Dollar crash to begin July 1, 2014 ? ("Year 0")


The Living Force
Session Date: July 6th 2010

Q: (L) So you say "that would be telling", yet you have told us that somewhere maybe in June or July of 2014 will be Year 0 of a new era. So, are we to assume that something is going to intervene that will stop the leak and sort things out on this planet?

A: Oh indeed.

Q: (L) Umm... Is this something that we're going to consider to be beneficial? {laughter}

A: It's like having a baby: blood, water, pain, but joy when it is over.

Q: (Andromeda) How long will it take to be over? (Burma Jones) Yeah, how long is the labor? (L) Some people die in childbirth, ya know!

A: Not if they are utilizing knowledge.

I'd been impressed by this financial guy's insights in the past, so I listened to his current video presentation--which now seems even more compelling after re-discovering the above discussion from the transcripts. [Bolded italics is my emphasis, and I've added the bracketed headings to help you navigate it all. H.R. 2847 is discussed at the end.]

The End Of America video presentation
By Porter Stansberry (credentials at end)

Highlights from the video's transcript I tracked down:

“On July 1, 2014, the U.S. House of Representatives Bill “H.R. 2847” goes into effect. It will usher in the true collapse of the U.S. dollar, and will make millions of Americans poorer, overnight. You now have just several months to prepare...”


I know that to most people, the situation seems to be getting better in America. Stocks have recovered all their losses. Real estate has rebounded. Unemployment and bankruptcies have dropped. But here's the thing: The unfortunate reality is that we are actually in a much more dangerous and precarious place today than we were six years ago. I'm simply following my research to its logical conclusion.

I did the same when I tracked Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's accounting. Also with General Motors, Lehman Brothers and the rest. And when I began giving this warning in 2006 no one took me very seriously... not at first. Back then, most mainstream commentators just ignored me.

The same financial problems I've been tracking from bank to bank and from company to company for the last six years have now found their way into the U.S. Treasury.

And this is all coming to a head much, much sooner than most Americans think.

Of course, the most important part of this situation is not what is happening... but rather what you can do about it. In other words... Will you be prepared when the biggest financial crisis in America in more than 50 years, hits?

You see, I can tell you with near 100% certainty that most Americans will not know what to do when commodity prices – things like milk, bread and gasoline – soar. They won't know what to do when banks close... and their credit cards stop working. Or when they're not allowed to buy gold or foreign currencies. Or when food stamps fail... or their Social Security checks come to a halt.

In short, our way of life in America is about to change – I promise you. In this letter I'll show you exactly what is happening, and why it is inevitable.

Again, you can challenge every single one of my facts and you'll find that I'm right about each allegation I make. Then, I hope you'll take action for yourself.

Basically, for many years now, our government has been borrowing so much money (very often using short-term loans), that very soon, we will no longer be able to afford even the interest on these loans. Every single hour, of every single day, the U.S. government spends about $200 million that it doesn't have.

For a point of reference, consider that in just two months, the government borrows more money than the combined annual profits of the 100 biggest publicly traded companies in America.

Various other government agencies and private companies taken over by the government also have obligations of nearly another $5 trillion. We've already booked complete losses on $140 billion worth of these obligations. Yet they remain completely off the federal balance sheet.

When you add these other, genuine, federal obligations that exist right now, today, you come up with a total debt figure that's much more than $20 trillion. Far more than half of these debts were assumed under President Obama.

Today, we have more government debt than any country in the history of the world. We have more debt than every country in the European Union... combined… if the average real interest rate ends up being just 4% annually, incredibly, we'll spend $34.3 trillion to simply repay what we owe right now. If the rate ends up being 6%, we'll spend $43.1 trillion.

Now, of course, our politicians…believe (without any proof whatsoever) that they can stimulate the economy by even more deficit spending, so that it grows faster, allowing tax revenues to produce a surplus. Repaying these debts, they say, will be easy and painless.

Paul Krugman, one of the most widely read and respected "economists" in the country wrote about this incredibly naïve and ridiculous solution in a January 7th, 2013 New York Times column:

"There's a legal loophole allowing the Treasury to mint platinum coins in any denomination the secretary chooses. Yes, it was intended to allow commemorative collector's items – but that's not what the letter of the law says. And by minting a $1 trillion coin, then depositing it at the Fed, the Treasury could acquire enough cash to sidestep the debt ceiling – while doing no economic harm at all."

You see, the U.S. government has one very important weapon to use in this crisis so far: We are the only debtor in the world who can legally print U.S. dollars. And the U.S. dollar is what's known as "the world's reserve currency."

You see, as things stand today, America is the only country in the world that doesn't have to pay for its imports in a foreign currency.

We've been able to consume as much as we want without worrying about acquiring the money to pay for it, because our dollars are accepted everywhere around the world. In short, for decades now, we haven't had to produce anything or export anything to get all the dollars we needed to buy all the oil (and other goods) our country required.

I believe our creditors (which include foreign countries and other investors here and abroad) will either completely stop accepting dollars in repayment... or greatly discount the value of these new dollars. I'm sure you think that sounds crazy, but as I'll show you, it is already happening.

In fact, Zha Xiaogang, a researcher at the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, recently said "the shortcomings of the current international monetary system pose a big threat to China's economy."

That's why China is now actively taking steps to phase out the U.S. dollar because of its frustration with the U.S. government's mismanagement of our currency. And how does our government respond? We have the audacity to label China a "currency manipulator!"

In fact, I'm 100% sure of it. It's not a matter of "if," but "when." And I think it's going to happen much, much sooner than most people think. In fact, I believe that a series of new laws, set to go into effect on July 1st, 2014, are going to accelerate this trend... in very dramatic fashion.

Even more importantly, these new regulations set to take place on July 1st will make it nearly impossible for most Americans to legally protect their savings... so it's imperative that you get the facts, learn what you can do, and take action before that date.

