New Year's Eve Miami mall "alien invasion"!

It’s indeed crazy, the fact that this happened 2 days ago yet no one reported on the news, something like this is massive news wise, like more than 100 police vehicles dispatched, black helicopters, power cut, etc for just some teen agers fighting at a mall, it’s just not credible at all. There has to be more to it that is not being reported. In one of the videos apparently someone captured a big gray humanoid thing walking slowly away from the cops but it’s so blurred that one can’t tell if it’s just a camera effect or something else. I’m trying to find the video since couldn’t save it.

Update: found it

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Just caught this on X this evening also.

It’s indeed crazy, the fact that this happened 2 days ago yet no one reported on the news, something like this is massive news wise, like more than 100 police vehicles dispatched, black helicopters, power cut, etc for just some teen agers fighting at a mall, it’s just not credible at all. There has to be more to it that is not being reported. In one of the videos apparently someone captured a big gray humanoid thing walking slowly away from the cops but it’s so blurred that one can’t tell if it’s just a camera effect or something else. I’m trying to find the video since couldn’t save it.

Update: found it

Thanks for the footage. down and to the left of the alleged critter it just looks like an officer is just calmly walking away??

This is higher quality footage, I suspect from later on in the night, since many more police cars arrived. The 8 - 10 ft critter has appears to have absconded the scene at that point.


According to an archived recording at Broadcastify, the amount of cars showed up because of a "terrorist."
Thanks for the footage. down and to the left of the alleged critter it just looks like an officer is just calmly walking away??
This one?

There are 2, 3? walking from left to right, another blur like shape/form around police car... The other, like a shadow at the building.
Can any one tell m the name of the building or street? I want to search it at google, to see better the dimensions.

The blur one is seen better above form irjO's, that for some reason, the X post can't be seen, the other two (silver and shadow) looks better with the 33 zoom



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This one?

There are 2, 3? walking from left to right, another blur like shape/form around police car... The other, like a shadow at the building.
Can any one tell m the name of the building or street? I want to search it at google, to see better the dimensions.

The blur one is seen better above form irjO's, that for some reason, the X post can't be seen, the other two (silver and shadow) looks better with the 33 zoom

What stuck out for me is that the cars appear to be reversed in one video vs another. What would be the point of flipping the footage?

The location is the Torch of Friendship (google maps link).
Video of the monument from another angle: Torch of Friendship · 301 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL 33132, Vereinigte Staaten
I found a video of a supposed witness to the Miami mall event.

He remembers hearing a sound like firecrackers. At first he thought it was a shooting and joined a panicked crowd fleeing the area. There were gunshots. When he looked back, he saw a few creatures that looked like a large shadow, but solid at the same time. It almost looked like the shadows were chasing them, but they disappeared and reappeared closer. He concludes that when something like this happens, everyone goes into survival mode and no one thinks about phones and filming, so no videos of the creatures.

