Personal High Strangeness


Jedi Master
I didn't know where to put this, or what I expect in way of replies. But here we go; I "see" a lot of strange things. Often in the usual places one would expect; hospitals, churches etc, but often in unexpected places.

I might see a small scurrying animal/insect thing out of the corner of my eye and turn to see dappled shadows playing on leaves under a tree. That sort of thing. I have also seen the occasional person, only to turn and see nothing at all there. Other times like today, I was at a Greek Orthodox Church with my wife (Greek) and two boys, and saw a small boy in a business suit running up to join the line for communion. It turned out to be an old man walking to do the same.

Speaking of which, I felt the parishioners (people gathered at the church - is that what to call them?) locked into the priest's rituals and saw him as the focal point for their energies which were draining. More of a sense, like when you know a conversation has run down, or is about to. I had an image of a lizard/dinosaur counter-posed on the priest, and golden clockworks turning.

That only ceased when the priest did his little end-of-service chat (in greek, i'm spared that) and made a joke; a counter-poise of two concepts imposed on the one centre through words, in the listeners, which makes a rythmic juddering in the centre and spins off energy - expressed in laughter. Perhaps that breaks the resonance / hypnosis or whatever.

Some of the things I 'see', I don't see at all. I'm still sometimes surprised when I don't physically see them. Am I receiving psychic impressions? Is this kind of thing happening to other people here?
I sometimes see the scurrying shadows from the corner of my eye, and my wife reports this as well. Although I don't see visions of people as such, both of my daughters report this sort of thing. I believe that the C's have referred to this as 'bleedthrough'.
You can search this term on the forum and the transcripts.
My take on this, is that it is demonstrating your increased awareness.
When it occurs, take stock of your environment. Use it to your advantage.
Knowledge Protects.
I used to see scurrying things out of the corner of my eyes as well. I don't see them anymore. I found it curious but not disturbing. It could've been some eye glitches or your mind playing 'tricks' on you due to lack of focus or awareness.

Or it could be a psychic impression. Laura wrote about her experience of seeing her former pastor as a wolf in The Wave series.
Odyssey said:
I used to see scurrying things out of the corner of my eyes as well. I don't see them anymore. I found it curious but not disturbing. It could've been some eye glitches or your mind playing 'tricks' on you due to lack of focus or awareness.

Or it could be a psychic impression. Laura wrote about her experience of seeing her former pastor as a wolf in The Wave series.

Yup, me too.

I went to a psychic herbalist once and he would look at you sideways, like out of his peripheral vision range, and diagnose that way. He said that's how he "saw" stuff, like inside your body or whatever. He told me that my heart was horizontal. A few years later, I had one of thos cardiac ultrasounds or something and they said the same thing.
From experiences, recently I have seen a woman who had terrible burn scars on half of her face, the face of an old woman. A while later, about half an hour, the same woman was actually young and very beautiful. That was a bit of a shock to me. After reading and trying to understand what happened, I drew the conclusion that I may have been seeing something that was working or operating her physical machine.

As time progresses, for some people, this type of experience will become more pronounced. It is a way of seeing that may help you navigate through the people you interact with on a daily basis. I know that my mother used to look out of the corner of her eye and see who was visiting her. She could not see more than shadows otherwise.
Odyssey said:
Or it could be a psychic impression. Laura wrote about her experience of seeing her former pastor as a wolf in The Wave series.

I don't know if mine qualify as such, but I have similar impressions, too.
Like this man crossing the street I saw in full 'Moulin Rouge' attire (feathered headdress, rhinestones, etc.), another man arranging the things on his desk I saw as a huge ogre/orc type of creature, etc.

What I've seen regularly (but only a split second) is a child, dressed in white (maybe an old-fashion nightgown?), usually at night in my hallway. Otherwise, it's more of an impression, a feeling that someone is in the room with me. It's not creepy or anything. It feels like an old person and they usually smell of cigar.

