noticing repeating numbers


The Force is Strong With This One
:) I notice numbers mostly from digital clocks like when its 1:11 or 11:11 , 4:44 for example. does this have a meaning outside of the obvious?
Hi lorraineeustice,

Maybe it's just simply coincidences and your brain tries to find some explanation from it because that's how we're built.
The Texas sharpshooter fallacy is an informal fallacy in which pieces of information that have no relationship to one another are called out for their similarities, and that similarity is used for claiming the existence of a pattern.[1] This fallacy is the philosophical/rhetorical application of the multiple comparisons problem (in statistics) and apophenia (in cognitive psychology). It is related to the clustering illusion, which refers to the tendency in human cognition to interpret patterns in randomness where none actually exist.

I don't think that all coincidences or seemingly random events fall into this category but it's always good to take a step back and really ask ourselves if it has any meaning or if we just try to find patterns where none exist osit.
Tigersoap said:
I don't think that all coincidences or seemingly random events fall into this category but it's always good to take a step back and really ask ourselves if it has any meaning or if we just try to find patterns where none exist osit.

Well said!

But I'm also torn apart between the idea of a brain looking for patterns where there are none and the idea that there might something more to it.

I have this number 37 coming up all around, and since noticing it I have gotten somewhat suspicious, researched the meaning a little but didn't find any particular indications as to what could it mean for me (which doesn't out rule such a possibility, still).

So I went to dismissing it as exactly this, the side effect of the pattern-discerning brain activity.

But it has since gotten past the threshold of rational dismissal even after I kind of 'got over it'. It got nearly annoying!
Some days an average of 2 or 3 out of 4 glimpses at the clock (thats where it usually comes up) there is xx:37.

Once I pausing some youtube conference video and after reducing from fullscreen I saw it is 37 minutes past whatever, right, ignored, but then I look at the video strip and it's paused at 37m37s!

This is just one strange instance. Seriously though, it comes and goes and I have lost any interest in paying attention to it, but it keeps coming up so much so that sharing this information I feel as if I have gone a little mad! It's like seeing things where there's nothing to see! Just move on, a mighty distraction.

But with however ice-cold rational approach I have to this issue, I think gets beyond the subconscious mind pattern seeking and the random coincidences.

As per the C's, here's one quote that might be somewhat related, there was one more passage that was related even closer, but I cannot find it atm;

Session 13 June 1998
Q: Okay, so what is the point of who spoke for Andromeda? What does that have to do with the 1/3 of 33?

A: Your searches sooner or later "net" results.

Q: Okay, one interesting thing that we just discovered was that Hyakatuke and Hale Bopp both crossed the eye of Medusa, the star Algol, on April 11th exactly one year apart. What is the significance of this?

A: You must remember mosaic, matrix... When you are on the verge of quantum changes or discovery, the realities begin to reveal their perfectly squared nature to you.

Q: Is that the only thing you want to remark about the crossing of the comets in front of the eye of Medusa?

A: Can you not picture all reality as a curving and bobbing journey through a transparent, undulating matrix mosaic?

(emphasis mine)

That other passage was also about being at the verge of this change of cosmic proportions the veil, the things that are veiled, or the matrix becomes somewhat more apparent, as the Veil gets thinner, these kind of co-incidences, the manifestations of of the grid, whatever they mean (Maybe different things in accordance to different situations, of unlimited variety) will become more and more visible themselves, thus occur more often etc.. ?

Whatever the meanings, if there are any, In my own case, something must be begging for attention, if there aren't any my 'subconscious pattern seeking system' is working in a highest gear.

As far as I checked out some numerology sites in the web they're just full of the same simplistic or unnecessarily mysterious definitions and lots of paranoid posters concerned whether the number that chases them indicates the age of their death or something of that sort.

Has anyone here come across anything better than that regarding the recurring numbers issue and numerology itself and its meanings ?

the bottom line, IMO, is that in any case, you're not alone lorraineeustice :)

Hi lorraineeustice and welcome to the forum,

Your question has been repeatedly discussed. See here:,21753.0.html,25548.0.html

Related topics are:,142.0.html,6422.0.html,29990.0.html

Other topics in similar vein, not related but rather interesting:,5302.0.html,12078.0.html,28365.0.html

Hope this will help you out to get to the bottom of it all. ;)
Seeing Repeating numbers often

I'm not sure if there is already a post for this, i've searched but came up empty handed. But if there is let me know!!

For the past 4 or so months i've been seeing repeating numbers about 2 - 5 times a day. This is related to 11:11 but i'm also witnessing 222, 12:12, 333, 444, and such. I'm not sure what to make of it and try to ignore it most of the time because there are much more important things to look into. But out of curiosity i'm wondering if this is happening to other people. The only meaning I get out of seeing these numbers is that i need to be more present and pay more attention to the clues?? (I'm very in my head most of the time) not sure.

