Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Ummm... I don't see any evidence. Just claims from a highly questionable Ukrainian source.

I looked at the Zvezda website and found this
The Ministry of Defense of Russia continues to talk about the heroic deeds of Russian servicemen, which they commit during a special military operation to protect the DPR and LPR. Among the heroes are representatives of various types and branches of the armed forces, all of them are high professionals in their field.

The gunner-operator of the combat vehicle, Sergeant Sergei Gubarev, distinguished himself during the crossing of the river in the Chernihiv region on March 4. On that day, units of a separate motorized rifle brigade were subjected to massive shelling by Ukrainian nationalists.

Gubarev suppressed enemy artillery and mortar crews with accurate fire from the heavy flamethrower system TOS-1A, destroyed 14 enemy weapons and military equipment and more than 40 nationalists. Thanks to the actions of Sergeant Gubarev, the units carried out the crossing of the river without losses.

The commander of a separate coastal defense brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Andranik Gasparyan, together with the unit performed a march and took control of the bridge over the river in the Kherson region. Through this crossing, the nationalists were going to transfer reinforcements to the east.
Решительность и профессионализм: МО РФ рассказало о новых подвигах российских военных на Украине

This thing TOS-1A really shoots thermobaric projectiles.
Here we have another serious inconsistency formed. Putin used to openly say that conscripts were not involved in the operation, only contract soldiers, but yesterday it turned out that they were involved and even some of them were captured. The authorities have recognized this. Putin ordered conscripts to be removed from Ukraine and to find those guilty of non-execution of the order.

I'll add it just in case. In the photo above, the building of the Government of the Russian Federation. If you look from this handle, then on the right, right across the street is the American Embassy

Эта штука действительно стреляет термобарическими снарядами. Тут у нас еще одна серьезная нестыковочка образовалась. Путин раньше открыто говорил, что в операции не участвуют солдаты срочной службы, только контрактники, однако вчера выяснилось, что участвуют и даже кое-кто из них попал в плен. Власти это признали. Путин распорядился срочников убрать из Украины и найти виновных в неисполнении приказа.
На всякий случай добавлю. На фото выше здание правительства РФ. Если смотреть с этого ракурса, то справа, прямо через дорогу располагается Американское посольство
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is this a block or can i pass it?

southfront.org has a security policy called HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS), which means that Firefox can only connect to it securely. You can’t add an exception to visit this site.
In my old Firefox - v75.0 - I haven't noticed any disruptions. SF works flawlessly. RT however:

In firefox You can try CTRL+SHIFT+H. Library comes up. Highlight the site. I selected RT.com. Right click. Menu comes up and select the last line: Forget about this site. Wait until Firefox finishes. Then CTRL+SHIFT+DEL. Clear All History window comes up: I selected Browsing & Download History, Cache, Form and Search History, clicked Offline Website Data as well. Clear Now.
Wait until Firefox finishes.
Then from your bookmarks open a bookmarked RT article page. Wait, until RT's DDoS protection finishes.
After I did this, I got my normal functionality from RT back. The Addon works nicely again: filling the green RT icon with a number indicating fresh new articles.

I think it might just work for other sites as well.
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Absolutely no way the Russians could have expected this level of economic and cultural response. It's without limits.

Absolutely Orwell's 1984.
They're about to rewrite the books. Russian achievements in any field must be overlooked. Russia has been a barbaric horde for 2000 years.
Two minutes of hate every half hour on all the news.
This speech is beyond WOW !!!

Old News but quite relevant to what is happening in Ukraine as Minister of Finance Freeland in Canada has so many connections with this ideology. An ideology which continued to blossom after WW II in Ukraine, to the point where where it became an important element in the governance of the failed colony called Ukraine.

Document suggesting students learn positive aspects of Nazi Germany deleted by Alberta education officials​

When someone is dense it shows. These individuals are watching without any thinking, resulting in conclusions which simply are out of this world. See if you see what I mean.

