
'kundalini' energy a Negative path indeed and you dont have to use Gurdjieff as a battering ram for what is some wise words on the Subject,Just Look at the Occult and the Reverse side of Yoga for your reading Subjects:Kennet Grant,Goeing and a lot more who used Kundalini for Sexual `Rites`and found its negative aspects all to clearly.
Its aspects have history but it got Going again in the late fifties in the West when more books wheren published in the west and those intrested in the occult tagged along for the Ride and Kundalini was regarded as a true branch of Yoga...its Sorded,sex and using the Energy involved for what are Negative energy that does nothing for the practioner but weaken them spritually very quickly.
I suggest the Gentleman do his reaserch and i pray he doesnt end up in a group like the AMOOKAS.
here are some thoughts on kundalini from ISOTM:
Ouspensky said:
In so-called 'occult' literature you have probably met with the expression 'Kundalini,' 'the fire of Kundalini,' or the 'serpent of Kundalini.'
This expression is often used to designate some kind of strange force which is present in man and which can be awakened. But none of the known theories gives the right explanation of the force of Kundalini.

Sometimes it is connected with sex, with sex energy, that is with the idea of the possibility of using sex energy for other purposes. This latter is entirely wrong because Kundalini can be in anything. And above all, Kundalini is not anything desirable or useful for man's development.
It is very curious how these occultists have got hold of the word from somewhere but have completely altered its meaning and from a very dangerous and terrible thing have made something to be hoped for and to be awaited as some blessing. In reality Kundalini is the power of imagination, the power of fantasy, which takes the place of a real function.

When a man dreams instead of acting, when his dreams take the place of reality, when a man imagines himself to be an eagle, a lion, or a magician, it is the force of Kundalini acting in him. Kundalini can act in all centers and with its help all the centers can be satisfied with the imaginary instead of the real. A sheep which considers itself a lion or a magician lives under the power of Kundalini. Kundalini is a force put into men in order to keep them in their present state. If men could really see their true position and could understand all the horror of it, they would be unable to remain where they are even for one second. They would begin to seek a way out and they would quickly find it, because there is a way out; but men fail to see it simply because they are hypnotized.

Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. 'To awaken' for man means to be 'dehypnotized. ' In this lies the chief difficulty and in this also lies the guarantee of its possibility, for there is no organic reason for sleep and man can awaken.
Theoretically he can, but practically it is almost impossible because as soon as a man awakens for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces that caused him to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and he immediately falls asleep again, very often dreaming that he is awake or is awakening. There are certain states in ordinary sleep in which a man wants to awaken but cannot. He tells himself that he is awake but, in reality, he continues to sleep-and this can happen several times before he finally awakes. But in ordinary sleep, once he is awake, he is in a different state; in hypnotic sleep the case is otherwise; there are no objective characteristics, at any rate not at the beginning of awakening; a man cannot pinch himself in order to make sure that he is not asleep.

And if, which God forbid, a man has heard anything about objective characteristics, Kundalini at once transforms it all into imagination and dreams.

Only a man who fully realizes the difficulty of awakening can understand the necessity of long and hard work in order to awake.

this makes a lot of sense, at least to me
I agree, it makes sense to me as well,

Even if we move away from semanthics, it's a very accurate description of the role that imagination plays in our lives, we spend most of our day imagining scenarios of endless subjective possibilities, and the other part of it it's spent sleeping/dreaming, if we are unaware of it, it could certainly make it easier for the lizzies/predator mind to use this quality of ours quietly, as we, all the while think it's our own thoughts.

It could also be looked at from the point of view of contemporary psychology and name it dissociation as explained by Marta Stout and her book The Myth of Sanity, but the difference comes when one engages in the work, for by this same function of dissociating/imagining one runs the risk of merely imagine that one is "doing" and lose one's direction entirely.

This is why, understanding not merely knowing about it, is extremely important, and understanding as explained by Gurdjieff is the balanced outcome of both being and knowing, in other words studying about it with an ever observing mind(knowing) combined with self observation of it's mechanics In one's self(being).

