Session 10 December 2016

All of these comments about how useless it is to post to Twitter and Facebook seem a bit defeatist. I figure there are 2 ways you can approach this - post the stuff and trust you are reaching people OR do nothing because you think it is a waste of time. I have chosen to opt for the first approach. Over the last 18 months the number of people following me has slowly but steadily increased, particularly as I follow them back. I have automated twitter posting so that as soon as I post on FB, a tweat is automatically generated. Does not take a huge amount of time, might be making an impact, but at least I'm having a go. At least the material is going onto my feed where there is the potential that people swill see it and at least I can get onto tweets that are trending to try to drive them further.

I find it really frustrating that there are so many people who can't see, who post rubbish and vitriol, who hater with a passion, but hey, maybe if I stop posting there might not be another place where they might see the stuff and it might start them thinking along another path. Whatever, I am prepared to invest the time while I still have the opportunity to post.
I wasn't saying it was useless. Some people might wake up to new info. I post things on facebook at times, on my personal account I post less "outide" things, but enough to give people some information that they might have never seen.

I just find the system that brings ranking, etc itself useless, it's like trying to get an article posted in news paper- they can still put your article in but hide it in the back.

That's just what I see with the viral trends, they're pre screened it seems. A youtuber joked at how the top trending videos are obviously paid, but they are so lazy to even falsify the views, haha. Something with 45k views magically was in the top 10 and he was making fun of how lazy youtube has become. It's similar on other social media platforms.

So, if we reach ONE person, that's good enough. But I do it knowing my voice may never be heard.
Palinurus said:
Laura said:
I turned on notifications and I see that some of you have been very busy today (along with me). It's like being "comrades in arms"! We know and recognize each other by subtle signs, but nobody else does!

Laura, I beg to differ. I think you're being very naive with this assumption.

This is an open forum, probably under heavy scrutiny permanently. For anyone with the proper equipment and enough time, your busy network can be mapped and patterned almost instantly.

It makes no difference, I now. But you still should be aware of the risks involved.

My tuppence. ;)

You might be correct on the risk factor but that doesn't mean Laura's sentiments are not correct about recognizing who's in the fight and who isn't. And when Laura says "subtle" I think it may be a subtlety more "subtle" than just looking for keywords using program filters or trends detected by an algorithm. ;)

And who's more naive the person who understands there are personal risks involved and does nothing
a person who is aware there are personal risks and risks of failing to hit the target but also trusts that the Universe is one that responds even to the faint flapping of a butterfly's wings whatever small effect that may have?
Palinurus said:
Laura said:
I turned on notifications and I see that some of you have been very busy today (along with me). It's like being "comrades in arms"! We know and recognize each other by subtle signs, but nobody else does!

Laura, I beg to differ. I think you're being very naive with this assumption.

This is an open forum, probably under heavy scrutiny permanently. For anyone with the proper equipment and enough time, your busy network can be mapped and patterned almost instantly.

It makes no difference, I now. But you still should be aware of the risks involved.

My tuppence. ;)

You are preaching to the choir here. That's the first thing. The second thing is you took my comment to a level that was not intended. Of course the monitoring peeps would know; my remark was far more simple: the public readers would not realize, and that is who needs "social proof". After all, it was "social proof" that I was talking about to begin with.

So, the question is, what dark thing inside you makes you tend to overlook the obvious and only look for something nefarious and detrimental? And how does this stop you from being effective in your activities and life in general?

Because, as Bear wrote:

Bear said:
It does seem like spitting in the wind with google and major social media messing with search results, etc. And it is hard to do it in what seems to be increasing overwhelming odds etc. Like what is the point, right?

A couple thoughts:
1. If enough people join the cause, then it might overwhelm the censorship. Probably isn't going to happen, so point 2.

2. Taking action and speaking up even if seems futile is making a statement to the universe and a commitment toward the truth and fairness. It is putting energy and information into a non-linear system where who knows how it will interact with the rest of the system toward some unanticipated future or future change. In a sense, it is committing energy and information toward balanced objective reality against subjective chaotic reality. Who knows how this might align with and impact other activities, such as what might take shape with the crystal network. Maybe it will aid in splitting of reality at some point. Also, who knows how much longer we are even going to be able to speak up safely on social media etc , so might as well keep the lighthouse going, because it is the right thing to do.

