Session 31 October 1998


FOTCM Member
This is Halloween October 31, 1998
Ark, Laura, Frank

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Eggedora.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

{Note: There had been growing issues in our minds about “Frank” at this point in time. I finally devised a way to ask about them by substituting Terry’s name for Frank’s, and Jan’s name for Frank’s sister. There are actually a number of questions about Terry in the transcripts that are actually about Frank, but since Frank was present, I had no other way to ask than to create a code so that the Cs could communicate with me without Frank being alerted. As things turned out later, this dream describes exactly the dynamic with Frank and his sister.}

Q: I would like to address a couple of things before Ark gets on to his questions if any. First of all, I had a dream the other night about Terry and Jan. In the dream, Terry was at my house and it was the old house up in Hudson. He was going through the house claiming that I had things that belonged to them, such as books, which I did not have, in fact, they DO have books which belong to me. Nevertheless, since he could not find anything that was theirs, and I spent some time allowing him to look through everything to prove the point, he began collecting all sorts of little things such as bars of soap, even used soap, cosmetics, and an old book that he claimed because I could not identify it as mine, and it was damaged by water and useless. He kept going around the house saying "isn't that mine? Isn't that mine?" and on and on. Finally, I got mad at my time being endlessly wasted and the fact that he did not believe me, and I ordered him to leave my house and never come back. He left reluctantly and soon was back with Jan. Jan was then trying to placate me and being all sweet and huggy and said "I heard you had a little tiff with Terry," and she did not realize that it was NOT a little 'tiff,' I had simply HAD it with BOTH of them. I was boiling mad, and she was saying "I know you have stuff that belongs to us," and SHE started poking around here and there, and they even went to the opening to the attic and started pulling down the insulation in the roof to see if I had hidden stuff that belonged to them up there! They just couldn't find anything, but they kept saying that they were SURE that I had something that belonged to them, and it seemed to be mainly books. Could you tell me what this dream represents?

A: Your reflection of them.

Q: My reflection of them?

A: Yes.

Q: In what sense? I don't understand what you mean?

A: Your view.

Q: So, my view of them is that they are trying to take something from me that doesn't belong to them and insisting that it does?

A: Close. Maybe something you do have.

Q: Trying to take something from me that is mine by claiming that it is theirs?

A: Yes.

Q: Any other comment on this dream? This was rather threatening to me and I thought I ought to examine it because it was so realistic.

A: There is a karmic "twist" between you and them.

Q: What is the karmic twist?

A: Just as it is... Unresolved issues, like kids playing in the sand box.

Q: Is there any indication from this dream that they are going to swoop back into our lives?

A: Well, they probably will, will they not?

Q: I don't know. I thought it was singularly unpleasant.

A: You fascinate and frustrate them.

{Personal exchange redacted.}

Q: Now, the other night, in front of the psychomantium, I did not exactly have a vision, but something came into my head, and the idea was that prime numbers are important because, the principle that they are only divisible by themselves and by one is indicative of the fact that they are direct links, channels, or conduits to seventh density, or first density, or something...

A: How about all densities?

Q: Okay, that is sort of what I mean, that they are, in a sense, gateways - would that be a good term?

A: Close.

Q: How does one utilize the energies inherent in prime numbers in this respect? Do they represent frequencies or frequency relationships?

A: Verities.

Q: Is there any formula, or any thing about prime numbers that makes it easier to find them... anything about them that is unique?

A: Pyramidal.

Q: Pyramid relationships would help one find prime numbers?

A: Graph.

Q: A pyramid type graph. Okay, anything else about prime numbers? When you said that they were the 'dwellings of the mystics' I had an idea that a prime number could be a dwelling of a mystic because the individual would express in some manner a frequency that related in some way to a prime number. Is that somewhere along the line...? That mystics can traverse all densities because of frequency?

A: Something like that.

Q: My next thought was that it could indicate actual places or locations in space time on the planet that would be represented by coordinates.

A: Zuber.

Q: What does THAT mean?

A: Research.

Q: Okay. Now. This woman with this book "The Horse of God," talks about the shadow of the horse in the Shepherds of Arcadia painting that is evident if you turn it upside down. I know that I dreamed that the painting was a map. In terms of this map, what would be the zero meridian that one would use to place the map?

