’t, is past lives work mixing practices? (For the last one, it is likely so, and/or I was far from ready). Is reading the transcripts, or The Wave, mixing practices?

Asking about diet seems particularly stimulating for the mixing practices question because diet changes according to one’s activity, as I’ve seen in myself and others. And diet is therefore part of a group of supporting actions and framework which make the practice safe and effective.

I don’t quite know the answers to those questions, but I happened to have just had a pretty acute experience and I know what I’ll try, based on this feedback. I feel slightly traumatized, a bit like I was nearly run over by a high-speed car that honked very loudly and abruptly. I feel like I need to sit down and just stare into the air thinking “hot damn… that was… close”. My life was going, very much out of custom, quite idyllically, and while I had experienced that quality of darkness before this time it was particularly chaotic and confusing.

Very insightful, I should say. I’m learning to create stability, stability, stability in my life and that was an excellent example of how not to. Hope there are little long term consequences - and I suppose there won’t be significant long term negative effects.

Thanks again for the support from everyone🙏
I actually don’t understand the risks. At least now that is clear to me. I’d been using more academically tested methods of psychology for quite a long, including some trauma work which has been quite successful, but apparently the past lives work or the level and quality of trauma (even in this lifetime) was something I wasn’t ready. Consciously, I didn’t have any significant problem with the unearthed material, but apparently other layers of my mind went wacko quite quickly.

As far as I know, one risk of energy/past life work is self-delusion. There isn't much way to verify whether what you're doing is real or not. That means you may be changing your own etheric body on the basis of incorrect information. Our etheric bodies are at least as complex as a car, and starting to tinker with either of them without knowing what we're doing can be dangerous. I know that one from experience.

There's the issue of 3D manipulation. Sometimes the 'energy body mechanic' is also a Matrix agent, someone manipulated by 4D STS, as mentioned in The Wave. Or they could be ignorant and lost in a New Age fantasy world. Both are dangerous because they say they are verified light workers, but when we're in an open and vulnerable state, these people can cause some serious damage, installing programs or energy drains or whatever else.

Also when we're in an open state, our own ignorance endangers us, especially if we're not aware of how 4D STS can easily hijack the whole process. If we in a dissociated state, the Lizzies can take us over, make us see something different, and then make us feel good about it, installing what is called a 'screen memory'. We walk away thinking that we're healed when in fact it is the opposite. The chilling book that really brought this home to me was Masquerade of Angels by Karla Turner. If we know about this risk of 4D manipulation, or what Michael Topper calls 'stalking' or 'bidding', then that knowledge protects. And avoiding dissociation is key. That's one thing the C's have recommended - meditation 'with seed'. Passive meditative states that encourage 'emptying the mind' leave one open to negative influences. Meditation 'with seed' just means meditating with a specific phrase repeated in time with the breath. Here's an example from the sessions:

A: Hello children of Cassiopaea! It is good to see all of you together. We are aware of the trials that currently beset certain members of your grouping and want to extend a helping "hand".

Q: (L) Okay, so how best to...

(Galatea) Wait, they didn't say who they were. Who is this?

A: Leolimma of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Okay, so how best to extend a helping hand? Well, first of all, let me ask this: Are you referring in particular to our German satellite group?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So how best to extend a helping hand to them?

A: All of them would benefit from a regular meditative practice. no-man's-land is severely lacking in knowledge necessary to fulfill goals.

Q: (Pierre) Maybe one question concerning no-man's-land: He's lacking knowledge, but does he have enough ability and will to acquire this knowledge? Is it worth trying, or is it beyond repair?

A: He has plenty of ability, will is up to him. Aiming needs more discipline and Pashalis could use a method for releasing stress. All of them need to learn to communicate.

Q: (L) Well, we already kind of knew all of that. Is there anything a little more...

(Perceval) Well, the meditation is a good idea.

(Chu) What about Gawan? Or Altair?

A: Gawan needs a reason to be.

Q: (L) And what is a reason to be?

A: To use his abilities to reach out to others rather than shutting them out.

Q: (Perceval) When they said they'd benefit from regular meditative practice, would some version of EE and the Prayer of the Soul be enough, or something more specific?