My two cents here.
Alejo said:
I agree, it makes sense to me as well,

Even if we move away from semanthics, it's a very accurate description of the role that imagination plays in our lives, we spend most of our day imagining scenarios of endless subjective possibilities, and the other part of it it's spent sleeping/dreaming, if we are unaware of it, it could certainly make it easier for the lizzies/predator mind to use this quality of ours quietly, as we, all the while think it's our own thoughts.

It could also be looked at from the point of view of contemporary psychology and name it dissociation as explained by Marta Stout and her book The Myth of Sanity, but the difference comes when one engages in the work, for by this same function of dissociating/imagining one runs the risk of merely imagine that one is "doing" and lose one's direction entirely.

This is why, understanding not merely knowing about it, is extremely important, and understanding as explained by Gurdjieff is the balanced outcome of both being and knowing, in other words studying about it with an ever observing mind(knowing) combined with self observation of it's mechanics In one's self(being).

My two cents here.

In 2008 in spring i was thinking of taking the first degree of reiki. When i noticed something different in my body. A heat spot has appear in my lower back. At first it was a mild one but growing in intensity every day. In the beginning of this event i did not knew what was happening to me but since i had no pain i let it go without notice. After two weeks, i began to worry as the heat was going up and down in intensity. Then i started to make some research of what would be the cause of this heat.
If at the beginning it was centered in the lower back like a few inch on each side of the spine, it was growing to reach all the basin area and now i felted it in the front too. Something was happening and i knew nothing about this Thing. I knew i did not ASK for it .. It was happening and that's all so instead of focussing on my fears i did let go of it and accept it.

I was thinking too to look out the help of a doctor as the pain, the heat increased. Took some pain releiver pills to help me sleep as sometime the heat was too intense for me to even sleep well.

Did some research then on the SHC(spontaneous human combustion) or what If? or why not? I was trying to understand this and the why ME? why Now? and how could that be? and any other questions evolving around this.

A nurse a girlfriend of mine took my temperature to see if i had any fever of some sort(to it was like some kind of infection) and i wanted to not be some kind of disease. The temperature within a thermometer in my mouth was lower than the one on my lower back. Lower back was 4 oC more than the rest of the body..sometime 6 oC more.. was going down and low..down and up again.

After two weeks of this.. the heat began to rise up, felt it thru the abdomen and in the region of the lowest chakra, pelvis area.
After eliminating the SHC, any diseases, infections of all sorts, no fever whatsoever i felt almost normal as if nothing was happening except for this intense heat in my lower body. Was I going MAD or what?

A month passed.. all days with this heat in my body.. but no fears, letting go or do whatever it was supposed to do there.
Then something came up in the internet reading regarding the chakras cleansing themselves with this method.. so more internet reading regarding THIS as I was the main event here.. was not happening to someone else but me.

I understood the basic concept of this kundalini thing.. then the heat went up in the heart chakra, that part was another month.
But in this i began to skip some meal courses, did not felt to eat during this. 2 or 3 days without feeling the urge to eat or to need to take food, did a lots of drinking tho...the heat continue to do whatever it was to clean up in me..if i had any inside cleaning to do.. as i was trying to continue a normal life as possible. In the 4th month..the heat went up to the throat chakra..and continue on till the 5th.. then it reached the crown chakra...

I would not be able to describe to you all the phase or psy phase of all this as the english is not my mother tongue but french is...

Then to read on what gurdjief is saying about all this.. as I am hypnotized with all this? Excuse me here but this is where I am laughing at him... as he is trying to explain something the HE did not went thru as I did. Neither Ouspensky too.

They try to explain something from the point of view of the shrink and not the patient itself. They learn the indies methodology, concepts and all and thru their understanding of this and since they did not experience it themselves and thru their teachings they have tried to explain something that is not possible to explain except to live it. True here, i did not read any of their books YET, but even if someone reported this about their explanation of the kundalini and i do not agree with it do not mean that I will not read their complete books regarding their teachings. Will then apply what "fit" to my psyché but will not reject them as only a part apply to me.