A: There need not be a zero meridian.

Q: Is there any one thing... I doused the picture, and it seemed that the head of the kneeling man with the beard was the important figure. Where, on a map, would one place this head in order to have the other figures in correct alignment?

A: Best to split the image, head to head. Vertically.

Q: Split the image and put the same guy head to head to his own head?

A: Close.

Q: Now, when you were saying that I needed to get a better 'handl' on it and I found...

A: Have you overlooked North America? Check Atlas indices for names to pique interest.

Q: What names?

A: Oh now, we cannot tell you that!

Q: The reason I have been focusing on Europe is because you said that this thing we were supposed to find was in the Rhineland...

A: But there are always connections, both hither and yon. Tricky those Rosicrucians, tricky. And what of Piri Reis?

Q: Well, I was already lost in a sea of puzzle pieces. Nothing like making it harder!

A: Or easier. Template... Templar... Temporary. Temperature... prime numbers, prime rib... Primary.

Q: Oh God! I thought it was bad before, now it is worse! We were talking about, at some point, going to France and checking some of these things, and even finding a place to live that belonged to these families...

A: Patience.

Q: Well, obviously, we would have to have a LOT of bucks to do any of this so it is out of the question at present. Now, Mike wanted me to ask about this time when remote viewing was effective. Is this in fact true, and if so, why?

A: Remote viewing requires the accessing of the imagination situation.

Q: How does that relate to the time of day?

A: When it is 03:33 at 33 degrees, what is it at 66?

Q: I guess what this means is that when it is one time in one place, it is a different time someplace else.

A: Hours are determined by those who set them.

Q: Indeed. So, it works if you think it does?

A: Constraints produce restraints.

Q: I want to go back to the Terry and Jan issue because I think that there is something important here. You say that I fascinate and frustrate them. What is it about me that fascinates them?

A: Is it not obvious?

Q: I don't know. What is the source of the frustration?

A: Same.

Q: You say that there is something obvious about me that fascinates them...

A: Not just you, more like you all.

Q: What is it that frustrates them? That they cannot control me, they cannot be in charge, or that they want something that we have?

A: All those.

Q: Now, I have long wondered about something you said to Terry, about him being connected to a thought center called Neormm, and that it was related to orimulsion, and this is some kind of a fuel. I wonder if you could clarify that remark. What is Neormm?

A: Not yet.

Q: You also made a remark to Terry once, "oh Terry, the battle is always, it's when you choose that counts." What do you mean by "when you choose." I thought that time did not exist, so why did you make this remark to him?

A: Remark was for him.

Q: Did that indicate that he was not choosing something, or that he ought to choose? I know I am poking into his business.

A: Yes, you are.

Q: But in the sense of his interaction with us, it would be useful to know if he was a robot person, programmed to disrupt, a psychic vampire, or something other.

A: The issue here is not him per se, but the blend in a karmic sense. Obviously, these people hold an inordinate level of your consciousness. So why is this? If you seek answers, it is wise to not leave doors unopened.

Q: What kind of doors? Leave the door open to Terry and Jan?

A: No, it is the quest we speak of. One cannot find clues without understanding the interpreter.

Q: Could you be a little bit clearer? I am just not grasping this!

A: Why do Terry and Jan enter your dreams? Do you suppose it is because you have no interest?!? We think not!

Q: What doors... am I leaving some doors closed?

A: Yes.

Q: What could I do to open these doors in a practical sense?

A: Look within.

Q: Is there something I can or should do to disconnect?

A: Explore the issues.

Q: (A) I was trying meditate and I have discovered that I don't think it will work for me. I don't know how to do it...

A: Remove ripples, adjust light.

Q: Do we need to move the light backward, forward, or dim it?

A: Back it up and dim.

Q: In general, is the structure as we have it adequate? It seems to have really good energy.

A: Getting there.

Q: Well, it has the size, and the lines of the structure seem to concentrate energy, and there have been a few interesting experiences in there...

A: Sparks, yes, but no flame yet.

Q: (A) I was thinking that for me it will not work at all unless I can write something down, because otherwise, it is not recorded... (L) I think that is a good idea to take a pad and pen and write whatever comes to you...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) You don't have to see what you are writing...

A: Writing has always worked for Ark.