It's only been creepy once. It was at a place we stayed at along a river in The Netherlands. I was not the only one to experience it, Tigersoap my husband as well. We had so much high strangeness going on there, we were totally freaked out (and tired) and shortened our stay. :lol:
Thanks guys. I know two others that experience the same, but still couldn't help beginning to feel a little unhinged. The 'am I insane' program has trouble running these days, as I realise more and more just how trippy 'reality' really is, and how unhinged the 'sane' people really are.. Nevertheless it is good to have the feedback.
Interesting. I have had similar experiences, but I've previously just dismissed them as optical tricks. Perhaps I will pay closer attention to them next time. Thanks for sharing Inquorate.
Inquorate said:
Speaking of which, I felt the parishioners (people gathered at the church - is that what to call them?) locked into the priest's rituals and saw him as the focal point for their energies which were draining. More of a sense, like when you know a conversation has run down, or is about to. I had an image of a lizard/dinosaur counter-posed on the priest, and golden clockworks turning.
At this point, I was still struggling to work within my faith, with a strong Christian perspective. I wasn’t quite yet able to let go of the crutch of the church. That was soon to change, however.
One Sunday, after I had recovered most of my mobility, I was sitting in church during the Pastoral prayer. I was praying hard along with the minister that God would send the Holy Spirit to me to help me understand all that I needed to understand. Suddenly, I heard a buzzing noise, or a crackling sound, similar to the sound of bacon sizzling in the pan. The voice of the pastor and the resonant “Amens” from the congregation became very far away and metallic sounding, exactly as if I were hearing them broadcast from a loudspeaker under water.

This shocked me and my eyes snapped open to see if my vision was impaired. I thought I might be having a stroke or something. I was completely dismayed to see the minister, standing at the podium, gripping the stand with both hands, eyes closed and head thrown back in the profound drama of his praying, was overlaid with a shimmering, living image of a WOLF!

The image of the wolf, in full color, was a sort of alter ego. All the expressions of the pastor were corrupted and twisted by the matching expressions of the wolf. When the minister moved his hands or shook his head, so did the wolf. Every move of the minister’s mouth was exactly matched by the gaping jaws of the toothsome figure from Hell! Not a solid figure, it seemed more like a “projection of light,” so to speak.

I quickly looked around the sanctuary to see if this was a complete delusion, and was shocked to see similar “overlays” on all the people there. Many of them were sheep, but there were also pigs and cows and other creatures represented.

I was HORRIFIED! Considering the fairly recent experiences with the haunting and the demoniac woman at church, I was sure that the Devil had me now! Here I was, in the middle of church, seeing our beloved Minister in the guise of a WOLF!

This was damnation for certain!

I closed my eyes and prayed harder. The sound anomaly continued. I opened my eyes to peek again. The wolf was still there, dramatizing the mellifluously intoned pastoral prayer.

I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and prayed and rebuked Satan and finally began to just repeat the Lord’s prayer to drive this image from my reality. Soon, it began to taper off and die away. When I opened my eyes again, the wolf was gone.

I was extremely relieved to win this battle with Satan.

A couple of Sundays later, we arrived a little late, expecting the services to be already started. We were surprised to see the congregation all gathered outside the church door, milling about like lost sheep. We discovered that our beloved pastor, the shepherd of the flock for a number of years now, the respected and erudite minister of the golden voice, along with his musically talented family had done a “midnight flit,” so to speak. Not only that, but they had left the church in a bad way, having embezzled a huge amount of money. There was even a bill for dock rent for a rather large yacht that the church was also paying for, unbeknownst to all. The expensive furnishings of the luxurious parsonage were gone, the mortgages on both buildings were on the verge of foreclosure, the electricity was about to be shut off… and the pastor and his family were gone to parts unknown.

I was stunned. I realized that my “vision” was exactly what I had been praying for: the Holy Spirit revealing the “truth” to me. I had rebuked it and cast it away!

The implications of this event were profound. When I put it together with all the other things that had occurred over the past few years, I saw a picture that was not pleasant to acknowledge.

There are those who would say that it didn’t matter about the pastor being a fraud, that it is the faith of the individual and their own interaction with God through Jesus that really counts. And, I will agree. That is, in fact, my point. Because, in the end, following the prescribed pathway of a standard religion, praying in sincerity and faith, conducting my life in all the ways predicated upon being “born again,” I was given a certain mandate to “learn”. In the process of trying to implement this mandate within my faith, I was then given a vision that proved correct. It was only reasonable to think that I was moving in the right direction – even if that direction was taking me straight out of organized, standard Christianity.

