New Zealand continues down the road to bizarre. Today the death toll rose to 9. All people over 70, most in their 80s and 90s. Six of the nine deaths are from a group of people moved from a rest home hospital ward to a hospital due to a lack of staff to manage them at the rest home.

Now, it is clear that the government expects us to have no memory recall. These people, 20 in total, were moved about a week ago. Today they confirm that all of them were from a dementia ward, all of them are frail, all were under "end of life" and palliative care, all of them have many pre-existing conditions, and all of them have been diagnosed with CV 19. Yet a week ago, when the move was announced we were assured that none of them had CV19, but were being moved solely so they could be effectively managed. And in fact that they weren't going to test them as it would be too traumatic to test somebody with dementia. Somehow in a week, we have all conveniently forgotten what was said, and should now accept the new wisdom.

It is pretty clear that they expect all of these people to die shortly and they want to claim all of them for the CV19 death toll, to prove that we need to be in lock-down and doing what we are told loke goo little children. It is actually quite insulting and demonstrates that the authorities think we are all pretty stupid, or at least they hope we are.

In the meantime, almost half of the 1360 cases have officially recovered, 15 people are in hospital, 3 in ICU, 1 in serious condition - and has been for at least a week. And all of the CV19 ready wards around the country lie empty. And the government is claiming this is already a great victory, despite guaranteeing at least 2000 people would die during the 4 weeks of the lock-down. Defies belief.
Yes disgusting. Looks like that really has happened and the guy is in ward now. Looks like they have now also put the german lawyer woman into a psychiatric ward who made headlines all over germany and the world for suing the government for what they are doing in regards to corona. See here:

Jesus Pash, this story just hit me like a hammer. And the comments underneath the article, my God. 80% are calling for locking her up forever, calling her insane and celebrating the authorities. One even digged out some connections she has to alternative cancer medicine (I think she was involved as a lawyer in defending alternative practitioners), adding to her list of mortal sins!! The masks are off people. All I can feel right now is despair :cry:

Perhaps we should write to Amnesty International (German and international branch), Greenpeace (they have a good project online about tracking infringements on liberty) etc.? Some of these NGOs have shown some spine in all this?
Here's more about this absolutely crazy story (deepL):

Witnesses called police
Police take "Coronoia" attorney Bahner to psychiatric hospital

The Heidelberg lawyer Beate Bahner, who became known as "Coronoia" lawyer, has been taken to a psychiatric clinic. She herself apparently says in an audio file that she at least feels safe there.

Shortly after she announced her withdrawal from the public, the Heidelberg lawyer Beate Bahner was taken to a psychiatric institution against her will. Previously, she had apparently behaved in a way that endangered others or herself.

Bahner had become known in the past few days with a call for nationwide demonstrations and an urgent motion to lift all corona protection measures. The Federal Constitutional Court had declared the application inadmissible for various reasons.

In response, Bahner had written that she had "unfortunately not succeeded (...) in saving (...) the free democratic basic order in Germany (...) from the worst worldwide attack and the lightning-fast establishment of the most inhuman tyranny the world has ever seen.

Beate Bahner stopped the car and asked for help

On Sunday evening at 7 p.m. she had published a statement on her website in which she announced that she would initially take a break for a few weeks. Shortly afterwards she stopped motorists on the street and asked them to call the police.

In an audio file which she apparently sent to her sister and which was published on Telegram, it says: She ran into the street because she felt threatened by two alleged killers outside her door. She had asked the occupants of another car for help. But they did not want to call the police at first.

The witnesses did, however, as the police reportedly confirmed. According to them, the people in the car reported a woman behaving strangely. On Monday evening, the police headquarters in Mannheim stated that she had also made a "very confused impression" on the police officers. At first, the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung had reported about it.

In the voicemail, the lawyer described being taken to a psychiatric institution with her hands handcuffed. After talking to a doctor, she had spent the night as the only patient in an isolation ward. On Sunday she was given a room with a bath, her mobile phone and books. She also said that she was safe there "from very dark forces", visits were not possible.

