2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

WOW!!!!! This is Alex Jones' moment and what he lives for! He laid it ALL OUT, and I'm glad he did. I think its a good thing these people heard all this. AJ put everything he had into this, every once of energy and determination. He did good.

Well one thing among others: China is obviously not the problem, although he heavily paints it that way. He probably believes it as many americans do. Doesn't mean it is true though. I actually think there is a good chance that Alex really believes in the Chinese conspiracy. In Trumps case I'm not so certain. He might play "the Chinese bad" card as a welcome distraction to keep the wolfs at bay.
It isn't really baffling to me. In short: things are complicated, complex, layered and very tricky at that level and Trump has to be very strategic about anything and especially in this area. Anything else would be plain stupid. In other words: "hold your friends close and your enemies closer". It is easy to come to rushed and superficial ideas about Trump and what he is doing, it is far more difficult though to "walk a mile in his shoes" before criticizing:

Okay man, that's a fair assessment you've offered there, clearly he's been "securing" friends, and he's trying to work something for the long term. Israel is a very tricky country in that respect, their ties to 9-11 and their unholy alliances in the Middle east suggest that they can not be considered an ally however for those in the know. The CIA's said that much in memos. How do you see the US relations with Israel playing out in the medium to short term? I cry ignorance on this point; I'm just not smart enough to see the bigger picture here, though I'm always straining to understand. I didn't mean to be crass in my assessment earlier in the thread, and I think I need to perhaps work harder to understand the deeper picture.
It isn't really baffling to me. In short: things are complicated, complex, layered and very tricky at that level and Trump has to be very strategic about anything and especially in this area. Anything else would be plain stupid. In other words: "hold your friends close and your enemies closer". It is easy to come to rushed and superficial ideas about Trump and what he is doing, it is far more difficult though to "walk a mile in his shoes" before criticizing:
Very well put Pash. Even some folks here seem to still hold dear to the idea the world really should be black and white / good and bad. It doesn't work that way near the top and never has. Worth remembering that arguably the last real President the US had was JFK and he went near 4 years with a man he utterly despised as his VP, knowing him to be a murderous, utterly unscrupulous crook and corrupt to his core, namely LBJ. Yes he was likely going to dump him in '64 but he still had to live with him right up close and personal - even at his end...
Even some folks here seem to still hold dear to the idea the world really should be black and white / good and bad. It doesn't work that way near the top and never has. Worth remembering that arguably the last real President the US had was JFK and he went near 4 years with a man he utterly despised as his VP, knowing him to be a murderous, utterly unscrupulous crook and corrupt to his core, namely LBJ.

I can agree with that easily. I just can't see how tying yourself to Zionists is going to work out well for the US in the long term. How do you see that situation developing in the years to come then? I apologise if I'm coming across as dense, I'm just very curious. Are things going to follow their dynamic ad nauseum? I must admit I really struggle to find optimism in looking at the world situation, liars are still proliferating. That's too much for me to handle, and it really angers me. Sorry if that sounds ignorant or naive, in many ways I am a person who has perhaps come late to the fight, but there it is. Perhaps I need to read less and absorb more in terms of understanding. Life is a real bloody challenge for me I must admit. Hell, I'm juggling Jacques Vallee and John Keel at the moment in my reading, along with Laurent Guyenot. Life is a brutal education. And I'll second what I said earlier in this thread, I really hope Trump prevails in this election.
I can agree with that easily. I just can't see how tying yourself to Zionists is going to work out well for the US in the long term. How do you see that situation developing in the years to come then? I apologise if I'm coming across as dense, I'm just very curious. Are things going to follow their dynamic ad nauseum? I must admit I really struggle to find optimism in looking at the world situation, liars are still proliferating. That's too much for me to handle, and it really angers me. Sorry if that sounds ignorant or naive, in many ways I am a person who has perhaps come late to the fight, but there it is. Perhaps I need to read less and absorb more in terms of understanding. Life is a real bloody challenge for me I must admit. Hell, I'm juggling Jacques Vallee and John Keel at the moment in my reading, along with Laurent Guyenot. Life is a brutal education. And I'll second what I said earlier in this thread, I really hope Trump prevails in this election.
Maybe I can start to give an answer to as to why one needs to have ties with Zionists. You simply don't have a choice. You can't afford not to, especially in the West. At this point in history, I don't think a single person gets to the top if they are not "approved" by the Zionists in their country. These people are the closest you can get from being all powerful. If you want to aim high, to have a career, may it be as a writer, journalist, politician, actor... You have to sworn allegiance to them. Don't wanna do it? You'll be discarded, you'll be smeared, accused of anti-semitism, and 100 people behind you will try to take your place, and THEY will be willing to support them, in exchange for a bit of fame. All the political circus we see is just different factions of the same power trying to get the upper hand.