Of course, I'm not the only one talking about the U.S. dollar losing its reserve currency status. Even some mainstream publications like the New York Post are recognizing the inevitability of this event. The Post recently reported that, "The US dollar is getting perilously close to losing its status as the world's reserve currency. Should it cross the line, the 2008 financial crisis could look like a summer storm."

And billionaire Ray Dalio of Bridgewater Associates, the largest and best-performing hedge fund in the world, told CNBC that it is "inevitable that the dollar's role as the world's currency will diminish from the dominant world currency to one of a few."

In fact, the same thing happened to Great Britain in the 1970s. Most people don't know this, but Britain's sterling was the reserve currency for most of the world for nearly 200 years... for most of the 18th and 19th centuries.

The final straw for Britain came in 1967, when things got so bad the Labour Party (the socialists) decided to "devalue" the British currency by 14%, overnight. They believed this would make it easier for people to afford their debts.

In reality, what it did was make anyone holding British sterling 14% poorer, overnight, and it made everything in Britain, much, much more expensive in the coming years. In 1975, inflation in Britain skyrocketed 26.9%... in a single year!

The government also imposed what was known as the "Three Day Week" in 1974. In short, businesses were limited to using electricity for only three specified consecutive days' each week and they were prohibited from working longer hours on those days. Television companies were required to cease broadcasting at 10:30pm... to save electricity.

In fact, the exchange value of the U.S. dollar has fallen nearly 20% since mid-2003, according to data from the Federal Reserve itself.

Just like in a Third World country, the government is radically devaluing the dollar and simply lying to everyone about what is really happening.

Whether you realize it or not, there is already a "run" on the dollar. Many of our creditors, like the Chinese, are getting out of the dollar as fast as they can via strategic commodities, like copper, gold, and oil. That's partly why commodity prices are soaring.

For example, as demand for U.S. dollars around the globe decreases, interest rates will skyrocket. Instead of getting a mortgage at today's incredibly low rates of around 3%, it might cost you 8%... or even 10%... or 15%.

Imagine what that would do to housing prices!

Stock prices will likely plummet by at least 40% in a matter of weeks as a result of this event in the currency markets. We had a small taste of this in 2011.

But believe me, it's going to get much, much worse from here.

This is why countries like Germany are taking nearly all their gold stored around the world, and bringing it back home. They are worried. And they have every right to be.

In the financial world, they refer to this as "capital flight." And what it means is, when people figure out that their savings in U.S. dollars are in jeopardy, they look for better and safer alternatives. And the really scary thing to me is, the U.S. government is trying to make protecting yourself all but impossible, with a series of new rules, set to go into effect, July 1st, 2014. I'll get to the specifics in just a minute.

This is why gold prices went up for 12 straight years before finally taking a break in 2013 and then skyrocketing again since the start of 2014.

This is why truly outlandish ideas like Bitcoin and other "cryptocurrencies" are now making the cover of mainstream magazines like Time and Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

People are getting truly desperate to protect their savings. When Germans realized their currency was being destroyed in the 1920s, they got their money into Swiss Francs and gold as quickly as possible.

When Argentineans realized their currency was being destroyed in recent years, they did the same—by moving money as quickly and as quietly as possible into a safer currency and into "hard assets" like land and precious metals.

And it's the same with the U.S. dollar right now. As it continues to lose its position as the world's reserve currency, it will cause a brutal downturn in our economy, which will be about 10-times worse than the mortgage crisis of 2008.

listen to what Sam Zell, one of the richest people in America according to Forbes Magazine, said on a rare interview with CNBC: “I think you could see a 25% reduction in the standard of living in this country if the U.S. dollar was no longer the world's reserve currency. That's how valuable it is."

But our political leaders are now on a runaway, [psychopathic] suicide course.
They've come to believe that narrowing the tax base and printing billions and billions of dollars is the formula for prosperity.

And the Federal Reserve Bank of New York recently found that municipal bond defaults are in fact much greater than rating agencies have reported. Standard & Poor's reported 47 defaults between 1986 and 2011, but according to the New York Fed, there were in fact 2,366 -- FIFTY times more.

And although it's gone almost completely unreported in the mainstream press, six U.S. communities were actually forced to declare bankruptcy in 2010... and there were a slew of new municipal bankruptcies in 2011 as well, including Jefferson County, Alabama, which at the time was the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history.

Of course, that was topped in 2012, when three California municipalities declared bankruptcy in a matter of weeks, including the next "largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history"... Stockton, a city of 290,000 people east of San Francisco. And then we had the bankruptcy of Detroit in July of last year. Of course, I've been analyzing the problems in the Motor City for many years now.

And the truly amazing thing is that the U.S. Federal government is in even worse shape than the local governments!

The latest sign of a move away from the dollar as a reserve currency is that China and South Korea recently came to an agreement that allows firms to settle deals in either the Chinese yuan or the South Korea won instead of the U.S. dollar. "The agreement is part of a push among emerging countries to internationalize local currencies after the global financial crisis," reports Bloomberg.

Alan Wheatley, a global economics correspondent for Reuters recently wrote: “"Fed up with what it sees as Washington's malign neglect of the dollar, China is busily promoting the cross-border use of its own currency, the yuan.

"Displacing the dollar, Beijing says, will reduce volatility in oil and commodity prices and belatedly erode the ‘exorbitant privilege' the United States enjoys as the issuer of the reserve currency at the heart of a post-war international financial architecture it now sees as hopelessly outmoded."In fact, in the past couple years, China has signed international currency agreements with Germany, Brazil, Russia, Australia, Japan, Chile, the United Arab Emirates, India and South Africa.”

Japan and India also recently signed a currency deal linking their currencies closer together, and lessening their dependency on U.S. dollars.

These agreements are part of a trend that started a few years ago, when a group of the world's most powerful countries, including China, Japan, Russia, and France, got together for a secret meeting – WITHOUT the United States being present or even knowing about the meeting.

