Session 14 October 1995


FOTCM Member
October 14, 1995
Frank, Laura, Susan V, Terry and Jan, Tom K

Discussion about "Matrix Books" preceded start of session. Laura had just been lent copies of them from Roxanne C...

Q: Hello.

A: Hello. Matrix material.

Q: (T) Matrix material?

A: Yes.

Q: (T): Who is the person who did this? (L) Many. It's a compilation of many things. There are a lot of people who did the Matrix material. (T): Does it say that somewhere? (L) Yes. (T): Because I haven't looked at any of it yet. (L) One guy has edited it together and arranged it into about 4,000 pages or so... (T) 4,000 pages, and we've only got 300? And we can't edit it (ours)? And he did 4,000? (L) Well... (SV) It took him fifteen years. (T) When was it written? (L) The last one came out in 1992 or 1994. (T) When did the first one come out? (L) 1988. (F) A lot of it is just copies of documents and stuff... (L) Like photocopies of newspaper clippings and stuff like that, but it's arranged in quite a comprehensive order. (SV) A lot of it is really scary. (L) I want to ask about one thing from the Matrix material. I want to know who and what are the "Esseseni?"

A: Hybrids, new.

Q: (L) They are new hybrids? And what are they a hybridization of? What are the sources of the material for the hybridization?.

A: Humans and grays.

Q: (L) Are the Esseseni positively oriented beings, as has been suggested by some?

A: Split.

Q: (T): Some STS, some STO?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, now we have a visitor this evening, my brother, and he is really just kind of on the periphery...

A: Tom Knight.

Q: (L) And he is just on the periphery of this subject, more or less, but he does have a couple of questions he would like to ask, and one of the questions is: has he himself ever been abducted by aliens in this lifetime?

A: Complex.

Q: (L) Complex? OK, then does that mean yes or no? I know it's complex, but...

A: Ships are vulnerable to ELF and "Zero time transfer."

Q: (L) So, are you suggesting that any abductions that took place, took place while he was on board a ship?

A: Maybe.

Q: (T): Were you in the Navy? (L) He's retired. (T): How long? 20 years? That's a long time! What did you serve on, what kind of ships? (TK): AEGIS Cruiser, I was just on one ship, that was just the last five years or so... (L) He spent almost his entire Navy career on land, which is quite a feat. (T) Yeah, that is pretty good! Were his abductions... did they take place while he was on the ship, on the cruiser? I know that's what you said, I'm just clarifying...

A: We see "Bahrain."

Q: (L) We re you in Bahrain? (T) Somewhere in the Gulf? (TK) We were only in Bahrain one night. (T) That's all it takes! (L) Like getting pregnant, you know! It only takes once! (TK) What did those suckers do to me? (L) He wants to know what they did!

A: Examine. You must remember, different branches of your military services have underlying code mechanisms to determine their classification status for "secret" duty, including study of personnel, this is all very complex... Now, "U.S. Navy is status 2", which means among other things, that it is married to a class 2 "Cooperation Agency”, the O.N.I. All technical personnel are approached during their service, and asked to perform tasks for secret government. If they accept, they are "brought under classified management."

Q: (T): Whoa! (L) What was that class 2 term? Class 2 agency? (J) U.S. Navy is status 2.

A: No. Classified management. And it is O.N.I.

Q: (L) Carry on with your answer. I'm sure there's more.

A: ???

Q: (L) Oh, you want us to ask the questions. Why was he abducted. (J) Or was he abducted?

A: Examined, as with all others on ship.

Q: (L) So, in other words, it was simply... (T) Your standard abduction and examination... OK, what was the whole thing about the O.N.I. and Naval intelligence... and the classifications and all that stuff about being approached, what did that have to do with the abduction?

A: Nothing.

Q: (L) That was just information they were giving us. (T): Was the Navy aware of what was happening?

A: Segmented.

Q: (T): They knew some, but not all. (TK) Some know and some don't.

A: Yes.

Q: (T): That's what I meant, did the Navy know that Tom was abducted? Those that were supposed to, did they know?

A: Some in Navy are cooks.

Q: (SV): Cooks wouldn't have a high information...(T) That's what Steven Segal said in "Under Siege" - "I'm just the cook, you know!" He wasn't really a cook. (L) Maybe that was an allusion to that movie. (T) Could be -some are “cooks”. (L) Was that an allusion to that movie?

A: No, but we like it!

Q: (TK): They like the movie, huh? (J) They like the reference! (L) OK, back when I was really little... (TK) I WAS a cook in the Navy in the beginning... (L) Yeah, I think it's funny that they made that reference. (J) That was mirth. (L) When I had that experience when I was really little, and I know that there was interaction with an alien, and that I remember it clearly in my conscious mind, and my brother was there also in the room, was he also abducted at that time?

A: No, but why leave subject so fast? (L) OK, they want to talk about the Navy, obviously. OK, we can talk about the Navy. (TK) What about ol' Tricky Dick W___? F. Richard W___ (L) Who was he? (TK) He was just one of my captains.

A: What about him?

Q: (L) You have to ask specific questions, because it's like a computer system, it only answers when you key in the correct questions. Ask a specific question. (TK): Why do they want to stay on the subject of the Navy? (T) OK, you gave us some information about Navy being connected to Navy Intelligence... (J) Wait a minute, what about W___, ask about W____. (T) ...and the way things are there. Is it... are we asking more about the information you just gave us? We'll get on W____ in a second. Are we supposed to be asking more about what you just gave us? About the Navy and Naval Intelligence?

A: Ask what you please.

Q: (T) OK, what is it, they gave us Navy connected to Naval Intelligence... (L) Are all military personnel routinely abducted and studied by aliens?

A: No.

Q: (L) Are all military personnel routinely abducted and studied by the military itself?

A: No.

Q: (L) What is the classification that the person has to fall into in order to be abducted and studied by the military?

A: What makes you think "classifications" correlates with abductions?

Q: (TK) It's not the classification, it's gotta be the type of person... (J) And how easy it would be...

A: Yes.

Q: (TK) And how easy it would be to influence....

A: Of course.