A: The EE program can be used as a foundation, but straight meditation with seed is more along the line intended here. All of them need to learn to discipline the mind.

Q: (L) So, a seed would be like having a short phrase to meditate on, or...

(Chu) Or just the Prayer of the Soul?

(L) Well, the Prayer of the Soul might be too complex. I think they need something a little more tight... a short phrase. The Prayer of the Soul really helps you in a lot of ways, but...

(Perceval) It's like a broad spectrum thing.

(L) It's also like training wheels for achieving a relaxed state. If you really want to go into a deep meditative state, you need something really tight. Holding your focus on something really tight is much more difficult than allowing yourself to drift while you're listening to words or reciting the Prayer of the Soul.

(Perceval) It's designed to make you drift away, almost.

(L) Yeah.

(Pierre) Maybe just visualize what they want.

(L) Well, I don't think visualizing is what we need here. We're talking about disciplining the mind. Disciplining the mind through meditation is like exercising a muscle. It's taking something really short and tight like a very short phrase and sticking with it.

(Ark) Maybe they should first meditate on the things that they should meditate on?

(Chu) "Focus on the aim," or something simple like that?

(Ark) And then it will come to them in German.

(Perceval) Arbeit macht frei. [laughter]

(Pierre) Maybe we could ask about the nature of the seed. What would be the best seed to help them progress?

(L) Well, I think with each one... Well, maybe some of the things they already said. Aiming needs to meditate on the word "discipline" and what it means. Gawan could just focus on the phrase, "A reason to be".

(Galatea) And Pashalis: "Relax"

(Chu) What would be Altair's seed?

A: Altair already has these skills to some extent. He needs to "lighten up" a bit and allow some pleasure in.

Q: (Galatea) He's TOO disciplined.

(Pierre) He's very monk-ish.

(Chu) So, no-man's-land: Knowledge. Pashalis: Relax. Gawan: To be. Aiming: Discipline. And Altair: Lighten up.

(Perceval) So is it okay if they do this suggested meditative practice separately or individually?

A: Yes

Q: (L) This is not something that has to be done together.

(Galatea) It's specific to each person.

A: Yes.

Anyways, we don't always an 'energy body mechanic' to go to that we can trust. We also should be careful before we start thinking that we are a trustworthy 'energy body mechanic' and that we can fix ourselves or others. Some people are intuitive by nature, sure, but generally it takes at least a few years of study and practice in a guided way before they start doing that sort of work. And lots of research.

So yeah, that's why I think it's good to focus on a bottom-up approach, or a body-first approach, as it will often produce good enough results, even if it's not a quick fix and doesn't involve visions and flashy lights. This bottom-up approach also prevents people from putting all their energy into the spirit realm and leaving the real world of discomfort, stress, responsibility and work behind. I made that mistake as well. Like maybe an issue could be solved by just going to a doctor, getting some blood tests, or talking to a counsellor, or working on a bad habit, or learning to have some more fun, something like that.

Yes, I find it insightful when you talk about multi-layered process. Just way too much more going on than I can understand.

About the meditation and yoga, this practice has quite a huge group of teachers and practitioners - some who are long-time practitioners - with whom I’m in close contact. So there’s a structure and ample supervision for that. I must say I’m only marginally aware of the risks, but at least so far I can barely count even side-effects.

About that, not really. I actually consciously avoided reading much about it because I already feel oversaturated with different kinds of diets. I generally do a lot of experimentation and found something that seems to work for me. It’s not very different from a bit of common sense diet, like eating whole food, non-gmo, preferably organic, includes meat some times of the week, plenty of veggies and fruits, and closely listening to the body each to see what combinations to make or not to make, generally intermittent fasting and longer fasts when necessary or profitable.

Maybe it's time to read into diet instead of avoiding it? Something to consider. If you are taking in inflammatory foods, like seed oils, gluten or dairy, or if you are eating high-oxalate vegetables and grains, or eating a high-carb diet, it's likely that your yoga and meditation won't really make much difference for your overall wellbeing, as your body will be in a state of battling inflammation.