Veteran Middle East reporter Robert Fisk interviewed a Chinese banker who said: "These plans will change the face of international financial transactions. America... must be very worried. You will know how worried by the thunder of denials this news will generate."

And sure enough, after Fisk published the details of this secret meeting, U.S. officials and central bankers from around the globe denied these plans.

But as the old central banking adage goes... how do you know exactly when a currency will be devalued? The answer is: Right AFTER the head of the central bank goes on television to adamantly deny that any such transaction will occur. (And guess who subsequently released a public statement about how the U.S. will "not devalue its currency"? Yes, you guessed it... former U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner [who’s recently written a book admitting he was made to lie for the Obama Administration]

You see, the last thing a [psychopathic] central banker wants to do in the midst of a devaluation is to give people a warning BEFORE he can devalue. So they have to deny, deny, deny. After the announcement is made, it's too late for citizens and investors to get out.

Then, not too long after this secret meeting was held, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued a report on a possible replacement for the dollar as the world's reserve currency. The IMF, which is headquartered in Washington, D.C., is the intergovernmental organization that oversees the global financial system. They are THE most influential financial organization in the world economy.

The IMF has proposed replacing the U.S. dollar with something called "Special Drawing Rights," or SDRs. SDRs represent potential claims on the currencies of IMF members. This is a HUGE and important step to replace the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency.

China and Russia, for example, took one of their first big steps to replace the U.S. dollar back in 2010...To settle their ordinary trading of about $50 billion per year, they no longer first convert to U.S. dollars.

Since then, China has reached agreements with many other countries, as I mentioned earlier. Remember, they've already signed international currency agreements with Germany, Brazil, Russia, Australia, Japan, Chile, the United Arab Emirates, India and South Africa.

What does this mean?

Well, it used to be that China had to obtain dollars to buy gas supplies from, say, Russia. But not anymore. And Russia no longer needs U.S. dollars to buy stuff from the Chinese.

As the dollar loses its place as the world's reserve currency, foreign countries will no longer need to maintain large holdings of dollars. This means we will no longer be able to print as much money as we want — because there will be fewer and fewer people willing to loan us large amounts of money.

For example, the Seattle Times reports that in Mexico, Americans are no longer allowed to exchange more than $1,500 dollars per month.

In India, the country's tourism minister said U.S. dollars will no longer be accepted at the country's heritage tourist sites, like the Taj Mahal. And the U.S. dollar is no longer good anywhere in Cuba.

China is moving in the same direction.

Iran, of course, has already moved all of its reserves out of U.S. dollars, and Kuwait de-pegged it's currency from the dollar a few years ago.

And the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (the world's largest futures and commodities exchange board), now accepts gold to settle futures contracts. Until recently, the exchange typically accepted only U.S. treasuries and bonds as payment.

Just look at the actions taken by smart investors...

Bill Gross, who probably knows as much about currencies and debt as anyone in the world, runs the world's biggest bond fund. He was quoted by Bloomberg not too long ago, saying: "We've told all of our clients that if you only had one idea, one investment, it would be to buy an investment in a non-dollar currency. That should be on top of the list."

The dollar's days as reserve currency are numbered," reports the Financial Times.

And the Wall Street Journal recently ran a headline saying: "Dollar's Reign as World's Main Reserve Currency is Near an End."

This is why big U.S. companies like McDonald's and Caterpillar have begun introducing what are called "dim-sum bonds." These are securities denominated in the Chinese currency (the renminbi) by non-Chinese borrowers.

In other words, two of the biggest and most successful corporations in America realize they would have an easier time raising money by offering their bonds in a currency other than the U.S. dollar!

In January of this year, Justin Yifu Lin, a former chief economist of the World Bank, told a Brussels-based think tank: "The dominance of the greenback is the root cause of global financial and economic crises... The solution to this is to replace the national currency with a global currency."

Do you see where this is all heading?

It's no mystery why gold and silver prices have absolutely soared since 2000. And even after the recent pull back, gold is still up 356% since the end of the year 2000.

A March 6, 2014 Bloomberg story shows Buffet has reduced his company's bond holdings to their lowest levels in more than a decade. What Bloomberg didn't mention is that Buffett also moved almost 70% of his remaining government fixed income investments into foreign currencies.


I know many of my friends, colleagues, and family members are still in serious denial about a major currency crisis in the United States. But this is natural...

In the world of psychology, they call this the "normalcy bias." You see, the normalcy bias actually refers to our natural reactions when facing a crisis. The normalcy bias causes smart people to underestimate the possibility of a disaster and its effects. In short, people believe that since something has never happened before... it never will. We are all guilty of it... it's just human nature.

What's scary is the normalcy bias often results in unnecessary deaths in disaster situations. For example, think about the Jewish populations of World War II...

As Barton Biggs reports in his book, "Wealth, War, and Wisdom": "By the end of 1935, 100,000 Jews had left Germany, but 450,000 still remained. Wealthy Jewish families... kept thinking and hoping that the worst was over...This is one of the most tragic examples of the devastating effects of the "normalcy bias" the world has ever seen.

Just think about what was going on at the time. Jews were arrested, beaten, taxed, robbed, and jailed for no reason other than the fact they practiced a particular religion. As a result, they were shipped off to concentration camps. Their houses and businesses were seized. Yet most Jews STILL didn't leave Nazi Germany, because they simply couldn't believe that things would get as bad as they did. That's the normalcy bias... with devastating results.

We saw the same thing happen during Hurricane Katrina...

Even as it became clear that the levee system was not going to work, tens of thousands of people stayed in their homes, directly in the line of the oncoming waves of water. People had never seen things get this bad before... so they simply didn't believe it could happen. As a result, nearly 2,000 residents died.

Again... it's the "normalcy bias." We simply refuse to see the evidence that's right in front of our face, because it is unlike anything we have experienced before.