It's like they are trying to tell us, me how or what taste a strawberry is IF they never eaten one, ever.. yes, they did tasted the raspberry and all others fruits but not the strawberry, they have no knowledge of it, this. And you are saying here that i should accept their point of view without questionning? pfiouuuu... no way. And since i do not channel the C's yet, the final answer is for me or at least this one, regarding the kundalini experience. I do not put them aside or disregard them, gurdjief or ouspensky but i am trying to understand what has happened and still reading everthing my eyes can read on.

Being hypnotized? maybe? and maybe not? I do not hold the perfect truth here and will not tell anyone they have the perfect answer or to put theirs out of the equation. I am still questionning myself of the very aspect of all this and every day since then as what have occured since then in my life..as this experience first hand had some others developments too. Would be too long to explain it here.. maybe in a futur book as Laura did with her.. :lol:(laughing).

I did not took the reiki classes yet but still plan to for this coming summer if I have the time.

Objectivity? I am taking nothing for granted and still read about this and all of what is happening in me and around me. I am my own scientist and i am the experimental subject too.

But instead of reading others books on this subject..or critics of another author..and report it here as someone said this and that or that is it or not.. i would gladly prefer if another person have ever felt or went thru this i would gladly read their experience of this.

And instead of critized me i would say.. go thru it first then come back to discuss it, sharing experiences

will produce knowledge and as the C's said.. knowledge protect.

And this forum is for sharing...so let's share "our" experiences.
Bricktal said:
Then to read on what gurdjief is saying about all this.. as I am hypnotized with all this? Excuse me here but this is where I am laughing at him... as he is trying to explain something the HE did not went thru as I did. Neither Ouspensky too.

This is exactly the phenomenon that I was talking about in a previous post. I have never yet met anyone who described having this experience who demonstrated anything I would call an enlightened state or a more advanced level of being. I myself had a similar experience 15 years ago during meditation and it did not improve my relations with others or my ability to be of service one bit. It had no transformational effect on my personality.

Here we are interested in knowledge that allows one to live his or her everyday life in a better way and that adds to our objective understanding of reality. It is not at all apparent that these kundalini experiences do any of that. It seems to be a way to dream that we are awake.
Bricktal said:
And this forum is for sharing...so let's share "our" experiences.

Actually, this forum is for research and discussion to approach an objective view of reality. What you appear to want to do is to discuss your subjective experiences, thinking they are positive when there is an enormous amount of evidence indicating they are not. If you are sincere about participating here, it would be appreciated if you would actually listen a little, and consider the idea that what you take as truth is not truth at all. If your cup is full, you cannot learn and perhaps this forum is not for you?
anart said:
Bricktal said:
And this forum is for sharing...so let's share "our" experiences.

Actually, this forum is for research and discussion to approach an objective view of reality. What you appear to want to do is to discuss your subjective experiences, thinking they are positive when there is an enormous amount of evidence indicating they are not. If you are sincere about participating here, it would be appreciated if you would actually listen a little, and consider the idea that what you take as truth is not truth at all. If your cup is full, you cannot learn and perhaps this forum is not for you?

Reporting an experience or a synonym would be "research" term of maybe? or not?

Yes doing research on you as then you are able to acheive a constructive critic as you are as involved as the subject in itself.

It's like reading an essay of a young american student when the teacher ask him to write something about the France country and instead of copy pasting some critics he find in others books or to what others peoples are telling of this country.. he could well went there in person, live there a few days, eat some foods from the markets, restaurants, listen to the people, then write his paper of his own experience rather than report it only from others he heard only of.

So in a subjective way, yes. the student and myself did went thru with the experience first hand as not with gurdjief or ouspensky who reported only what they have heard or read on this subject.

Yes, i did reported this experience as in some subjective way as i am concern here as i went thru it but nonetheless I do not take all for granted as this is IT and i do not see it as positive or negative either, it's juste another experience.

If you were to try to feel compassion and sympathy over a friend of yours who had lost a sister, father or mother in death and tell him, her that you understand what they are going thru? would that be true? If you did not suffer yourself any loss of this kind in the first place? Do not think so! To express that you fully understand what a person is going thru you need to experience it yourself, then you will have the knowledge, the fact that you can understand them better than before.

You report here as: there is an enormous amount of evidence indicating they are not?