If you are interested in reading more about it, I found this booklet to be very helpful. It is a summary of 12 years worth of diet research on the forum:

Diet definitely has an effect on our paranormal or spiritual experiences, as discussed in this podcast.

The Health & Wellness Show: Psi Phenomena and the Health Connection

As you asked this, it became also clear to me what I’ve heard many times from different schools: “don’t mix the practices!”. I wouldn’t be foolish enough to plainly go against that, but I didn’t know what the boundaries were. Is doing cognitive therapy mixing practices? Trauma therapy? If trauma therapy isn’t, is past lives work mixing practices? (For the last one, it is likely so, and/or I was far from ready). Is reading the transcripts, or The Wave, mixing practices?

I think certain schools don't like mixing practices because it threatens their own particular brand of healing or their take on the truth. In my experience, and from what I've seen of others on the forum, mixing practices is fine, so long as you know what your mix is, and why you chose it. Making a conscious decision while experimenting seems to be the name of the game here on this planet. That said, there are some things I don't mix with anymore - alcohol, heavy metal music, Pokemon, etc.

Asking about diet seems particularly stimulating for the mixing practices question because diet changes according to one’s activity, as I’ve seen in myself and others. And diet is therefore part of a group of supporting actions and framework which make the practice safe and effective.

I don’t quite know the answers to those questions, but I happened to have just had a pretty acute experience and I know what I’ll try, based on this feedback. I feel slightly traumatized, a bit like I was nearly run over by a high-speed car that honked very loudly and abruptly. I feel like I need to sit down and just stare into the air thinking “hot damn… that was… close”. My life was going, very much out of custom, quite idyllically, and while I had experienced that quality of darkness before this time it was particularly chaotic and confusing.

Very insightful, I should say. I’m learning to create stability, stability, stability in my life and that was an excellent example of how not to. Hope there are little long term consequences - and I suppose there won’t be significant long term negative effects.

Thanks again for the support from everyone🙏

It can be difficult to start opening things up as it sounds like you're doing. Take your time, and take care of yourself!
There may be a ‘wonk’ from outside, or a sense of being stared down, but these are less frequent and would much less relevant if there is more internal stability. And in a mechanism I can’t quite explain, it’s like I fabricated “mini-spooks” for myself in this process. The impression I have is that they are created in different point of my body (especially in my lower back), and go up to my head, and there they are somewhat the content or the stimulation for the fearful thoughts.
These entities, usually from the lower astral, seem to feed on negative emotions and "low frequency" energies, especially fear.

The basic psychic defense idea is to keep your mental, emotional and physical 'vibration' higher, so that there is an energetic disconnect between these 'low vibration' entities and your own energy. There are many different things that can be done for this and some have already been mentioned, such as diet and health recommendations.

There are also a variety of other things that can be done:
- Identifying "low vibration" habits and stopping or changing them
- Using whatever meditation or approach works for you to process or let go of negative emotions
- Staying present in the here and now, similar to mindfulness or what Gurdjieff called self-remembering
- Keeping grounded through walks in nature or grounding meditations
- Using incense on yourself and your living space
- Keeping the living space in a clean state
- Keeping lights on everywhere when it is dark outside can help
- Taking showers, these beings seem to dislike running water

Often it is a combination of things or changing up your habits that helps.

I started reading The Wave series again right afterwards as it seems to relate to my own experience, and looking for clues for maybe extremely painful and intricate trauma which is far from my conscious memory.
I find that it is not really necessary to go looking for painful trauma, as your Higher Self will bring it up to your conscious awareness in one way or another when you are ready for it. Usually it is some outside trigger or situation that brings it up and gives you an opportunity to process it or heal it.

Though there is also some value in making sure you do not avoid feelings or emotions that are up right now. It can help to ask yourself "what am I avoiding to feel?" and then allow yourself to experience it while making sure to remain 'on center' and present, instead of getting lost in it.
our own ignorance endangers us
Thanks a lot for the pointers. I guess I was quite attentive to the risks of self-dillusion - meaning I was looking at the process in terms of results rather, if I was pretty or slaying dragons in “past lives”. The inability to cross-check this info in any way is quite unnerving, and quite demonstrably it had ramifications I don’t understand.

