Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane

That implies there was some "design" going on, since it had the purpose of sending a message to the human PTB. I don't know how all that would work, but perhaps the intent was to make some sort of demonstration that would be picked up by US reconaissance, and the resulting bleedthrough caused enough confusion (among the passengers? pilots?) to produce a more dramatic display?

Yeah, I don't read any "design" in the disappearance of MH370. It seems pretty clear from the response about "bleedthrough" that the plane was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The ref. to blackmail seems to refer to the event being used to put pressure on the US to back down over Russia taking Crimea, because they knew that it might lead to nuclear conflict, upending all their wonderful plans.
That series of answers concerns what happened after MH370 disappeared. They don't imply that MH370 was itself the blackmail, rather that the interpretation of its disappearance was. That's my reading of it anyway.
Yeah, I don't read any "design" in the disappearance of MH370. It seems pretty clear from the response about "bleedthrough" that the plane was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The ref. to blackmail seems to refer to the event being used to put pressure on the US to back down over Russia taking Crimea, because they knew that it might lead to nuclear conflict, upending all their wonderful plans.
Ok, that makes sense. There's some ambiguity in the sessions, but that seems to have been mostly in the questions. Here they are for reference, with some comments:

Q: (Perceval) So, we have that explanation in the transcripts, what's going on with the passengers... Do any of the PTB on the planet know?

A: Of course! Why do you think there was such a comedown vis-a-vis Crimea and Russia?

Q: (L) You mean they had plans to be more aggressive and “in-their-faces”, and they... (Perceval) Why would the disappearance of the plane make them scared or make them back down? Was it "comedown", was that what was said? Like a retreat. So, basically the PTB backed down on Crimea and Russia and that whole situation because the plane disappeared and they were worried about...? (Pierre) So, if you lie too much, if you create too much chaos, like unjustified war, you might increase such a bleedthrough? [unanswered, but suggests it might have been a 'natural' response to the PTB's own actions]

They have "advisors" and "interpretors" of such things.

Q: (Pierre) So the advisors said if they go on with the attack, and with lying and manipulating... (L) I don't think they would say that. (Perceval) They wouldn't spell it out. (L) I don't think that they would talk to them in those terms. (Pierre) What would they say? (L) Probably say something like, I dunno... Maybe they have some advisors and interpreters who say, "We did that, and if you don't back down, we're gonna do more!" [If a pure accident, that would be a convenient lie.] Ya know, like threatening rather than explaining to them how to be good boys.

A: More or less.

Q: (L) I mean, we would all like to think that there would be some high and mighty power in the world that would tell the psychopaths, "Oh, if you keep creating chaos, you're gonna screw things up! You're a bad boy!" But that's not likely to happen because it would just be, ya know... (Perceval) You get into the idea of different levels of power here. People are doing the whole overt Crimea thing. And they have advisors and maybe they suspect that there's a higher power like the ones that blew up the Columbia space shuttle for Bush and stuff. They ascribe this plane incident to "them", and interpret it in some way like, "Let's back off" kind of thing. Like the way they alluded to this idea that there is a higher power that has vast technology and can influence the American government and its policies for example by sending a warning... So maybe the ones who take note of these things looked at this plane and said, "Maybe this is some kind of message to us." [So either it was a warning/message, or just interpreted as one.]

There is likely to be a bit of interdimensional blackmail going on. How likely do you think it is for the "reality creating" US PTB to back down from their natural state of being the world's biggest bully?

Q: (Pierre) Why did those higher entities want the PTB to back down concerning Crimea and Russia?

A: They understand what the consequences are.
(L) And it says the first disappearance problems coincided with NATO conducting electronic warfare exercises in Hungary. And they reported that on June 7th. During the exercises, NATO was reportedly using devices that can interfere with enemy radar according to the Telegraph. German air traffic control stated they were trying to identify the cause of the outages... So there's a little bit of confusion with these stories here, and I'm wondering is this actually what was going on? That NATO was conducting planned military exercises, whose goal was the interruption of radio communication frequencies? Is that actually what they were doing?

A: No, not even close!

Q: (Pierre) Was it some density glitch?