Bahner also received a summons to the criminal investigation department on Wednesday because the State Security is investigating her for public provocation to commit crimes. The background is the call in their statements, as resistance against the restriction of basic rights, to no longer observe the Corona regulations. She had also called on the population to go to nationwide demonstrations and register demonstrations themselves. Her website had also been temporarily shut down. The action also triggered some criticism.
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My wife and I were thinking aloud about why people cannot make an effort to better inform themselves about Covid-19 and it made us conclude that education (or rather lack of) is playing a significant role in current people's behaviour. This is rather well explained with examples in the book, "The Coddling of the American Mind" which I have finished reading recently.

If I think back to my own school education, we had mandatory subjects covering history, economics, geography, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, literature, language, arts and computers. We had no choice between them and had to score a passing mark in every subject before being allowed to progress to the next year. This was enforced till we were in Year 10 and generally one would start pursuing college education after that. I hated it back then but can now attest to the benefits of having a generalised base knowledge across multiple fields of learning and knowledge. During school, I was better in mathematics so, I won’t have firsthand knowledge of human biological systems as an example but I still know enough that it would be difficult for someone to pull wool over my eyes. Also, I can spend some time searching and reading up detailed information about any subject and form an educated fact-based opinion.
As an example, if a Subject Matter Expert such as @Gaby posts detailed information about Covid-19, I can make sense of it quickly enough without any blind spots. Am I special? No, just a benefactor of better structured and tougher education. I must state here that the learning never stops even after school or college and though poor school education is a major contributor however it’s not the only one. A lot of peeps get derailed despite having received the best school/college education. And, yes, a few would never go to school and yet become great achievers due to their own efforts.

Now, consider the state of education in the western countries today. The percentage marking has been replaced with Grades and there is an emphasis to lower the quality of questions being asked to ensure everyone can pass and keep graduating to the next year regardless if the student has learned anything or not. There is also a choice of subjects being offered at high school age which leads to students not picking tougher subjects or limiting their choice to their area of interest. Naturally, humans and especially the young ones will lean towards avenues requiring minimal mental efforts.

Consider the result of above –

  • Rather than helping more people get educated, you have lot more school drop-outs, some of whom have gone on to build large businesses stealing and conniving their way through life with a little bit of street smarts – further exacerbating the issue by being role models of the wrong type for the wrong crowd. Street smarts will help survive and do well in the current world we live in however, makes one for a good authoritarian follower since the mind didn’t get the training to research, read and learn.
  • The average IQ and contextual intelligence of much of the populace has degraded over last 30-50 years. Consider the intelligence of a Bank teller or a financial accountant that you may run into today vs someone 50 years ago. You would agree that the skillset of someone from 50 years ago is greater and diverse. Most of bank telling and number crunching is automatic and done on computers hence the jobs can be carried out easily by individuals with poor mathematics skills and financial acumen. They will get the job as long they tick the boxes of university education obtained with bonus marks and guessing answers to multiple choice questions. This may be great for process efficiency in a bank however we now have more authoritarian followers in the ranks who cannot think on their feet.
  • Even if someone does well and makes it through the system into a well paid and highly respected job, they did so with a laser focus on their own areas of study and would lack base skills in other areas. This is the mental state of our current doctors, scientists, engineers and architects – people who literally design, maintain and run the world. A physicist would be all at sea when confronted with DNA and biological systems. Essentially, we now have a world full of educated illiterates which make for good authoritarian followers i.e. they will follow other authority figures in a scientific discipline separate to their own.

So, it’s the overall lack of capacity to think in lateral directions and apply contextual intelligence to all observed phenomena which has steadily eaten away mental capacities of human intelligentsia. When the current Covid-19 crisis began (even though manufactured), rather than researching and studying about the virus, most people who loosely fall under three categories I described above, simply waited for the nominated authorities for advice and direction. The authority in this case is the local Healthy authorities, WHO, and the Govt – all three was staffed by educated illiterates and street-smart politicians. And they listen to their own authorities for orders.