The normalcy bias kicks in... And we continue to go about our lives as if nothing is unusual or out of the ordinary.

Most of us in America simply cannot fathom these things changing. But I promise you this, things are changing... and faster than most people realize.

For a moment, just look at a tiny fraction of the evidence around us...


Did you know that there are now more than 47 million Americans on food stamps? Those numbers are up 65% since 2008 and that translates to roughly 1 in 6 Americans according to the Washington Post. And in some towns, like Woonsocket, Rhode Island, one-third of the population is on food stamps.

Can a country really be in good shape when one out of every six citizens can't even afford to buy food?


According to a recent article on MSN Money, about 43% of American families spend more than they earn each year.

Americans hold $13.1 TRILLION in household debt. And of those households carrying debt, the average credit card balance is a whopping $15,270, as of January 2014.

It's no wonder... The U.S. Census Bureau says the median household income in America is actually 9% LOWER today than it was in 1999.

So how in the world can we possibly "spend" our way out of the current crisis?

We certainly can't do it with savings... or increased earnings... the only answer is to print more money, which will hasten the fall of the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency. And that brings me to...


There's simply no one better at bending statistics than the U.S. government. Take the unemployment rate, for example. Back in the 1930s, anyone without a job but not retired was considered "unemployed."

Today, however, the government calculates unemployment mainly by counting the number of people receiving unemployment benefits. So when unemployment benefits expire, people are no longer counted... and the unemployment rate actually falls! Ridiculous... I know.

Every month, 14 million Americans get a "disability" check from the government. In some states, like West Virginia, nearly 10% of the entire working age population is on disability.

In some rural counties, like Hale County, Alabama, 25% of the working age population gets a disability check. Of course, because these folks aren't officially in the job market, they don't count in the government's "official" unemployment numbers.

In other words, the reality is, the true unemployment rate is much, much higher than what the government is reporting. In fact, even a news site as mainstream as CNBC says the figures may be misleading and could be more like 13.1% as of January 2014.

Not too long ago, American Airlines announced it was hiring 1,500 new flight attendants – jobs that pay an average $23,000 per year. 20,000 applicants responded -- so many that American stopped taking resumes after eight days.

A Forbes article near the end of last year described the amazing scenes at Walmart hiring centers. When a new Walmart opens, with 300 or so jobs, many paying less than $12 an hour, it's typical to have more than 10,000 job applicants.

Few Americans today realize that the United States has overtaken Japan and now has THE highest corporate tax rate in the developed world.


Did you know that in 1979, there were 61 American companies that earned a top-level AAA credit rating from Moody's? Today, there are only three: Automatic Data Processing, ExxonMobil, and Microsoft.

Does this sound like an economic recovery to you... when only four companies in the entire country are stable enough to earn a triple-A credit rating?

To me, it is so obvious that we are about to experience a serious currency crisis, I can't believe people [psychopaths] can deny this reality with a straight face.

And I think that's part of the problem...

Today it's not uncommon to find editorials in some of the most respected publications, like the New York Times, stating that it's impossible for the U.S. to have a debt crisis.

And as I've mentioned several times, this entire process is going to accelerate dramatically in the next few months, because of a dramatic law change that takes effect July 1st, 2014.

[HOUSE BILL H.R. 2847]

In 2010, the U.S. Congress passed House of Representatives bill H.R. 2847.

Hidden within this bill is a provision known as "FATCA," which stands for the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act.

This bill does several important things, as of July 1st, 2014:

1. It forces all worldwide banks to comply with the IRS if they have any transactions in U.S. dollars.

2. Because the U.S. dollar is still the world's reserve currency, it essentially means ALL WORLDWIDE BANKS, except for the smallest community institutions, must comply.

3. To comply, banks can either spend a fortune segmenting, tracking, and potentially "taxing" their U.S. dollar transactions by as much as 30%... or they can simply get rid of all of their U.S. customers.

In other words, the U.S. government is saying to all banks around the world: If you deal in U.S. dollars in any way, you have to give us full, unfettered access to all of these transactions... or you have to get rid of all of your U.S. customers.

The repercussions here are enormous:

For one, it means more and more institutions will move AWAY from the U.S. dollar, accelerating the already rapid worldwide move away from the dollar as reserve currency.

For another, it essentially makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, for the average American to get some of his money out of U.S. dollars, and into more stable currencies via foreign banks.

Already, we've seen two of the largest banks in the world, JP Morgan Chase and HSBC, basically eliminate international wire transfers. Many small banks have reportedly followed suit.

And we expect many, many more banks to basically outlaw international wire transfers, the run up to this new July 1st law.

This is a clear example of Capital Controls. This is what a broke and desperate government does when they know the value of their currency is about to collapse.

We've seen [psychopathic] governments around the globe pull these stunts over and over again... right before a currency devaluation or collapse.

And now it's happenings right here, in the United States of America and I am really worried that many, many hard-working Americans are going to get caught totally by surprise when this crisis escalates.

People have watched the stock market rebound to higher levels than we saw before the last financial crisis. They've watched real estate prices jump back up. And they mistakenly think the worst is behind us... when in reality all that's been done is to pile on more debt.

Even with all that has happened in recent times... the downgrade of the U.S. government by Standard & Poor's... the spike in gold and silver prices... the calls for a new world currency... many Americans STILL aren't taking the steps necessary to prepare themselves. These folks are going to be in for a very rude awakening.

Remember... The government is not going to save you:
Think about this: If the government couldn't rescue one small city after a natural disaster in New Orleans, how is it going to save all of us when the entire country is in a crisis?

You can either let things happen to you... or you can take a few simple steps and take charge of your family's fate.

The fact is, we can't afford our debts. We can't stop printing money. And as a result, we're going to see a massive dollar crisis.

The only question is... What will it take for you to recognize the crisis for what it is?