I was aware that there could be some lizzy interference as the masquerading process. What I’m a bit apprehensive is that I have little to know way to tell if it’s happening, and its ramifications. So that goes with letting the practice to rest at least for now.

The “technique” itself in linguistic terms, and in conceptual format is very similar to what I’m familiar. Apprently the “etheric” component of it is quite different and/or some layer of the mind got activated and quickly got significantly disorganized. Yikes. It’s a bit scary to think my mind is still that fragile. I guess “pulling the grass doesn’t make it grow faster”, as the French say.

And yes, as far as I can see, few manifestations of bravado will so quickly and clearly feed us back our ignorance than going “etheric body mechanic”.

Something to consider

Yes. I didn’t mean I avoided completely. I spent much time researching it a few years back. My research wasn’t nearly as neat as it is today, so I may have all sorts of confusions I’m not even aware. I get the sense I have just enough awareness of it for the moment, mostly from experimentation. If there’s any such thing as “guardian angels” or 4D STO helpers, I must’ve driven them nuts with years of recklesness. Anyways, the need for some more intellectual research of diet might come back. Anyways, I’ll take a look at the booklet. Thanks!

And also I’ll second what you say about working bottom up. It’s very helpful. I also feel it’s much more difficult to dellude myself into a sense of self-importance, or that I must be entertained by life, or whatever. Nah, just need to go to bed earlier, buddy.

I have many bottom up issues I’m slowly taking care of. Stability has been key so that they’d change and actually remain like that, instead of reverting. Again, the abruptness of the late experience is de-stabalizing, and with ‘Stability’ clearly held in center, it’s much easier to know what to do and what not to do.
I think certain schools don't like mixing practices because it threatens their own particular brand of healing or their take on the truth

I’m confident that’s true in many, probably most cases.

This seems to me to speak quite anagolously to what I’ve seen in terms of how people talk about diet. That is; a body-builder, an office-worker, a farmer and a cave yogi will need much different diets. I’m quite confounded by the amount of combinations of genetic needs, environment needs, and activity needs - which will change at least slightly as the cycles progress - that may lead to different dietary needs. I’m generally quite skeptical people can find their to proper diet through rationalization/research only, or that they can precisely suggest how other should eat, at least not without almost extreme leves of knowledge. Of course, I doubt anybody should be having Happy Meals everyday, or that many people should be foregoing water, but my skepticism remains. It’s likely I’m taking a bit of an extreme position. It’s probably somewhat fruitless for me to say much else before I take a look at the booklet.

And this speaks to mixing techniques. My understanding is that especially if someone is doing intense work, then there must be a certain congruency of as many practices aa possible. To use the car metaphor (I know so little of cars), that’d be like making the explosion chambers much more powerful, but instead of using the standard gears of that set, using the gear of another modified motor, and the exhauster if yet another set. That is to say, I’m generally a bit too careful to do so - not to be the “etheric body mechanic” -, especially if the full set of a practice is working so well. I see many downsides to such caution, such as lessened autonomous learning. I suppose it’s a matter of choice.

Hah😂 I wasn’t expecting that! Even if yeah, the Pokéspawn is probably as bad as alcohol, but even worse becaue it’s given to kids. I’ve played thousands of hours of it.

Take your time, and take care of yourself!

Thanks a bunch. Appreciate it very much!
Unfortunately, I don’t have many people to network with at the moment and less so who I can talk about these subjects explicitly. I haven’t been nurturing relationships as well as I needed, it seems. So I’m confident that just by posting here, and showing up, it should be helpful.
May be a good time to look at this once again, perhaps some of this isolation and tension could be alleviated by focusing some of your energy and efforts on someone else, on nurturing some of these friendships and relationships. You will gain much by it I think.

I would also advice against self hypnosis, mostly because of the dangers mentioned above. But also, one of the things that represents a risk with hypnosis is the leading suggestions that may be created by the practitioner, and run the risk of creating false memories, even false traumas, that is with another human being, imagine if the leading suggestions are made by oneself, it's even trickier.