3. Finally, Divide By Zero. I get your point, think it has validity and it is a realist view you have. Yet even with taking the fudged search results, etc into account, IMHO it seems to be too pessimistic, which can bleed into anticipation. Like anticipating that nothing would change if I did XYZ due to my view of things, so I'm going to sit on the sidelines and not even give it a chance or energy. It is also seems to me to be taking a position where you assume that you have the full picture of things from your 3D perspective and may be missing a lot of what possibly happens from such activities on other levels.

Exactly so.
Laura said:
I turned on notifications and I see that some of you have been very busy today (along with me). It's like being "comrades in arms"! We know and recognize each other by subtle signs, but nobody else does!

Yes, "comrades in arms" and that is such a good feeling, or feel like to participate in the dancing. I always smile in those moments and think: ok let's dance :)
It's like taking a stand or standing up and letting the universe know how you stand. By doing so, you send a message and that message does go out to the universe. I also believe that people with an STO soul potential do have a certain amount of protection through their awareness of what goes on around them daily.

I know from experience that the level of awareness does increase according to the nature of the attack, that is if you listen!
I would just like to add in my 2 cents about social media and posting. I didn't think it was having much of an effect or anyone outside of forum members were reading what I post because roughly 90% of anyone that would 'like' a SOTT article or something related were forumites. But last year I was approached by someone who is on my Facebook friends list that almost never 'likes' my posts and he had said that he tries and reads just about everything I post up and to keep on doing what I was doing because no one else on his friends list is. So even if it doesn't seem like other people are paying attention - some of them are - whether they choose to ignore it or not look any further than the headline.

Most people probably will ignore the signal or categorize it as some alternative fringe quackery, and nothing can be done about that, but ever since Killary lost the election, I've noticed an increase in flak from people on social media as dividing lines have been formed in the aftermath of the election. Two people messaged me to tell me they unfollowed me, was accused of being a mouthpiece for SOTT as well as a Trump supporter on a number of occasions, and was trolled for a few weeks which effect caused me to be fearful of posting articles at all because I didn't want to engage in any more protracted debates or arguments.

But even still, one thing I did learn from that was how to better debate someone who isn't listening and wants an argument, and that social media is a very real battleground of ideas and information and that as people who are trying to spread the signal of truth, I can't give into my emotions or be baited into back and forth's with trolls because we are trying to spread truth.

Also, a few other things I learned from that is that if you are only posting SOTT articles, you may be accused of being a mouthpiece, so a way to counter that (because the fact that SOTT is an aggregate is probably lost on most people visiting your wall) is to mix it up with the original articles and maybe some fun non-related stuff. Just so that people know that information isn't coming from just one source but that multiple sources are conveying what's happening on the planet.
From 3 July 1999

Q: (A) We communicate with many other people via the internet and the question is: where are the STO people who know more than we know? We look for somebody who can teach us something and we never seem to be able to do it. What are we doing wrong?

A: Maybe you should more the teacher than the student be.

Q: (L) Well, gosh! We'd like to get some answers! (A) We know that there are good guys somewhere...

A: They shall appear, as needed.

Q: (L) Well, we feel pretty alone with all the lunatics and attack we have been subjected to. It is a rather lonely existence.

A: Not for long.

Q: (A) Not for long? A related question concerning our internet activities which have been going on for some time, and we do it because we feel that it is necessary, but we don't really know or understand what is the real purpose of what we are doing. Some people are reading our pages and writing letters, and then they disappear or they are discouraged, or they do nothing on their own. We are expending a lot of time on this publishing of information, but without clear understanding of what we are supposed to accomplish by this. (L) At this point, it is not accomplishing a whole lot except drawing down fire on our heads! (A) Right!

A: You should rejoice! From the fire comes light. Patience pays. You are on the right track. Fear not, have we steered you wrong a lot lately?