Q: (A) Well, if it is true that writing has always worked for me, is it also true that this psychomantium environment will help?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Just write in bed, in the tent, every night before you go to sleep. (A) Is there any way we can improve or change the way we are having our sessions with the board?

A: Room.

Q: We are working on changing the room.

A: Okay.

Q: I know that back room is a better room, and maybe I should just clean it out so we can use it. (A) Why is the other room better?

A: Energy vector.

Q: (A) Why is the energy vector in the other room better than in this room?

A: It is conduit.

Q: Where does the conduit extend from, above or below?

A: Both. Like static electrical charge.

Q: (A) What about conduit in the bedroom where we have put this psychomantium?

A: Psychomantium utilizes one's own psychic body, thus is portable to a greater extent. But, if you were to place the structure there, it would enhance things...

Q: It would enhance things psychomantium-wise or board-wise?

A: Each.

Q: Well, the only problem with putting the psychomantium there is there is nothing to sit in as comfortable as it ought to be...

A: As of now.

Q: What are we supposed to do? Have a whole complete room for it?

A: That is how it is generally done. Just ask Michel de Notredame.

Q: Then, I just need a different house! I need a dining room and new kitchen!

A: Have you had this since 1990?

Q: No, and it is a real pain!

A: Oh, the pain, the pain.

Q: So, what you are saying is that you want me to take the psychomantium, set it up in the back room, put the table back there, get some comfortable chairs...

A: We don't "want" anything. Suggest? Oh yes, we do this.

Q: Okay, we filed the forms with the INS people. Do you foresee any problems with that?

A: No, just "redtape."

Q: Well, we KNOW that! (A) Now, apparently, everything is going well, and for a while, I think I will have more time to start some real research, and I would like some advice because we don't know how long I will have this time. What would be the first priority for me to work on for now?

A: The journal, to start with. One's objectives should be outlined. The scientist usually begins with this for "fine tuning." We see more opportunities coming though. We led you to the garden, and you planted the beanstalk. Now watch it grow, Jack!

Q: (L) That doesn't mean there is going to be a giant going around saying "fee, fie, foe, fum," does it?

A: The giant is in the meaning.

Q: You mean we gotta kill a giant?

A: No.

Q: (A) I also wanted to ask if I should be more active and ask more questions in future sessions, or to ask less questions and work more on my own?

A: Questions open the doors, Arkadiusz.

Q: (L) I want to go back to this beanstalk!

A: Well, what of the fable?

Q: (L) Well, Jack got these beans and planted them and they grew. He climbed the beanstalk and figured out how to transform or kill the giant, and got the treasure, and ran away and chopped the beanstalk down so the giant couldn't get him. (F) I remember that he used the beanstalk to get to the same level with the giant. (L) Well, which does it mean? Does he use the beanstalk to rise to the level of the giant, get the treasure and live there, or does he run away with the treasure and chop down the beanstalk?

A: Take your pick.

Q: (L) Well, the essence of the story is that Jack was successful. He planted these magic beans and they REALLY grew, like OVERNIGHT! He woke up the next day and the beanstalk reached all the way to the clouds - that is how fast it was. I guess that what you have been doing in this job is planting magic beans that are gonna take off and grow like crazy and be a ladder you can climb to some giant success! If I remember correctly, there was a harp involved. (A) I want to ask if these sessions we are having are affecting Frank's health in a negative way?

A: No, but as always, the channeling is a wee bit draining. No harm done, but the following hours provide a needed regeneration sequence.

Q: (A) It seems to me that I notice that when I ask some difficult or mathematical question, that Frank becomes instantly very tired. Is there anything to this? How should I ask these questions to get answers and not to make Frank sick?

A: This does not make Frank sick.

Q: (L) We notice also that when we hang out without doing the channeling. The last couple of weeks when we did not do a session, we all became very tired, so that even the next day, it was like being completely drained. Was this because of his recent sickness, or because we weren't channeling and we were supposed to ... (A) Or because there were some energies around?

A: A, B, C.

Q: What were the other energies?

A: There are always other energies near you because your work attracts them.

Q: (A) I want to ask about this blood type diet. My opinion is that this is a silly book and it has nothing to do with reality... (L) It's working for Frank... (A) Well, what about this book? I have the idea that the author just invented stuff out of his head. Am I right?

