
Sounds like you are simply being fed on, by either astral or 4th D parasites.. they are using you as a host to feed off because you are giving them the environment to do so. Keep in mind that for a lot of these entities, their only function is to feed off the negative energies you emit, beyond that they are basically unable to do anything to manipulate your life without you consenting on some level to it.

There are various things you could do to protect yourself against these things, but ultimately, its increasing your knowledge that will have the strongest effect. Having organic portals used as vectors of attack to drain your energy is quite a common occurrence, yet tons of people who are aware of it happening still manage to live "normal" lives, go to their jobs, in some cases raise families, do the "boring" things we have to do to survive.

I'm not sure why you are attempting to channel, I am normally not one to scrutinize any attempt to interact with the universe in any way, but if you have truly been living a nightmare since 2017, the last thing you should be attempting is channeling in my opinion.. What sort of entities do you think you would be attracting, if indeed any channel was established?

Would also mention that if you are dealing with 4th D, their ability to "anticipate you" is well within their grasp. You think you have them fooled, but they are playing you for the fool, offering them consistent energy to feed off. There is virtually no configuration where these beings can be outsmarted.. they are aeons ahead of us and have access to parts of the universe that are shielded from our perception entirely.

I am no stranger to being attacked in my dreams, it is something I think anybody pursuing objective truth will have to deal with, but one thing that I am certain of is that when you are in a balanced and healthy state, this type of thing happens much less frequently, and in most cases you are able to fend it off. Once again comes down to making the right choices, doing the diligence to clean your spiritual hygiene, harnessing control of your mind, etc.

I doubt moving would change anything, there are obviously cases of entities being attached to a certain place, but it sounds more like you have entity attachments due to some imbalances in your psyche.

Something else I would keep in mind is that anybody walking this road, who is in possession of the knowledge we have access to, is no longer the "Fool", they are the "Magician" (Quoting the Ra transcripts here), in other words, we are no longer protected by our own ignorance, meaning you need to be even more acute about the choices you are making and what sort of environment you are placing yourself in.. mentally, spiritually, physically.

Hope you get it sorted, I know how excruciating some of these experiences can be. Small changes and new routines go a long way. 👍
Something else I would keep in mind is that anybody walking this road, who is in possession of the knowledge we have access to, is no longer the "Fool", they are the "Magician" (Quoting the Ra transcripts here), in other words, we are no longer protected by our own ignorance, meaning you need to be even more acute about the choices you are making and what sort of environment you are placing yourself in.. mentally, spiritually, physically.
Because the entities and energies recognize this (The Magician) and try to subvert progress and STO development so yes like it says in my bio protect yourself.
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