People of today’s world simply cannot arrive at the truth behind the current crisis as they simply lack the mental faculties to even formulate the right questions, let know search for answers. People have also been primed and trained to give out certain reactions to large scale events.

A million people might have died last year from cancer alone however, no one will bat an eyelid simply because the authorities are not telling them to. 50 people might have died in XYZ country in last 3 months due to Covid-19 and it’s a crisis because the authorities say so. In a real sense, at a sub-conscious level, people aren’t afraid of Covid-19 rather they are more afraid of upsetting the authorities. A month from today, authorities may lift all restrictions and people will be all too happy to comply without wondering or asking if there is a residual risk of Covid-19 transfer since they would be in contact with each other again.

So, in a way, the dumbing down of education systems around the world have been a concerted effort to diminish humanity’s collective awareness level and mental capacities to think and ask questions. Once you have the population at a level where it is today, anything can be used to justify and implement a lock down and eventual totalitarian control, Covid-19 being a convenient occurrence. It would be very interesting to see how the population would respond to the control system during a real event soon – a serious plague, Ice age, comet, or Nemesis becoming visible perhaps? Lots of exciting possibilities as C’s stated in the recent session.

Exciting times we live in!!
Just saw this on the Anasthesia FB page. Maybe it was already posted.

Mortality could be as high as two thirds among patients with COVID-19 who require ventilation, new data from the United Kingdom's Intensive Care National Audit and Research Center (ICNARC) show.

Some clinicians are asking whether other techniques, such as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), could improve outcomes, but the data are unclear.

The ICNARC data, posted online April 10, include data from 3883 patients with confirmed COVID-19 who were admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) in England, Wales, or Northern Ireland and for whom data on the first 24 hours of ICU care are available.

Of those, 871 patients died, 818 patients survived to ICU discharge, and 2194 patients were still receiving ICU care.

Among patients whose ICU outcome is known, 66.3% of the 1053 patients who required mechanical ventilated died, compared with 19.4% of the 444 patients who required basic respiratory support.

Importantly, mortality among patients with COVID-19 who require mechanical ventilation appears higher than that for patients with other types of viral pneumonia. Specifically, the ICNARC report shows a mortality rate of 35.1% among patients who were treated in the ICU for viral pneumonia and who required mechanical ventilation from 2017 to 2019.

The new ICNARC findings are consistent with previous reports of smaller case series. For example, a single-center case series of 52 patients treated in Wuhan, China, showed that 37 (71%) required mechanical ventilation and 32 (61.5%) died within 28 days of ICU admission. Mortality was higher among those who required mechanical ventilation than among those who did not (94% vs 35%).

Similarly, a case series of 24 patients with COVID-19 who were treated in ICUs in the Seattle area indicated that 20 (75%) required mechanical ventilation. With a minimum follow-up of 14 days, four of the 20 patients had been discharged home, four remained hospitalized but were no longer in the ICU, nine had died, and three continued on ventilation in the ICU.

Time to Change Ventilator Strategies?
Results such as these have some physicians asking whether standard respiratory therapy protocols for typical acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) might need to be adjusted for this novel pneumonia. As one critical care physician recently wrote in Britain's the Spectator, because of the threat of ventilator-induced lung injury, "putting patients on ventilators for COVID-19 pneumonia could be a bridge to nowhere."

Ventilation itself, though, may not be the problem. Rather, ventilator protocols may need adjusting, according to Luciano Gattinoni, MD, of the Medical University of Göttingen in Germany. "Ventilated COVID-19 patients are not more likely to die if they are properly treated," Gattinoni told Medscape Medical News in an email.

Gattinoni and colleagues have argued that some COVID-19 patients might need gentler positive end-expiratory pressure because they present with an atypical form of ARDS, similar to that seen with high-altitude pulmonary edema. They also emphasize that COVID-19 patients need to be treated according to individual pathophysiologic characteristics of their disease and not with a one-size-fits-all approach.
This idea that a virus can serve as some kind of communication function helpful to the host sparked my interest. I want to look more into the work by Skip Virgin, mentioned in the video of an earlier post. Here's something I came across:

That is a very good video, I quoted it earlier in this thread and here:

It's very academic, but the description in youtube is a very good summary.
An article was just posted on the Russian SOTT about a mysterious accute pneumonia outbreak that happened in 1981 in Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain, and its connection to the local U.S military base.