This resulted in shift in my faith in my own ability to be “in touch” with God, or whoever was in charge of this Universe. Clearly, I had been shown the truth under the surface, and my self-doubts and belief in the authority of others had interfered with my communion with Holy Spirit. This gave my studies a little boost. I understood an essential thing: if you truly pray for guidance, deeply and sincerely, that guidance will come. But it may not be what you want to hear or believe and may go against what others say or teach – especially if what they say and teach is not supported by evidence and action. And in later years, this ability to “see” the reality of individuals, the force behind them, has saved me from terrible mistakes, even if very often, I am “fooled” at the beginning. I have accepted many people at their word, and when certain observational discrepancies begin to appear, I will “ask the question,” and always, what I see proves to be correct. But it only works when the question is asked. At this point in my life, the time of writing, I am finally learning to “ask the question” before I become involved with wolves in sheep’s clothing.

I had faith, I prayed diligently and fervently, I struggled and strove for that love, that subsuming of all other emotions into an all-pervasive, comprehensive Love of God – and it surely did something!

But this, of course, raises another question: If a number of people are claiming that the Holy Spirit is giving them revelations, and these revelations are contradictory to one another, how do we know who is being misled and who is truly receiving Divine Revelation?

Again, the answer was “Learn!”

On the shadows out of the corner of your eyes, I use to get them a lot at different periods in my life. Sometimes I could actually look at them too, and they would appear as shimmers/distortions in the air or (at night) actual shadowy figures. Not a particularly pleasent experience.
fwiw the pattern seems to be that these things tend to show up at periods of intense stress (learning). It can be useful to ask a few things then. What is causing your stress (are you following the diet properly etc?) and what is it you are 'not seeing' in others?
Perhaps thought it's just one of those things that just happens.
Good points. I follow the diet as much as I can afford. My wife's religion apparently demands cycling between mostly meat and two days a week vegetarian or fasting. I chose fasting more often than not, or go get some chicken or takeaway /meat. We're gluten free and minimal dairy if any.

Stress? I have that in spades. :-) not much that can be done about that though. In another year things will settle down, unless they don't. And I'm not holding my breath.
Inquorate said:
Stress? I have that in spades. :-) not much that can be done about that though. In another year things will settle down, unless they don't. And I'm not holding my breath.

Are you still practicing EE?
Inquorate said:
Thanks guys. I know two others that experience the same, but still couldn't help beginning to feel a little unhinged. The 'am I insane' program has trouble running these days, as I realise more and more just how trippy 'reality' really is, and how unhinged the 'sane' people really are.. Nevertheless it is good to have the feedback.

Yeah I've had this before, so i know what you mean :lol:, I've actually had a couple of "weird" things happen seeing with eyes closed, black figures leaving my body etc, I used to be able to do the last one at will when I was a kid and then completely forgot about it until it happened one time when I was sitting half asleep, it used to freak me out, but after awhile instead of being scared, i'd just observe you sort of just get used to it :lol:

One of the memorable ones that stick out in my mind was seeing a large black figure in my bedroom, it was really tall, I have high ceilings and it was about eight feet tall. and twice as wide as a person looked like a giant, the thing is even though it was pitch black it still had definition and proportion I could see the outline of it's muscles, it looked like a really tall big muscular human.
Inquorate said:
I might see a small scurrying animal/insect thing out of the corner of my eye and turn to see dappled shadows playing on leaves under a tree.

Thanks for posting. I have had this seeing dark shadows on floor thing since a few months, inside, in my living room. I didn't pay much attention to it first. Apparently quite a few people experience it, just search for small+dark+shadows+on floor in a search engine of your choice. People there call them "ghostbugs" or "floorshadows".

Pink Floyd: Comfortably Numb said:
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye.
I turned to look but it was gone

Those things appearing in the periphery of the field of view can have various origins. Our mind, when it has an incomplete visual information about a scene, fills in the gaps and can create some odd impressions. That's how we see faces in the trees at night, walking shadows in the mountains or figures in the clouds etc. However, there might be real psychic phenomena as well. Some phenomena may manifest through those incomplete patterns, you have an impression that there is something or someone, you turn towards it and it's just a shadow making some funny shape. Sometimes however, there is a real psychic manifestation, and when you look, there is nothing to suggest it was visual trick.
I've seen a few "ghosts" and assisted to some poltergeist manifestations in my youth, some of which were also witnessed by other people. The most bizarre one was when I was about 14 and a room had apparently some electrical problems. When I switched the light on, as soon as I left the room, it switched off, when I switched it off, it switched on. As I was in the room with the lights off thinking about why it was happening, I felt a presence and suddenly an invisible hand touched my shoulder. I confess: I ran away lol.
Such things happen and it's part of our reality. We just have the bizarre tendency to forget about them as if they never happened, unless we want to know.
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