A: Not really, but the RH factor hones it in better.

Q: (L) Can you tell us how the RH factor will affect it to refine what this guy says?

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) We did a little muscle testing to find out what type Ark is and it said A, but also responded to B, so my guess is he is AB. (A) But does it matter what type I am?

A: Yes, and find out.

Q: (L) Okay, I will send for the test. (A) Even if I am AB, I will just eat what I want to! (L) He knows what he likes to eat and what makes him feel better, and that includes chocolate and Oreo cookies... (A) Now, I want to ask about Klaus Baumann who apparently just died of a heart attack, which was suspicious to me. Was the cause of his death natural?

A: Depends on how you define "natural."

Q: (A) I have two theories. One is that it was due to the presence of this Max Planck place nearby, and the other is that it was because of his research.

A: The institute hurts some, including Ark.

Q: (L) I wanted to ask what was Jesus' blood type?

A: B negative.

Q: (L) A lot of people say it was AB...

A: No.

Q: Another thing I wanted to ask was this: I was reading that it is impossible for two blue eyed people to produce a brown eyed child. {name redacted} has brown eyes and both her parents had blue eyes. What does this suggest?

A: Not true. If grandparents carry the dominant gene, will occur in about 1 in 87 cases.

Q: That's not true. In order to have blue eyes, a person must receive the blue eye gene from both parents. Once a person has their set of eye color genes, that's it, it is what they have! In order to have blue eyes, they must have two blue-eye genes. If there is a blue and a brown, the child WILL have brown eyes because the brown eye gene is dominant. A person with brown eyes can carry the blue gene, but will have brown eyes which is why two brown eyed people can have a blue-eyed child. Even though they have the blue gene, the brown is dominant, but they can pass the blue to their child. But, if a person has blue eyes, they CANNOT have the dominant brown gene. The blue eye gene is recessive.

A: But you have overlooked the "speckling" effect. Some blues are really blue/brown.

Q: Eye color genes can mix?

A: Close.

Q: I would like for you to give me a super-duper, hunky-dory, knock-me-off-my-socks clue to my treasure hunt.

A: Chevin.

Q: That's it?

A: Yes.

Q: No more?

A: No.

Q: One last thing, apparently Ed Dames supposedly saw this gamma ray blast that occurred in August, even though there is some discrepancy in when it may have occurred. Now, he has remote viewed some other dreadful event in the spring of this coming year. Is something going to happen in the spring that is going to make it unnecessary for people to make plans?

A: Is not this always being predicted?

Q: Yes, they predict it and then offer to sell you the book on how to survive it.

A: Why? What are they going to do with the proceeds from the book?

Q: How fast is the bean stalk gonna grow?

A: Wait and see. Goodbye.

End of Session
Thanks for sharing this. Several interesting nuggets. The blue/green eye colour is something to look into further. The colour speckling I've seen in some people creates some interesting results - sometimes the colour seems to change, depending on the lighting conditions (especially in what seems like green eyes). It makes me wonder what the dominant colour is in them.

Q: Okay, we filed the forms with the INS people. Do you foresee any problems with that?

A: No, just "redtape."
Usually I've seen this term as two words. Any idea if this was a clue of some sorts and, if so, worthy of sharing?

Thanks again,
the eye color speckling is very interesting to me as well.
Me, my father, & my son all have the same color of eyes, as well as my grandmother!
They are primarily blue, dark blue ring on the outside then blue, then light brown ring around the pupil. I've never seen anyone outside of my family that has this distinct color of eyes, I also believe that we are all O-, which is interesting...
Which brings me to this question? Has there been any research confirming that Jesus had B- blood type?
I'd appreciate any help that you can send me. thanks. :D
I have been rereading the transcripts ('94 to present) as I cannot retain the wealth of information which I find so frustrating. I was in the middle of the meditation today and a 'thought' just popped into my head. :O

Laura, what if, just if, you find out you are a descendent of the blood line of Jesus and you are here to teach as you are so effectively been doing?!

I remember somewhere it stated also that Jesus would come back and possibly teach in 4d for those that graduate.

So many possibilities. :/
Joanne said:
I have been rereading the transcripts ('94 to present) as I cannot retain the wealth of information which I find so frustrating. I was in the middle of the meditation today and a 'thought' just popped into my head. :O

Laura, what if, just if, you find out you are a descendent of the blood line of Jesus and you are here to teach as you are so effectively been doing?!