(L) Were these hyperdimensional or 4D bleedthrough glitches?

A: Yes. Just like Flight 370.

(Pierre) So, was it like for Flight 370, was it a not-so-subtle message to the PTB? [Implying MH370 was a deliberate message]

Not a message, but a "sign." Notice how quickly the Iraq problem exploded. [They're saying in this case - NATO glitches - it wasn't a message.]

Q: (Pierre) So MH370 was a sign related to the third world war, like these radar glitches were signs of this Iraq invasion?

(L) I don't think you have to bring 370 into it, because they're not saying 370 was a sign. They're saying that these glitches were a sign.

(Perceval) They said Flight 370 was interpreted as something weird going on...

(L) Yeah...

(Perceval) And maybe it's part of the pressure put on them: they feel that fear, the pressure, and these just make it worse. And they see it again happening, and they go, "Holy shit! What's going on?! Let's set Iraq on fire. That'd be a good solution!"

(L) Fits with their modus operandi.

A: Works for us!

Q: (L) Alright. Very, very interesting.

A: Expect more and more such glitches!
I thought this was a funny coincidence. Later in the session looping, spiraling fireballs get discussed:
(Perceval) It also depends on what the source of this phenomenon is. It's bleedthrough, or some kind of electromagnetic weirdness, or whatever... And that might not just have the effect of making an airplane disappear, but...

A: Bleedthroughs are EM phenomena.

Q: (L) So, all kinds of EM phenomena... I mean, like even those weird noises with the storms.

(Andromeda) And the looping fireball...

(Pierre) Oh yeah! And lightning strikes hitting cars, weird explosions that nobody hears, um...

(Perceval) Strange sounds.

(Pierre) And it seems that electromagnetic phenomena are perceivable manifestations in our density of bleedthrough {of things going on at 4D}.

(L) Yeah. Oh, the circular fireball. What about this circular fireball? Was it a kind of firecracker?

A: No

Q: (L) Okay. Was it an electromagnetic phenomenon also?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Was there any material substance, i.e. was it a chunk of rock or a meteorite?

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) So it was a meteorite caught in some kind of EM... loopy trap?


Q: (Perceval) Loopy trap is now an official...

(L) … technical term!

(Pierre) Yeah, it was spiraling. There was an electric field, and a magnetic field, and...

A: The ancient records speak of such things and much more. Just wait and see. You think you have seen weird?!?
Q: (Pierre) Is it only coincidence... before MH 17, there was MH 370, this plane that disappeared from the same company. Is it just coincidence that the two incidents involve the same airline company?

A: Another "signature".


(Kniall) Another signature. That suggests some planning at a level behind the first Malaysian plane...

(L) No it doesn't. It's just like answering back to what happened to that first one.

(Pierre) It's like, "They removed the 370, so we'll bring down the 17!"

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Which is really screwed up when you think about it. The signal is strong, ya know? Okay, we make MH 370 disappear. And the only answer they have instead of behaving better is, "Okay, we bring down MH 17, and we increase even more the lies and suffering!"

(Perceval) So these signatures are used for what? Just for fun? For whose benefit?

A: Pride, hubris, warnings to those who know.

Q: (Chu) On the session when we talked about the interpreters and stuff, the plane {that disappeared, Flight 370}, if I understood correctly, was a message...

(L) It was a warning...

(Chu) To not go too far.

(L) And they've basically answered by saying, "Up yours!"


Q: (Chu) So would that mean that there really is a "law" that can prevent them from really going full-blown and starting a war?

(L) There's no law that can prevent them, no.

(Chu) They can go to war if they want to. It's just not in their interest to go too far.

(L) I don't think they think about what's in their interest. I think they're too far gone.

(Perceval) Well, hang on... The original idea was that it was some kind of bleedthrough. So, it was a natural thing. It wasn't necessarily a warning from anybody. They just interpreted it that way. They didn't see it as something was telling them, "Don't you dare!"

(L) Yeah, they don't see it that way. But it SHOULD have been a warning IF they had been paying attention.

(Perceval) As in a cause and effect kind of way. If you keep going like this, you're gonna...

(Chu) But the effect would have been that they would have seen it as, "You can't go too far here..."