Porter Stansberry founded Stansberry & Associates Investment Research fifteen years ago. It has since become the largest firm of its kind in the world. Today they have more paid subscribers than many of America's most popular newspapers, including Barron's and Investor's Business Daily. They specialize in financial research, and serve hundreds of thousands of paid subscribers in more than 120 countries.

You may know of their firm because of the work they did over the last several years – helping investors avoid the big disasters associated with Wall Street's collapse. They warned people to avoid Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, General Motors and dozens of other companies that have since collapsed.

They helped others even find opportunities to profit from these moves by shorting stocks and buying put options. Few other research firms even come close to matching their record of correctly predicting the catastrophe that occurred in 2008, and the rebound that has occurred since then.
This bill does several important things, as of July 1st, 2014:

1. It forces all worldwide banks to comply with the IRS if they have any transactions in U.S. dollars.

A US Bill that will force worldwide compliance...
Is anyone else skeptical?
For me, this one statement makes me want to dismiss the whole article
This should be posted on!

People need to read this actable, the surprising thing is that this law is going to be effective on july 1st, like the C's had hinted, as you pointed out, Thanks for the article.

Meanwhile, getting things for your health, survival, and alternative forms of energy, food etc.. based on the lifestyle we are learning here is the way to go, learning how to hunt if necessary.
If you have a health problem, fix it asap
if you have a broken vehicle or any useful goods, fix it too
If you have family in rural areas you could contact them... I myself don't know what to do to be honest, but I do know that a crowded area is not going to last in a catastrophe.. Imagine millions of hungry people in a city (no resources) hungry and crazy all pulling in their own direction..

after Huricane Sandy in the US people in town were stealing gas from their neighbor's cars, pulling guns at people in gas stations and empty supermarkets, not to mention the general fear and atmosphere in the streets. not many here in the US learned the lesson... neither in the 2008 depression, hurricane Katrina, Irene or Sandy, Gas shortages that followed, and unemployment nor the lies of the rulers. I don't wanna be around to join them.
I was speaking with a financial planner who's been practicing for 20 years or so. He was quite certain that the crash that's been in some ways held off in magnitude would hit hardest in the third quater of next year. Myself not particularly financial market knowledgable have been looking at his source for this. Its a guy called Armstrong who's seems like he knows his stuff and developed an apparent predicting AI for these insights. Here's a few posts I found on this 2015.75 fall:


Interested to know what you make of this guy.
First result when Googling "HR 2847"...

_ said:
This item about the passage of H.R. 2847 causing the U.S. dollar to collapse as of 1 July 2014 is another example financial scarelore put out in conjunction with an investment come-on, in this case an ominous sales pitch put out by the folks at Stansberry & Associates Investment Research LLC.

This latest panic piece is offered in a Stansberry & Associates presentation featuring a number of scary-sounding statements about how we in the U.S. are soon to experience a "near-complete shutdown of the American economy," will see "the savings of millions wiped out," will be living under the imposition of martial law by the federal government, and will be struggling in the aftermath of a number of other apocalyptic financial scenarios.

And according to Stansberry & Associates, this remarkable, radical collapse of the United States monetary system and "our normal way of life" is going into effect in a mere matter of months (just like a similar recent conspiracy scare about the federal government's plan to eliminate 16 states from the U.S. in the very near future).

But wait ... all one needs in order to avoid suffering from this devastating national calamity, one that will collapse our entire monetary system and spell doom for the American way of life, is a little information. Information that can be yours if you'll just shell out $149 for a one-year subscription to Stansberry's Investment Advisory newsletter.

In other words, if a financial company spews a bunch of stuff that sounds sufficiently alarming, and then promotes its product as something that will help protect people against this horribly scary thing, it might be able to lure gullible folks into believing that a "fairly easy and inexpensive to protect themselves" against losing their money is for them to send their money to that company instead. And, unfortunately, such schemes work often enough to keep these types of schemers in business.
jonspock said:
This bill does several important things, as of July 1st, 2014:

1. It forces all worldwide banks to comply with the IRS if they have any transactions in U.S. dollars.

A US Bill that will force worldwide compliance...
Is anyone else skeptical?
For me, this one statement makes me want to dismiss the whole article

Here is some information about the author, Porter Stansberry, that would also make me inclined to not take it too seriously: _
Re: Dollar crash to begin July 1, 2014 ? ("Year 0") / FATCA

jonspock said:
This bill does several important things, as of July 1st, 2014:

1. It forces all worldwide banks to comply with the IRS if they have any transactions in U.S. dollars.

A US Bill that will force worldwide compliance...
Is anyone else skeptical?
For me, this one statement makes me want to dismiss the whole article

Well, this statement from the article does not seem to be accurate. It does not "force all banks" -- how would they do that anyway? But they use another kind of enforcing. From the Wiki article: _

Taxpayer identification numbers and source withholding are used to enforce foreign tax compliance. For example, mandatory withholding is often required when a U.S. payor cannot confirm the U.S. status of a foreign payee.

FATCA has three main provisions:

... U.S. payors making payments to non-compliant foreign financial institutions are required to withhold 30% of the gross payments. ...

And FATCA is finally the explanation for the recent impossibility (experienced myself) to open an EU bank account in the name of any U.S. entity.
alkhemst said:
I was speaking with a financial planner who's been practicing for 20 years or so. He was quite certain that the crash that's been in some ways held off in magnitude would hit hardest in the third quater of next year. Myself not particularly financial market knowledgable have been looking at his source for this. Its a guy called Armstrong who's seems like he knows his stuff and developed an apparent predicting AI for these insights. Here's a few posts I found on this 2015.75 fall:


Interested to know what you make of this guy.

