Session 14 June 1997


FOTCM Member
June 14, 1997
Frank, Laura, Alice.

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Nimommarah.

Q: And where do transmit from?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: Ark says: Please ask: “last time the C's made a remark about 'juxtaposition' and 'failure in the formula.' Can they let me know which formula, and can they let me know through a code that will precisely address my knowledge and experience.” Okay, which formula did you mean?

A: Formula revealed by obvious juxtaposition, when one observes again using knowledge recently gained and compares with that known then!

Q: Are you talking about the juxtaposition of Einstein to Kaluza?

A: Learning is accomplished through discovery.

Q: Anything else you can give that will address Ark's knowledge and experience, concerning the failure in the formula?

A: The failure is deceptively simple... "Old makes new again." Equilateral versus hypotenuse.

Q: Anything else?

A: See what comes of this.

Q: Did something unusual happen to C*** and I when we were riding back from North Carolina and the window in the car exploded?

A: Was the window exploding not unusual?

Q: Well, of course it was. But, what I am trying to get at is, was this evidence of some activity of which we were unconscious at the time?

A: How does that which you have learned about electromagnetism tell you what you seek?

Q: It tells me that there was, undoubtedly, a breaking of the realm curtain, and that something unusual did take place. But, at the time, you said that I should talk to C*** and she remembered a number of unusual incidents from her childhood. Could you comment on your remark of the time that she would make some extraordinary discoveries by probing?

A: Have her probe.

Q: Well, we talked about it, she probed...

A: Have her do the probing, please!

Q: (C***) [via telephone] Something happened at that time, out of the ordinary. Were we taken out of the time sequence?

A: How do you define "time sequence?"

Q: (C***) A time sequence is how we have agreed to define a measurement of time on this earth. A consecutive order of events that we call time...

A: Not true!

Q: (C***) Then, did some event occur that we are unaware of in our conscious mind?

A: What do you think?

Q: (C***) At the time she didn't think about it at all, but now she doesn't know.

A: You mean to say that you actually have no opinion?!?

Q: (C***) [speaking to Frank...]

A: Not so!

Q: (Frank) They answered you before you finished saying that you have no opinion. Before you say anything, stop and think. Do you really have no opinion? You are being challenged on that. (C***) I find it hard to believe ...

A: Who are "they?"

Q: (C***) I find it hard to believe because I do not know what the purpose would be... what they would want us for... I don't know...

A: Really?

Q: (C***) I read some of the transcripts about good guys and bad guys, and there are a lot of different players, and you don't know which are involved, if any.

A: But what do you feel?

Q: (C***) I don't feel afraid. I want to know if there is a plan that I am involved in with Laura...

A: Again, what do your instincts tell you? You have always been one who was powerfully in touch with your feelings, your insights and your sense of "right and wrong."

Q: (C***) I have noticed that when Laura and I discuss a subject, we both seem to grasp ideas more quickly...

A: And...

Q: (C***) And that seems like a valuable thing.

A: But we are drifting away from the matter at hand. We ask you again to please reveal your deeply held feelings with regard to the question of that which caused the window to explode. What do you think it was?

Q: (C***) Originally I thought it was malfunction of the window defroster which I had just turned on. Since that time, and since I have read some of the transcripts, I am open to considering the fact that there could have been another cause.

A: So, what other cause could there have been?

Q: (C***) I guess I would... suppose we could have been taken out of our time sequence, given a task to perform, given information, been encoded in some way, been directed in some way, and then returned.

A: My, my! That is quite a lot to ponder. But, is that what your instincts tell you? Please reveal your inner thoughts, as you almost did earlier. You see, C***, we can help you to be able to discover amazing truths about the vast continuum of all creation, which is actually locked up within your own mind, if only we can first get on the right "track."

Q: (C***) I feel that it WAS significant, if nothing other than to get our attention.

A: Interesting... Now then... what amazing progress can be made when one merely expresses themselves!! You see, by simply stating your feelings, you have opened the door to the mosaic reality. Others have taken considerably longer to get to that point.

Q: (C***) By mosaic reality I assume that you are saying there are many levels to this situation?

A: Yes, but to every situation!

Q: (C***) When Laura and I discuss a situation together, we seem to create and reach new pathways that may take either one of us longer to reach on our own. I feel this comes from many lifetimes of working together.

A: Whoa... Wait a minute, C***! One at a time, as you have expressed three profound thought patterns there. First, why do you suppose you and Laura are able to reach conclusions so much better "as a team," rather than separately?

