Session 27 February 2016

Altair said:
Just wondering whether the recent uproar about discovery of a new planet in the solar system has something to do with the approaching sun companion. Kind of desensitization of public mind regarding the approaching companion. And when it appears: "Oh, just another "planet"... Don't worry about that."

Yes, it could be.
Thank you very much Laura and whole group for another important session!

After just a quick research on arsenic and cadmium it is easy to find that cadmium is put in eyeliners, that mascara and foundations contain arsenic and that skin whitening creams comes with mercury… Actually the mercury is in every beauty product on the market as well as Beryllium, Nickel, Lead, Selenium, Thallium, Coal Tar, Benzene, Ethylene oxide etc...List goes on and on … Apparently those heavy metals are not labeled on the packaging, and expensive and famous product brands are (of course) the ones that have them a lot! The reason is obvious: Toxic chemicals are by far the cheaper alternative to natural ingredients.
It reminds me of food industry and “E” codes for food additives.

Funny, FDA approves titanium and aluminum as ingredients.

Environmental Defence from Canada has done a study on heavy metal used in cosmetics, it can be downloaded from their site

For those interested, here is the quick link:
Thank you Laura and crew, for informing, with the session!
Time to look out better for appearances in daily life, and get a telescope!
Not that was said that the window droppers were grays exactly, but i thought greys are always plant based, and grow in test tubes.. And better a plant with a brain, than a human with a cabbage for a head?
Thanks for sharing!

The idea of plant-based amateurs going around playing with technology they don't understand is certainly a bit unnerving. Great session!
bjorn said:
[quote author=Peam]Other dimensional plant based amateurs? If they were amateurs I wonder what the professionals are up to. And what do they eat I wonder.

They can eat my lawn mower, hopefully the professionals use ethics. Reality is indeed stranger than fiction but also a lot crueler. Whatever they were. I think it clearly shows they were deeply STS.

Perhaps some other 3D STS civilization, which evolved in another living system - different evolutionary path, to some other 3D STS lifeform - in some parallel universe. Maybe they're roughly as STS as our own civilization is. "Our" scientists would almost certainly regard them as subhuman in value if they were ever encountered, just as they regarded the people they accidentally scooped up as sub-whatever-the-word-might-be.

There might be all kinds of parallel worlds with different forms of 3D STS life, under the heel of the same 4D STS hierarchy (which has been described using an "empire" metaphor).
Thank you for sharing the session. Lot of interesting topics - plant like creatures with TDR capabilities ( reminds me the movie Guardians of Galaxy) , earth's center as portal for wave and other energies. congratulations to all who are growing "strands". Hope we can find a way to measure ourselves.
Thank you Laura and Chateau Crew for a great session with the Cs!

I have a few thoughts to share that I recalled from a recent movie which I watched.

Considering from the prior session,

Session 6 February 2016

Q: (L) So one thing is connected to another, which triggers something else, which... And it's just basically creating like this perfect storm of things on the Earth. Now, we read something that a guy posted on the forum a week or so ago about heating of the upper atmosphere, the stratosphere, and that there would be an inversion. Obviously, if there was an inversion with heating on the top, then that would make things very hot on the bottom. My understanding was that the way things happens is that there's a cooling of the upper atmosphere due to the comet dust and other things. It's compressing the troposphere which is heating because of the heat within the Earth, gases, volcanic eruptions, greenhouse effect from CFCs, and so on.

(Pierre) And reduced solar activity also reduces the temperature.

(L) So all these things work together. The thing that was interesting to me about it was that this inversion idea, a sudden and rapid inversion, seems to be something that could explain things like the flash-freezing of mammoths in Siberia 10K or so years ago or BC or whatever. Is that what we're looking forward to?

A: Indeed!

Q: (L) So that is kinda like the reason for sudden glacial rebound? A temperature inversion of layers of the atmosphere?

A: Yes

And these most recent remarks,

Session 27 February 2016

(Pierre) Well, I wanted to ask about this inversion that we talked about previously. My theory is that what caused the frozen mammoths and what may cause the sudden drop in temperature was some kind of Super Derecho: basically, the jet stream being deviated towards the surface of the Earth. Does it make any sense?

(L) What?

(Andromeda) You're asking if the sudden drop of temperature is because the jet stream drops towards the Earth?

(Pierre) Yeah.

(L) That it suddenly goes lower. It gets pushed down.

(Pierre) Well...

A: That is very close!

A doomsday disaster movie portrayed the freezing of the earth by letting in the freezing cold air from the stratosphere down to the Earth's surface. The film is called: Arctic Blast (2010) and stars Michael Shanks. The introduction states with on screen text:

"The coldest part of the earth is not at the north or south pole.
It is just 35 mils or 185,000 feet straight above us, where temperatures can fall to 140 degrees below zero.
A thin band of air called the ozone layer has been the only thing protecting the people of the earth.
Until now..."

The revealing line twenty-three minutes into the film from the hero, Michael Shanks:

"The solar eclipse seems to have had an unexpected impact on the mesosphere; it caused a sudden and violent further drop in temperatures, triggering an increase in air density. The ozone which usually provides a buffer between us and the mesosphere was too weak to handle it, due to damage from man-made pollutants. The atmospheric pressure created a rift in the ozone. Now, as you know, hot air rises and cold air drops. The mesospheric air that leaked through the ozone rift created a funnel straight down to the pacific ocean. Now we suspect that a very deadly cold front was born."

Besides the environmental take on the whole thing, it is curious how the idea of flash freezing is similar to what the C's allude to.
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