I searched for the information in English and also Spanish. And also looked if we have anything about it on the forum. Here's what I found.

Apparently it was called a "Toxic oil syndrom".

Toxic oil syndrome or simply toxic syndrome (Spanish: síndrome del aceite tóxico or síndrome tóxico) is a musculoskeletal disease most famous for a 1981 outbreak in Spain which killed over 600 people and is thought to have been caused by contaminated colza oil. Its first appearance was as a lung disease, with unusual features; though the symptoms initially resembled a lung infection, antibiotics were ineffective. The disease appeared to be restricted to certain geographical localities, and several members of a family could be affected, even while their neighbours had no symptoms. Following the acute phase, a range of other chronic symptoms was apparent.

Data discrepancies combined with both a high level of secrecy surrounding the huge investigation and the fact that the first cases of the syndrome were located in Madrid (near the U.S. military base in Torrejón de Ardoz) spread the idea of a conspiracy. Several of those affected by TOS claim they never consumed any of the tainted oil products. Furthermore, the tainted oil was primarily sold in low-cost street markets; yet, a considerable percentage of the patients were wealthy. Another theory suggests the toxic reaction was triggered by organophosphate poisoning (e. g., from pesticide residues in tomatoes) and covered up by the Spanish government and the WHO.[3]

Here's an article about it dated 7th of May, 1981, in Spanish:

And here's what I found on the forum. Apparently there was also an interview with the author, but it isn't available anymore.

In chapter 12 of his book The CIA in Spain, Alfredo Grimaldos says that there was no toxic oil syndrome (a rare case of threat to public health that occurred at that time) and that the real cause of the disease was a bacteriological escape from US military base in Torrejon.
Can you German speaking members check out what's really going on here? From what I understand, a Swiss doctor Thomas Binder has been detained by the 'Einsatzkommando' from his home and put into a psychiatric ward for speaking against the quarantine measures:

Quick Google Translate of the first paragraphs:

Exactly what happened to opponents in the Soviet Union under communism is now practiced by the state in Switzerland. Dr. med. Thomas Binder, FMH cardiologist from Wettingen, picked up by the police on Saturday and took them to the psychiatric center. Why? Because he expressed himself against the quarantine measures and the reason for it as a "turkey". The Swiss media claim that he had made threats against the authorities. In a tweet he wrote: "In front of my practice there is a task force from KAPO Aargau, I will be picked up, HELP !!!!"

As for a felon or terrorist, police officers with protective vests and submachine guns turned up in full gear. The police temporarily blocked off the adjacent street and the nearby train station.

Because it was alleged that Dr. Thomas Binder was suspected of being mentally unstable and armed, the police took special security precautions around the building.

Dr. Binder was admitted to a psychiatric clinic. The investigation into the exact circumstances of the threats has started. The public prosecutor's office in Baden has opened a criminal investigation.

Yes, this happens today to doctors who do not submit to the official state line on coronavirus and who have a different opinion. They are declared crazy and locked away as a danger to society.

That's just NUTS! I follow this guy on Twitter and he is NOT crazy! He's one of the few who have good sense.

Now people, this is kinda scary. It strongly suggests that they will start actively confining people who don't go along with the party line.
That's just NUTS! I follow this guy on Twitter and he is NOT crazy! He's one of the few who have good sense.

Now people, this is kinda scary. It strongly suggests that they will start actively confining people who don't go along with the party line.

They have also changed the laws "temporarily" in the UK for mental health, here is a summary, I've included the most important ones below:

Changes to the number of doctors required to detain you under the Mental Health Act for assessment and treatment-
Usually 3 people have to agree that you need to be detained. These are normally an approved mental health professional (AMHP) and 2 doctors. Under the new legislation the number of doctors is reduced to 1.