From 22 June 2002

Q: (L) We have been discussing whether or not we ought to engage in any kind of promotional activity to make people more aware of the material, of the network, of the principles we are putting together as a result of the transcripts as well as research and the activity of the group and its moving through the many areas of research. We are in something of a quandary as to whether or not promotion can be considered an STO activity. (A) There is another problem, in fact. We were hesitating about promoting because we knew that as long as we are working on a small scale, we will not attract attention and attack. As long as we function on a small scale, it can be allowed or accommodated in the Matrix. When we go to a larger scale, the Matrix can bring in new forces because anything on a larger scale can be considered by the Matrix as dangerous. So, enlarging the scale, attracting more interested people, at the same time we should be prepared for more attacks. So that was one of the reasons for our keeping a low profile. (L) Well, let's take it step by step. First of all, can promotion be considered an STO activity? Is it an STO approach to what we are doing or trying to do?

A: [All of the following was delivered very fast and very vigorously.]

Absolutely. It is giving the lie what is asked for: Truth.

Q: So, promotional activity can be considered a service to a larger community. Obviously, promotional activity has to support itself and promotional activity, enlarging the scope of what we are doing, necessitates a much greater commitment of time and energy and skill on not only our part, but the skill, time and effort of other people, which means that it must support that also. Nevertheless, the perception seems to be that anything that involves promotion or involvement of any kind of monetary exchange is an STS thing. However, is there a way around this can be functional Service to Others?

A: It should be noted that the STS system can only be penetrated by becoming "wise as serpents and gentle as doves." There is nothing negative about networking. Details of a network include the necessity for those who are involved to invest "energy" in the exchange. If the individual comes upon the life work of another and expects to benefit and gain by that work, they will naturally wish to have their own position balanced by putting forth a commensurate amount of energy. Otherwise there will be an imbalance of energy. This then leads to an STS pyramid. An example of this principle in reverse is a teacher who demands payment for no real work on their own part.

The fact that both of you have devoted yourselves to this work for not just a short time, but literally your entire lives, and have not asked for the support that this intensive labor earns has, in effect, created an imbalance for those who are benefiting. Many of those who are experiencing blocks in their own lives would find those blockages dissolved by the action of opening the flow of energy in the exchange. In your world, money equals energy!!!

[Exclamations of amazement at the speed and intensity of delivery. (BT) I've got writer's cramp!]

Q: (BT) We need to address the concerns about attack. (L) Yes. The question is: if we approach the matter in a more active way - since we don't want to proselytize, we only want to make people aware, they can look, accept, discard, or do whatever they want; I think the awareness factor is what we are targeting; there are six billion people on this planet and most of them are asleep and don't even know it; so awareness of the existence of a different option for viewing reality is the issue - how much will this increase the level of attack?

A: Knowledge protects. You have been in "attack school" for a long time, most recently having taken a grad level course. The principles learned thusly will stand you in good stead. From the fire comes light!

Q: (A) We were several times told that "help is on the way." What kind of help?

A: When you begin to expand the potential network you will rattle a lot of bushes.

Q: (L) The thing that concerns me is that I am nervous about such ideas. Generally speaking, such approaches generally lead to an organization which then leads to codification, which then leads to all kinds of problems. You can't keep it personal and simple. Bigger networks, means more people, means more opportunities for twisting and distortion and problem. There is just so much potential for people becoming involved who do not have the same intent we have, who don't have the intent the group has, and just a whole host of things that come to mind here. When you start getting big, you can't give enough attention to everything. For now, we take care of everything ourselves. We protect the group so that they can gather their awareness; they are making extraordinary progress; and how can you do that on a larger scale?

A: At some point there will be those among your group who will step forward and accept the mantle of teacher. Your role as teachers of teachers is one that may produce the balancing energy needed for the STO harvest to be plentiful indeed. Perhaps you should relax and not be afraid of the child you have borne taking its first step out in the world.

There are many teachers in your group. Each of them will awaken to their mission destiny profile as appropriate.

Q: (A) I would like a bit of advice about our upcoming meeting. Should we have a fixed schedule, or try to keep everything spontaneous?