Armstrong has had a falling out with such notable precious metals people as Jim Sinclair and others. I forget the whole deal of what happened, but I think the gist of it is Armstrong started to stab people in the back that supported his work by spreading his message via their websites, etc while he was writing his newsletter from prison. This was after he got out and was starting his current website and work. I've read some of Armstrong's older work from when he was in prison and I found he made some pretty big claims and theories without fully backing them up with data. The topics he tried to cover in 20 pages should be in book form. He is obviously smart, but he does have the arrest and jail time to consider. The conviction excuse was along the lines of being too close to the truth or some such. He could very well be an intelligent conman. If you read him, I'd recommend you take it as one data point to consider while also reading many others perspectives. Personally, I don't read him any longer. Here are a few links to start reading about him and you can use google to find more stuff.

Bear said:
alkhemst said:
I was speaking with a financial planner who's been practicing for 20 years or so. He was quite certain that the crash that's been in some ways held off in magnitude would hit hardest in the third quater of next year. Myself not particularly financial market knowledgable have been looking at his source for this. Its a guy called Armstrong who's seems like he knows his stuff and developed an apparent predicting AI for these insights. Here's a few posts I found on this 2015.75 fall:


Interested to know what you make of this guy.

Armstrong has had a falling out with such notable precious metals people as Jim Sinclair and others. I forget the whole deal of what happened, but I think the gist of it is Armstrong started to stab people in the back that supported his work by spreading his message via their websites, etc while he was writing his newsletter from prison. This was after he got out and was starting his current website and work. I've read some of Armstrong's older work from when he was in prison and I found he made some pretty big claims and theories without fully backing them up with data. The topics he tried to cover in 20 pages should be in book form. He is obviously smart, but he does have the arrest and jail time to consider. The conviction excuse was along the lines of being too close to the truth or some such. He could very well be an intelligent conman. If you read him, I'd recommend you take it as one data point to consider while also reading many others perspectives. Personally, I don't read him any longer. Here are a few links to start reading about him and you can use google to find more stuff.


Good summary Bear. No doubt that Armstrong is smart, experienced, and well-studied (including Caesar's Rome). But he makes claim to a deep understanding of "the system" that he never really backs up - so his predictions take the form of prophecy (at least to me).
Skyalmian said:
First result when Googling "HR 2847"...

_ said:
This item about the passage of H.R. 2847 causing the U.S. dollar to collapse as of 1 July 2014 is another example financial scarelore put out in conjunction with an investment come-on, in this case an ominous sales pitch put out by the folks at Stansberry & Associates Investment Research LLC.

This latest panic piece is offered in a Stansberry & Associates presentation featuring a number of scary-sounding statements about how we in the U.S. are soon to experience a "near-complete shutdown of the American economy," will see "the savings of millions wiped out," will be living under the imposition of martial law by the federal government, and will be struggling in the aftermath of a number of other apocalyptic financial scenarios.

And according to Stansberry & Associates, this remarkable, radical collapse of the United States monetary system and "our normal way of life" is going into effect in a mere matter of months (just like a similar recent conspiracy scare about the federal government's plan to eliminate 16 states from the U.S. in the very near future).

But wait ... all one needs in order to avoid suffering from this devastating national calamity, one that will collapse our entire monetary system and spell doom for the American way of life, is a little information. Information that can be yours if you'll just shell out $149 for a one-year subscription to Stansberry's Investment Advisory newsletter.

In other words, if a financial company spews a bunch of stuff that sounds sufficiently alarming, and then promotes its product as something that will help protect people against this horribly scary thing, it might be able to lure gullible folks into believing that a "fairly easy and inexpensive to protect themselves" against losing their money is for them to send their money to that company instead. And, unfortunately, such schemes work often enough to keep these types of schemers in business.

This site seems to do best when it provides documented facts to debunk "urban legends". In this case, however, it is just mocking documented facts that Porter Stansberry has compiled in his presentation, then maligning his motives for sharing these documented facts, most of which have been chronicled in the SOTT News pages in the past year. It seems more like an ad hominen smear than a real debunking--which is because there's nothing to debunk and plenty to keep camouflaged. As Mark Twain, said, "the truth is stranger than fiction".

The fact that Snopes labels these ideas as "conspiracy theories" makes me think Snopes is disinfo: there will be a radical collapse of the United States monetary system, the savings of millions will be wiped out, and Americans will be living under the imposition of martial law by the federal government. Or at best, they've managed to remain ignorant of the Great Depression in America less than 100 years ago--or the 2 dozen countries which have suffered through hyperinflation since then. (Wikipedia: "Hyperinflation")

I'm not overly invested (pardon the pun) in Stansberry, but want to make the point that it's not automatically exploitive for a financial advisor with a superior track record to earn a living from his expertise. Just because he's skilled at marketing, doesn't mean he's malicious. The fact is, he's discounted his regular price of $149/year down to $49.00/year for his monthly advisory newsletter (just $4/month) plus throws in 4 free guides which are full of helpful information (largely from interviews with numerous other experts) and strategies.

For example, they interview an executive from EverBank, which will hold a portion of your deposits in gold as a hedge against inflation, yet your funds are always available within 24 hours. Or they discuss Perth Mint Certificates which can be purchased online to allow you to own gold outside the US (Australia) with no reporting of it as money in a foreign bank account required because gold is classified as a collectible.

And Stansberry allows a 100% refund of the $49, no questions asked, within the first 4 months--and you keep all the guides received for free--hardly exploitive.
Stansberry left something important out:

Stansberry said:
This bill does several important things, as of July 1st, 2014:

1. It forces all worldwide banks to comply with the IRS if they have any transactions in U.S. dollars made by US citizens.

My two cents: The author's description of how momentous it will be for the US to lose dollar dominance is spot-on, and he has gathered a good collection of educated guesses from people in the know. But like everything else about predictions, when it comes to tipping points, many many variables determine the fate of a collapsing, once-dominant economy. Even then, its collapse can be sudden or staggered as inertia and normalcy bias keep things moving along. We can't say ahead of time which law change, bank bailout, or economic shock will push things over the cliff. So I don't think the scales will necessarily be tipped by the deadline date of this (latest) insane move by the Feds, which appears to target US citizens living abroad, not all $ transactions as Stansberry claims.

