The Killers' irreligious experience in Georgia


But also once at the top, if you are not that empty, and it is not all your heart needs, than the show of debunking the maskerade can begin. You can play with forces that brought you there, like Marina Abramovic ...
Hi solarmind.
Is Marina Abramovic an example of an artist which is "debunking the maskerade" or is she a part of the maskerade? I've always thought that she was an overt Satanist and a part of the highest elite, but I've only read about her on the Vigilant Citizen site.
Hi solarmind.
Is Marina Abramovic an example of an artist which is "debunking the maskerade" or is she a part of the maskerade? I've always thought that she was an overt Satanist and a part of the highest elite, but I've only read about her on the Vigilant Citizen site.
She is also mention on this forum in many places. If you use the search function, you'll find that she is into satanic rituals and pedophilia.
Hi solarmind.
Is Marina Abramovic an example of an artist which is "debunking the maskerade" or is she a part of the maskerade? I've always thought that she was an overt Satanist and a part of the highest elite, but I've only read about her on the Vigilant Citizen site.
Who can tell? Is Peterson an STO or STS agent? Hm ... It is never B&W.
I met her in 2006, she shared with me some deep insights in elite psychopathy that made me surprised how honest and brutal she was even depending on their money. But she said clearly at that time, that is what we Artists have to do, we go there in the shark cage and we get killed and robbed of our creative energy, but we get up alive again and again and again untill we break that wall …

Actually meeting with her, Laurie Anderson and Terry GIlliam, my favorite artists, triggered in me a will to search more deeply, as I could feel emotionally their pain caused by the power games that are ruling the entertainment industry and arts.

It was a time when she just moved to NY from Europe, and she wasn't that famous at all. She suffered a lot in her life trying to be who she is. But we can see in her work a high level of responsibility in shaping her insights and ideas by using her body as a tool of artistic metaphoric expression of deep truths we feel.

The performance she did and made her famous world wide, and exposed to attacks from all sides - "Artist is Present" - is obviously part of Inspired by Tesla flow of cosmic consciousness through human automatons, that Tesla predicted and announced in 1896 at opening of Niagara Falls POwer Plant. Is she, or how is she aware of that flow and projection I don't know, is it STS or STO predominantly is up to individual machine ... but so far looking at what she did in that field of human creativity, she served more to others than herself.

She helped me a lot to understand that world better, as my path is very similar on a way, but I didn't need to jump in the shark cage to play the David archetype, as she did it for my generation and for me in this particular Tesla Quest.

But ... it is day by day work, minute by minute ... once surrounded with the top elite it is like being in emotional hell literally ... I think she did her part in this time and space honestly ... now I see I need to keep on moving it into STO direction, and I will try to meet her soon, that will be the best answer to feel her now when I know much much more than when we 1st met ...

What I am disappointed about is that now she is against war in Ukraine … well she is paid by that money, she is old, she did a lot … but I am not. So … Can we expect all STO oriented individuals to be saints? It is a difficult path as we are all STS by default, and slipping down to the selfish pit is easier than ever … even though our work and energy in the past was almost 100% STO work, people like her and Artists in general, due to strong emotional energy that is impossible to control, we can easily get twisted into STS psycho, like Adolf.
She is also mention on this forum in many places. If you use the search function, you'll find that she is into satanic rituals and pedophilia.

I didn't find any about pedophilia and MArina so far. Can you put some links here? Thx for pointing this out.

Just a remark, it is easy to judge famous people. But it is also STS work, ushualy driven by jelousy and ego.
I didn't find any about pedophilia and MArina so far.
The spirit cooking evil witch. I hope you are not praising her in any way.
The spirit cooking evil witch. I hope you are not praising her in any way.
Your hopes are fulfilled haha ... because I am not praising, and not either judging, any one any how. But to make change inside of the hell, and ot know trully what is hell, you must become part of the hell.

Do you know maybe did Assanage did all that just to be famous? Who can tell what was the final motivation behind heroic acts …? Maybe he is just another STS puppet of ocnfusion, he became famous like Napoleon and all his children will benifit from that. It is social capital. Maybe that was his primary covert intent, how coudl you know? Because it is for example a perfect to have someone like him to encourage and get more young people who tihink for themself, involved into that trap of collective fight in exchange for fame and attention, instead of working on inner change?

She helped me, so at least she took one person out of hell, that decided to devote life to learn and change, and that my change seein in my work, affected many people to seek answers ... etc.

And thx for sharing this, maybe if she didn't make this in her performance no one will ever heard about SC?

And I didn't find anything specific on her involvment in pedophilia?
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I didn't find any about pedophilia and MArina so far. Can you put some links here? Thx for pointing this out.