A: How about somewhere in between? The main focus should be on networking according to STO principles.

Q: (L) We have been talking about promotion in terms of things like tee shirts, coffee mugs, mouse pads, bookmarks, etc - just in terms of promotion, not so much for the purpose of making money. There have been a number of reactions to such an idea, including seeing it as a "commercialization." I hadn't thought about it that way so much as I was thinking about just making the word "Cassiopaea" a sort of household term that would make people curious enough to check it out. Then, of course, the law of percentages would suggest that the more people check it out, the more of those people who resonate would be "found," I guess. So, the objective is not to sell the material, but to promote the material. As the idea developed, the possibility of such sales supporting the material came to the fore and my thought was that if there was something that could be sold to support the material in its Free state, then I'm all for it. What do you have to say about these admittedly tacky ideas about tee shirts, bookmarks, mouse pads, and all of that sort of thing?

A: Notice carefully how the STS domination has been created and maintained. It is not done with the objective of promoting knowledge. As you know, it is done with the intent of hiding truth. What is wrong with pointing the door to greater potential knowledge out for those in Darkness? You can shine the light on the door. The choice of opening it and passing within is up to the seeker.

Q: (BT) I think that the point is intent. What difference does it make if you use tee shirts, book marks, refrigerator magnets or whatever? Those are all techniques of the reality we live in for drawing the attention of people to whatever product is being offered. The fact is: they work. They familiarize people with words, concepts and phrases. That can certainly be seen as "shining the light on the door."

From 19 July 2014

Q: ... (L) ....Okay, so that leads me to a question that's been on my mind for the last day or so. I noticed that the "Black Hats", the bad guys, the whole pathological community seem to be quite well-organized and unified to some extent in their public activities. For example, Israel is able to get all these students, the Hasbara program; the Pentagon has hired all of these people to engage in cyber warfare; there are trolls that go all over the internet swaying public opinion and writing commentary. Edward Snowden has come out and explained exactly how it's done. I mean, they have a HUGE, elaborate cyber warfare program and train people to get out there and work for the control of people's minds. It's just absolutely staggering. So, one thing about it that really gets me is that first of all, even with this revelation of Snowden that has hit all the major media, people don't stop and think that EVERYTHING that's going on could be part of that disinformation program! The second thing is, why is it that people with peaceful, world-benevolent opinions and approaches - people of conscience - can't get together in the same way that evil does? Evil seems to coalesce, and people of conscience seem to... it's almost like their conscience forces them to fight with each other! I mean, assuming they even have a conscience. What's the deal here? I want to know.

A: First of all notice that the STS side uses two hooks: money and promises of power. It is not so much "unity of purpose." Secondly, just as you have learned from your studies of psychology and from the work of Gurdjieff, people with the genetics for "soul" or conscience are very wounded by the programming of family and society.

Q: (L) So, it's their wounds, their programming, their buffers as Gurdjieff says, that keeps them all pointing in dozens of different directions with different opinions, ideas, wounds, fears, and so on. And that prevents unity. Is there anything that can change that?

A: Sure!

Q: [laughter] (L) What?

A: Work or a huge shock!

Q: (Perceval) A huge shock like a giant fireball? Giant meteorite or an earthquake?

A: Some cosmic activity might do it provided the seeds of knowledge have been planted as you have been doing for years now. As we once said, from the fire comes light. There are several levels of meaning there.

Q: (L) Cosmic fire, maybe?

A: Yes!
Turgon said:
I would just like to add in my 2 cents about social media and posting. I didn't think it was having much of an effect or anyone outside of forum members were reading what I post because roughly 90% of anyone that would 'like' a SOTT article or something related were forumites. But last year I was approached by someone who is on my Facebook friends list that almost never 'likes' my posts and he had said that he tries and reads just about everything I post up and to keep on doing what I was doing because no one else on his friends list is. So even if it doesn't seem like other people are paying attention - some of them are - whether they choose to ignore it or not look any further than the headline.
I'd like to share some feedback that I received from social media as well. I received a message from someone on my friends list that I hadn't spoken to for over a year. They never "like" any of my posts, and one would assume that they wouldn't even see anything that I post given the filtering system Facebook has. Yet, they said that they find SOTT really interesting and they connect with a lot of what SOTT writes.