Q: (TK) How easy it would be to influence, also? (J) It's gotta be case by case...

A: And many other factors.

Q: (TK) It would have to have something to do with what they could do for the abductors. I mean, they have to be in a position to help them... (T) Just exactly what I was trying to phrase as a question. (L) Is that a correct assumption?

A: Yes. STS.

Q: (T): STS; Service to Self..

A: Vibrational frequency.

Q: (L) OK, so if the person has an STS vibrational frequency, that already predisposes them to abduction. Is that correct?

A: Some.

Q: (T) OK, that's a factor. There's more than one agenda involved with abductions. Are the military personnel that are being abducted, is that a specific agenda that is being followed?

A: Artificial classifications, such as military designations, are important to human groups only.

Q: (L) So in other words... (J) I've got a question. Isn't it true that in order to become part of the military, you have to go through boot camp, the indoctrination to the point where you're going to follow orders without questioning, and that that mind-set would lend itself more towards... (TK) The Marines are about the only ones that even try to get people to follow orders without question any more. The Navy has all but given up on that. (J) That's interesting. I didn't know that. I just assumed that all military. (TK) Well, it's not a time of war so it's not necessary right now.

A: Yes. Some have always "faked" such blind allegiance anyway.

Q: (J): Ooh, interesting statement. (TK) I basically faked it, I... (J) Kind of like, go with the flow?

A: You were not alone.

Q: (TK) Oh, yeah! There were a bunch of us. "Yeah, sure, tell us what to do. If it's in our interest, if we're going to stay alive, we'll do it; if you're going to kill us, forget it!" I used to tell them on the ship, that if those suckers ever catch me, I'm going to tell them everything I know. I said, they aren't going to have to torture me long...

(T) Besides, when you torture me, I tend to scream a lot and not tell you too much, so I'll just tell you and let' s skip the torture.

(TK) So when I refused to go up for ESWS, I was kind of an outcast, I wasn't in the club anymore...

(L) What happened?

(J) : That's when you were asked, and you said no?

(TK) When they wanted me to go up for ESWS, it's a pin, and I told them I wasn't going to ...

Q (L) What is it?

(TK) Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist.

(T) Aha, that's when you were asked!

(J) And you said no.

(TK) That's something that everybody in the Navy can go up for, but you have to be ... I don't know, If I hadn't been thinking about getting out, I might have gone up for it. This captain put it in such a way, he said, "Well, if you'll work on your ESWS and get that pin, I'll see to it that you get good marks and make chief..." , which to me was like saying, well, if you don't do it, you're not going to make chief. I said Sorry, bud! Sorry, I'm not going to do it, I don't respond to that kind of stuff. (L) It must be genetic! (TK) That's when I became an outcast from the club. (T) Is that when Tom became an outcast?

A: Not correct concept, not outcast, just deemed not SG material.

Q: (L) What's SG?

A: Secret Government.

Q: (TK) Darn! (J) You had your chance Tom, and you blew it! (T) That's when they asked you. (TK) Oh! Dickie, I'm sorry! (J) No, you're not! (TK) Never did like ol' F. Richard! (J) Yeah, let's get back to F. Richard. (L) F. Richard... (TK) Was F.Richard initiated? Was he one of the secret government agents?

A: No.

Q: (L) Was he brownnosing to try to get there?

A: Was a "conduit."

Q: (L) He was a conduit for them. (TK) Tell you what, F. Richard was one person I would not have wanted to go to war with...

A: There are several steps that must be followed.

Q: (L) Steps that must be followed for what? (T) To become part of the secret government?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) You have to know the handshake... (T) I can't get my foot in my ear, I'm sorry! [Laughter]

A: Viet Nam MIA's, where do you suppose they are now?

Q: (L) Well, I'm hoping you're going to tell us! (T) Some of them... (TK) Have they been abducted? (T) Some of them got blown up so badly that they couldn't be found, so they were listed as MIAs, because they couldn't mark them as KIAs. Some of them are deserters, some of them... well, deserters would fall into several classifications, which I won't bother getting into. Some of them went into the drug trade. (TK) Some of them just decided they liked it better over there. (T) Yeah, there's that, and some of them, I would imagine, have been either abducted or swapped, moved into the secret government. (L) Is all of this correct?

A: Yes.

Q: (T): That's why they can't tell people where they are... (TK) Are we supposed to still be on the military subject? (J) Who knows?

A: KIA's... Are a Separate subject!! KIA's, how many really were?

Q:(T) How many of the 60,000 really were killed? How many of them are listed as dead when they're not? Intelligence... (TK) Tell you what, they could recruit... There were so many different kinds of people that went over there, they could have recruited a bunch... (J): Yeah, that's true. (L) OK, now, are you going to give us a hint as to where they are and what they're doing right now? Are these some of the people working in these underground places?

A: Yes..Yes...Yes.

Q: (L) That's where those personnel are coming from... their lives, they have died the philosopher's death.

A: And many other places, times. etc...

Q: (TK) Wars all through the ages. How many are we talking about? (L) What kind of a number are we talking about here?

A: Since your imagination center is on low frequency tonight, suppose we have to spell it all out for you, but at least it is fun to watch the impact, like "A ton of bricks" falling on your heads!!

Q: (L) Go ahead, spell it out for us. How many are we talking about here?

A: W.W.II, 72,355, still alive where????

Q: (L) Is that the correct figure?... (T) Now, wait a minute...

A: Yes.

Q: (T): That's how many people the secret government has snatched up? (J) From W.W.II. (SV) That's not talking Korea... (TK) That's out of something like 40 million... (L) Frank, how many? (F) Total People in W.W.II was 70 to 80 million... (TK) Military casualties... . we're not talking about just U.S. military, either, we're talking about total, anybody.... (T): Are you talking about total... all killed in action in W.W.II? (L) No, they said... read it.... (J) "W.W.II, 72,355 still alive. Where???" (L) Still alive! (T) That were supposedly killed in action...

A: Yes.

Q: (T): From all branches of the service.

A: Yes.

Q: (TK): These people aren't aging; they're still in action and ready to go...

A: Precisely, my friends!!!