Coincidently this is also happening to my brother, we used to play a game were we would text each other when we saw the numbers but we ended up texting too much. Also I've stopped carrying my phone with me but i still see the numbers in random places all the time, and usually I see the numbers when i do what it seems as a purposeful look towards a random location and bam, there they are.
Re: Seeing Repeating numbers often

I had the same when I was between 13 and 15 years old. I would look at the digital clock with double numbers very frequently. I didn't act on it, I didn't assume anything, I didn't know what it meant. There is the possibility that it is "pattern recognition run amok" (the brain falsely seeing patterns in true randomness), but not neccessarily. After that age, I stopped seeing these double numbers on clocks, they never came back.
Re: Seeing Repeating numbers often

I also experienced something similar in the past. It continues up to this day as well, but more in a form of "funny coincidences" when, for example, I hear about something specific on the news and then stumble upon this specific topic on the internet. Or think about something, and immediately read about it, etc.

It is quite possible that it means something , but then maybe this something is no more significant than an observation that "mushrooms usually appear after rain". Maybe this interaction with the Universe happens all the time, we just choose to pay attention to it only during specific periods. Maybe it is similar to a person wanting to buy specific car, and suddenly sees that many other people have it. It's not like it became super popular all of the sudden, he just started paying attention to it.

The possible reasons are countless, but you get the drift. There can be even more "outrageous" coincidences, like John Keel's observation that most UFO sightings happen on Wednesday. Or how David Paulides said, and then C's confirmed that "berries" are closely related to mysterious disappearances. And so on. Basically, it may be a good reason to start paying attention, and maybe it's just reality happening. But you can never go wrong with being aware and paying attention to left and right. :)
Re: Seeing Repeating numbers often

Zarcos said:
I'm not sure if there is already a post for this, i've searched but came up empty handed. But if there is let me know!!

For the past 4 or so months i've been seeing repeating numbers about 2 - 5 times a day. This is related to 11:11 but i'm also witnessing 222, 12:12, 333, 444, and such. I'm not sure what to make of it and try to ignore it most of the time because there are much more important things to look into. But out of curiosity i'm wondering if this is happening to other people. The only meaning I get out of seeing these numbers is that i need to be more present and pay more attention to the clues?? (I'm very in my head most of the time) not sure.

Coincidently this is also happening to my brother, we used to play a game were we would text each other when we saw the numbers but we ended up texting too much. Also I've stopped carrying my phone with me but i still see the numbers in random places all the time, and usually I see the numbers when i do what it seems as a purposeful look towards a random location and bam, there they are.

I have a way of thinking about this phenomena that explains it to some extent but leaves open the question of meaningfulness.

My explanation begins from ample evidence in the neurosciences that says our brains are buzzing with activity in the normal waking state. Neural patterns making and unmaking, synaptic activity all over the place and most all of it apparently random. It's referred to as the background noise of the brain and might be referred to as the "ready state", suggesting a state of minimum inertia for everyday cognition.

Then, there's what's called "pre-attentive awareness." This idea of pre-attention came from studies involving the brain, electrodes, fMRI and EEG and other means. Basically a researcher asks a patient to move a finger or raise an arm. The willing patient does so and the researcher observes activity in the brain region normally associated with the action being requested. Results indicate the correct area of the brain lights up and we perform the movement before we are consciously aware that we have done it. The time lag between beginning the action and being consciously aware of doing so has been measured in fractions of a second to up to 2 seconds, I think, depending on the test in progress. So, pre-attentive awareness is an idea that comes from the observation that at the point when we think we have decided to do something and begin, the decision was already made mere seconds or fractions ago.

With the above in mind, we are going about our day and something about a particular pattern of numbers gets our attention. Why that first time, I don't know. If we pause just for a second for something as apparently innocuous as a "hmmmm...", then it's like we signal to our pre-attentive awareness that there's something we find interesting. From that point on, the preattentive awareness dutifully (it seems) keeps a 'pre-eye' out for such stuff and literally gives you a "heads up" when another matching (or close) pattern shows up.

If the above makes sense, then you can probably see the advantages of having a pre-attentive awareness and how to sensitize yourself as a way of "programming" or "impressing" yourself with a non-verbal instruction for something to look out for.

As for "meaning" of the number patterns, in themselves, or to you, I can't say. But I would advise to be aware of a potential for accidentally setting up a positive feedback loop enforced with emotional weighting on numbers. Being a positive loop, this noticing of number patterns could escalate out of control and lead us into something like OCD or whatever - "pattern recognition run amok" as Data put it, if that's what he was referring to.

The world is absolutely stuffed full of patterns and patterns of patterns. Which ones, if any, that you notice is more related to you and more personal stuff, I think.

Hope that helps. I'm not asking you to believe anything I'm saying, just sharing how I look at the issue.
Re: Seeing Repeating numbers often

Here is a session transcript where they talk about it.,35838.msg517595.html#msg517595

I see them too, a lot more lately.
Re: Seeing Repeating numbers often

Zarcos said:
I'm not sure if there is already a post for this, i've searched but came up empty handed. But if there is let me know!!

Hi Zarcos,

Since you asked for it, see this post. ;)

Happy reading !

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