Where is your evidence..as you have read me clearly.. i am still as quoted in your post: researching this. I will never say that my experience IS the ONLY truth but some part of it.

From the same point of view i could say quite the same about the C's transcripts thru Laura. As evidences are showing that it is the psyché of a person who is speaking and not the entity itself. What...?? on what assumptions, evidences i would base this? Reading from others books, questionning myself and others who did not went this way but only heard it from someone babbling about it? Is that what you call "evidence" my friend? Or I could say as evidence that I do channel some entities too as trying to with the laura's method with the ouija board!

If you are sincere about participating here, it would be appreciated if you would actually listen a little, and consider the idea that what you take as truth is not truth at all. If your cup is full, you cannot learn and perhaps this forum is not for you?

As i am sincere? what? or why are you questionning this? Did i hurt your feelings in what you beleive in as being the truth?

To grow is to be able to question what others are telling you about the thruth and to experience it or "research it" for yourself.

Then you will have your full understanding of the situation.

Explaining this.... evidence first hand: someone is telling me that fire is burning and is hot. Ok then! what? I will try it myself then i will be able to say to myself, yes this is a true fact.

Other than that, i will only be reporting What Others are telling me as a truth but this will not be my truth.

Or what others are telling me what to think or what to wear, drink or eat.

Listening to them i would be only this sheep the C's are talking about a lot(i do not have those quote but i am sure you did read them as well).

Only you can see that my cup is full but not from my point of view. Where did i not mention that i did stop researching this? hummm.. let me see here???? Nope!!!.. sorry.

So logically if i do follow your only proof of evidence here as gurdjief or ouspensky are the only people who are telling the only truth there is to Be on this.. i would have to be following them? Right? Meaning following someone else? Telling me how to think? Right? Or am I not? You have your answer my friend.

Bricktal, you are not listening.

Your 'kundalini experience' is the exact opposite of what we are trying to achieve on this forum, which is awakening. Your 'kundalini experience' is sleep, or hypnotism in the esoteric sense. If this is what you are interested in, that is fine, it is your life and your choice. However, that is directly opposite to the purposes of this forum, so it would be appreciated if you would go to another forum to discuss what it is you want to discuss and to defend sleep as if it is awakening.

There is no mistake about this - there is no question about it. I hope that is clear enough.
Bricktal said:
Then to read on what gurdjief is saying about all this.. as I am hypnotized with all this? Excuse me here but this is where I am laughing at him... as he is trying to explain something the HE did not went thru as I did. Neither Ouspensky too.

Have you read all of gurdjiefs and ouspensky's works?? If you have not, how do you know that they never went through what you did??

Many of us on this forum have been through extraordinary things/experiences (some similar to what you describe), many other have not. What the experiences tend to have in common is an emotional content and a sense of importance. They are sacred to the 'experiencer'. They are sacred cows.

In the QFS slang, this refers to a tightly held belief with which one is identified. Questioning the belief will be seen as questioning the holder of the belief and often taken as a personal attack. Oftentimes, the more the sacred cow is at odds with reality, the more ferociously the believer will cling to it.

Because of the emotions and your attachment to this experience, you give it importance and are attached to it.

So are you able to separate your emotional attachment from your experience and look at in context objectively?

The first question that is important to ask (as it has such a great impact on all aspects of our existence) is what is your diet like? What food do you eat? Do you eat bread/wheat for example?

Gluten Causes Nerve Damage
Another study links nerve damage to gluten sensitivity. Gluten has been identified as a potential neurotoxin, and many with gluten sensitivity do not manifest symptoms of classic celiac disease, but instead develop nerve damage. In this study, the average age for nerve damage to develop was 55. A correlation was found between patients with idiopathic neuropathy (nerve damage of an unknown cause) and the presence of gluten intolerant HLA-DQ genes.


J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2006;77:1262-1266.