Having said that, this FATCA bill does look atrocious. The very idea that US citizens living abroad can be taxed by the US government is nuts, but speaks volumes about its attitude towards the world beyond its borders.

Even the Wiki page on it is alarming:


Certain aspects of FATCA have been a source of controversy in the financial and general press. The controversy primarily relates to several central issues:

Cost. Although numbers are still somewhat speculative, estimates of the additional revenue raised seem to be heavily outweighed by the cost of implementing the legislation. The Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists (ACFCS) claims FATCA is expected to raise revenues of approximately US$800 million per year for the U.S. Treasury; however, the costs of implementation are more difficult to estimate, and estimates between hundreds of millions and over US$10 billion have been published. ACFCS also claims it is extremely likely that the cost of implementing FATCA (which will be borne by the foreign financial institutions) will far outweigh the revenues raised by the U.S. Treasury, even excluding the additional costs to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service for the staffing and resources needed to process the data produced. Unusually, FATCA was not subject to a cost/benefit analysis by the Committee on Ways and Means.

Capital flight. The primary mechanism for enforcing the compliance of foreign financial institutions is a punitive withholding levy on US assets. This may create a strong incentive for foreign financial institutions to divest (or not invest) in U.S. assets, resulting in capital flight.

Foreign relations. Forcing foreign financial institutions and foreign governments to collect data on U.S. citizens at their own expense and transmit it to the IRS has been called divisive. Canada's former Finance Minister Jim Flaherty raised an issue with this "far reaching and extraterritorial implications" which would require Canadian banks to become extensions of the IRS and would jeopardize Canadians' privacy rights. There are also reports of many foreign banks refusing to open accounts for Americans, making it harder for Americans to live and work abroad.

Extraterritoriality. The legislation enables U.S. authorities to impose regulatory costs, and potentially penalties, on foreign financial institutions who otherwise have few if any dealings with the United States. The U.S. has sought to ameliorate that criticism by offering reciprocity to potential countries who sign Intergovernmental Agreements, but the idea of the US Government providing information on its citizens to foreign governments has also proved controversial. The law's interference in the relationship between individual Americans or dual nationals and non-American banks led Georges Ugeux to term it "bullying and selfish."

Citizenship renunciations. Time magazine has reported a sevenfold increase in Americans renouncing U.S. citizenship between 2008 and 2011, and has attributed this at least in part to FATCA. According to the The New American a record number of Americans have given up U.S. citizenship in 2012 "amid IRS Abuse" and "facing an increasingly out-of-control federal government in Washington, D.C". According to BBC Magazine, the act is one of the reasons for a surge of Americans renouncing their citizenship—a rise from 189 people in Q2/2012 to 1,131 in Q2/2013. Another surge in renunciations in 2013 to record levels has been reported in the news media, with FATCA cited as a factor in the decision of many of the renunciants.

American citizens living abroad. According to many Americans living abroad may face large fines as a result of this legislation. According to the story, a forty-year old developmentally disabled man and a Canadian man married to an American will become some of the victims of this law. According to Time magazine American citizens living abroad are unable to open foreign bank accounts.

IRS not ready. According to The New York Times it is unclear whether the IRS is ready to handle millions of new complicated filings per year.

Effect on "accidental Americans". The reporting requirements, including penalties, apply to all U.S. citizens, including those who are unaware that they have U.S. citizenship. Since the U.S. considers all persons born in the U.S., and most foreign-born persons with American parents, to be citizens, FATCA affects a large number of foreign residents who are unaware that the U.S. considers them citizens.

Complexity. Doubts have been expressed as to workability of FATCA due to its complexity, and the legislative timetable for implementation has already been pushed back twice.

It's going to cost them more to implement this Big Brother scheme than the money they'd recover! But perhaps they see money to be made in catching people out, then fining them and their banking institutions?

More on FATCA here:

The dangerous ramifications of FATCA

FATCA constitutes a breathtaking extension of U.S. legislative overreach, purporting to impose upon every foreign financial institution, corporation and partnership the obligation to examine whether and to what extent it must adhere to the application of U.S. law. In many cases, entities electing to comply with FACTA will find themselves in violation of local privacy laws. The cost for this massive reporting bureaucracy is estimated in the billions of dollars for foreign and U.S. financial institutions as well as for Americans residing overseas, not to mention for the IRS itself. Much more significant than the cost and time burden, FATCA creates a direct financial and legal threat to all foreign financial institutions.

After much complaint over the direct transfer of information from FFIs to the IRS, the Treasury Department created "Intergovernmental Agreements" or IGAs. This is a system intended to allow FFIs to release client account information via government to government exchange so that FFIs will not need to violate privacy laws by directly releasing information to the IRS. FFIs must still register with the IRS to abide by FATCA, whether or not the government signs an IGA, to avoid the 30% withholding. An anti-discriminatory clause has also been included in the IGA agreements in order to minimize the possibility of banking lock-out for U.S. citizens and U.S. persons. Nonetheless, U.S. citizens and U.S. persons continue to experience banking lock-out and reduction of services. Many FFIs have simply not referenced FATCA as the reason, citing only "private banking policy." Suddenly, after years of not calling into question banking policy, U.S. citizen clients are having their accounts closed, access limited, or being denied services all together. FATCA is definitely the cause. Those FFIs that do not enter into IGA are penalized with a 30% withholding tax on U.S. source investment income. A withholding tax on income transferred overseas, such as dividends and interest, is recognized as a fair and effective way of collecting taxes and is built into most double taxation treaties signed by the United States and other countries, generally with a reduced withholding rate. But FATCA provides in addition for a 30% withholding on the sale value of U.S. assets and imposes the 30% withholding tax on ALL U.S. source transfers to non-compliant foreign financial institutions. This is completely different and is confiscatory. FATCA rests on a fallacy: guilty (of tax fraud) until proven innocent; this is a denial of justice as it is known in our Western world.