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Looks like we have another hit for the Cs.

I am quoting below parts of the tweet thread made by @ClintEhrlich for those who may not be able to access Twitter.
Yes, and based off the latest session I recall some SOTT articles on this topic but I had trouble finding one.

I did find this article searching through Duck Duck Go from November 2nd 2017 when USAF was seeking samples from Slavic/Russians:

Note: just tried the link today and met with a “This site is not secure…” won’t load. 🤔🕵🏻‍I did manage to copy it before as I intended to share earlier on the latest session thread…

'Ethnic Bomb' Feared as US Air Force Confirms Collection of Russian DNA

“The question is – why is it being done? It’s being done purposefully and professionally. We are a kind of object of great interest,” Putin said.

Russia has raised its concerns over attempts by the U.S. military to collect DNA samples from Russian nationals, noting the potential use of such biological samples for the purpose of creating new genetic warfare weaponry.

More from an article apparently not availability anymore:

US Air Force Posts Ad for Bio Samples from Russians

The U.S. Air Force has sought to calm the Kremlin's concerns, noting that the samples would only be used for so-called “research” purposes rather than for bioterrorism.

Addressing Russian reports, U.S. Air Education and Training Command spokesperson Captain Beau Downey said that his center randomly selected the Russian people as a source of genetic material in its ongoing research of the musculoskeletal system.

Commenting that his center was simply conducting “locomotor studies to identify various biomarkers associated with trauma,” Downey noted that the center needed samples matching a first set of samples that contained the “initial group of diseases,” which were of Russian origin. Thus, “the control group of the samples should also be of Russian origin.”

However, the usage of Russian tissue samples in the USAF study fed the long-brewing suspicion that the Pentagon is continuing in its hopes to develop an alleged “biological weapon” targeting specifically Russians.

In comments delivered to Russia’s Human Rights Council on Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin questioned U.S. intentions in its studies of Russian genetic material.

“Do you know that biological material is being collected all over the country, from different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical regions of the Russian Federation?” Putin asked.

“The question is – why is it being done? It’s being done purposefully and professionally. We are a kind of object of great interest,” he added.

“Let them do what they want, and we must do what we must.”

Putin has raised similar concerns in the past.
"In the more distant future, weapons systems based on new principles (beam, geophysical, wave, genetic, psychophysical and other technology) will be developed. All this will, in addition to nuclear weapons, provide entirely new instruments for achieving political and strategic goals," then-Prime Minister Putin wrote in an editorial for Rossiiskaya Gazeta on Feb. 20, 2012.

Presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov also confirmed that Russia's intelligence agencies have documented the collection of genetic material by nongovernmental organizations across the Russian Federation.

“Some emissaries are really carrying out such activities, representatives of (NGOs) and other bodies. Such cases were registered, and security services, the president naturally has this information,” Peskov said Tuesday.

Former U.N. biological weapons commission member Igor Nikulin likewise confirmed to RT that the collection of genetic samples from Russian population groups has a history predating the recent attempts.

“Such attempts were made back in the '90s when there was a Human Genome program, then there were various programs in the 2000s too … under different pretexts, including the most noble, but for some reason all this happens in the interests of the U.S. (Armed Forces), and this raises suspicion,” Nikulin said.

“Samples of Europeans of the Slavic group, mostly Russians,” tend to be the most desired samples. “Blood samples are taken for analysis, and if an organization is foreign, what they are doing with the results is always unknown,” he added.
Fox News experts assures US that US was just helping Ukraine to clean up those Soviet Era labs and "remodel them" with best stuff IKEA has, so that Ukrainian would be able to do better research. OK, they have been at this since 2005 but if you want to do a good job you can't rush. :lol2:

I hope this guy does not push his luck too far because he is in the middle of a Deep State operation with Neo-Nazis acting as enforcers.
I did find this article searching through Duck Duck Go from November 2nd 2017 when USAF was seeking samples from Slavic/Russians:


Given the date the article was published, that may have been the news piece (maybe form a different site) based on which Joe asked the question about ethnic-specific weapons in relation to Russians during the Cs session back then. Here's the quote from the 9 December 2017 session:

(Joe) I have a question about the US Air Force's request for 12 samples of Russian RNA in July of this year. They specified in a FAQ that they couldn't be Ukrainian, they had to be Russian. And Putin commented on it not so long ago in a speech. So, I'm wondering if there's some devious plan...

