Books and Gear from CassiopaeaAnd FREE STUFF!
Cover Art from a painting by Jonathan Metcalfe |
Occult Significance The destruction of the World Trade Center opened the final act of a show that has been thousands of years in the making. Drawing from research of the historical origins of the Bible and the imposition of monotheism, ancient history, as well as events of the last one hundred years, Laura Knight-Jadczyk spins the thread that will permit you to penetrate deep into the heart of the Minotaur's labyrinth and discover the great truth which makes sense of these seeming unrelated events -- and the news of today. We are approaching the end af a Great Cycle, a cataclysm that will destroy the world as we know it. Those who orchestrated the events of 9-11 are well aware of this -- but they do not want you to find out...until it is too late. The Occult Significance of 9-11 takes the awful day in New York City as a focal point and traces the confluence of events in world history, religion and thought, compounded by manipulations in time, that have shoved us in to a new reality. After 9-11, an agenda that is not in our best interest has been accelerated, as recent events on the world scene make abundantly evident. Laura Knight-Jadczyk, in her usual style with clear logic, takes this topic and gives it the scope and perspective that it deserves, and at a breathtaking pace that will give the clarity that we all need in these most dangerous of times. This monograph deals with subjects that assume that the reader is familiar with many terms and concepts that are published on this website at, and that the reader is also familiar with the material published in our book The Secret History of The World. (Order below) The "core" of the 9-11 event can only be reached with a more or less spiraling approach. In this sense, it is very much like a labyrinth - which is an entirely appropriate metaphor - and this concise volume follows the threads that lead from one key to another, finally arriving at the center, facing the monster...
Cover Art from a painting by Jonathan Metcalfe |
What you are about to read can be described, without exaggeration, as an intragalactic, interstellar tale of reincarnated passion. A cosmic romance, unfolding during the dusk of one age and the dawn of another. All of it taking place between real people. [...] After all this time, I cannot begin to tell you what is truly happening with Laura. I do know that she remains as intriguing as ever. From the moment I met her, she has made me consider possibilities that would not have occurred to me otherwise. She has forced me to see and think in new ways. So wrote Thomas French, St. Petersburg Times journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner about the Amazing Life of Laura Knight-Jadczyk. Unfortunately, he only had 20 pages of a mainstream newspaper in which to do it. It wasn't enough to even skim the surface. Now Laura pulls back the veil and tells ALL. The heartbreak, the struggle, the joy and sorrow, the grief and glory - and most of all - the working of Amazing Grace in her life - the Alchemical gift of the Present - the opening of the door to Eternal Love and its power to Heal the Soul.
Give yourself and someone you love the Gift of Awakening to Amazing Grace. |
Cover Art by Jason Knight-Martin Ancient Science is a scholarly, radical reassessment of human history, prehistory and myth. Citing painstakingly researched facts and figures, the author overturns long-held conventional ideas on religion, philosophy, grail legends, science, alchemy and catharism, presenting a cohesive narrative pointing to the existence of an ancient techno-spirituality which included a mastery of space and time. Utilising a vast array of data from fields as diverse as archaeology, paleontology, linguists, genetics and quantum physics the author posits a theory that the great secret concealed from humanity is that time loops do exist and history is cyclical. The startling conclusion is that humanity may well be on the brink of a deluge of Noachian proportions. The
revolutionary new/old cosmology of existence received, researched, developed
and explicated in Ascension
will help you to rethink your conception of humanness, radically redefine
the world you live in, and rediscover a NEW transcendent purpose for living. Ancient Science is approximately 400 pages including an exhaustive bibliography and index. It represents 30 years of research and, as the scientist whose comments are included at right said, it may be the most important book ever written.
