Laura said:
As I continue to read, I notice the "basic" and even "simplified" nature of the material presented in this book.
Remember this is being supplied *by* the CIA on their own web site. In addition, this book is available in paperback on Amazon.
It is well known that people who work (or worked) in the intelligence community require "approval" from the CIA before publishing anything. The basic or simplified nature of the material means that they do not want you to really know just how deep this rabbit hole actually goes. As I stated, knowing how "intelligence failures" occur also means that you can create them...
Laura said:
If, as I assume, this is how the issue has been "simplified" for the understanding of intelligence analysts, then it seems that intelligence analysts must, as a group, be pretty dumb. Some of these ideas are so basic that it is amazing that they even have to be written down for a group of people that are supposed to be figuring out things.
I can see that you observed the same thing I did, which is that the first 1/3 of the book is "more profound" than the rest... I would suggest that this sudden collapse of the rigor of the presentation is more a reflection of the required edits than the depth of the original thought process. I don't expect an official treatise on the specific techniques involved in Greenbauming any time soon...
Laura said:
For example, that in analyzing the political situation of another country, you have to see it from a the point of view of that other country, how they think, their cultural biases, etc.
I mean, duhhhh!
And yet, the Bush administration seems to have completely lost this point, yes? "While the media is reporting on reality, (they) are creating reality" ignoring the whole point that they are
not the only ones creating it all... So what does this mean? Who is doing the true manipulating here? Is Bush (yeah, right, Mr. "somewhere in Texas a village is missing its idiot") manipulating the intelligence community or is it somehow reversed?
Laura said:
Somehow, I don't feel safer knowing how dumb these people are.
No, I [somewhat] disagree. I take this book to mean that they have thought about this several levels deeper than is being presented and that they have a non-trivial and deep understanding of the psychology of humans in many many situations. This implies that the manipulations and behind-the-scenes activities can be difficult to discover or discern, particularly for the average 'Merican. As Gene Wilder states: "You've gotta remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the New West. You know ... morons."
Actually, that there exists this kind of psychological analysis capability within a secret organization such as the CIA is
itself the reason I do not feel safer...