Q: (J) OK, that's just W.W.II...(TK) How about Korea, Vietnam, etc... (L) All right, what's the figure from Korea? (TK) What difference does it make? (L) Well, that's true! (SV): We want to know.

A: 6,734.

Q: (TK) Yeah, considering the fact that I don't think we really lost that many... (T) No, we didn't have that many losses in Korea. (TK) How about the Gulf War?

A: Yes. 55.

Q: (T): Yeah, there was about 55 thousand casualties in Korea, in the four years of Korea. Really it was 3 1/2 years in Korea. So 6,000 means about a little over 10% of them aren't really dead.

A: 23,469.

Q: (L) What was that? (J): Vietnam, that was Vietnam.... (T) 23,000 of the 66,000...

A: Yes.

Q: (T): ...are still alive?

A: Yes.

Q: (T): So you've got 23,000 from...

A: Some are body duplicate soul receptacle replacements.

[Change in tape sides; first few sentences of next question segment were lost.]

Q: (T) They're moving big time fast right now. (J) They have just around 100,000 with those three figures they gave us. (T) Well, now, that's just three wars. We didn't ask about...

(TK) That's three wars. That doesn't count... (J) How about WWI, how about Gulf War... (TK) Well, the Gulf War, there weren't that many casualties... (T) About a dozen. (TK) But the other side did...

(T) Yes, we're only asking about the U.S. How about others? Yes, you're right, how about other military...

(J) We have no way of knowing. Have they ever released figures? We don't know.

(TK) They've got a military right now, and it's not just a military, these are elite. I'll bet you, they're elite. I mean, they've been recruited.

(J) They've been asked the question, and they said yes!

(T) Yes, this is not some guy hunking a gun in a foxhole just for the heck of it. These are specialists.

(TK) The CIA was siphoning people off in 'Nam right and left.

(T) Yes, and a lot of these squads that are running around don't exist. A lot of this stuff...

(TK) Yes, like these Black Ops, whatever they call it, and all this stuff. This "New World Order" is about to come about. You know what, there isn't any way to stop it.

(T) Oh, no, we can't stop it.

(TK) You can fight back and try to survive on your own, but there's no way to stop the New World Order.

(T) The only way to get through this is the old Lao Tzu or whoever, the Chinese military philosopher, who said "The wheat stalk that survives is the one that bends with the wind."

(TK): "Yes, I'll do whatever you say."

(T) There's no way to stop it. All these people who are talking about going out and going to fight it, they aren't going to fight it. They can't. They can't win.

(F) Well, they are already being diverted.

(TK) On top of everything else, these are the elite. I mean, these are the ones that have been recruited, and they are the elite. Now, most military organizations are going to fall right into this, because the government.... Admitted, there's gong to be a lot of deserters from the military, I mean there's some people, like, if I was in the military, and they started rounding people up in the U.S., I'd say, "Sorry, this is where I came in..."

(T) This is why this Koernke guy up in the Michigan militia group has been talking about the foreign UN troops, because the military, the government that's ready to come into power, this one world government knows that you can't subdue any country with their own troops.

(TK) It can't be done.

(T) That's why they're sending American troops to all these other countries.

(F) And all the other countries are sending troops here.

(J) Well, what about the guy who wouldn't put on the U.N. uniform?

(T) Yes, that was mentioned in the paper again today, in passing. This guy knew.

(TK) Well, really, the only thing a person can do is like you were saying, go with the flow... Basically, you've got to. Up to a point, at least.

(T) It's easier to fight it by going with the flow than it is to fight it by going against it.

(F) Who is going to stand up in the line of fire and say "I refuse!" They'd blow him away...

(TK): What, if anything, can be done about this "New World Order?"

A: Too complex to answer, need specific questions.

Q: (T): I want to ask a couple of questions off the subject, on a different subject, and then we can get back to this. I want to see Tom sit over here. He's tuned on this. He's catching the answers before they spell out. I want you to come sit over here, if you want to. But not right now, I want to ask a couple of questions first. This is off the subject, we'll come back to it later. A few weeks ago, at Luc's meditation, did I channel you guys?

A: Well, you channeled, but we must warn you that some soul groupings and aural frequency vibrational associations can leave one open to less than STO influences...

Q: (T): But was it you... was it us?

A: Up to you to discover.

Q: (L) OK, thank you. Now, second question, what is Judy C channeling?

A: Rape victim.

Q: (T) OK, she's channeling a rape victim? (J) Or she is a rape victim?

A: Both.

Q: (T) Are the lizards influencing her in some way?

A: Yes..

Q: (T) Is she possessed?

A: Open.

Q: (T) Well, she's got the whole slew... Q (L) They said she's channeling a rape victim, that's pretty much possession... (T) That's what the lizards want... (L) Sure, they are the ones that leave people wounded, so these kinds of things can happen, you know, like going up to somebody and cutting them open with a knife, and then sprinkling dirt and bacteria on it so they can get infected. They do it to the soul level ... (T) Is there anything that we can do to help her? (L) Terry, you know better than to ask something like that...

A: Judy must follow her own path.

Q: (L) Now, read that back, what they answered the first question about the channeling... you channeled someone... "You channeled, but we must warn you that some soul groupings and aural frequency vibrational associations can leave one open to less than STO influences..." (L) That's what I wanted to get... Some soul groupings and aural frequency vibrational associations - In other words, be real damn careful who you hang out with when you get in that situation [meditation, opening up]... (T) In other words, you're referring to the rest of the grouping involved with working with Luc. (J) Including Judy and anybody else...

A: Open.

Q: (L) They're not going to tell you what to do, (T). (T) Well, I know that... I know that. That's why I keep my shields up solid in there. (L) OK, now, is that it, or do you want to ask more about that? (T) Should we stop doing the work with Luc? (J) They're not going to tell you....

A: Up to you.