Gluten Free Society's Stance:

The Gluten Free Society would like to thank the authors of this study for their continued excellent research in the field of gluten induced nerve disease. Dr. Hadjivassiliou and colleagues have published a number of papers connecting gluten sensitivity with nerve damage. Many neurological conditions both acute and chronic are associated with gluten sensitivity. Below is a small list of some of the more commonly known: 1.Carpal tunnel syndrome



4.Multiple sclerosis

5.Restless legs syndrome

6.Numbness and tingling of the hands and feet (Neuropathy)

7.Parkinson's disease

8.Lou Gehrig's disease

9.Reflex sympathetic dystrophy






1.Autonomic Nerve Damage

Autonomic nerves control such involuntary or limited dependent impulses as heart rate, blood pressure, digestion and body temperature. Symptoms of autonomic nerve damage may appear as dizziness, constipation, dry eyes and mouth, production of either an excessive amount or too little amount of sweat, abnormal bladder function, abnormal sexual function or lack of sensation in feeling chest pain.

I was wondering how many of you have a high body temperature. At night, my body gives off a lot of heat - my partner describes it as cuddling with a furnance. It is also at dinner that I will eat my most glutenous meals - pastas, breads etc.
Just curious if anyone else suffers from this.

Many people being treated for panic attacks begin to experience limited symptom attacks. These panic attacks are less comprehensive with fewer than 4 bodily symptoms being experienced.[3]

It is not unusual for panic disorder sufferers to experience only one or two symptoms at a time, such as vibrations in their legs, or shortness of breath, or an intense wave of heat traveling up their bodies which is not similar to hot flashes due to estrogen shortage. Some symptoms, such as vibrations in the legs are sufficiently different from any normal sensation that they clearly indicate panic disorder. Other symptoms on the list can occur in people who may or may not have panic disorder. Panic disorder truly does not require four or more symptoms to all be present at the same time. Pure causeless panic and the racing heart beat the panic causes are quite sufficient to indicate panic attack.[3]

If you are eating gluten or dairy foods, consuming a lot of sugar/high carbohydrate diet, have not checked out hormonal/neurological chemical imbalances, or dealt with detoxing from chemicals in our environment, I would not rule out that your experience (although euphoric) may well be related to any of those.
Bricktal said:
A nurse a girlfriend of mine took my temperature to see if i had any fever of some sort(to it was like some kind of infection) and i wanted to not be some kind of disease. The temperature within a thermometer in my mouth was lower than the one on my lower back. Lower back was 4 oC more than the rest of the body..sometime 6 oC more.. was going down and low..down and up again.

After two weeks of this.. the heat began to rise up, felt it thru the abdomen and in the region of the lowest chakra, pelvis area.
After eliminating the SHC, any diseases, infections of all sorts, no fever whatsoever i felt almost normal as if nothing was happening except for this intense heat in my lower body. Was I going MAD or what?

A month passed.. all days with this heat in my body.. but no fears, letting go or do whatever it was supposed to do there.
Then something came up in the internet reading regarding the chakras cleansing themselves with this method.. so more internet reading regarding THIS as I was the main event here.. was not happening to someone else but me.

I understood the basic concept of this kundalini thing.. then the heat went up in the heart chakra, that part was another month.
But in this i began to skip some meal courses, did not felt to eat during this. 2 or 3 days without feeling the urge to eat or to need to take food, did a lots of drinking tho...the heat continue to do whatever it was to clean up in me..if i had any inside cleaning to do.. as i was trying to continue a normal life as possible. In the 4th month..the heat went up to the throat chakra..and continue on till the 5th.. then it reached the crown chakra...

I would not be able to describe to you all the phase or psy phase of all this as the english is not my mother tongue but french is...

Hi Bricktel,

I'm just curious why you think this experience of yours is something related to kundalini and not some medical pathology?

The reason I ask this is because awhile back I did some research on monoatomic gold and discovered that a lot of vendors of this substance were actually selling gold chloride. People taking large doses of this stuff reported saying that they felt a certain "high" from it, or a feeling of being detached from their body. Many of them assumed it was from the alchemical effects of the monoatomic gold itself. It turned out, however, that the effects were due to nerve poisoning from the gold chloride.

Now, could the experiences you've described have a common medical pathology of some sort? Have you ruled this out completely? When you talk about not feeling the urge to eat and drinking lots of water, that sounds like a medical condition to me and not some esoteric mumbo-jumbo.

