
Heimdallr, this is little more than a summary of the Gurdjieff quote I posted above.

What I would like to hear is, if anyone had any direct experience with this. Has anyone experienced that activating some kind of energy in themselves strengthened illusions?
axj said:
Heimdallr, this is little more than a summary of the Gurdjieff quote I posted above.

What I would like to hear is, if anyone had any direct experience with this. Has anyone experienced that activating some kind of energy in themselves strengthened illusions?

No, what you want to hear is support for the decisions you've made and you will not get that here. If you are not interested in the esoteric knowledge that is shared here, please find a new age forum where you can travel more deeply into kundalini illusion.
anart said:
Why in the world would you think you'd be able to tell? That's the whole point of illusion. Your posts here are proof that you're lost in illusion, that the fruit of such practices is spiritual death due to entering more deeply into the trap that is human illusion - all the while being oh so sure that you're "broadening your horizons". It's really very, very clear.

Anart, you are jumping to conclusions. How are my posts "proof" that I'm lost in illusion? Just because I am saying that in my experience I have not encountered what Gurdjieff is talking about in this case?

In this case, all you have are theories (hearsay), which you defend.

As I said, I am familiar with Gurdjieff's work and have directly experienced and therefore verfied most of the things he is talking about.
axj said:
anart said:
Why in the world would you think you'd be able to tell? That's the whole point of illusion. Your posts here are proof that you're lost in illusion, that the fruit of such practices is spiritual death due to entering more deeply into the trap that is human illusion - all the while being oh so sure that you're "broadening your horizons". It's really very, very clear.

Anart, you are jumping to conclusions. How are my posts "proof" that I'm lost in illusion? Just because I am saying that in my experience I have not encountered what Gurdjieff is talking about in this case?

In this case, all you have are theories (hearsay), which you defend.

As I said, I am familiar with Gurdjieff's work and have directly experienced and therefore verfied most of the things he is talking about.

Clearly not or you would not be taking the position you are taking. In other words, you do not know that of which you speak. Again, if you are not interested in the esoteric knowledge presented on this forum, find another. If you won't do that willingly, and intend to continue to argue about something that is not debatable then your posting privileges will be removed.
axj said:
Heimdallr, this is little more than a summary of the Gurdjieff quote I posted above.

What I would like to hear is, if anyone had any direct experience with this. Has anyone experienced that activating some kind of energy in themselves strengthened illusions?

You might want to search the forum for "phenomena chasing". I personally have never had a kundalini experience. And I've met very few people who have claimed such. But the few I have met would probably all qualify for the "baked noodles" section of this forum if they were ever to post here. It's similar with most other types of 'psychic' or 'mystical' experience. The person has a "wow" experience and thinks they're the next Jesus or something. At the very least, they see it as evidence of some elevated spiritual self-image, when in reality they haven't done any real work on themselves. Laura has written about this dynamic a lot in her works: New Age scams, corrupted 'spiritual' practices, drug usage, etc. They're all pretty form with no real substance. Without real work, they're pretty meaningless when it comes to personal development. And they're probably not even necessary when following the fourth way.

Gurdjieff's description of the kundabuffer is a lot more universal and encompassing than just the occult description of 'kundalini'. He's basically describing the human condition of living in total illusion. I'd include a lot more than just 'kundalini', as it's generally understood, in that description. The kundabuffer causes people to see reality 'topsy-turvy' and to be conditioned by “sensations of ‘pleasure’ and ‘enjoyment.’” That sounds like a pretty good description of the people I referenced above.
anart said:
axj said:
Heimdallr, this is little more than a summary of the Gurdjieff quote I posted above.

What I would like to hear is, if anyone had any direct experience with this. Has anyone experienced that activating some kind of energy in themselves strengthened illusions?

No, what you want to hear is support for the decisions you've made and you will not get that here. If you are not interested in the esoteric knowledge that is shared here, please find a new age forum where you can travel more deeply into kundalini illusion.

Anart, your replies are pretty arrogant. You also jump to conclusions a lot.

You do not even know if I have indeed activated this 'kundalini energy' or not. There are all kinds of energies in the body and outside of it that can be sensed. But all you do is jump to the conclusion that "all energies are kundalini" and therefore even sensing those energies means "falling into illusion."

And why do you assume that I am not interested in the esoteric knowledge that is shared here? You are twisting what I am saying and you are jumping to conclusions.
axj said:
Anart, your replies are pretty arrogant. You also jump to conclusions a lot.

Hmmm, apparently, you really aren't interested in continuing to participate on this forum, so your posting ability has been suspended. It's really very simple - we know very well what "kundalini energy" is and what it does and how and why it is promoted in newage and eastern traditions, had you read the forum guidelines, and even read and understood the posts in this thread, you would understand that this forum is engaged in the exact opposite of that. Instead, you posted in a very stubborn way demanding certain proof of something that is not required. It's rather like a heroine addict demanding that only other heroine addicts can comment on how "good or bad" heroine is. So, I hope you find what you're looking for elsewhere. In short, axj, we are not here to support you in your deepening illusion - in fact - we would be remiss to do so.
Approaching Infinity said:
axj said:
Heimdallr, this is little more than a summary of the Gurdjieff quote I posted above.

What I would like to hear is, if anyone had any direct experience with this. Has anyone experienced that activating some kind of energy in themselves strengthened illusions?

You might want to search the forum for "phenomena chasing". I personally have never had a kundalini experience. And I've met very few people who have claimed such. But the few I have met would probably all qualify for the "baked noodles" section of this forum if they were ever to post here. It's similar with most other types of 'psychic' or 'mystical' experience. The person has a "wow" experience and thinks they're the next Jesus or something. At the very least, they see it as evidence of some elevated spiritual self-image, when in reality they haven't done any real work on themselves. Laura has written about this dynamic a lot in her works: New Age scams, corrupted 'spiritual' practices, drug usage, etc. They're all pretty form with no real substance. Without real work, they're pretty meaningless when it comes to personal development. And they're probably not even necessary when following the fourth way.
More than decade back, I read some books on kundalini to understand the symptoms during medication, which many kundalini books calls involuntary kundalini raising. Now I understand those issues are more deep rooted trauma issues. What I learned from it is nothing, I learned thousand times more from the this forum recommended books and forum. You only need to go to a new age shows to understand the circus of the those kundalini raised awakened guru's and their 'baked noodle' tactics/sales. Have you read Gurdjieff 's Beezelbub's stories ?. He talked lot in it.
Are kundalini and DID closer to being different from each other or the same? Being that they are both escapes from reality. Although Kundalini seems like either giving into energy (day dreaming) that takes you away from reality or actively trying to seek it and DID is escape from reality because of trama and that energy resonates with you untill Trama is explored healed. I also think Kundalini can be negative if you give into negative/distructive thoughts that cause you to daydream about negative Situations.
I posted the Kundalini quote from ISOTM yesterday on FB.
Today I saw that a man called Stuart Sovatsky responding to the post.

He commented with the following:

Published worldwide in many academic journals/anthologies on kundalini , see _https://www.facebook.com/notes/stuart-sovatsky/embodied-unions-of-duality-endless-poignant-lineages-of-outer-marriages-and-the-/10150165979342289

Kundalini is a Sanskrit term based upon many other Sanskrit terms, most of them barely translatable to other languages...problem since O was not a Sanskrit scholar. K is "Mother" or, perhaps, Gestation or DNA but is a feeling, per B Gita, Dharmaviruddho bhutesu kamo ‘smi bharatesbha “I am the Passion (kama) that unfolds humankind’s greatest maturation and bliss by being aligned with Dharma, the natural principles or powers that underlie the Nature of the Universe, oh Son of Bharat (India)….”

I humbly suggest that, to honor 7000 year old Indic culture, that discussants of Sanskrit Yogic terms find their answer in the original texts .... I am also director of Lee Sannella's Kundalini Clinic since 1984, where 1000s with ecstatic or problematic "kundalini awakenings" have called. See Sannella's books for more. Devatma Shakti (S Tirtha) is also good. Thirumoolar's Thirumandiram and Jnaneshvar Gita amd Atmarama's Revelation of the Mystery, for more see, _http://www.naturalmeditation.net/Design/end_time.html

A quick search on the web brought this up:

"Stuart Sovatsky is director of the Kundalini Clinic in California, therapist, Kundalini Yoga teacher and author."
from _http://www.cit-sakti.com/resources/kundalini-support.htm

from _http://home.jps.net/~stuartcs/about09.html
Stuart Sovatsky (AB, Ethics/Psychology, Princeton University; PhD, CIIS), was first choice to co-direct Ram Dass's "prison ashram" and first in the US to bring meditation to the homeless in the 1970s that led to being selected to the 1977 Princeton University Outstanding Alumni Careers Panel. Copresident of the premiere professional organization for spiritually-oriented psychologists in the US, the Association for Transpersonal Psychology since 1999, he was a board trustee for the California Institute of Integral Studies for 20 years and in 1999, recipient of its Most Outstanding Alumni Award 1978-2008. He has consulted with the Chair of the Association of Unaligned Nations of the World and been in private audience with the current Perfect Master of Meher Baba Sufism in India.

In 2006-08, he was initiating co-convener of the forty country World Congress on Psychology and Spirituality in Delhi, India, supported by the Office of the Dalai Lama and where BKS Iyengar, SS Ravi Shankar, Jack Kornfield and Robert Thurman keynoted. Author of Eros Consciousness & Kundalini (US, India and Russia) Words From the Soul, Your Perfect Lips (US and Russia) and numerous articles on romantic love, ideal marriages and families, the therapeutic use of admiration, spirituality of infancy and Buddhist dissolution of suicidal thoughts. A serious scholar-practitioner of tantra yoga with NUMEROUS academic publications and university presentations throughout the US, India and Europe, he now leads couples retreats and trains therapists in the US and in Russia.

Never heard of him, but thought to bring it up since it seemed relevant to the topic at hand.
Spiral Out said:
I posted the Kundalini quote from ISOTM yesterday on FB.
Today I saw that a man called Stuart Sovatsky responding to the post.

He commented with the following:

Published worldwide in many academic journals/anthologies on kundalini , see _https://www.facebook.com/notes/stuart-sovatsky/embodied-unions-of-duality-endless-poignant-lineages-of-outer-marriages-and-the-/10150165979342289
This guy looks like a big shot in kundalini sales and he has LOT of investment in it.

Embryonic Beginnings
In each individual, then as now, kundalini’s motherly creativity is first visible microscopically in the nucleus of the fertilized ovum as, literally, the immortalizing chromosomal dance of cellular meiosis. The double-helixed, bifurcating genetic strands quiver animistically like enthralled lovers, separating and realigning themselves within the nucleus of the fertilized ovum that divides again and again, recreating this same fibril ritual within the nuclear sanctum of each newly reproducing cell. What guides this primordial origination of all bodily life? Kundalini, the “coiled serpentine wisdom-energy.” Thus, in contemporary terms, kundalini might be renamed, meta-DNA.”
What proof he has in saying that it is kundalini ?. Yes there is a intelligence in order that creates our body through cellular creation and so on , but how does he know it is kundalini that does it ?. This is simply saying “GOD” does it. Sure, who the heck the GOD is.

If this article ( simple feel good new age word salad in my opinion) is what can be produced with kundalini, is that what one want ?. I am used to interpretation of the same text by different yogic groups so many different ways to fit to their philosophy, always wondering what is the ultimate truth. Kundalini proponents seems to have got it in kundalini. It is like saying , since I heard a voice from no where, so it has to be God.

The historical record of numerous commonly agreed upon attainers and saints— Mahavira, Lao-tzu, Confucius, Buddha, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Christ, Lakulish, Thirumoolar, Nagaarjuna, Patanjali, Buddhaghosa, Adi Shankara, Abhinava-gupta, Matsyendra-nath, Goraksha-nath, Hildegard of Bingen, St. Francis, Rumi, Jnaneshvar/Dnyaneshvar, Eckhart, Mirabai, John of the Cross, Theresa of Avila, Staretz Velichkovsky, Ramakrishna, Ramana Maharsi, Dhyanyogi Madhusudandas, Gandhi, Yogananda, Meher Baba, Baba Nityananda, Ananda-maya-ma, Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, Gopi Krishna, Irina Tweedie, Kripalvanand, Thich Quang Duc, Dalai Lama, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and, surely, millions of little-known sadhus, arhats, saints, zaddicks, staretz, neidan masters, vidyaharas, yogis and yoginis—reveals one commonality: they have each achieved a transformed sexuality, a "postgenital puberty," as I term it.

How many people in this list talked about kundalini ?. Did Gandhi ever talked about this ?. If not, whose imaginings is this ?.