Q: (T): OK.... (L) But remember... stop Everything! Hold everything! It just jumped in my head, whatever, remember when I asked the question, and it was the time you guys called on the phone that night, and we were talking about… (T) quitting the job… (L)… and I was saying, is he going to get into the financial soup? Because I was worried about your income, because you had quit that job. And I was concerned about that, is he going to get into that soup, and they said, "Soup comes in all flavors!" And, if you think about it, having the time that you've had available, not working, and seeking to fill this time with various activities, can be in a sense jumping into a chicken noodle, or minestrone, whatever. (T) Very good point, yup. (L) All right, Tom are you ready to take a turn? Let Terry have a rest. (J) That's a very good point, because his job was what kept us from being able to do it, because he wasn't available to do it.

[Tom sits at the table.]

(L) A ha, I see. All right, Tom, the thing is to just place your fingers very lightly on it... like this... just two fingers in contact. You keep the contact firm enough, but not too heavy to weight it. OK, now, the question you had asked was "Is there anything that can be done about... is there anything you can do about this New World Order business. So think of some specific questions.

(J) I want to get back to that body duplicate soul receptacle replacement thing... (L) OK, hang onto that, we'll get back to it, don't let it get away.

(TK) I can't think of a specific.. I mean...

(L) How about, should people move into groups in isolated areas?

(J) We've gone through that, it's old territory..

(L) I mean, that's, you know, an opening... an opening question. You can go from there. What is the primary focus that one should...

A: We have already answered...

Q: (L) We know that, but we're just looking for an opening for questions here. (TK) What was that? (J)'We have already answered... (L) We know that, it's in the transcripts. (J) A long, long thing about that. (L) It doesn't matter where you are, but who you are, is what they said. And that is pretty much what you were saying, it doesn't matter about the abduction, it only matters who you are. (TK) Are most of the survivalists kind dangerous? The kind you should stay away from?

A: Off the mark..

Q: (L) In other words, they're off the mark, they don't understand, it's a spiritual question.

(TK) They're looking at the wrong thing.

(T) Also, right now, if you're considering survivalist groups, you have to keep in mind, they're under attack right now.

(TK) Oh, yeah, the government's after them.

(T) Between Oklahoma and this thing with Amtrak out in Arizona, militias are under heavy attack.

A: Being lead in to a trap.

Q: (L) I suspected that at one time. They're all being led into a trap. (T) Well, they've got guns right now... (J) Maybe guns aren't going to change anything...

A: Good intentions.

Q: (L) They've got good intentions... (TK) Started off with good intentions... They've got to be infiltrated, and it's been tainted at the very least.

(J) Maybe it's the idea of putting all the ones together with the same mind set so you know where they are.

(T) Their usefulness to the One World Government people has come to an end. It brought the conservative grouping into power in this country.

A: Not yet.

Q: (TK) Their usefulness isn't over yet, but... (T) Well, there's usefulness and there's usefulness... (J) But getting close. (L) OK, in those terms, what is the single most important thing that we as individuals should focus on in order to prepare ourselves for whatever events may occur? (J) Follow your own path...

A: No single thing.

Q: (TK) Is what Terry was saying earlier, like the thing... with the reed bending and going with the flow, is that the idea?

A: Close. Watch, look, listen.

Q: (J) Got it, knowledge is power. (T) I gotta tell you, from the Cleveland experience, if you let your mind wander, you end up in a very bad position. (J) Pay attention. (T) Even if there's a lesson... boy, I learned that one quick!

A: Alertness.

Q: (L) And that does not involve anesthetizing your mind with anything. (TK) Probably wouldn't hurt if you had any guns or anything, to keep them hidden, would it?

A: Messengers are all around. Look, listen.

Q: (L) Well, can I ask, what was the particular thing that... I mean, just out of curiosity... (TK) Is it going to be necessary to stockpile supplies, or anything along those lines? (L) That's all in the transcripts.

A: Third density.

Q: (L) That's third density thinking. (J) Guns aren't going to help. (TK) I'm not really worried about that. No, they're not going to help, but... (T) Does Tom know what third and fourth density is? (L) Yes. Is there any particular reason why Tom is here tonight, or came tonight? I mean, I know he has an ostensible reason for coming down, but is there any other underlying reason?

A: Look, discover.

Q: (L) OK, guys, let's take a break, my back is getting really stiff. Can we, or do you have something you want to get right now? (TK) Jan had something. (L) OK, you wanted to do about the... Is your hand sweating? (TK) Uhuh. (L) That's interesting. That's some of the heat, huh? (J) Yes, they said that the...

A: After break.

Q: (T): Ask them how many Civil War veterans were taken?


Q: (L) OK, guys, we're back. Hello. Terry wants to know, are there any Civil War veterans or killed in action involved in this scenario that we were discussing earlier?

A: Tom energy fragmented by ritual. [Laura gave Tom Reiki initiation during break.]

Q: (L) So should he sit out until his energy settles down... We did the Reiki initiation. (F) Oh, that's where you disappeared off to? (L) OK, you sit out until your energy stabilizes, and I would suggest that you sit there and put your hands on yourself and make that energy flow to get all the little electrons flowing in the same direction. (TK) I thought it was going faster with him over there anyway. (T) Well, we've been doing it for a year now... (F) Whenever anybody new comes in, it slows down. (T) It usually takes awhile to build it up. (F) That's normal. (L) OK, now back to Terry's question. Are there any Civil War individuals involved in this project, these underground tunnels or bases or whatever? (T): KIA's of the Civil War?

A: A few.

Q: (T): Well, the farther back you go, the specialties weren't developed. But a specialist is a specialist, no matter what the war.

A: Not point.

Q: (L) I think the point is who they are. Now, in the Matrix material, there's a section extracted from the L. Ron Hubbard teachings that talks about technical abilities to jerk people's souls out of their bodies, insert other souls, reprogram the memories, essentially that there is no congruency...

A: False.

Q: (L) OK, so the jerking out and the manipulating of souls as described by L. Ron Hubbard is false? In a general sense?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, now, you said a moment ago that some of these bodies were used as receptacles, soul receptacles. When you say soul receptacles, do you mean soul receptacles for whom?

A: Replacements for dead bodies, i.e. duplicated.

Q: (L) So, in other words, they make replacements for dead people and put their souls in a replacement body, so that they can continue living on, is that it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they ever use dead bodies and re-animate them and then put other souls in them?