Changes to how long you can be remanded to hospital for

If you are accused of a crime, the court may think that your mental health was a factor in your offence. Under Section 35 and 36 of the Act, the court can send you to hospital for your mental health condition to be assessed.

Normally you can be sent to hospital for no more than 28 days. If your doctor thinks you need to be in hospital longer, they can tell the court. And the court can extend the section for further 28-day periods, up to 12 weeks at the most.

Under the emergency measures there would be no 12-week upper limit. This means that you can be kept in hospital, under a section 35 or 36, for longer than 12 weeks.

Changes to court orders for the detention of accused or convicted persons in hospital

If you are accused or convicted of a crime, the court may feel that you need to be detained in hospital. Normally 2 doctors have to assess you and agree that you are so unwell that you need to be in hospital.

Under changes to court orders Section 36, 37, 38, 45A, and 51 of the new legislation, you can be sent to hospital if 1 doctor says that you are unwell. But the court has to agree that this is necessary because of the circumstances.

Changes to continuation of treatment
Under some sections of the Act, your doctor can only continue to authorise your treatment without your consent if a SOAD agrees. SOAD means ‘second opinion approved doctor’.

For example, under section 3 of the Act you can be treated against your will for 3 months. After 3 months, your doctor can only authorise treatment for you without your consent if a SOAD agrees.

Under the change, your doctor will no longer need a SOAD to agree before continuing to authorise treatment that you don’t consent to.

So it seems that if they deem you have committed a crime, and your crime is related to your mental health eg. your a crazy anti-vaxxer or a dissenter they could feasibly lock you up and enforce medical treatment, and it only takes one professional to decide now, rather than 2-3. Although, I haven't read any stories of this happening... yet.
Absolutely! I'm observing exactly the same type of responses regarding Covid as when I've tried in the past to explain to pro vaxxers why vaccines are very problematic. There is a large percentage of people who actively avoid any information that contradicts their world view, and no amount of evidence no matter how rock solid can ever convince them. They are simply not ready, or are unable to process information that contradicts their programming.
Now however, with everyone being told that their very lives are at risk, the extent of the need for and dependency on authority becomes overt in the sense that, regardless of what information you provide them that contradicts the official narrative, they cannot and will not really believe it because they NEED to believe in what the authorities are telling them to do, because their lives are at risk.

That has also been on my mind, especially when highly educated people who go about their lives responsibly etc just cannot see whatever the evidence put in front of them.
We were reading for The Wave workshop the Foreword, Note to the Reader and Note to the Reader on the Subject of Aliens and UFOs of The Wave I, and i think what Laura wrote regarding the psychological machinations of the human mind relating to the story of The Third Man is also applicable here.

I'm sure everyone here knows but just shortly paraphrased: The Third Man is about a hypnotist who told his subject under hypnosis that when he would be awakened he would be unable to see a third man in the room who, it was suggested to him, would have become invisible. The proper suggestions were given but when the subject was awakened, the suggestions did not work. Because they went against his belief system. So they did a new trial, subject was hypnotized and was told Third Man had left the room including sound effects etc. After he was awakened, the subject was unable to see the Third Man. Why? Because his perceptions were modified according to his beliefs. Certain sensors in his brain were activated in a manner that was acceptable to his ego survival instincts, his psychological need for equilibrium. Survival of the ego is established early in life by parental and societal programming. This conditioning determines what is or is not possible, what we are allowed to believe in order to be accepted. And so we avoid information that will harm the beliefs with which we interpret the world around us. Everyone has a different set of beliefs based upon social and familial conditioning and these beliefs determine how much of objective reality anyone is able to access. In The Third Man story, there was a big part of that reality that was inaccessible to the subject due to a perception censor that was activated by the suggestions of the hypnotist, so, the subject had a strong belief, based upon his choice as to who or what to believe.
Laura further writes: And so it is with nearly all human beings: we believe the hypnotist - "the official culture" - and we are able, with preternatural cunning, to deny what is often right in front of our faces. We are taught to avoid unpleasant realities. In this respect we are dealing with the type of denial that is subconscious and therefore organized and "institutional". This implies propaganda, misinformation, disinformation, spin, etc.
(From: The Wave I, loc 1034 and around of Kindle version)

They simply are unable to see and deal with any evidence contrary to their belief that the State could never harm them. A subconscious denial and subsequent choice to give their power away and just be food. And now this news of the German lawyer and the Swiss doctor being put in a psych ward because they openly oppose the Party Line and people actually applauding this, ties right in i think.

