Strange sounds In The Sky: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping

Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Most of that can be attributed to English language news reports - we simply don't know where else it is happening on the planet and no published report doesn't mean it's not happening. The geomagnetic information you posted is interesting, but since there are reports outside of those areas, it's not strongly compelling. We need more data!

it will certainly be interesting to follow any developments on the matter.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Last night (from midnight to let's say 01.30 AM) I heard some strange sound here in Split Croatia for which I though it was from car passing - a kind of mechanical at first: like sporty car exhaust ... But dogs around start to bark what they never do when noisy hot rod passes - I remembered this after reading newer posts in this thread and article on

I have totally forgotten about it and I will be hanging around and waiting if something alike will be heard this night...

Stay tuned :knitting:
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

granite_duckling said:
Hi everyone, I came across a couple of recent news items about mysterious sounds in Alberta and in Manitoba. I haven't listened to the Kiev sounds yet, but here is a link to the Alberta video:

Out of all the ones compiled in the video for January 2012 this was the one that seemed more impressive to me, it does sound like human voices or just voices.

And in watching all of the above planet sounds, it occurred to me that some of this sounds being recorded seem, in some cases, to be a combination of some of those planet sounds, I mean the C's did mention it being due to increased solar system activity, and at the time of Kiev, elennin was approaching, it was its closest to earth around October 15th 2011, maybe it has something to do with elenning leaving?
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Here is a map someone put together on the strange sound events. It was linked to from an IntelHub article. I don't know about its complete accuracy, but it does provide dates and locations. I was surprised to see the majority are in Southeast US.

Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Thanks for the great mapping job, TP. Can we add to it, like the Alberta case and some of the others being found?
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Only just caught up with this thread....some of those give me chills as they are oddly familiar....

Tigersoap said:
I remember this one from Florida but it sounds more like a deep bass rumble :

The sound in the Kiev video has a metallic edge to it, quite similar from some noise/ambient music I've heard.
It's strangely quite rythmic as well.
It makes me think of the sound a giant alien creature would make while I am at it.

This one is exactly the sound I heard (throw in some thunder claps and the other odd noises from the thread too) in a dream I posted about a few months before it was filmed. Just like my dream the earth was shaking....thinking back to the dream it was almost like pressure waves - the Air was shaking the earth, like standing in front of a bass speaker at a rock concert.,21277.msg221640.html#msg221640
More booms overhead, and the snake of lightning grew in size and length and swam/snaked back and forth across the sky...more flashes in the sky....then the most bizarre thing, the booms became so close together that it sounded like a stampede of horses....only the entire earth beneath my feet was shaking to it. The entire sky was now black as far as I could see.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Most of those trumpet like sounds reminds of this:

Really creepy! :cry:
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Yozilla said:
Last night (from midnight to let's say 01.30 AM) I heard some strange sound here in Split Croatia for which I though it was from car passing - a kind of mechanical at first: like sporty car exhaust ... But dogs around start to bark what they never do when noisy hot rod passes - I remembered this after reading newer posts in this thread and article on

I have totally forgotten about it and I will be hanging around and waiting if something alike will be heard this night...

Stay tuned :knitting:

I also heard some strange sounds last night around the same time. I was in bed and had just finished EE. It was the same sound repeatedly (kind of like the fading in/fading-out "whale" sounds I've heard on some of the videos posted. It was very faint though to the point that I was wondering if it was just a result of some type of suggestion and maybe I was just picking up on a neighbours tv? The sound did seem consistent though... Will be staying tuned!
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Laura said:
Thanks for the great mapping job, TP. Can we add to it, like the Alberta case and some of the others being found?

sure. i'll update it today.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Ya'll check out the discussion about the sounds on my FB page:
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Ark did a preliminary analysis of the Colorado sounds vs Kiev and Nimes:

Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Very interesting. My thanks to Ark for doing the spectral analysis. And thanks to Laura and every one here for bringing your thought and wonderings on this subject. There are a few people here who say they've heard the sounds themselves, and that makes me a little more apt to consider that there is something more to this.

If Ark is following this thread, I am curious if what your further thoughts are on this?

Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

This one is from London UK, (Jan. 16th 2012) apparently faked by the uploader. Damage control kicking in, perhaps?

tough there is another one from London recorded Jan. 17th 2012:

and one from Chile, recorded January 12th 2012.:

and another one faked, from L.A.: _

Hhmmm it's getting interesting to see where this strange sound thing is heading. It could be that Controllers are kicking in to dilute this topic because it is becoming too hot or it could be one well done scam.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

what it comes down to is that a video can't proof anything today. unless it is verified by independent sources etc. but even then we can't be certain that it is the real deal just becouse of some videos.
Re: Strange sound in Kiev August 11th

Regulattor, how did you determine that the ones you say are faked were, in fact, faked?
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