A: No. (T): Now, wait now, you're saying some of them... I'm lost now. (TK) Is there a limit to how long they can be dead? (L) They make...

A: For example: a soldier is KIA, his body is duplicated, his soul is replaced into new body, then he is "reprogrammed for service" to aliens and S.G. [Secret Government]

Q: (L) Where does the new body coming from? (TK) Cloned, basically. (SV) I would think so...

A: It is duplicate of old body.

Q: (T) Where do they get the duplicate? (L) Where do they get the material for the duplicate? I know that's a dumb question, I know the answer.


Q: (L) OK, that's it. (J) It's in the air, same thing. [TDARM is Trans Dimensional Atomic ReMolecularization] (T) Otherwise known in Star Trek as a 'Replicator'. (TK) Does somebody have to die in a certain way before they can do this?

A: No.

A: (TK): Is there a time limit on how long they can be dead?

A: No.

Q: (T): Well, because when your physical body dies, your soul body continues on. Your soul doesn't die, so they always have it. (L) They don't want to take your body out of the graveyard, because they're not concerned about the body.

A: Zero time.

Q: (T): Because there's no time... (L) They use the frequency vibration of the soul pattern, they take it into another density, use their TDARM technology to cause a molecular re-assembly; in other words, the atoms begin to whir and assemble around it in the pattern that it had before, and then it is a full-fledged body, and then they insert it back through the time doorway into 3D again. Is that correct?

A: Close.

Q: (T): Are all these [listed] KIA's, are they dead KIA's, when they go, that you were talking about? I mean, are they really dead? (TK) Were they dead when this was done?

A: ?

Q: (T): OK, you said... let's use Vietnam. You said there were 23,000 KIA's of the 60,000 that actually were not killed in action. True? Yes?

A: Were killed, then reanimated.

Q: (L) We're not talking about physical bodies here, are we?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, there are some that were killed in action that the actual bodies were reanimated? (J) As long as they weren't blown up in a land mine, yeah. (L) There were actually bodies that were actually reanimated, is that correct?

A: Some, but most were duplicated.

Q: (L) Now this leads to the immediate question: Is there some potentiality that is created by dying in a violent manner; i.e., in war, in an atmosphere of war, that makes one susceptible to this particular type of activity, as opposed to just people dying in an ordinary sense? (J) Negative energy...

A: No.

Q: (T): No, because violent death like that, we have violent death all the time without being in a war; car crashes, fires, explosions...

A: War makes covert actions so easy.

Q: (T) Well, no, it's not like car crashes, the violent part of it, I don't think has anything to do with it. It's just that the cover of a war, is easier to take the bodies. What I'm trying to understand...

(TK) They're not wanting people to realize ... They're not wanting to just take them out of the graves, because if you did, it would be more noticed.

(T) These are real bodies, they were dead. In other words, the people were dead, they were taken, and reanimated, or... (L) Some were reanimated bodies... (T) ...some were remolecularized... (J) If they were messed up... (L) Were some of these bodies taken, like dead bodies of somebody who just died... were the bodies picked up, taken into another density for this remolecularization patterning?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, so they had to have an actual body for the pattern. (T) Was the original body... (TK) Did they actually get the bodies before anybody actually... (T) Before they were recovered, yes. Were the original bodies returned once the duplication was done?

A: More than one type of situation.

Q: (L) So, in other words, it could be sometimes, yeah, they were, and sometimes, no, they weren't. (J) It would be case by case. (T) Were some of these supposed "killed in action's" actually not killed? Were they still alive when they were removed?

A: All possibilities.

Q: (L) So this is in a sense a "crime of opportunity." (J) It's a supermarket of opportunities. (T) Some were just taken by the secret government when they were alive, some were dead and brought back in new bodies to continue on, and they were considered dead, but they're all considered dead. (SV) Laura, what about the "Triple Veil" when you go to 5D?

A: Taken by aliens, not SG. Secret Government aware to some extent, but not in control of operation.

Q: (L) OK, now this brings up the question about... We were told that there was, and this was... last week we asked about this thing about the death... and we were told that there was an impenetrable triple veil that prevents some of this "L.Ron Hubbard" type of activity, that he describes happening. How can this be reconciled? Well, the explanation that I see is that it happens that they do this before they go into the tunnel, into the light. They catch them in the transition before they go to 5D. Is that correct?

A: Time adjustment.

Q: (L) Does that mean that they know that they're going to, and they go back in just before they die, or just at the moment of death, or...???

A: Close.

Q: (T): Now, what are the aliens doing with these bodies? With the humans that they replicate and duplicate and reanimate? What are they doing with them?

A: Serve them.

Q: (T) So these humans are becoming servants for the aliens?

A: Workers.

Q: (T) They're slaves. (L) Now, this leads me to a question that I have thought about asking on many occasions. In terms of finite numbers, how many of these STS aliens of any different group, or any combination of groups all together, do we have operating on this planet at the present time?

A: Specify.

Q: (L) OK, how many Lizzies are operating on the planet?

A: 300,000.

Q: (L) OK, how many Oranges?

A: 62,530.

Q: (L) How many grays?

A: 2,750,000.

Q: (L) This is not a pretty picture! (J) No s**t. (L) Are most of these inhabiting alternate dimensions or densities most of the time? I mean, it would be kind of crowded otherwise!

A: Back and forth.

Q: (J): Just like they said in the very beginning. (T) When you asked how many of them are here; in third density? (L) On the planet...

A: And others.

Q: (L) I didn't specify the density. Just in our immediate planetary area. (T) That's how many of them are working this project. (L) Now, I'm sure that there are... here, hand me this little booklet here. We have here some drawings of supposed alien servants. This one right here is called a Rigelian servant. [The booklet says] It's a proto-synthezoid, in other words, a cyber-genetic. Is this an accurate representation of this being, and does this being actually exist?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, that's friendly. (SV) Which one is that? [Looks at drawing.] Oooh, I don't want to see him... (L) Now, this one here... (T) Oh, lightning bolt man!. (L) Does this one actually exist? This mutative clone form?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, this one here, this little Tah-hay being...

