The Living Force
Hello again,
In this session, an aura camera setup was made and pictures
captured. This session is also mentioned in following link and
some captured pictures displayed there:
The specific transcripts I am interested in are:
Q: (AM) Take a deep breath and hold... [aura photo of L is taken] (L) [looking at aura photo of self] This is very strange, guys.
How come I am not in this picture and F shows up in his? Why have I physically disappeared?
A: Learning builds spiritual growth, and awareness "solidifies" knowledge.
Q: (L) Okay, guys, smile for the camera! [Aura photo of board is taken with L's and F's fingers on planchette.] (L) Okay, but
that does not explain why I disappeared.
A: Because the energy field enclosure was unifying you with the conduit, as is usual during channeling sessions between 3rd and
6th density level communications.
Q: [Photo of board develops, and geometric figure appears to sounds of amazement from group] (L) What is this geometric
1) Physical appearance is enveloped into the conduit (so to speak)
2) Conduit is a geometric figure
Is there a picture taken or available of this "geometric figure" anywhere?
As an interest, I took Laura's Aura picture, "blew it up" (using GIMP), and
noticed something at the bottom-right corner... Looks like someone's
cigarette OR incense. I am not inferring this is the "geometric figure"
I am looking for.
Bottom-Right crop:
In this session, an aura camera setup was made and pictures
captured. This session is also mentioned in following link and
some captured pictures displayed there:
The specific transcripts I am interested in are:
Q: (AM) Take a deep breath and hold... [aura photo of L is taken] (L) [looking at aura photo of self] This is very strange, guys.
How come I am not in this picture and F shows up in his? Why have I physically disappeared?
A: Learning builds spiritual growth, and awareness "solidifies" knowledge.
Q: (L) Okay, guys, smile for the camera! [Aura photo of board is taken with L's and F's fingers on planchette.] (L) Okay, but
that does not explain why I disappeared.
A: Because the energy field enclosure was unifying you with the conduit, as is usual during channeling sessions between 3rd and
6th density level communications.
Q: [Photo of board develops, and geometric figure appears to sounds of amazement from group] (L) What is this geometric
1) Physical appearance is enveloped into the conduit (so to speak)
2) Conduit is a geometric figure
Is there a picture taken or available of this "geometric figure" anywhere?
As an interest, I took Laura's Aura picture, "blew it up" (using GIMP), and
noticed something at the bottom-right corner... Looks like someone's
cigarette OR incense. I am not inferring this is the "geometric figure"
I am looking for.

Bottom-Right crop: