Les Visible and Smoking Mirrors

Les said:
If I'm CIA how come all I have is five hundred dollars to my name. And all I own are my instruments and some clothes, no jewelry, nothing of value except maybe at Good Will.


I've got no money. If it were not for the generosity of Susanne and her mother I would be on the street. I have no life insurance, no savings. I own no stocks. I've got a fifteen year old car that isn't even mine and I work for free all day long. A few donations come in every now and then and gives me a little pocket money but even with my limited needs and attractions I could not survive on it. If you like what I do, thank Susanne and her mom. They are the ones who make it possible.

I don't own the house in Italy. Susanne bought that. People who have visited me know how much I possess.

That is quite a different picture from:

Les said:
Maybe you think I'm nuts or close. I think then, what's coming is probably going to be a rather large surprise for you. The people reaching out to me these days could scarcely be called pikers; good thing I'm more discreet than I used to be. I guess you know that eight of my books are scheduled for publication- quality paperback and all the other virtual permutations and Patrick Willis is doing the talking books and we just finished one single album and a triple album, along with that are coming the other media as well. Bottomless pockets are making this a certainty and they are none of them badly associated. Patrick goes to the biggest artistic event in Africa to perform some of the work in a couple of months. But all this is minor compared to what I will keep to myself. I'm not getting grandiose or assuming a false invulnerability. I'd rather pass on the whole thing to tell you the truth but it's happening and I can't stop it without upsetting some really good people. Well set readers are opening their coffers to me and the donation end would be the envy of those sites always crying for money, if they knew.

So which one is it?
Hesper said:
Jerry said:
Since there’s no doubt about Visible’s charisma as a writer already with a following, the scenario could be an illustration right out of Political Ponerology, which Les very likely has never read

Yeah. And even if Les has read Political Ponerology, like he's said, his keepers have a nasty way of doing his thinking for him.

Les said:
You want to keep your tight little ship afloat and I don't blame you for that but my keepers must have wanted this to happen because they never raised a thought in my head about it and they usually do.

For anyone to call anything or anyone their "keepers" in such a way just reeks of wishful thinking. I mean who wants to be a pet, honestly? For him to go off hurting people, making up stories, and then complain that his "keepers" aren't doing their job of thinking for him is just creepy. Yuck.

go2 said:
Perhaps, something can be distilled from the heat. I do not wish to observe this conflict as dramatic entertainment, but from the perspective of a teaching drama. I recall a passage from Mourvieff on scandal and the necessity to split attention between the vector of scandal and upon one’s motive and behavior in response to scandal.

I may be wrong, but I think that you are trying to actually avoid the heat, rather than distill anything from it. Are you imposing your own interpretation of "drama" and "entertainment" onto the unfolding situation, thereby avoiding it? If so, Laura already posted about this in this thread:

Laura said:
The "instinct injured" are those who have bought into any number of variations of "we are all one - it's all an illusion - create your own reality" nonsense. All of that is designed to destroy your natural ability to read reality accurately and respond appropriately.

I am not imposing a view on anyone, Hesper. I bring a point of view, to share with the forum. That is what makes a network of people with a like aim valuable. Anyone of us could be wrong, or maybe anyone of us can only see to the extent we have acknowledged and healed our own wounding. Can you see you are repeating what has already been said, except to inquire as to my motive? As Jesus said, in the Mouravieff quote, ….take heed to yourself.
Though much have been said here and the facts speak for themselves, I have to pat myself on the back for recognizing that something was very wrong with him from listening to his 10-15min rants on feet to the fire or if it was mystic something web-radio a year or two ago. He does have a, imho, spellbinding quality to his speech when he wants to, but the content is very basic in terms of seeing the world objectively. So he knows that 9/11 was an inside job, and that there are 'people' in government who does not have the best intentions for humanity at large.

The sad thing is that he had to involve other in his destructive spiral down, a shame.
I've been given permission to share this so here is a photo of our "Peterbilt - tractor trailer" girls that Les so vigorously disdains as being unworthy of his prurient attentions:

go2 said:
I am not imposing a view on anyone, Hesper. I bring a point of view, to share with the forum. That is what makes a network of people with a like aim valuable.

Yes, very true. But I didn't mean that you were imposing your view on anyone except for yourself. It was simply a hunch, based on what I've done before, that you were perhaps dissociating and recommending that people stop being "not nice". I could have said this better. It didn't seem like you were really tackling the subject at hand, but it came off a bit condescending and a little "lofty". If I was completely off then it is because I was projecting. Now I see the angle that you were delivering; a reminder to "remember myself/ourselves" even when angered by some asinine stuff. Very fair.