(L) Are they up to no good?

A: You can say that!

Q: (L) So they're up to no good...

(Joe) The idea was that they're trying to create some kind of bioweapon that's genetically specific...

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) ...against Russians.

A: Yes

Q: (Mikey) Why not just get samples...

A: Unfortunately, since most Caucasians are related to Russian forebears, this is a dangerous and delusional undertaking.

Q: (Joe) No doubt! They're trying to specifically isolate something that specific to only Russians? And it's not going to affect anyone else?! Maybe some kind of airborne pathogen or something...

(Ark) It doesn't make sense! If they want DNA they can have Russian DNA as much as they want without anybody knowing it.

(Joe) That's what Putin said. When he commented on it, he said that there were people inside Russia collecting samples of DNA.

(Ark) Massively?

(Joe) He didn't say. And he referred to this Air Force thing. So, I don’t know. Would you need lots of samples? It's a stupid idea.

A: There are many activities at present being driven by 4D STS to further their aims of preparing a suitable population for their benefit in numerous ways.

Q: (L) So, they want a slave population, they want soldiers, they want maybe bodies that they can incarnate into themselves?

A: Yes. All that and more.

Q: (Pierre) For this purpose, they're trying to fine-tune and select the proper genetics of human beings - to design the best vehicles?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And all being done via their human agents who think they are doing it for other reasons. Alright. Well, let's move on to Ark's question. We had a discussion the other day about ghosts, and he had a question he wanted to ask about that topic.
The best outcome I can see, based on my interpretation of current situation is for negotiation and diplomacy. I don't see Russia having a decisive victory because the "anti Russian" sentiments that exist in that region exist in the minds of people and no missiles or bullets can operate in that sphere. My primary concern is the EU/US will now do everything they can to destroy russian economy and make the lives of people there as difficult as they possibly can - they will go to lengths they wouldn't have e.g. literally hunting down Russian assets abroad, banning flights, attacking central bank and whatever else they think of. Look, Russia is still part of Europe, has European heritage and I'm sure the Russian people will feel a pressure from being excluded from being able to travel to or do things in Europe or face massive stigma if they step outside Russia into Western influenced country. All I'm saying is these are big challenges now presented to the situation.

The information war is such that the Western mind is completely beholden to Western propaganda. At the beginning I tried to express this by stating that whilst Russia have a plan to win the military war, their plan to win the war of the mind is not clearly stated.

As such, Western governments can now do as they please from an informational and cultural standpoint and Russia in my view are completely defenceless.

The culture and information war knows no limits. They have been cast as some caricature villain in this story.

If Russia really meant business about winning the information war, they'd start to really produce and leak actual dirty deeds from Western governments towards their own citizens e.g. 9/11 is an obvious target, information about the mRNA jabs, heck, UFOs etc.

Like it still feels they are playing to the tune of the US rather than standing as an equal. I think the western sanctions will be in place for decades and as soon as Putin leaves the country will be torn to shreds unless the next leader can walk such a tight rope the way Putin can.

Really, Russia are kind of on the back foot and are playing too nice in the information sphere.
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Surely this is not happening-

Is any of it?? When he's not leading police to Mexican drug lords on the lam, I guess Sean is putting his efforts into saving the planet from WWIII. I'm pretty sure Krusty the clown wrote this part of the script.
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