I would be very concerned about feeling a heat along my spine. That seems to indicate something attacking your nervous system. I see RedFox has given you some more input on this.
Quote from: Bricktal
Then to read on what gurdjief is saying about all this.. as I am hypnotized with all this? Excuse me here but this is where I am laughing at him... as he is trying to explain something the HE did not went thru as I did. Neither Ouspensky too.

Have you read all of gurdjiefs and ouspensky's works?? If you have not, how do you know that they never went through what you did??

Many of us on this forum have been through extraordinary things/experiences (some similar to what you describe), many other have not. What the experiences tend to have in common is an emotional content and a sense of importance. They are sacred to the 'experiencer'. They are sacred cows.

In the QFS slang, this refers to a tightly held belief with which one is identified. Questioning the belief will be seen as questioning the holder of the belief and often taken as a personal attack. Oftentimes, the more the sacred cow is at odds with reality, the more ferociously the believer will cling to it.

Because of the emotions and your attachment to this experience, you give it importance and are attached to it.

So are you able to separate your emotional attachment from your experience and look at in context objectively?

I did read in the Wave book of laura this term: sacred cows. But i do not relate to this when speaking of this kundalini event in any way. Would gladly speak of it as like a dream state instead. Would be a lot easier to deal with it. Attach to it? Certainly not? As why am I discussing this here as to put that away IF it does serves this purpose?

If you are eating gluten or dairy foods, consuming a lot of sugar/high carbohydrate diet, have not checked out hormonal/neurological chemical imbalances, or dealt with detoxing from chemicals in our environment, I would not rule out that your experience (although euphoric) may well be related to any of those.

Interresting the subject of the gluten thing. Some similarity with the vibrations things or little dizzyness one experience when meditating.
As for my part here... i am vegetalian.. so no dairy foods, some bread but i am not allergic to gluten but i do not feel to eat any at all.. so gluten is not the answer here..and i did a doctor check up..when doing (in the 4th month) the kundalini experience...and all were normals, nothing unusual. It was not a profound check as lots of tests, specialized blood cells etc.. like having a cancer. But the doctor set me free with a very good health(am 48). No foods allergy except one, Iodine but I do not consume crabs, or fish or lobsters as they are meat for me.
So the gluten is not.

Then what else?

Bricktal, you are not listening.

Your 'kundalini experience' is the exact opposite of what we are trying to achieve on this forum, which is awakening. Your 'kundalini experience' is sleep, or hypnotism in the esoteric sense. If this is what you are interested in, that is fine, it is your life and your choice. However, that is directly opposite to the purposes of this forum, so it would be appreciated if you would go to another forum to discuss what it is you want to discuss and to defend sleep as if it is awakening.

There is no mistake about this - there is no question about it. I hope that is clear enough.

Wich is awakening? Define the term please?

So I am sleeping by your standard, then all of this is sleep? woowwww, an incredible dream that is, almost too perfect to me.
I did not took the right pill then! Still dreaming.. did not chose this kundalini, it happened, now i have to live with it...and all the specials gadgets who goes with it.

I do not seek to defend sleep where do you see this? Do I need to write a book too as to be referred by Laura after for you to understand that i am here to maybe awaken? All i am saying here is do not throw the water with the baby. Meaning that those books are the bible of existence and every words in them are sacred cows as explained by our friend redfox.

So when are you gonna slap your finger so I could be awaken?

Bricktal part of this forum is based on Gurdjieff's work, and if you take some time to LISTEN and maybe do the work yourself you'll see it is not just about quoting part of his work but about doing it ourselves, therefore your assumption relating people of this forum just quoting authors with no real understanding and experience is simply out of base.

Then if you read the thread Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program you'll see there are many related experiences regarding energy (heat) movement and many others due to the practice of specific breathing exercices and meditation. Now this experiences are not meant to be the focus here, any real school would focus on this experiences as they come and go at different growth stages.

Bricktal said:
Objectivity? I am taking nothing for granted and still read about this and all of what is happening in me and around me. I am my own scientist and i am the experimental subject too.
I think you are not being sincere with yourself here, you seem to be just paying attention to your own experiences and this is in no way the approach of a scientist.