A: Yes.

Q: (T): ET! (L) OK, they said he was real? Yes. OK, now this one is a real pleasant looking fellow... [S'pth]

A: Yes. Occupies Dulce base.

Q: (T): Can we make it easy and just ask if everything in the book is real? (L) No, because if there's anything, I want to put a note on it. [Reading] "This is a cloned synthezoid form," in other words a cyber-genetic, "whose specific job is to act as controllers. They are plus or minus four feet tall." This is, I think, your standard gray. It's just that the drawing is kind of crappy- looking. (T) Wait, the face... the eyes are smaller on the thing but the face is a lot like the one in the Autopsy film. (L) This is a lot like what I had in my bedroom, only all swathed in black. OK, now, this is what they call a replica. [Reading] "They are proto-synthezoid form of human whose specific job is as a special outside agent. Observation: Face and body change shape at will." This is like in the X-File thing where the guy... the shape changer. Is this a correct concept? Is this basically a... I mean of course you have to draw them in an ambiguous way...

A: Close.

Q: (L) Is there anything you can tell us about this in particular? Any hint or clue?

A: ?

Q: (L) OK, we'd have to ask questions. OK, these are the servants from Zeta Reticuli One... (T) Are these the Men in Black?

Q: (L) No, remember, the Men in Black... (T): OK, just thought I'd check... (L) Just cross- checking here... (T): Terminator Model IV here... Mr. liquid metal. (L) OK, these servants from Zeta Reticuli One... this is another version of the one. I would also assume that these are the servants at the Dulce base?

A: Laura board. [Laura was holding book and did not have her fingers on the planchette.]

Q: (L) I'm assuming that this is another version of the ones that occupy the Dulce base. Is that correct?

A: No.

Q: (L) What are these guys?

A: Floaters.

Q: (L) OK, these are floaters. Let me just comment so that... (T) Floaters? As in how floaters? (L) I would say it was like somebody in a job... (T): Trouble shooters, they go from place to place... (L) OK, these are real friendly looking. .. I love these guys! (T) Are those the "Blues?" (L) The THROOB! (T) Are these the little short stubby blues that Whitley was into.. (L) Plus or minus four feet tall... Yeah, I think so. It says here "They are originally from the Draco Constellation and their job is to complete research. They are plus or minus four feet tall. Are these accurately represented here, both in terms and drawing?

A: Yes.

Q: (T): Are these the ones that Whitley Strieber has seen?

A: Maybe.

Q: (L) OK, now, the degenerative clone form, which is the bottom image, is this also an accurate representation?

A: Close.

Q: (L) What is the color of the skin of these friendly- looking little guys?

A: Variable.

Q: (L) OK, I think there may be one more... Ha, ha! Are you guys ready for this one? This is a Cassiopaean! (T) Well, I don't think that's a Cassiopaean! (J) Let me see... Oh, lovely! (T) Cassiopaea, I couldn't find a star called Cassiopaea... (L) There isn't. (T) Well, I know that. (L) Well, he's being sarcastic. OK, this is one called “a race of insectoids from Cassiopaea, whose specific job is genetic research”. Is this an accurate description and drawing of this critter?

A: Yes.

Q: (T): Is Cassiopaea a star? (L) No. (T) What is Cassiopaea? (L) It's a constellation. (T) I know it's a constellation, but they say they're from Cassiopaea. You can't be from Cassiopaea... (L) Oh, right, that's right. What star in Cassiopaea?

A: Region.

Q: (L) It's in the Cassiopaea region. Is there any star in particular that you would identify as their home star? They have to have a planet with a home star somewhere, so where is their home star?

A: No.

Q: (L) They don't have to have a home planet? In other words, they could be riding the wave? (SV) Well, are they coming here? (L) Are these guys coming here?

A: All are already.

Q: (L) OK, hang on... (T): What about the one below? What's the one below? (L) Well, that's just a biological android. "The Nordics and Oranges normally use inorganic, high-tech servants." Is this an accurate representation of an inorganic, high-tech. ..

A: Yes.

Q: (T): What are all the hieroglyphics? (L) It's supposed to be one of their alien languages. What does this business say here?

A: Scrambled.

Q: (L) It's scrambled. So it's a combination of the various different languages they have back there.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Somebody just put the various different symbols together, because it looks like two or three different languages. OK, well, that answered those questions.

(SV) Laura, are you going to get a copy of that for us? (L) Yes, I'll make copies for all of you. (SV) That's so if I meet one of those guys in my dreams, I won't get scared... Well, I won't be AS scared! (J) Speaking of being scared...

(TK) Doesn't seem to me like there's too much to worry about... (T) It's all supposed to be fun! (L) Yeah, they've told us it would be ecstasy dealing with it. (T) This is fun! It's a challenge, and we're supposed to enjoy this as the challenge that it is. (TK) Seems to me it's something you've got to take as it comes, and deal with it! (T) That's about it. (J) Roll with the punches.

A: Yes.

Q: (J): Speaking of being scared, I've had a couple more situations where I wake up screaming and have no idea why. Any input to that? I've had that happen about two or three times.

A: Discover.

Q: (L) You've got to do hypnosis. They've been saying that a lot lately. That's what they told Nova M. over and over again... Discover, discover, discover. Did she tell you anything about the session? (T) The session? No. (TK) Are we asking all the wrong questions here? (J) Naaah!

A: There are no such.

Q: (J) There are no wrong questions. (L) I guess whatever occurs to you to ask, as you wind your way around through the maze, trying to get to the heart of it, is appropriate. I mean, what occurs to you to ask? (J) It's all knowledge... (T) Whatever comes to you is something you should ask. (L) Once you read the entire transcripts... Now, I really shouldn't have given it to you the way I did. I should have edited out all diddles. Because you could have gotten to the meat of it. But, you've got to go through some of that because... (J) It's all part of the learning process. Even the garbage is. (L) Yeah, because, you know, there'll be two pages of somebody asking questions about their own personal stuff, and then all of a sudden there'll come three or four paragraphs of such tremendous impact that you just kind of go "Oh, my god"... (T) As you read through the personal stuff, there's information there, too... (L) There's stuff buried there, too... (T) There's all kinds of stuff in there... (J) I don't think you can edit it out, Laura, to be honest with you... I think Andrew was right, just leave it right as it is.