Will their influence be beneficial for the US or any other country? No, but apart from celestial intervention (comets, solar flares), at this point, I don't believe anybody can stop them. They are class A predators. They are richer and more powerful than most government on this planet. And the US population has been empoverished, dummed-down, brainwashed, divided and hysterized, It's unlikely that they will be able to regroup, identify the threat that Zionists represent (without falling for racism) and chase them away. Even if they could, they would pay an hefty price for such a freedom.

If you are interested in Zionism, you can read the book "the controversy of Sion" from Douglas Reed, his biography is interesting too, as he paid the price for telling the truth.

The 'American Dream' can take other forms in the future, even if America is "headed for destruction''.
Video got deleted pretty quick. Maybe WayBack Machine? I dunno...

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The average American exceptionalist will have a lot to reconcile...

Please elaborate.

American exceptionalism is not about American arrogance. American exceptionalism is that the it is a constitutional government based upon the value of the people over the government and thus the people are liberated from being the property of the state. Throughout history, the majority of governments did not have a constitution and the people were the state's property. This is the true meaning of American exceptionalism.

America's government is corrupted by career leftist politicians, leftist bureaucrats, leftist governmental agencies and leftist corporate special interest groups. It is the mass of leftist in the entire power structure that has turned America into a karmic target. The American people on the other hand are not the source of this mess but sadly maybe the recipient of the bill.
What you said reminded me of this poem

I don't know if I incorrectly heard the ending of this message it starts at approx the 2:00 min mark the captions read

All the way
All the way
You will ride life straight
To perfect laughter.

But instead, I heard straight to perfect LEFT, I this is true, then this poem sounds like a rallying call for the left, my thought. My hearing is pretty good, I have listened to the ending several times, and don't hear the word laughter spoken.
She (Naomi Klein?) or she (Catherine?) voted for Biden? This is a long interview which I will listen to later, but was just wondering about that statement.

I re watched the video, I was tired after watching it, it was an anecdote by the interviewer Daniel Lizst (Dark Journalist) He related anecdotal information he had heard regarding Naomi Klien voting Biden. Catherine Austin Fitts, was skeptical given her record of expose.

So I guess, more attention is needed on my part when listening, that being said, just more attempt to spread disinformation to support Biden's credibility OSIT.
The evidence is pouring into the attorneys. It deserves some patience to keep tuned I think.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:25 AM PT – Monday, November 16, 2020​

A member of the President’s legal team reaffirmed the fight to defend “free and fair” elections is not over.

During an interview on Sunday, attorney Sidney Powell said election results in multiple states are “getting ready to overturn.” She cited an overwhelming amount of evidence the President’s legal team has received concerning voter fraud and irregularities.

Powell went on to claim she has enough evidence, some even dating back to 2016, to launch a widespread criminal investigation. She specifically noted a member of Joe Biden’s team is also on the board of directors for a software company behind the flawed Dominion voting systems.

“They’re facing an election that was absolutely rigged, we are soaking in information through fire hoses of complicated mathematical alterations to the votes,” stated the attorney. “We have identified the system capability that does it…it does in fact exist, regardless of what the name of it is.”
I can agree with that easily. I just can't see how tying yourself to Zionists is going to work out well for the US in the long term. How do you see that situation developing in the years to come then? I apologise if I'm coming across as dense, I'm just very curious. Are things going to follow their dynamic ad nauseum? I must admit I really struggle to find optimism in looking at the world situation, liars are still proliferating. That's too much for me to handle, and it really angers me. Sorry if that sounds ignorant or naive, in many ways I am a person who has perhaps come late to the fight, but there it is. Perhaps I need to read less and absorb more in terms of understanding. Life is a real bloody challenge for me I must admit. Hell, I'm juggling Jacques Vallee and John Keel at the moment in my reading, along with Laurent Guyenot. Life is a brutal education. And I'll second what I said earlier in this thread, I really hope Trump prevails in this election.

Hey SlipNet. It's a challenging time to be awake and alive. Whether you are 'late to the fight', or not - you are here. That is what matters.

I can empathize. Sometimes with all the 'homework' I feel I need to catch up on, I get overwhelmed by what to read or Work on in myself. What to do? What to do! The C's have said many times not to move too fast down the freeway of Knowledge - you may miss the stunning details of all the leaves on the trees that are whizzing by.

It looks like you're taking on some big mind-blowing texts, which is awesome. I haven't read those yet. Have you taken a look at the Romantic Fiction thread, or any of the recommended books there? It may be a good pick-me-up for your emotional centre amongst all this uncertainty.

Life is a brutal education, yes. Life is also unimaginable beauty and love. Somehow they are both all wrapped up together.

Take care, within and without.
All the way
All the way
You will ride life straight
To perfect laughter.

But instead, I heard straight to perfect LEFT, I this is true, then this poem sounds like a rallying call for the left, my thought. My hearing is pretty good, I have listened to the ending several times, and don't hear the word laughter spoken.

I heard 'laughter' not "left". Maybe others can listen to verify it too.
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