To Order your copy of Ancient Science Click Here to go to the New Book Store
Science Now Expanded and Re-Titled: The Secret History of The World (NOTICE: For previous buyers, this selection was formerly entitled: Ascension, The True Quest for the Holy Grail. This volume is updated with over a hundred pages of additional material, and an exhaustive index. ) Praise for Ancient Science: I am a cross-disciplinary scientist. My main scientific books have been in establishing a second-order-economics (dr. philos. on a thesis written in 1984-85; this subject being my main scientific occupation and speciality for ten years), core philosophy (innovative work in ontology, epistemology, causality, information theory), and "the transcendental turn" of recent cutting edge science. I have held positions as associate professor in sociology, and (nowadays) in anthropology. I also hold a position as professor related to the natural sciences (I prefer to call it supra-physics) at a high level research organization abroad. In the spring of 2000, my most important scientific inspiration from recent years was from complexity theory, cybernetics and bohmian science, along with my own, autonomous research. Since then I have come to terms with a lot of explosive new knowledge and theory, especially in the natural sciences, on a broad range of matters. Last summer I read your book Ancient Science. This may very well have been the most influential book I have ever read, and in my opinion one of the most important books ever written. It is not possible for a sound - open and critical - mind to read this book without changing a lot of basic opinions about the history of civilizations, biological evolution, religion and politics; and what the heck is going on in this world NOW. The existence and some key operators from hyperdimensional intelligence is very well argued by autonomous reflection, a mountain of important facts, and a wealth of references to literature not easy to overview or find. Very important here is the manipulations by reductive indoctrination into the existence of only linear/successive time, camoflaging the existence of cyclic and holographic time. Connected to this is also the argument for the Grail theme being replayed through the civilizations as a strange attractor, and in sharper ways as the civilization reaches maturity. This book changed the horizon of my life in some important regards, delivering some key bits to the greater puzzle. During my reading it became increasingly plausible to me that human life is embedded in a system of higher meaning, invisible without an extraordinary effort, in some analogy to the invisibility for the little child of ordinary language overlaying the world of objects and sense inputs. The existence of such a higher system of meaning and the Fulcanelli art/science to explore it, is also consistent with Bohmian ontology, holographic flow of meaning in systems reaching a treshold of critical complexity, and with hyperstructural mathematics. Kabbalah seems to a be a more clumsy and static reflection of this higher system, while cabala plugs into the generative grammar of this higher language which to me seems to require the learning of some improvisational art of proprioception to the ordinary meaning system, including acknowledging an unknown and hidden order in serious play. [Name withheld for privacy, professor at a European University]
Cover Art from a painting by Jonathan Metcalfe Click Here to go to the New Book Store |
Transcripts From Cassiopaea For those who would like to be able to do word searches in the transcripts, we have purchased a license to a search program so as to be able to provide it with the searchable transcripts on CD. This is a wonderful way to familiarize yourself with the transcripts themselves, as well as to be able to pull up all references to any given subject in a few seconds. This way, you can see how, even though many subjects were discussed at different times over a number of years, the references all fit together like the pieces of a puzzle. At left you may select the searchable CD which contains the entire transcripts through 2000, as well as the licensed search program.
Cover Art from a painting by Jason Knight Click Here to go to the New Book Store |
High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities and the Process of Alien Abduction Anyone who
wants to understand the hyperdimensional reality which is the "home"
of alleged aliens, should pick up Laura Knight-Jadczyk's latest book,
The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities and the Process of Alien
Abduction. With diligent research and a relentless drive for the facts,
Laura strips away the facade of alien abductions masquerading as mind
control and mind control masquerading as alien abductions. She then goes
on to show how the Evil Elite rulers of the planet have merged, at the
highest levels, with the Overlords of the Matrix Control System that underlies
the structure of our reality. Now, after 9-11, the
fusion of the two worlds is almost complete. We have little time left,
and the Controllers know it and they have made plans… Those who prefer the
nourishment of truth over the poison of New Age myths, those who want
a real peek at what is behind the Stargate Conspiracy, should get this
book. Today. Read it -- and weep. |
C's: It should be noted that the Entropic system can only be penetrated by becoming "wise as serpents and gentle as doves." There is nothing negative about networking. Details of a network include the necessity for those who are involved to invest "energy" in the exchange. If the individual comes upon the life work of another and expects to benefit and gain by that work, they will naturally wish to have their own position balanced by putting forth a commensurate amount of energy. Otherwise there will be an imbalance of energy. This then leads to an Entropic pyramid. An example of this principle in reverse is a teacher who demands payment for no real work on their own part. The fact that both of you have devoted yourselves to this work for not just a short time, but literally your entire lives, and have not asked for the support that this intensive labor earns has, in effect, created an imbalance for those who are benefiting. Many of those who are experiencing blocks in their own lives would find those blockages dissolved by the action of opening the flow of energy in the exchange. In your world, money equals energy!!! In the academic world, researchers make their living getting "research grants." The money for research generally comes from the government or private individuals with government connections. That means that the only things that get researched are what are "allowed." Of course, there are certainly researchers working on things that are not normally allowed in the public academic community, but we never hear about them. I suspect that few of them ever get outside their secret government facilities without their keepers. The owners and contributors to this website are pursuing serious academic research with the intent of making all findings public. Obviously, we are not going to be able to get research grants from the government or the private individuals with government connections. They would like to see us starve. Contributions
from our readers enable us to maintain our independence so as to better
serve the public, YOU! Everything
is right here on our site. You don't have to buy our books to know what
is in them. It is all right here, FREE. We hope that all our readers continue
to support our Team. The Future is OPEN, but it depends on Us!
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