(L) IF they had understood it. If they had understood that the conditions that were causing bleedthroughs and so on and so forth were a result of their actions and their behaviors globally speaking... If they had understood that, they would have said, "Hmm, weird things are happening. Let's rethink what's going on and what we're doing!" But instead, they interpreted it...

(Pierre) And they did the opposite, and they're raising the ante. They're worsening the situation.

(Perceval) What I was thinking earlier on was that, if the original idea was that they couldn't go too far, as in spark a major war with Russia by sending NATO into the Ukraine or whatever, they backed off from that because of their interpretation of the {disappearance of Flight 370}... As in, a plane went missing, it's a bit dodgy, we don't know what's going on, let's just cool it a bit...

(L) Somebody backed off...

(Perceval) Somebody backed off. So if that's true in that sense, shooting down a plane was like a Plan B or a second option that wasn't the full-scale kind of war {they may have been planning; it was on the level of mass emotional manipulation; an information war as opposed to an actual war. Because it's an all-out information war going on now because of this.
So the scenario in this last exchange is basically: PTB do bad stuff, resulting in bleedthrough glitches. In the case of MH370, the resulting confusion caused the plane's disappearance. This should have been interpreted as a sign that they were responsible, and should back off, a message that was presumably then reinforced by "advisers" with some "interdimensional blackmail."

I still leave open the possibility of UFOs accompanying bleedthrough, though. ;-D
I was wondering this:
- EM breach happened due to cometary event, that happens to be a place where MH370 is travelling. 4D STS has little or no control over the cometary breach.
- 4D STS has time travel ability or They have no time , just need to focus on the time they are interested, so they decided to "go back" to the exact time and redirected the flight it to their destination aka abduction.
- That gives all the situation where they can give whatever the signals they want to their minions.
It looks there is more to it leaving aside mentioned "fun and games" of the baddies
Q: (Pierre) Was it deliberate, or was it an accident?

A: Happens when bleedthrough causes confusion.

Q: (L) Confusion of what?

A: Realms and all within.

Q: (Perceval) Seems like the confusion was evident in the change in direction of the plane, and then it disappeared into a well of time and space. (Data) Are the passengers okay on the plane?

Depends on how you define "okay".

(Perceval) Is it a similar situation to Flight 19?

A: Yes.
If the 4D STS takes the passengers, generally they are dead and used for what ever purposes not excluding "dinner"(probably through skin) . But Flight 19 passengers are stuck in time warp. That makes MH370 is NOT a abduction, instead of 4D STS "show off" to give signal to their minions at the time of MH370 disappearance.
Q: (L) What happened to the infamous Flight 19? (T) They went to Philadelphia.

A: They are still trying to get their bearings.

Q: (L) Ooooh! (J) Oh! My God! Oh, how horrible! They are still out there trying to get back. (T) They are in a parallel reality... (L) Where time doesn't exist... (T) They are in a reality that holds them in frozen space/time over the ocean, am I getting this right?

A: In their thought reference, like being "lost souls."

(L) Oooh, bummer! Does this mean that they are "stuck" in time? (J) You got it!

A: Bingo!

Q: (L) Is there any possibility that they could fly out of this place that they are stuck in and back into our reality?

A: Absolutely, remember, the wave is approaching, and as it gets "nearer", more and more unusual events take place, witness crop circles, for example.

(L) Is there anything anyone can do to release persons stuck in these parallel realities and bring them back into the reality of origin?

A: Yes, but the technology is a closely guarded secret.

Q: (L) Do you know the secret?

A: Yes, but you do too!

Q: (L) I do too? (T) Does Thor know it? {Laughter.}

A: Mirth!

Q: (L) I know the secret too?...

A: Philadelphia Experiment.

Q: (L) Since you mentioned the Philadelphia Experiment, could you tell us in specific detail, how this was done? What kind of machines were used and how can we build one? {General uproar and laughter}

A: Do you intend to sit here for a day or two?

Q: (J) In other words, it would take a day or two to give us the information? (T) Yeah, we got the time. Get some paper and a pencil. (L) We will save that for another time. (T) Let's start with a diagram and send it to Thor.