(TK) But what can... are there questions you can ask, and answers you can get that will make a difference one way or the other? (J) Just keep asking, I guess. (T) Well, really, what we end up doing is just shooting a lot of different questions out until we get something where we're getting answers, and then we work on it for a while, until we can 't handle it any more... (L) Sometimes, we don't even know what's going to open a door. Some of the most innocuous questions have opened the door to some of the most incredible information which has blown us away.

A: Ask.

Q: (L) So ask. (T) Go ahead, there's no such thing as a wrong question. The thing is, we all ask questions that turn out to be silly. We all get embarrassed, so don't worry about it. They handle that real well for us.

(TK)I don't know, this seems like... what difference does it really make, knowing some of this stuff? (J) Because just being aware of it... (TK) Being aware, yeah, OK, I can understand. (J) Sometimes, that's all there is... (L) Also, they've told us, that the more knowledge we actually accumulate, it actually changes your frequency and adds volume and bulk and power and force to who and what you are, at a fundamental level. Not physically, but psychically. In other words, when you come up to some... if you are a person who's full of knowledge, I mean, what does it say in the Bible? "My people perish for a lack of knowledge..." and it says, "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." And the more knowledge you have, the bigger you are, in a cosmic and psychic sense, the more powerful you are, and...

A: Suggest more questions about the goings on at underground facilities. Jan and Terry were visitors involuntary when went to Albuquerque and Las Vegas!

Q: (J) Oh, really! (T) Read it back, I lost it after visitors. (L) You were in an underground base? (T) We were in a front door of an underground base. We were in Carlsbad Caverns, and I know that there's a government facility at the other end of it, and they won't talk about it. (J) Is that what they mean? (T) You're talking about Carlsbad?

A: Abducted.

Q: (T): When we were in Albuquerque?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) And Las Vegas? (T) When we were in Las Vegas, also?

A: Met alien there.

Q: (L) Oh, you met an alien when you were in Las Vegas! (J) Does that have anything to do with the fact that the pictures didn't come out from our wedding?

A: Barfly.

Q: (T): Ohhhhh... (J) I know exactly what you are talking about.

A: Disguised humanoid gray species four. Rigelian. Orion union STS.

Q: (T) Why did he talk to us? Why did he approach us? I know exactly...

A: Spying on you and aural frequency reading, had you not been as strong, would have suffered permanent abduction because of your studies

Q: (L) Now, right there is a point. Everybody take note of this. What is there about strength that makes one inaccessible to permanent abduction?

A: Strength is of character, i.e. if STO candidate, not likely to be victim.

Q: (L) Not likely to be victim... OK, but what.. (T) STO candidate... (L) I know, but that's... it says when... well, what is it that makes a person... We know that it means being an STO candidate, but what is the thing inside one that stops them... I mean, is this something that is a core ingredient of certain human beings? Is this like something inside them that blocks this manipulation and victimization?

A: Soul pattern.

Q: (L) So in other words, there is something about us, or within us, that literally they cannot touch or harm, is that correct?

A: Basically, but difficult to facilitate.

Q: (L) OK, in other words, this is something that is in us, that creates an inherent barrier, but not necessarily something that we can, at this level of density, reach in, grab out as a weapon, and wave around, as in facilitate?

A: Can, but intricate to do consciously.

Q: (L) Is this some quality or ability that we can work at? I don't think meditation is the answer, this is something that I've come to think... Is this a state of focused awareness, whole body awareness, internal and external, basically whole body awareness... (J) Going with instinct...

A: Helpful.

Q: (L) Is there something we can do to develop this to the highest degree possible, while in these bodies, in this density?

A: Wait for 4.

Q: (L) Wait for 4? 4th density?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) We can't develop it ourselves, but if we... (J) We can start the process... (T) It's a case of not developing it, it's a case of that, if you can do it, it does it all by itself, you don't think about it... (L) It's an innate thing... (T) It's a do, it's an involuntary, it's there, it works when it needs to work. Is this the idea?

A: Network western experiences for learning purposes please. Knowledge is protection.

[Briefly, Terry related the story where he and Jan met the barfly at Vegas World, after having gone downtown to get their marriage license. They had taken a taxi to City Hall, and foolishly decided to walk back to the Strip, in 116 degree weather. They made it as far south as Vegas World, and stopped at the bar inside to cool off. Jan was close to heat prostration, and the barmaid gave her glasses of iced water and an iced towel to put on her neck. They were getting ready to go back out and hail a cab back to Bally's, when they were approached by the "Barfly," who started asking all sorts of personal questions, and seemed to be acting drunk when he wasn't really intoxicated. He became belligerent when Terry refused to show him his Florida drivers license, but switched to disorientation when Terry made the statement "We don't have a problem, here, do we?! Everything's cool, everything's OK! I'll buy you a beer?" While staring the guy down and putting the force of his personality behind the question/statement.]

Q: (T) Before we get too far into this, I want to ask them where we were taken. Because after that, as far as I know, nothing else happened. We just went on about our business, and we didn't see him again... (L) In this story that Terry has just recounted, what instant represents the turning point of resistance?

A: The statement.

Q: (L) What statement? (T) "We don't have a problem, here, do we?! Everything's cool, everything's OK! I'll buy you a beer?"

A: Yes.

Q: (T): Because that's when he got confused... (J) You totally nullified the... (SV) Yeah, from the glaring and staring at each other... (T) He was escalating this to a point, and I don't know, it just came to me that the best way to do this was to just stop it right there...

A: Grays and their associates are thrown off by energy flow diversions or thought pattern interruptions.

Q: (SV) That's exactly what they said in Matrix I! (T) Another thing that comes to mind while I'm thinking about it, before it turned ugly, he was leading up to going someplace. (J) Very vaguely, but yes. (T) He was leading up toward, "We ought to get together and go someplace." I think that's when I really shut the whole thing off. (L) OK, now, in this episode where Terry and Jan were taken to an underground base, can you identify the location of the underground facility?