I remember somewhere it stated also that Jesus would come back and possibly teach in 4d for those that graduate.

So many possibilities. :/

Or Ark, and that is why it was so important you join forces! :D

Joanne said:
I have been rereading the transcripts ('94 to present) as I cannot retain the wealth of information which I find so frustrating. I was in the middle of the meditation today and a 'thought' just popped into my head. :O

Laura, what if, just if, you find out you are a descendent of the blood line of Jesus and you are here to teach as you are so effectively been doing?!

I remember somewhere it stated also that Jesus would come back and possibly teach in 4d for those that graduate.

So many possibilities. :/

Going through the transcripts myself. Funny you should make this statement.

Consider, the recent product of March the 22nd, 2014's session.

Q: (Pierre) And how many descendants of Caesar are in this room? (L) Oh, that's a tricky question!

A: All of you! Caesar "got around!"

The assumption here being Jesus was essentially Julius Caesar, according to Carrota's work. It deserves more study of course, but there may be truth to the statement.

See here:,31732.0.html

A number of our peers are exploring the idea, though I myself have only seen Carrota's documentary and have yet to read his works in themselves.
Another thing I wanted to ask was this: I was reading that it is impossible for two blue eyed people to produce a brown eyed child. {name redacted} has brown eyes and both her parents had blue eyes. What does this suggest?

A: Not true. If grandparents carry the dominant gene, will occur in about 1 in 87 cases.

Q: That's not true. In order to have blue eyes, a person must receive the blue eye gene from both parents. Once a person has their set of eye color genes, that's it, it is what they have! In order to have blue eyes, they must have two blue-eye genes. If there is a blue and a brown, the child WILL have brown eyes because the brown eye gene is dominant. A person with brown eyes can carry the blue gene, but will have brown eyes which is why two brown eyed people can have a blue-eyed child. Even though they have the blue gene, the brown is dominant, but they can pass the blue to their child. But, if a person has blue eyes, they CANNOT have the dominant brown gene. The blue eye gene is recessive.

A: But you have overlooked the "speckling" effect. Some blues are really blue/brown.

Q: Eye color genes can mix?

A: Close.

I am also curious about the eye color thing. What is it that makes peoples eyes change color depending on their moods (or so it seems)? My go from ice blue to ocean blue to green. My mothers do the same, but will also go grey.
My father's blue eyes were pale in the winter and deeper color in the summer. Mine seem to stay the same all year. Also, sometimes it depends on the color you are wearing. All colors change some when against or near other colors, depending on the depth and shade. A color that seems really light can change to something very dark by substitution. There may also be some other reason eyes seem to change depending on emotional or physiological circumstances.

From wiki:
"The appearance of blue and green, as well as hazel eyes, results from the Rayleigh scattering of light in the stroma, a phenomenon similar to that which accounts for the blueness of the sky. Neither blue nor green pigments are ever present in the human iris or ocular fluid. Eye color is thus an instance of structural color and varies depending on the lighting conditions, especially for lighter-colored eyes.

The brightly colored eyes of many bird species result from the presence of other pigments, such as pteridines, purines, and carotenoids. Humans and other animals have many phenotypic variations in eye color. The genetics of eye color are complicated, and color is determined by multiple genes. So far, as many as 15 genes have been associated with eye color inheritance. Some of the eye-color genes include OCA2 and HERC2. The once-held view that blue eye color is a simple recessive trait has been shown to be incorrect. The genetics of eye color are so complex that almost any parent-child combination of eye colors can occur." "Blue eyes with a brown spot, green eyes, and gray eyes are caused by an entirely different part of the genome."
Both mine, and my mothers change color depending on mood. I have noted the same moods when people tell me what color my eyes are at different points in my life.I hesitate to say both these things, but. A strange thing is that when i was an opiate addict, and was high my eyes would go ice blue. (thank goodness i got away from that). Also, the only times i was told my eyes were green was when i was lying in bed with a girlfriend, or perhaps somewhere else, but i was always in the same mood. The rest of the time they are dark blue. These are not tricks of light, or playing off other colors. It is a very pronounced difference. Does anyone have any insight into these types of eye color changes?
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