A: In short, build an EM generator.
Smacks of 'time manipulation'!
I still leave open the possibility of UFOs accompanying bleedthrough, though. ;-D
Another possibility: that 4D STS sent probe craft back to the bleedthrough event to make it appear that they had agency in the plane’s disappearance, thus enhancing the message to the PTB and increasing the ‘awe’ factor as the subject of UFOs continues to attract the attention of the mass consciousness at this time.

Occam’s razor would suggest that the satellite and FLIR footage is genuine, but that the orbs and portal are added VFX, however if the PTB wanted to attribute agency to ‘someone’ via a fake to draw attention away from a natural phenomena, there’s also the possibility that 4D STS could have done the exact same thing with real orbs to attribute the agency to themselves, if it fit with their overall agenda.
I thought this was a funny coincidence. Later in the session looping, spiraling fireballs get discussed:

So I wonder if another possibility is, the video with the three orbs is real, but the orbs are, like, a natural manifestation of the 4D bleedthrough. The way they swoop in one by one before orbiting the plane does look "intelligently controlled" but who knows.. Spiralling, spinning motion could be a characteristic of density translation.. and things are weird with the interaction-with-consciousness/expectations factor - remember this?

A: Now, some more information about Flight 19. Do you remember a few years ago that a team of researchers claimed to have found the planes, then retracted?

Q: (L) Yes, I remember. {All agree.}

A: Did you find this to be curious?

Q: (S) Yes, because the planes that they found were never reported missing. (T) Yes. (L) Is that why it was so curious? (J) Why did they retract? (S) Where did the planes come from that they found?

A: Yes, if only you knew the details, and how three of the team have required massive psychiatric aid.

Q: (L) Well, tell us the details!

A: Patience, we are, but must do so slowly so you have some hope of grasping it.

Q: (T) Three of the recovery team needed psychiatric treatment?

A: What they found were five planes matching the description, and "arranged" in a perfect geometric pattern on the bottom of the ocean, but the serial numbers did not match.

Q: (L) Is the geometric pattern itself significant?

A: Now, first mystery: There were no other instances of five Avengers disappearing at once. Second: Two of the planes had strange glowing panels with unknown "hieroglyphics" where there should have been numbers. Third: When they tried to raise one of the planes, it vanished, then reappeared, then vanished again then reappeared while attached to the guide-wire, then finally slipped off and fell to the bottom. Fourth: In one of the planes, on the bottom, live human apparitions in WWII uniforms were temporarily seen by three exploratory divers and videotaped by a guide camera. Lastly: Three of the planes have since disappeared. All of this is, naturally, being kept secret!

Q: (S) I wonder where the planes came from. (L) That is the obvious question!

A: Parallel reality, you see, when something crosses into another reality, it accesses something called, for lack of a better term, the "thought plane", and as long as that reality is misunderstood, the window remains open, thus all perceptions of possibility may manifest concretely, though only temporarily, as thought plane material is constantly fluid.

Q: (L) Does this mean that this was a "Flight 19" of a parallel reality that went through a window into our reality?

A: Close.

Q: (L) Was this part of or connected to the loss of our "Flight 19?" Did we exchange realities here?

A: It is the thought patterns that effect the reality, when that window is opened, all thought can become physical reality, though only temporarily.

"..when that window is opened, all thought can become physical reality, though only temporary". I'm not saying that's exactly what happened with the orbs/UFOs (I have no clue, obviously!) but even 3D reality is clearly potentially much more fluid and dreamlike than we normally experience, when it comes to realm curtain breaches...
Maybe it could be a good question to the C's, what it would look like if you where observing souch situation (MH370) with your own eyes.
So we may can tell if the images of the satelite are true.
Or maybe just ask directly if either of the videos are genuine. After the thing about the stock image of the 'explosion' I think they are most likely fake, but that 's just my opinion and there's still the possibility that the drone video is fake to discredit the satellite video, or that the drone video was modified to make it look fake.