Laura said:
I've been given permission to share this so here is a photo of our "Peterbilt - tractor trailer" girls that Les so vigorously disdains as being unworthy of his prurient attentions:

I'm not one to believe in the "inherent fragile" nature of women because most of the women in my life have been stronger than the men. But still, when a man starts attacking women just to secure his own ego, well that's just about the time he stops being a man in my eyes. Great pic by the way.
go2 said:
Wow! I guess Les must have been blind drunk, when he visited your home. :)

No, he was hitting on the girls in a rude and vulgar way that offended the parents of said girls and now he's lying about it. His whole rant about us is a pack of lies and that says a lot about Les Visible.

We aren't in the habit of lying but again and again liars defame us and again and again we have to produce the evidence that they are lying. I sure wish people would demand evidence from liars in the first place. It would save us a lot of pain, time and energy.
Wow! Five gracious ones no less!! Talk about wealth...

Now that the facts are established, it might be in order to discuss the timing of these events in the broader scheme of things. I for one can see a tentative relation to the launching of the website cassiopaea-cult.com, as it is quickly rendering obsolete all the hitherto known jackasses (if you would pardon me for that expression - one can't be too careful these days :P). They have to be replaced, it seems. There already was some speculation about that earlier in this thread and I wouldn't mind more contributions in that direction. From what I can gather, this whole ranting spree of LV seems to be aiming at stirring some 'sleeper cells' into activation. Watch out the next couple of weeks to see them coming to troll around here or at some place else on the web that might befit them for heaping more dung on the filth. Any suggestions?
Laura said:
I've been given permission to share this so here is a photo of our "Peterbilt - tractor trailer" girls that Les so vigorously disdains as being unworthy of his prurient attentions:

Well now I'm certain, like I said before (about his denying that he was being lewd towards the girls at the chateau)...the guy really is protesting too much.
Its not that he was blind (I get the impression he was quite the opposite), its that he is back peddling furiously and projecting blame on Everyone but Himself!! He just can't go there.
All to keep from seeing the nature of what lurks inside, as if his (its) life depends on it. Trouble is, his behaviour paints a rather vivid picture of that 'it' inside....and I'm not sure there is any real Les left.
Well, since Les apparently wants the full truth of his visit to the Chateau made public, I'll offer this piece of factual information.

While he was here he blatantly and lewdly 'hit' on the ladies present. He did this in full view of his wife who he more or less ignored the entire time. On one occasion when he was leaving, he hugged one of the ladies in a way that she had no choice in the matter and made some comment about how much he loved getting hold of 'hot chicks' and made all sorts of noises that made him sound like the classic 'dirty old man'. It was really inappropriate and embarrassing and, again, his wife was right beside him. There were a number of occasions when I felt sorry for her.
Les words were harmful in thought and deed.

And thanks for sharing your beautiful picture.
Perceval said:
Well, since Les apparently wants the full truth of his visit to the Chateau made public, I'll offer this piece of factual information.

While he was here he blatantly and lewdly 'hit' on the ladies present. He did this in full view of his wife who he more or less ignored the entire time. On one occasion when he was leaving, he hugged one of the ladies in a way that she had no choice in the matter and made some comment about how much he loved getting hold of 'hot chicks' and made all sorts of noises that made him sound like the classic 'dirty old man'. It was really inappropriate and embarrassing and, again, his wife was right beside him. There were a number of occasions when I felt sorry for her.

I felt sorry for her the whole time they were here. I came to understand why she bought him a place in Italy and she lives with her mother in Germany. Well, I sorta understand. I think she must be under some kind of control by him otherwise, she would have long ago divorced him and ended that financial drain.
go2 said:
Wow! I guess Les must have been blind drunk, when he visited your home. :)

Here's quote from a recent blog post of his.

I’m not concerned about anything any more and some parts of my body are a lot bigger than they were but I don’t use them like I used to; which I forget what that was but it’s making the chicks outside my door scream as much as whatever else it is that they are after but I can’t remember what that is either. I sometimes forget to put clothes on now when I leave the house and that probably accounts for it.

It kind of sums up his attitude. He's crass, arrogant, massively egotistical and obnoxious. And they're his best qualities.
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