Q: (C***) That isn't exactly what I said, and that isn't exactly what I meant. I meant that we are better able to do this as... we seem to lead each other into new thought patterns... perhaps our thinking complements each other. Let me think another minute. I haven't thought so hard in a while...

A: Thinking is not so "hard" as you "think!"

Q: (C***) Why are we able to reach conclusions? Do you think of us as a team?

A: We ask you.

Q: (Laura) It seems to have something to do with WHY we can reach conclusions as a team...

A: Cat got your tongue?

Q: (C***) I had never considered why we thought well together...

A: When was "never?"

Q: (Laura) If you think about it now, it's as good as ever. (C***) Boy, Laura, what do you think? (Laura) You are asking me?

A: Boy, C***, what do YOU "think."

Q: (Frank) That's the second time they have put 'think' in quotes. (C***) I am questioning assumptions that I had taken for granted.

A: Then you must be "thinking otherwise." Just let it flow, my dear, there will not be grades given out after this session!

Q: (C***) Why do I think that Laura and I reach conclusions better together. Because I get excited about things when I am talking to her, and my mind seems to leap ahead, and I sense the same thing happening with her.

A: But, why is that?

Q: (Laura) They aren't gonna let her go! (Frank) We have all been through the same wringer... especially Laura! (C***) Because we have similar interests and backgrounds in areas of our study...

A: Oh, my dear C***, you make it sound so elementary, my dear C***, elementary!

Q: (Laura) What?! (Frank) So, it's more complicated than that?

A: More complicated? Yes. And simpler, too!

Q: (Laura) Okay, hold everything, earlier C*** and I were talking on the phone about mythological figures possibly representing group souls. That is, on our level of 3rd density, groups of individuals who are separated by flesh, might be extensions of group souls at a higher level...

A: Who does Zeus represent?

Q: (Laura) Zeus. (Frank) The father of the gods?

A: And the implication is...?

Q: (Laura) Who are the gods that he is the father is... (Frank) C*** is glad that you are in the hot seat... (Laura) Implications? That is too much for me right now!

A: No.

Q: (Laura) Yes it is! It requires thinking! The implication of Zeus representing... does Zeus represent 7th density?

A: Or does Zeus represent the grasping for 7th density?

Q: (Laura) Are we saying grasping in ways that are not suitable?

A: No grasping is "not suitable."

Q: (Laura) Okay. Are we all pieces of ... are there groups and groups and groups that are pieces of a larger whole, or larger wholes, and they can only graduate when they assemble?

A: More to the point would be that that makes the progress speed up for most of those involved in such a process.

Q: (Laura) Is it necessary to interact with other souls that are resonating...

A: Laura, give C*** a chance to absorb and respond with her two cents. After all, it is her "nickel."

Q: (C***) Are Laura and I part of a group soul or group entity?

A: What do you think?

Q: (C***) Yes.

A: And...

Q: (C***) I think that we are part of a group soul... whatever that means, we have a purpose; I think we have a similar interest, and that is to discover the truth. And it is also to advance ourselves.

A: And...

Q: (C***) When one group advances, then it filters down to others...

A: How does it "filter down?"

Q: (C***) Because I believe that all are connected.

A: How so?

Q: (Laura) I get it! The Zeus thing. The whole Zeus thing, the bearing of children, the moving out in all these various ways, manifestations or patterns as defined by the 'children' through all the various levels, so that it eventually all comes back around to 7th density.

A: And what does it mean when it "comes back around?"

Q: (Laura) Union with the One. And it all just keeps going around and around.

A: And C*** says...

Q: (C***) You mean, what happens when we all get back to 7th density?

A: We mean what do you think?

Q: (C***) If we are patterned after the myths of Zeus, and we have gone forth, and there are lots of scatterings of fragments upon the earth having many experiences, and as we grow and advance, we come to the truth and the full meaning, we merge back together again with all of the wisdom of all of these experiences.

A: Yes, but is not just the "Earth."

Q: (C***) That's why I say we go into another level...

A: But, C***, what of those not on the Earth?

Q: (C***) They are in the same process.

A: Yes.

Q: (C***) Do they have different myths?

A: They have different everything... But, in the final analysis, it is really just the same!

Q: (C***) Then I would say that when everyone graduates from their finite, physical existences, then they occupy the same space at a different vibration, and go onto other lessons and experiences and advances that I cannot conceive of at the moment.

A: But what is "the moment?"

Q: (C***) The moment? I haven't thought that far ahead yet!

A: Or have you, but you simply do not perceive it as such?

Q: (C***) Probably so. How many people are in this particular group that Laura and I are in, for the purpose of this work?

