"Drake" and Mass arrests of the elite?

Sol Logos

The Living Force
Was curious if anyone came across this idea of mass arrests of "the elite" mean't to be happening now. It comes from a guy called "Drake". Apparently it has to do with difficulties surrounding people like the Queen, Vatican, Rupert Murdoch. There's talk about liens served on the 12 US Federal Reserve banks, liens been served on members of the G7 central banks as well. David Wilcock is a big proponent of "Drake". It looks to me like more disinformation to distract and give the impression that it's all being taken care of etc. Could be just a bunch of people wanting to get attention or maybe real disinformation agents (employed to be), I'm not really sure. So thought it a useful topic to alert this forum to; as I've personally got a few links from others who appear to think there's validity to all this and there's a lot of internet hype about the whole thing.

Here's the radio talk that I heard (very long and didn't listen to all because it was tedious to do so): _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7xCtfQfQx4

Also, found another forum thread that has some background on who Drake apparently is:

Interested in your thoughts, thanks!
Similar to the old Nesara canard. That duck don't quack.
Thanks Laura, I had done a search beforehand on Wilcock which helped confirmed my hunch. I'm sure there's little validity to what being claimed, but just curious if anyone noticed if this stuff about liens being served was based on anything or if it's complete fiction.
If someone wants a "full debunking" about this guy, here a compilation from another forum:
Did not read it all, but while browsing saw that a member there compiled everything he could to prove this guy is another disinfo pawn.

David Topi said:
If someone wants a "full debunking" about this guy, here a compilation from another forum:
Did not read it all, but while browsing saw that a member there compiled everything he could to prove this guy is another disinfo pawn.

Not so David, in fact he(she?) was trying to give him some credit while (s)he did some diggin' but without cleaning their own "machine" first.
'Dig' (s)he did, just not the way we use the word here. ;)

Edit. wording and the text below

In his/her own words:
"I'm not trying to discredit the man, my intentions are to present the facts about him as this can help those with ears to hear understand what is going on. I like the guy, but some of this stuff concerns me a little.. that's all I'm sayin'

And this isn't to you specifically but whoever reads the OP can add whatever flavor packet of koolaid they want to and drink it. I ain't drinkin' nobodys koolaid! So don't think you know what koolaid I'm drinkin' cause I can't decide on a flavor yet. "
Thanks for the links and info. I came across this document doing a quick search for "Liens Federal Reserve":


I noticed too that an unofficial blog/forum for Ron Paul was reporting it too:


Anyway, the fact that David Wilcock keeps coming up in regards to this makes it all highly questionable. Seems though there's many swallowing this. But considering the source (Wilcock), I'm just wasting precious time looking into this further, which I suppose is one of the goals of disinfo in the first place!

I've been trumped again :)
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