Then, with twitter, I have had lots of new followers after sharing Laura's tweets. So, the message is getting out there, it is reaching people. Whether anything comes of that is up to them, I see it as a good sign that people are at least looking.
I think that this is the great time to show commitment, persistence and willpower. It will be interesting to see what will happend if we are doing this TOGETHER, united.

Laura said:
I think we have to be realistic and realize that no matter what Trump does, even if he manages to be only the diet coke of evil, it is NOT going to change the main trajectory that we are on at present which is signaled by environmental clues such as weather, geology and fireball flux. So if anybody thinks that Trump is more worth worrying about than that, I don't know what to say.

This may seem like a stretch, but the other day, I went to the big waste bin and threw away our waste, and I thought Geez, how much waste did we produce during the last couple of years? Just me and my wife? Mind you, we aren't buying most products from the supermarket and try to minimize waste - but still!! Now multiply this with the Western population...

I mean, even in the 50's there was basically NO WASTE (or very little), because there was no plastic! We managed to transform our planet into a huge waste bin in just a few decades! And that's just one tiny little aspect of our miserable condition.

Point being, will humanity suddenly get back to basics and start fresh out of its own will, without a major cataclysm of some sort? Unlikely. Yes, if we are lucky, with Trump there will be a bit more common sense in politics. But he can't and won't make the fact go away that humanity, as it is, is essentially doomed. I mean, he's a fat billionaire preaching the American dream! That certainly won't do.

So yeah, maybe there was some sort of timeline shift and we are slightly better off now with Trump (and Putin) in office. But the main branch of the universe we are on is still headed towards a very rude awakening as far as I can see. So this puts the responsibility back to where it belongs: each single individual - us. So let's do the best we can every day to 'push the envelope' towards service to others, to increase the level of our being, to send a signal. As far as I understand it, this could lead to some sort of 'quantum jump' - it's probably a very long shot, but it's the only thing that's left, and it's the right thing to do.
luc said:
So yeah, maybe there was some sort of timeline shift and we are slightly better off now with Trump (and Putin) in office. But the main branch of the universe we are on is still headed towards a very rude awakening as far as I can see. So this puts the responsibility back to where it belongs: each single individual - us. So let's do the best we can every day to 'push the envelope' towards service to others, to increase the level of our being, to send a signal. As far as I understand it, this could lead to some sort of 'quantum jump' - it's probably a very long shot, but it's the only thing that's left, and it's the right thing to do.

Well said. Sorry for one-liner, but this says pretty much what I'm thinking/feeling. It's not time to just "sit back and enjoy the show" though certainly we should "enjoy ourselves blue" in the Don Juan/Seers of the Conquest sense.
Laura said:
luc said:
So yeah, maybe there was some sort of timeline shift and we are slightly better off now with Trump (and Putin) in office. But the main branch of the universe we are on is still headed towards a very rude awakening as far as I can see. So this puts the responsibility back to where it belongs: each single individual - us. So let's do the best we can every day to 'push the envelope' towards service to others, to increase the level of our being, to send a signal. As far as I understand it, this could lead to some sort of 'quantum jump' - it's probably a very long shot, but it's the only thing that's left, and it's the right thing to do.

Well said. Sorry for one-liner, but this says pretty much what I'm thinking/feeling. It's not time to just "sit back and enjoy the show" though certainly we should "enjoy ourselves blue" in the Don Juan/Seers of the Conquest sense.

Indeed, totally well said Luc. Thanks for writing it so clearly.
Quote from: Laura on Yesterday at 12:08:38 PM
So, who is with me? Remember, 15 minutes per day of tweeting, retweeting, sharing posts COULD be the flap of butterfly wings that could change reality.

Yeah, raising my hand! :thup: Ready to rock'n'roll :bacon:

I'm in too!!! :cheer:
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