Just a remark, it is easy to judge famous people. But it is also STS work, ushualy driven by jelousy and ego.
I do not have the time nor inclination to do so. She is also in articles on SOTT if you want to look there. She is known to be affiliated with pedophiles and her "spirit cooking' is a bit disgusting unless that is something one is into.

You seem, however, to have your mind made up so think as you will. That's always up to you.

Following your logic, however, it could be said that just because pedophiles like to molest children doesn't mean that they are bad people. Or that just because Hitler was psychopath that did disgusting things doesn't mean he should be judged.
Following your logic, however, it could be said that just because pedophiles like to molest children doesn't mean that they are bad people. Or that just because Hitler was psychopath that did disgusting things doesn't mean he should be judged.

But did you find any of pedophile evidences for her?

Are you sure that dinner was with real ingredients or fake?

Does Art for you means just decoration and subjective vision, or it is a powerfull visual metaphor and image of truth of time we live in?

What do you know about Leonardo? Was he psyho and pedo for you? He was even digging dead people from their graves to desect them for organs etc? Was that he did usefull for humanity or it was all wrong? Did he eat that organs do we know? He was poor ...

I am curious to know, do you think I am also a pedofile because I colabrated with her, and that is all you know about me? Is it enough for you to descern who I am?

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Do you know maybe did Assanage did all that just to be famous?

Maybe he is just another STS puppet of ocnfusion, he became famous like Napoleon and all his children will benifit from that. It is social capital.
It's hard to believe that you actually wrote that. Either you are in the wrong bar, or I am in the wrong bar...:wrongbar:
But did you find any of pedophile evidences for her?

Pretty grim character, her super weird connections to the Clinton crowd are pretty clear, check out the first part of this Mouthy Buddha video:

Are you sure that dinner was with real ingredients or fake?

I don't think it matters much. The symbolism is clear and enough to speculate on how far they could go.
Well, because the place has historically been part of Russia, quite a number of Russians live in Georgia, and to this day the two populations remain heavily mixed, economically and culturally, and because a sizeable number of additional Russians are 'hiding out' there to avoid military conscription. In the meantime, because Washington and London covet Georgia for NATO, much (most?) of the population has been brainwashed by American and European NGOs into the same kind of vitriolic russophobia as Ukrainians, so when Flowers learns from the crowd member that he's Russian and, being vaguely aware that this might be problematic, asks the crowd "if it's ok?" that he come up onstage, this happens:

watching this authentically broke my heart. what a bad state we're in...
Pretty grim character, her super weird connections to the Clinton crowd are pretty clear, check out the first part of this Mouthy Buddha video:

I don't think it matters much. The symbolism is clear and enough to speculate on how far they could go.
thx for this video ... didn't know ... was suspecting that majority of contemporary arts in last 20 years is abused in ritualistic seecret organisation manipulative and human abusing practices ... that is horrible. It is impossible to become part of that scene professionally, if you, this or that way, can't be used or abused for covert purpose as such .... and money laundry is one of the major issues
Pretty grim character, her super weird connections to the Clinton crowd are pretty clear, check out the first part of this Mouthy Buddha video:

Thank you very much again for sharing this video.

I went to research this morning more about "Art in Embassies Program" - "Through art, international audiences gain a sense of the quality, scope, and diversity of American and host country art and culture. Initiated by President Kennedy in 1963, the program is funded by the U.S. Department of State."

If you would like to help me in this a bit more, it will be helpful to discern more about all that. Did Kennedy's had covert agendas creating this program? Or it is again a metter of "exchanges" between STO and STS orientaiton, what resulted in taking over the Arts since CLinton's occupied Democrats?

Arts is known to be tool of secret world order and political propagandas since ever. It is indeed the main reason for the rich to invest and produce art in all periods of history. Architecture and art are one of the most effective tools for altering the human mind without much effort in pressuring the masses. It is also a great toll to elevate and raise human consciousness, but also to constrain and control it in a desirable direction.

I am not part of the contemporary art scene, so I had no idea about all that. There was, and still is, an attempt to get me into that net ... I see better now how Marina in my work is attracting those forces and at the same time repelling the audience I would like to reconnect with. That is probably what is causing huge tension between me and "comissioners".

I met and filmed her in 2006. for my experimental documentary about Nikola Tesla as inspiration, when she was just one of the more or less struggling artists .... at that moment her honesty about the psychopathy among elites she experienced in her life and work, triggered me to find out about FOTCM and SOTT and etc ... long story, maybe worth to be told ...

So the question is what one can do finding itself caught in that golden cage? Scream loud what you see and be killed and silenced too quickly?
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