Furthermore being able to really study and see ourselves and objectively assess our experiences is a monumental work wich can only be successfully carried out with the help of those in the same path.
You present yourself as a super self-sufficient being, well just for one day maybe you can off the pedestal to remember that:

Stalking or Precis on The Good and The Evil said:
“The traveler who wants to reach the goal safely must avoid the deceptions that lie in wait for him on the path. Once he has reached the stages of unveiling and witnessing, he will be tempted by Satan and his own caprice to depend upon himself rather than follow the “scale of the law.”

“He must move forward according to the scale of knowledge derived from [networking].

“If a “divine command” should come to him in that which is made manifest to him, that contradicts the scale, then he has been duped.

“Many of those who wish for God have been duped in their states without being aware. This is a hidden deception. a strong divine guile, and a being led on step by step without their being aware.

“Beware lest you throw the Scale from your hand… If you understand from it something different from what the people (meaning those of the path) understand such that your understanding comes between you and them, then do not rely upon your understanding! For it is a deception of the ego in a divine form without your being aware.

“We have come across sincere people among the Folk of Allah who have been duped by this station. They prefer their own unveiling and that which becomes manifest to them in their understanding. They depend upon this in their own case. Anyone who relies upon it is totally confused and has left his affiliation with the Folk, thereby joining the “greatest losers.” Their striving goes astray in the present life, while they think they are working good deeds.”

Now maybe you are pretty sure there are no traps and and serious deviations in your path, you may be deceiving yourself or just following your natural chosen path, really its up to you.
Bricktal said:
But instead of reading others books on this subject..or critics of another author..and report it here as someone said this and that or that is it or not.. i would gladly prefer if another person have ever felt or went thru this i would gladly read their experience of this.

I went through something similar to what you're describing back in about 1993. Fairly intense, unmistakably in the body, certainly not a figment of my imagination. Without getting into all the nitty gritty details, it took me about 5 more years before I even began to understand that it was all a bunch of nonsense, most likely caused by my own doing and possibly with a little external influence from god only knows who and what, and none of it was in my best interest. It served entirely to vector me in wrong directions.

My advice about this experience of yours is this: Don't focus on it. Focus on learning to see objectively, focus on learning how to be present in the moment and how to remember yourself at all times, focus on figuring out how to realize that you really are not behaving as ONE person but instead your day to day activities are determined by hundreds if not thousands of different facets of your overall being and as such you're essentially out of control and your life is a long chain of 'accidental' events. THAT is important. Heat in your back is trivial bullcrud - unless of course it presents a real health problem.

In summary, wake up - because in my estimation you're dreaming a nightmare while thinking it's all lovey dovey. Wrong!
Hi Bricktal,

I'm just curious why you think this experience of yours is something related to kundalini and not some medical pathology?

The reason I ask this is because awhile back I did some research on monoatomic gold and discovered that a lot of vendors of this substance were actually selling gold chloride. People taking large doses of this stuff reported saying that they felt a certain "high" from it, or a feeling of being detached from their body. Many of them assumed it was from the alchemical effects of the monoatomic gold itself. It turned out, however, that the effects were due to nerve poisoning from the gold chloride.

Now, could the experiences you've described have a common medical pathology of some sort? Have you ruled this out completely? When you talk about not feeling the urge to eat and drinking lots of water, that sounds like a medical condition to me and not some esoteric mumbo-jumbo.

I would be very concerned about feeling a heat along my spine. That seems to indicate something attacking your nervous system. I see RedFox has given you some more input on this.

Feeling concerned? Why? Because i was (as stated by someone else sleeping?), when sleeping why bother with such a thing?
Of course i was concerned since it prevented me of my most needed sleep on some nights. I do carry some sleeping pills in the bathroom but those are for emergency only, think will have to renew the thing with the doc but the bottle is still almost full.
I had too take some on those night to help me sleep better as the heat was to severe to sleep.

I did a doctor's check-up and nothing came back. My health was fine but i was still concerned? would you not be yourself? as you said ... yes is the answer here.

Medical pathology? What are you suggesting here? to return see my doctor so he can give me this time the right pill to wake up? The only thing with i could be poison here is the fluoride or chlorynated water...as I do take a lot..but normal i think as 8 glass a day to support the veg diet.