I humbly suggest that, to honor 7000 year old Indic culture, that discussants of Sanskrit Yogic terms find their answer in the original texts .... I am also director of Lee Sannella's Kundalini Clinic since 1984, where 1000s with ecstatic or problematic "kundalini awakenings" have called. See Sannella's books for more. Devatma Shakti (S Tirtha) is also good. Thirumoolar's Thirumandiram and Jnaneshvar Gita amd Atmarama's Revelation of the Mystery, for more see, _http://www.naturalmeditation.net/Design/end_time.html

Is Honor a newage version to say "shut up"?. 7000 years is a LONG period of time, There may be thousands of spiritual lineages that came and gone with their own version without any trace. I really doubt His claimings of all the texts talks of kundalini. Too much narrations exist which almost impossible to prove.

Gopi Krishna was considered as the person who revived and popularized kundalini recent times after facing a unexpected experience. It has been a long time since I read his books, as for as i remembered he never seems to claimed (or makes people genius) that kundalini is that beneficial, these people are claiming.He simply said experiment with it and prove using modern technology.
I think that there were also kundalini teachings in Native Americans,European wizards and African Sangoma,
but the kundalini,this word,originated from Yogas of India,
so we should focus on the meaning of kundalini from India.
Tibetan lamas practice Yoga,too.It is the inheritance from Indian Yogi.
They came from India and began to live in Tibet,so there is knowledge available.

In the Six Yogas of Naropa,Kundalini Yoga is the basis.
Tibetans called Kundalini Gtum-mo,which means "stupid fire".
Gtum-mo Yoga originated from the combination of JoyfulDeitiesTantra(Hevajra Tantra) and WrathfulDeitiesEcstasyWheelTantra(Heruka Chakrasamvara Tantra).
Other Yogas,like Illusion Yoga and Dream Yoga come from Guhyasamaja Tantra.

There are many lamas who actually achieved Gtum-mo,such like Milarepa of 14th century.

In Sri Swami Sivananda's book Kundalini Yoga,there is teaching about what Kundalini is.
Yad, it is very likely that all or most of the known sources on this are wrong about what 'kundalini' is. Not just wrong, in fact, but leading people down the wrong path.

From the Cassiopaea Glossary:


Esoteric teaching on this word varies greatly from source to source.

All sources agree that this is a sort of force or effect that is localized at the base of the spine and can be activated either spontaneously or through deliberate exercises. Kundalini is said to rise from the first chakra, along the spine, possibly all the way to the crown chakra. It is sometimes compared to a serpent that lies coiled at the base of the spine. Awakening this serpent is claimed to bring great powers and benefits.

Gurdjieff's view on the matter differs from most sources. He agrees that such a thing exists but teaches that it is the source of false imaginings, an actual bane of man, the remnant of the ill-famed 'organ kundabuffer' which is discussed extensively in Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson. Kundalini is in effect the spell by which the 'evil magician' has hypnotized man to believe himself to be a magician while in truth he remains a sheep. Awakening the kundalini causes man to go live deeper in illusion and is ruinous to the Work, says Gurdjieff.

The kundalini is often compared to a serpent, maybe because of the undulating sensation that can be felt along the spine when doing certain exercises. Mouravieff writes that this is what the serpent of Genesis actually represents.

Tale of the Evil Magician
Yes,maybe the Tibetan teaching and Indian Yoga are also wrong,
but you still should read the content,touch them and explain why it is wrong.

To actually practice is the only way of examination of the truth.

If there is anyone who actually want to learn Kundalini,
he should look for people who have higher consciousness for learning.
Even if such people don't exist,trying is still a good experience.
If all these teachings about Kundalini are wrong,then please tell me what is correct?
Yad said:
Yes,maybe the Tibetan teaching and Indian Yoga are also wrong,
but you still should read the content,touch them and explain why it is wrong.

To actually practice is the only way of examination of the truth.

It depends on one's Aim. From the point of view of someone who wishes to wake up in Service to Others, it is wrong because it leads deeper into sleep.

Yad said:
If there is anyone who actually want to learn Kundalini,
he should look for people who have higher consciousness for learning.

Even if such people don't exist,trying is still a good experience.

But then how would you know if it is a 'good' experience if you have never seen its results?

Yad said:
If all these teachings about Kundalini are wrong,then please tell me what is correct?

I can't tell you that because I don't know. What I can tell you is that you should also familiarise yourself with the works of G.I. Gurdjieff if you wish to understand why this forum exists and what purpose it serves.
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