A: Up to you to discover.

Q: (C***) Well, I thought I'd give it a shot! (Laura) Does it have anything to do with the three dominos, the three slices of pizza, the three dominos missing from the set?

A: Not really, but we do understand that Dominos does make good pizza!

Q: (Laura) Why do you keep referring to the pizzas. Is there something in Italy? [pause] You aren't going to answer me, are you?

A: No.

Q: (Laura) Well, I wasn't being facetious!

A: But we were! Mirth!

Q: (C***) Happy to be of service! (Laura) Yes! We are going crazy down here trying to figure all this out and you guys are just joking around up there on 6th density!

A: No need to "go crazy."

Q: (C***) Did the window explode just to get our attention?

A: What about the mosaic?

Q: (Laura) Are you saying that she needs to start gathering the pieces and putting the mosaic together?

A: Close. Or memorize concept and actualize.

Q: (Laura) Okay, opening the door to the mosaic, memorizing that concept, and actualizing. Okay, the tape is almost gone. Any further comment before we say good night>

A: Suggest you expand your study of the Canaries to include any possible connections to the "Roswell Incident."

Q: (C***) Thinking is electrical. Does a person leave an electrical echo and can certain combinations produce harmony which is cumulative and exponential, thereby certain group’s thinking can produce more than others, or individually?

A: Close. Now, for C***. Suggestion: Combine frequencies to witness the development of a directed wave effect; packs a potent "punch."

Q: (C***) And is this related to the group of seven? Seven pieces of pizza?

A: Certainly! See what letting it flow does, C***?

Q: [Question as to whether dominos is an acronym for anything]

A: Could be... And if so, be on the lookout for others.

Q: (C***) Can we make good pizza?

A: If you use the right ingredients.

Q: (C***) What does that mean?

A: Recipes.

Q: (Laura) In closing, what to do about the Marcie issue. Is she crazy enough to be dangerous?

A: Dangerous ones best avoided. Knowledge protects.

End of Session
I couldn't imagine being in a car and having the window shatter! I have been driving in my car and seen highway lights go off as I pass under them but nothing as extreme as a window shattering. That was definitely a powerful psychic burst of some sort. As the C's mentioned thought patterns joining up can cause a potent "punch"! Thanks for sharing! :)
FrankM4326754 said:
I couldn't imagine being in a car and having the window shatter!

There are many things that some people can't imagine, and yet they happen. For various reasons.

That was definitely a powerful psychic burst of some sort.

I would call it "one of the many possible hypotheses". A scientific approach requires avoiding definitive statements. Operating with probabilities is better, but even then one should keep it in mind that probabilities carry, most often than not, a subjective element.
Point well taken, I conjectured that it was a psychic burst based on the following:

Q: (C***) Thinking is electrical. Does a person leave an electrical echo and can certain combinations produce harmony which is cumulative and exponential, thereby certain group’s thinking can produce more than others, or individually?

A: Close. Now, for C***. Suggestion: Combine frequencies to witness the development of a directed wave effect; packs a potent "punch."

"Punch" made me think that it was the combination of thought patterns/frequencies that caused a psychic burst that would be considered something akin to the walls of Jericho. It was faulty wording and an assumption on my part, I should have been more careful in that it should not have been a definitive statement. My apologies.

With that being said I'm not sure what caused the walls of Jericho to collapse either but I believe I recall a session discussing that there was an energy built up that was created from the people either dancing or yelling. I feel like it could be related to a capacitor in the relation that energy was built up to a certain critical point and then it was released to bring the walls down. This is just one of many possibilities in this given situation but nonetheless just as interesting. I wonder if the causation of the shattering window was something similar to the force that brought down the walls of Jericho. It could be a possibility, but of course on a much smaller scale. This was my thought process. Just my 2 cents that I hope contributes to the overall value of the information shared. Thanks again for all your hard work!
FrankM4326754 said:
With that being said I'm not sure what caused the walls of Jericho to collapse either but I believe I recall a session discussing that there was an energy built up that was created from the people either dancing or yelling. I feel like it could be related to a capacitor in the relation that energy was built up to a certain critical point and then it was released to bring the walls down. This is just one of many possibilities in this given situation but nonetheless just as interesting. I wonder if the causation of the shattering window was something similar to the force that brought down the walls of Jericho. It could be a possibility, but of course on a much smaller scale. This was my thought process. Just my 2 cents that I hope contributes to the overall value of the information shared. Thanks again for all your hard work!
As to the walls of Jericho tumbling down, you may be interested in this:,18686.msg176757.html#msg176757
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