Here is the full transcript:
So since nobody's gonna talk about it, I figured, you know, fuck it, like, you know what I'm saying? I was, uh, I was down in Miami for, uh, the New Years, you know what I'm saying? Me and my girl, I got a little time share. We was down there on a, um, like a mini vacay, you know, just to start the New Year's Eve, right? So anyway, we at. We happen to be at that mall, so, um, we had footlock or whatever. Next thing you know, you start hearing all this commotion outside. Sound like fire, like firecrackers or something. So, you know, I'm saying, you know, I grab a close, I'm like, we about to get up out of here. Cause I, you know, I originally thought that they were shooting, you know what I'm saying? I thought, you know, some type of, um, gunfight had broke out, whatever the case is. Cause, you know, we're not familiar with Miami, we're not familiar with this city. So I'm like, damn, I ain't even got my blick. So, you know what I'm saying, we about to. We about to. About to swerve. Next thing I know, it's like, crazy. Like, we just see all these people running like, you know, uh, fat, fat, fat chicks, you know, old ladies. Like what? I'm talking about moving, you know what I'm saying? Like, yo, Old people even move. I'm talking about moving. So, you know, my girl, she like, what's going on? I'm like, fuck all that, we out. Like, I'm not gonna ask no questions. We just gonna follow the crowd next to, you know, you know, real, like, gunshots start going off. So, you know what I'm saying? Like, we tryna. We tryna follow the. Follow the crowd. Get out of there. I look back, I look back. No cap, yo, no cap. I look back. It looked like, like, like a big ass shadow, but it was solid at the same time. Like a few, like, a few shadows, but they were solid at the same time. And them is, it almost looked like they was coming our direction, like they was chasing us, but they was disappearing and reappearing closer. So I'm like, yo, what? So we start really moving. Next thing you know, we start hearing more gunshots. Like, these dudes start firing at this shit. Get outside, mad police, all that, you know what I'm saying? They start the police just, like, trying to get all the people that ran out the mall. They, like, trying to, like, um, detain these people, whatever. But, you know, me and my girl, we ended up just, you know, sliding past all that and everything like that. But, you know, a lot of people saying, why didn't nobody film and all that? When that type of shit is going on, I'm Saying shit like that, like some paranormal. Nobody thinking about no phone. I'm saying everybody going survival mode. But for real, for real, they lying, yo. It was the. They. All them. All them officers know that they was not there because of no kids fighting. It was really some. It was really some, like, movie shit going on in there, yo. So, you know that's what it was, yo
What stuck out for me is that the cars appear to be reversed in one video vs another. What would be the point of flipping the footage?
Could be to mislead - but what?
If it's a fake (old footage) it makes the original harder to find.
If (as reported) things are being censored, then flipping the video stops the algorithm censoring the video as soon as it's uploaded.
Other techniques include slowing down/speeding up the video, zooming in, changing the compression, changing pixel ratio, tilting the image, changing the color/brightness, watermarking the image etc.
Just caught this on X this evening also.

Thanks for the footage. down and to the left of the alleged critter it just looks like an officer is just calmly walking away??

This is higher quality footage, I suspect from later on in the night, since many more police cars arrived. The 8 - 10 ft critter has appears to have absconded the scene at that point.

View attachment 89034

According to an archived recording at Broadcastify, the amount of cars showed up because of a "terrorist."
I counted about 100 cop cars, easily!

If it was a 'teen brawl', there'd be footage posted on social media, but apparently the 'kids' were so busy 'beating each other up', not a single one of them recorded any close-up footage...
I counted about 100 cop cars, easily!
That's enough strobe lights to open transdimensional barriers! :lol:

Hmm... strobe lights... was there some mind control going on to cover up the paranormal event?
Q: (T) This is related to what they were talking about last week, the bases turning 4th density, a plane flew into it and crashed.

A: Assumption! Strobe lights are used for 3rd density mind control.
> What do you see now, Winston?
> I see a gray alien.
> And now?
> I see a lot of teenagers wreaking havoc.
> Good, Winston.
In the last session on December 30, the C's said "earlier than expected". Perhaps the 4D windows are starting to appear a little too frequently and in places they can't control, forcing them to accelerate the "nice Alien revelations" plan as collateral damage. The future working against them in the end...
Well, the footage doesn't convince me, in one way or the other. The footage is extremely blurry and what I see could be anything. If somebody hadn't said it is "a big gray" to me, I wouldn't have seen anything resembling that. The "gray" you see could be anything including an image artifact, which is my guess at this point.

If there are some credible eyewitness accounts and not just some social media people jumping on generating clicks for themselves, I would be more willing to believe that something unusual happened there.

As for the reversed and/or mirrored videos pictures; as far as I know, that happens quite regularly, in mundane ways: for example when people re-upload a picture/footage.
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What really struck me from the transcript of the witness is this; I look back. It looked like, like, like a big ass shadow, but it was solid at the same time. Like a few, like, a few shadows, but they were solid at the same time.

The video seem to confirm it. If you look at the left of the grey moving form, you see a black form moving in tandem, at the same speed. First I though that it was a policeman moving up the step but then realize that it was probably the shadow of the entity which would confirm that it was solid. I wonder if the monument as anything to do with the event, could have been build to hide some kind of technological device or keep the area clear of any structure if fourth density use the area as a window to access our density. If so, something when very bad and what come to mind is the thinning of the veil and maybe geomagnetic fluctuation that caused them to be seen. This fluctuation may also have caused the electric shutdown in the area. Really strange event in any case.
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