Esoteric mumbo??? :lol:

Rest assured that i did research IF i was in any real danger or not and surely i was and still is not. But still looking IF any other thing could do this as why it did happened to me, then if it did and i am dreaming.. well there is nothing to be concerned here since i am dreaming and nothing is of a real danger to my body...Right? Or am I dreaming?

And when speaking not the urge to eat.. only was saying that i chose to listen to my body or what my body was saying at that time as to what to do to respect it(as laura speak a lot on this in the wave)(and find this quite amusing reading it).
Bricktal part of this forum is based on Gurdjieff's work, and if you take some time to LISTEN and maybe do the work yourself you'll see it is not just about quoting part of his work but about doing it ourselves, therefore your assumption relating people of this forum just quoting authors with no real understanding and experience is simply out of base.

The work? But i do intend fully to read it and maybe to follow it there after. And for those quotes, they were only partial of the full book, so the answer was for this quote only not for the whole thing, teaching.

Then if you read the thread Éiriú-Eolas - Breathing Program you'll see there are many related experiences regarding energy (heat) movement and many others due to the practice of specific breathing exercices and meditation. Now this experiences are not meant to be the focus here, any real school would focus on this experiences as they come and go at different growth stages.

I did read a bit about the thread you are referring here but not much as this was my intention but later on as much of other reading in on my table at the moment. But those breathing exercises i am attracting too and will give them a good look if not experience it myself as the POTS given by Laura. Really strong stuff.

I think you are not being sincere with yourself here, you seem to be just paying attention to your own experiences and this is in no way the approach of a scientist.

Furthermore being able to really study and see ourselves and objectively assess our experiences is a monumental work wich can only be successfully carried out with the help of those in the same path.

And where did I say that i would not gladly share my findings with others peoples here? As I am expressing myselft thru this forum here! Am I or not? As quoted by you: with the help of those in the same path. As not being the approach of a scientist, maybe you are right, but as i did mentionned and at the quote regarding gurdjief was not fully reported as is, and as is he mentionned nothing in this quote that he went thru this experience and by not saying he went thru this was(is) condamning the whole process saying this was the wrong way of thinking, thus after some others reported quoting me as i was not in title to correct the master to have misreported his work as to quote only a part of his book.
All I was trying to say is that in the quote he did not say that he did tasted the strawberry but for this he says even then that the fruit was bad or a bad thing.

You present yourself as a super self-sufficient being, well just for one day maybe you can off the pedestal to remember that:

Thanks! This is something for my ego. Where did i mentionned me as being this super self-sufficient being? ???
On the contrary i am considering myself as just a normal folk, normal life, nothing more and do not want any place on this pedestal of yours. Just to be in the crowd will be fine by me.
The presentation in the forum? well i did putted a little story as not to be loosing any as where i was today in my life. But that was not meant as this is permanent as not putting myself in perspective as what is happening with this wave thing. Or is there any wave coming at all here? Am I still dreaming that it is coming?

“We have come across sincere people among the Folk of Allah who have been duped by this station. They prefer their own unveiling and that which becomes manifest to them in their understanding. They depend upon this in their own case. Anyone who relies upon it is totally confused and has left his affiliation with the Folk, thereby joining the “greatest losers.” Their striving goes astray in the present life, while they think they are working good deeds.”

Now maybe you are pretty sure there are no traps and and serious deviations in your path, you may be deceiving yourself or just following your natural chosen path, really its up to you.

And why am I still reading this, why not accept all there is as the real thing? I would not stand in this forum if i would not put myself in the place where i can see or to seek improvment in my life or way of thinking, as you are here yourself, right?

Would it be more deceiving myself if i just accept that the christian bible is the thruth and not search for any others evidences of light other than what the pope is saying about it? ahhh what a normal life, much more easier than all this questionning and reading and deceiving...

The only thing i can see is that i seem to be missing the difference(not the right term) between english and french. Do have in memory a few thousand words in english but do miss a lot of them to as to perfectly be understood by you all.

Many thanks for the input tho... loving you more for this.

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