To give you an example, if I part from the premise that what is occurring to me is an external attack, and I hypnotize myself with that idea, and look for the answers, I will find them, be them real or not. Even if the real answer is, not sure, seasonal allergies to use an example.

Now think of the fact that we do live in a jungle of an environment, and if you place yourself in such a vulnerable state by yourself, who knows who or what might be floating around that may be attracted to the anxiety that it generates, and enhance it and even confirm it, so if you're looking for the answer to whatever might be going on to be something specific, there are ways for things to confirm precisely what you're looking for.

Having said the above, I think a more conscious and grounded approach, to pay attention to the choices you're making and your habits, to become more aware might go a longer way, instead of finding ways to "leave" reality, I think a calm vigilance might go a longer way, if there is an attack, then alertness is the best defense, and if there isn't and it is all imagination, then alertness about your own inner world and to remain present in the outside world is the best defense in my opinion.

I do not mean to be dismissive at all, I hope it doesn't come across as such, I think that networking here is a great first step.

my two humble cents.
May be a good time to look at this once again,
That’s a good point. You know, it’ll take a few days to see how things will actually unfold, but it may happen that this event might have (even if inadvertently) catalyzed some processes.

It’s a bit remarkable how things took a turn from quite familiar and well-tested techniques to a very wild ride. I’m still a bit scared by it, but also there’s much to learn.

I would not describe my motivation as leaving reality, not at all. It’s more like I have been consistently learning, practicing and doing what I can to nurture myself, and my academic sources on psychology had dried up for the moment, and after many years of (what seemed as) similar work, I might give this past lives things a shot. The results came in galloping!

And I see as you do, that calm vigilance is more likely to go a longer way, at least for the foreseeable future.

I appreciate the attention very much, truly.
I would consider doing more of the things that ground you in the body and the reality around you, some basic things like walking in nature or exercising. I do not know what type of meditation you do, but you could consider dropping it for a while to see if it helps, or switching it for something more simple. When it comes to being calm and vigilant, it seems to be more about acknowledging what's going, or rather acknowledging what we assume is going on, and not reacting to it in a habitual way. What we think we're seeing is rarely what's actually occurring, as it's always filtered by our own assumptions and beliefs, we blend the two thinking as if we're seeing things as they really are. Also, check out this post by Laura, as it has great pointers on what to focus on.
I think certain schools don't like mixing practices because it threatens their own particular brand of healing or their take on the truth. In my experience, and from what I've seen of others on the forum, mixing practices is fine, so long as you know what your mix is, and why you chose it. Making a conscious decision while experimenting seems to be the name of the game here on this planet.
I have an similar perspective on this topic, and I'll add that compartmentalisation of knowledge is a modus operandi of STS and something we've seen the maleficent affects of in science. So while "don't mix practises" might be great advice if you happen to be studying at the One True School™, what is the likelihood of that? In this reality, we need to separate the wheat from the chaff, which can include finding wheat in many different places, such as Greek & Roman Stoicism, the Paleochristian tradition, Taoism, Sufism, the Western Esoteric tradition, The Fourth Way, 20th/21st century parapsychological research, the many fields of mainstream scientific endeavour, mathematics, channelled knowledge etc etc. All of the knowledge gathered from these areas can and must be synthesized into a harmonious unity, imo. This is true Science, a completely open search with the pure intent of gaining and sharing Knowledge as a "soul quest", with a sacred reverence for Reality as it truly is, osit.

Regarding the "bottom up" vs "top down" approach, I was thinking about this recently and decided that the best approach was to work on both simultaneously as a sort of 'pincer move' that squeezes upon any sources of poison and ejects them from our Being. Most people who approach the Work are weak regarding their "bottom up" modalities, so it's probably appropriate to place more emphasis upon these methods temporarily, but the powerful "top down" techniques such as meditation, mental blocking, prayer and daily assimilation of Knowledge should have a degree of focus as well; and I think that for beginners, philosophical Knowledge regarding the inconsistencies and errors of materialism could have immensely helpful effects.
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