Can you German speaking members check out what's really going on here? From what I understand, a Swiss doctor Thomas Binder has been detained by the 'Einsatzkommando' from his home and put into a psychiatric ward for speaking against the quarantine measures:

And this in Germany of all places. Now, where is the so called establishment with their solemn pledges of Never Again, the multitudes of state sponsored groups (read: taxpayer-money), legal entities and companies, all seemingly working tirelessly for our fundamental rights etc? The masks have come off. They were never separate, they simply are part of The State as long as they are useful. Yikes
They have also changed the laws "temporarily" in the UK for mental health, here is a summary, I've included the most important ones below:

So it seems that if they deem you have committed a crime, and your crime is related to your mental health eg. your a crazy anti-vaxxer or a dissenter they could feasibly lock you up and enforce medical treatment, and it only takes one professional to decide now, rather than 2-3. Although, I haven't read any stories of this happening... yet.
This was mentioned to me when the legislation was brought it. Now although I'm not aware it's happened in the UK with the case in Germany and Switzerland it certainly gives me the chills.
I haven't checked it out fully, but he is apparently accused of threatening relatives and public agencies, though they don't say what exactly happened. I had a look at his twitter account a few days ago, and while he makes many of the same good points we make here, I got a bit of an "off the rockers" vibe about him. He's using CAPS a lot, his posts are ranty, he is into the 5G conspiracy etc. It's of course absolutely horrifying that they try to lock him up in a ward!! Worse, people are celebrating this on his facebook profile!! Absolutely disgusting.
Update from his FB: he has been in isolation for 36 hours, now he is in a place with a balcony and has access to a cell phone. A translation is below the spoiler for the sake of the record:
After brutal arrest by the anti-terrorist unit ARGUS and 36 hours of " single / bending " in the " rubber cell " (reason for the FFE pronounced by a " mobile doctor " was mild excitement after brutal arrest by the anti-terrorist unit Argus 😜) - I am also allowed to have FFE and diagnosed with the tight FFP2 mask carrier of cold virus phobia - after all, after all, after all, I have a super lawyer.

Of course, I couldn't show me a single one of my alleged " threats " and my " weapons arsenal ", my personal pistol received as a San Soldier 1980, found herself at home where it has been hidden for 20 years, of course without ammunition.

I'm back in FU now but at least with a cell phone and a balcony.
It began with draconian laws a few weeks ago justified by "the urgency" and now we have these measures. It sure is progressing fast.
If you liked that, you gonna love this!

Also, I just realized that in Bosnia persons younger than 18 years cannot go out at all, together with older than 65.

On the other hand, we and Macedonians decided to go for extended curfew. This weekend was for 60 hours, the next one will be possibly for 84 hours. There are still no news about full lockdown for two weeks, but it's still on the menu.

They abandoned the idea of testing all contacts of infected people. They probably realized that we are not China so we don't have infrastructure for isolation of so many people. So now they only test the people with clear COVID symptoms. The percentage of positives is low but this can now last forever. I think that the PTB realized that they cannot contain this virus so now they are just buying time until they make the vaccine. They are already talking about second wave in the autumn.

There was an infection in one of our hospitals. They tested the doctors and they found out that 67 were positive. 61 had no symptoms and 6 had mild symptoms. Our president became quite angry at the head of this hospital but didn't want to say why. It turned out that he was angry because the head of this hospital tested the doctors who had no symptoms. That was obviously not the plan. But now that it came out in public so they had to remove those doctors to isolation. So we the people have to isolate ourselves because we can potentially spread this virus to other people, but the same rule does not apply to doctors who are obviously positive? OK...