Hmmm, another little clue that they're gearing up to just yank people's money from them.
Two factors which may make it less problematic for a US person to open and possess a foreign account in X country: (1) be a permanent resident of that country and (2) that country has passed a Tax Information Sharing Agreement with the US IRS.

Have not heard of any US persons here (Chile) losing accounts or having trouble opening accounts directly due to FATCA but it was already tough to open an account in the first place (temporary residence required for just a simple savings account).

Of course, official residence is something that takes time, money and planning and is not an option for most US persons these days.

Orlov's advice that it may be easier to just leave the US than somehow deal with the collapse while in it may be a little too late.
foofighter said:
Here is some information about the author, Porter Stansberry, that would also make me inclined to not take it too seriously: _

Thanks for the link. If anyone checks out this guys research, be sure to read all the way to the last pages where some interesting points are made.

Regarding federal charges he had defrauded many thousands of investors, Stansberry responded,
I maintain my writing was honest, materially correct, and is certainly protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution...The SEC is suing me for a matter that involves a stock that went from under $8 to nearly $25. That’s more than a 200% gain. You’ve got to be kidding, right?...
After Maryland's federal district court ruled against him, Stansberry appealed to the Supreme Court which refused to get involved, prompting The New York Times to comment,

The Supreme Court has long held that newspapers and other publications have the right to be wrong, as long as they did not err deliberately or with negligence... As Justice Lewis F Powell Jr wrote in 1974, 'the First Amendment requires that we protect some falsehood in order to protect speech that matters.

Mr Stansberry’s actions might seem unorthodox or even unethical by the standards of most reputable publishers, but that does not make them illegal. The implications of the SEC’s action are potentially profound: newspapers or Web sites promising their paying readers stock information that later turns out to be untrue suddenly leave themselves open to fraud charges. Any financial commentator who passes on bad information in good faith could be sued.

Stansberry then appealed to the Maryland appeals court, during which he pointed to motives which might explain why he got in the cross-hairs of the Feds,

I claim a former unit of the Department of Energy (sold to investors in 1996 and is now known as USEC) was withholding material information from the public. I believe it did so in order to reward certain investors, including its bankers, its corporate insiders, and members of the Department of Energy.

By revealing information about a major and long-pending agreement with USEC’s Russian supplier of uranium, I disrupted the opportunity insiders had to accumulate shares at lower prices. In short, I ruined the party by telling investors the agreement had been reached and would be announced in a few days.

The Maryland appeals court upheld the lower courts ruling.
This is from the US Dept of Treasury archive. If you go to the site, you can click on a country and see the specific agreement.
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FATCA - Archive

The following jurisdictions are treated as having an intergovernmental agreement in effect:
Jurisdictions that have signed agreements:
Model 1 IGA
• Australia (4-28-2014)
• Belgium (4-23-2014)
• Canada (2-5-2014)
• Cayman Islands (11-29-2013)
• Costa Rica (11-26-2013)
• Denmark (11-19-2012)
• Estonia (4-11-2014)
• Finland (3-5-2014)
• France (11-14-2013)
• Germany (5-31-2013)
• Gibraltar (5-8-2014)
• Guernsey (12-13-2013)
• Hungary (2-4-2014)
• Honduras (3-31-2014)
• Ireland (1-23-2013)
• Isle of Man (12-13-2013)
• Italy (1-10-2014)
• Jamaica (5-1-2014)
• Jersey (12-13-2013)
• Liechtenstein (5-19-2014)
• Luxembourg (3-28-2014)
• Malta (12-16-2013)
• Mauritius (12-27-2013)
• Mexico (4-9-2014)
• Netherlands (12-18-2013)
• Norway (4-15-2013)
• Spain (5-14-2013)
• United Kingdom (9-12-2012)
Model 2 IGA
• Austria (4-29-2014)
• Bermuda (12-19-2013)
• Chile (3-5-2014)
• Japan (6-11-2013)
• Switzerland (2-14-2013)

Jurisdictions that have reached agreements in substance and have consented to being included on this list (beginning on the date indicated in parenthesis):
Model 1 IGA
• Azerbaijan (5-16-2014)
• Bahamas (4-17-2014)
• Brazil (4-2-2014)
• British Virgin Islands (4-2-2014)
• Bulgaria (4-23-2014)
• Colombia (4-23-2014)
• Croatia (4-2-2014)
• Curaçao (4-30-2014)
• Czech Republic (4-2-2014)
• Cyprus (4-22-2014)
• India (4-11-2014)
• Indonesia (5-4-2014)
• Israel (4-28-2014)
• Kosovo (4-2-2014)
• Kuwait (5-1-2014)
• Latvia (4-2-2014)
• Lithuania (4-2-2014)
• New Zealand (4-2-2014)
• Panama (5-1-2014)
• Peru (5-1-2014)
• Poland (4-2-2014)
• Portugal (4-2-2014)
• Qatar (4-2-2014)
• Romania (4-2-2014)
• Singapore (5-5-2014)
• Slovak Republic (4-11-2014)
• Slovenia (4-2-2014)
• South Africa (4-2-2014)
• South Korea (4-2-2014)
• Sweden (4-24-2014)
• Turks and Caicos Islands (5-12-2014)
• United Arab Emirates (5-23-2014)
Model 2 IGA
• Armenia (5-8-2014)
• Hong Kong (5-9-2014)

This is a complete list of joint FATCA statements between the United States and other jurisdictions:
• Statement between the US Department of the Treasury and the Authorities of Japan to Implement FATCA (6-11-2013)
• Joint Communiqué on the Occasion of the Publication of the Model Agreement (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK)
• Joint Statement from the US and Japan (6-21-2012)
• Joint Statement from the US and Switzerland (6-21-2012)
• Joint Statement from the US, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK 
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