Also maybe ask for the sake of clarity if the actual event with the airplane was natural (accidental) and later used to blackmail the PTB, or if it was fabricated from the start for that purpose. Funny, the memory I had of those sessions was that it had been natural, but then when Approaching Infinity posted it again I thought I had remembered it wrong and the implication was that it was carried out on purpose by 4D STS.
Maybe it could be a good question to the C's, what it would look like if you where observing souch situation (MH370) with your own eyes.
So we may can tell if the images of the satelite are true.

Yeah, the original questions were a bit limited, and therefore the answers were too. I think we can come back to the topic in the next session in light of this alleged video "evidence".
At the NASA UAP hearing earlier this year, Kirkpatrick revealed that the most common UFO type observed in recent years is the metallic sphere shape:

At a historic NASA briefing on UFOs — “unidentified anomalous phenomena” (UAP) in government parlance — a key Defense Department official made a striking disclosure. Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, director of a new UAP analysis office, stated that U.S. military personnel are observing “metallic orbs” “all over the world.”

An image, along with two brief videos of such objects are now publicly available.

According to Kirkpatrick, spherical objects account for the largest proportion — nearly half — of all UAP reports received by his office. Critically, some of these objects are capable of “very interesting apparent maneuvers.”

To be sure, rigorous scientific analysis may ultimately identify a prosaic explanation for such observations. In the meantime, however, such “metallic orbs” are prima facie evidence of extraordinary technology. After all, how would spheres, lacking wings or apparent forms of propulsion, execute “maneuvers” of any kind?

In his presentation, Kirkpatrick also described the UAP characteristics most frequently received by his office. This range of attributes, in short, amounts to a UAP profile that Kirkpatrick’s staff is “out hunting for.”

Intriguingly, this profile includes small (3 to 13 feet in diameter) “spherical” objects capable of flight at a range of velocities, from “stationary” to twice the speed of sound, despite a perplexing absence of “thermal exhaust” such as heat from an engine. Of particular note, as Kirkpatrick made clear, some of these highly anomalous characteristics are observed via multiple sensors.
Maybe my search terms are ill chosen, but I can only find one reference in the session to orbs or spherical UFOs, and it's a reference to the orbs that show up in photos:
Q: (Laughter) (Andromeda) What about the little orbs all the pictures?

A: Little things from 4D.

Q: (Mr. Scott) So they were 4D flies or something. 4D fireflies! (Laughter) (Perceval) Friendly little things, or evil little things?

A: Friendly mostly but generally neutral. They are "magnetized."
So are these metallic spheres that have become so common just a new-ish UFO shape? Something else?
So are these metallic spheres that have become so common just a new-ish UFO shape? Something else?
What if it was 4D fireflies around that airplane! lol

Yeah, the original questions were a bit limited, and therefore the answers were too. I think we can come back to the topic in the next session in light of this alleged video "evidence".
it's a good idea, first.. is the video or the videos of the MH370 flight that disappeared in 2014. if so, was there a specific reason why the event was being recorded?

Because, just thinking out loud, they could also be of a different flight, maybe not an airliner but a military one? a la Philadelphia experiment.
If we're talking about a metallic spheres, then they're not new, although maybe there's been an increase in number. I saw one, clear as day, over a low mountain in Ireland circa 1995/6. Another good question for the next session.

I also maybe saw one 7 years ago. I wrote about it here.

In my case it just flew lower but parallel to the plane, and in the opposite direction. It was gone by the time I wanted to take a video.

As it usually happens with such things, there is doubt that maybe it wasn't a UFO, but I do remember that I really tried to observe it, and it had an "orb-ish" shape and a metallic glare. It was similar to this one:

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There's only one frame of the ex/implosion on the satellite vid, and it doesn't look much like the FLIR frames to me. Here they are, synced. The wispy bit above the top right of the circle is a cloud, but all the other bits around the circle are part of the explosion.
View attachment 80089
You were right, Windmill knight! The portal in BOTH the videos was sourced from this CGI animation. It's looking pretty definitive that (at the very least) the portals in both videos are computer-generated. No source yet for the rest of the footage, so the question is how much of the videos are actual footage and how much CGI has been added. E.g. is it real video of a plane, with orbs added by CGI? Real footage of a plane and orbs, with just the portal added? All CGI? If it's all CGI, the guy was very good. Was he just obsessed with creating the most realistic hoax possible? Or...?

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