I also heard one interesting story about a young guy who became sick with corona and ended up in hospital. He is mild case but he said that in the hospital where he is at, there are no nurses during the night so he is the one who is helping with oxygen to other patients! He says that he learned to do it because we was bored so now he can help others. It makes you wonder about what kind of treatment are people getting there?

We also learned from Italian doctors that ventilation is not the best solution so our doctors try to avoid it.

On the bright side, it is confirmed that we are using the Chloroquine and other stuff recommended by Chinese and other experts. It seems to be working because the number of our ICU patients is going down.

Our hospitals are also empty but we don't need videos to prove it because it is confirmed that they are empty by design because whoever enters the hospital you have to treat them as they are positive, even if they have no symptoms. And doctors do not want to do that. So they just do not let anyone in, unless it's an emergency.

And big part of health staff are sitting at home by design. They wait to be rotated when working staff become infected. Also, many of staff took their sick leave because they are afraid.

They also planned to use hospitals with shared vents, but luckily the Chinese experts stopped them! One doctor explained that some our biggest hospitals are simply not designed to be used in pandemics because of that and also because you cannot physically isolate the wards, which is needed in cases of pandemics.

The good thing is that this is not a real pandemic, because we would all be dead by now.
That is because all these Ex-Yu states are not sovereign states at all. They are just test polygons of the deep state.
All the 'ruling elites" in these states are people of Clinton administration. Trump is a president for almost one whole mandate, but here, on Balkan, the Clinton administration scums are still on the power.

Last weekend in Macedonia we had a curfew from Friday 16:00 to Monday 05:00.
This weekend it is an Orthodox easter here. We will have a curfew now from Friday 16:00 to Tuesday 05:00. People are mad.

To increase the dramatization and fear among the people the special police forces with full combat equipment are on the streets during the curfew, but only on the main streets in the town. Last weekend during the curfew a lot of people were walking around the building, and kids were playing quietly in front of the buildings. Sometimes the police will come, they will go home or run and later they will go out again.

Since the economic situation in the country was terrible even before this madness, people are living in small apartments with their parents and children. Imagine 5 or more persons in a 50-60m2 apartment locked for a few days. It is like living in a prison cell.

A lot of people have some king of Vilas and housed in the rural areas and they are going there since they can go in their own backyard during the curfew. People that have to stay at their small apartments in the town are in the worst position. But as I can see they want to forbid them to live the houses or apartments at all.

Even some of them that were panicking and asking for more restrictive measures are now starting to doubt that all this will somehow help.
I am not holding my breath that the majority will wake up, but it is better than nothing.

The new app for surveillance was promoted yesterday and we will see how will that go.
I talked with neighbors who have a family in Italy and they confirmed to me that hospitals are empty, that older and sick people are dying at homes and all deaths are registered as COVID death.

Some possible loosening up of these fascistic measures is possible at the end of May as I could understand from their propaganda.
Since all this started they are talking about peaks that they are expecting next week, but that week never comes.
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Here's more about this absolutely crazy story (deepL):
Regarding Beate Bahner, it is a disturbing story.
There was this sound clip in German of course, but if you know German, see what you think of the explanation she gives of what happened. It was a very brutal and cruel treatment. I am also reminded of how Julian Assange has been treated. While some predicted the case of Julian Assange was just the beginning, and everybody thought more journalists would follow, but few were left. And now we have this happening to those who dare to defend humanity? This is sad.
That's just NUTS! I follow this guy on Twitter and he is NOT crazy! He's one of the few who have good sense.

Now people, this is kinda scary. It strongly suggests that they will start actively confining people who don't go along with the party line.

After reading the posts about the Swiss doctor and German lawyer being locked up in psychiatric wards by aragorn and Pashalis,
and after reading the exhortation to share the graphics made by Łukasz, I am really thinking hard about whether we should post or say anything that even hints at rebellion.:shock:

An excerpt from the graphic text reads: "Fight for your right to go wherever you want and to socialise with as many people as you want"...

I am in a position where I do not have to worry too much about what I post or say, but after hearing they are locking up professionals in Western European countries, well, I'm not so sure anymore.
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