A: Socorro, NM

Q: (J) We were in Socorro, weren't we? (T) We went through Socorro... We stopped at the geological school. (L) OK, what was done to them when they were in this underground facility?

A: Quick exam.

Q: (T) Did we pass? I'm not good on quick exams! Which of the nights in Albuquerque was it we were taken?

A: Second.

Q: (T) We got there Friday afternoon, that would have been Saturday... (L) Who was in charge of this base, this facility? What group?

A: Orion Union STS.

Q: (T) Why did they take us? I know, a quick exam, but why? Because we happened to be there, and we were close by? (L) They said a minute ago because of your studies. (T) Well, they could have taken us in Florida.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) They said because of your studies. Well, you happened to be near a base, I guess. Not everybody goes to these bases, you know, these underground facilities. They get taken to ships.... (T) Did we get taken to the base because we happened to be close by at the time when they grabbed us? Was it an opportunity for them?

A: Close.

Q: (T) Did they know we were coming out there?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Why did they follow up with a spy afterwards?

A: Test.

Q: (T) What kind of test? (J) I think we passed... (L) I think that if you'd failed, they said a minute ago, you'd have been permanently abducted.

A: Already answered.

Q: (L) It's an aural reading... read the section back about aural reading... (T) You mean that what they were looking at was to see whether we were STS or STO?

A: Partly.

Q: (L) And if they had been permanently abducted at that point in time, what would have happened to them?

A: Body part utilization.

Q: (T): You mean I'd be part of some - body? (TK) Basically, what that means is that you wouldn't have been any good to them as a person, but the parts would have been all right. (T) Well, if they would have taken us and utilized us as body parts, but they didn't take us... (J) They couldn't take us because you were strong... (T) So they took us... what was the purpose of the examination beforehand? I know, quick exam, was it to find out whether our body parts were good? I'm trying to make... get the connection between the... because there was no reason to... If they had taken us... (L) If they had taken you, why didn't they keep you?

A: Too complex to explain in this forum.

Q: (L) In other words, we're really getting tired here. I do have an idea about that. Is there not something internal that prevents them from going too far during an abduction, i.e. like maybe, if you want to call it that, a guardian angel or protective energy, and then they try to put an implant in, and then create a situation where they can bypass that... Oh, I know! Is this what Michael Topper was writing about in his article, "Channels and the Positive/Negative," where he talks about the "obedience factor" of the STS? If they can get you to obey something, you have given your permission.

A: Close.

Q: (L) This article is so... OK, I think we're going to close up for tonight, because we're so whipped... are you whipped? (F) Well, I'm tired, yeah. (L) OK. Is there anything you want to say to anyone before we close up the shop for tonight? Is there any message for Tom, who is getting ready to go back up North tomorrow? Or for any of us in general?

A: No.

Q: (L) Anything you want to ask before we go? OK, then, we'll say goodnight, and we thank you for being with us.

A: Good-bye.

End of Session
Thanks for getting this oldie up. It is interesting how the nature of the questions has improved as the network has developed and awareness has grown over the years. The questions posed to the Cs in the more recent sessions are much more specific, allowing the Cs to offer more detailed and effective replies.

I imagine that if/when martial law becomes a full blown reality in the US, be it the result of revolution or cosmic cataclysm, it could be staffed by those legions from underground. Give them blue helmets and call them UN. All of those youtube videos of mile long trains full of armored vehicles and tanks have to be going somewhere, but there are never any videos of their destinations. No doubt much of it winds up in offshore military adventurism, but armament loaded trains wandering around in Montana and the Dakotas seem pretty far off the beaten path to the middle east.
Q: (L) I didn't specify the density. Just in our immediate planetary area. (T) That's how many of them are working this project. (L) Now, I'm sure that there are... here, hand me this little booklet here. We have here some drawings of supposed alien servants. This one right here is called a Rigelian servant. [The booklet says] It's a proto-synthezoid, in other words, a cyber-genetic. Is this an accurate representation of this being, and does this being actually exist?

Does anyone know about this booklet talked about in this session?
If memory serves me right, it was a compilation of drawings or illustrations of said entities.
Many of the drawing under the link refer to Blue Planet Project, especially chapter 6, which can be found in various places like Blue Planet Project - Alien Technical Research 25 leading to Blue Planet Project - 06
and it is also available online Blue Planet Project or one can buy it (assuming it is the same) from: or from
Many of the drawing under the link refer to Blue Planet Project, especially chapter 6, which can be found in various places like Blue Planet Project - Alien Technical Research 25 leading to Blue Planet Project - 06
and it is also available online Blue Planet Project or one can buy it (assuming it is the same) from: or from

Thanks much thorbiorn For this link . It's good to have it alongside the Matrix materials for detail research. Have gone through Matrix 1 & 2 will see how it match up after completing the Matrix materials.
Many of the drawing under the link refer to Blue Planet Project, especially chapter 6, which can be found in various places like Blue Planet Project - Alien Technical Research 25 leading to Blue Planet Project - 06
and it is also available online Blue Planet Project or one can buy it (assuming it is the same) from: or from
The drawings discussed in the session are actually from the Pulsar Project found on the same page starting on page 24. It's an even stranger little follow-up book to the Blue Planet Project. I believe the Cassiopaeans later said that most of the information about Nordics is false (P33-36) and that the only discernible difference was that the cranium was 3% larger. I did find it interesting however that the Nordics are described as very dolecephalic, and there are the curious cases of the anomalous longheaded people that keep popping up in human evolutionary anthropological research that certainly look alien at first glance, and I've always been partial to the idea that there was some sort of alien connection there via "Nordic Covenant" or something else relating to the Nephilim.
The drawings discussed in the session are actually from the Pulsar Project found on the same page starting on page 24. It's an even stranger little follow-up book to the Blue Planet Project. I believe the Cassiopaeans later said that most of the information about Nordics is false (P33-36) and that the only discernible difference was that the cranium was 3% larger. I did find it interesting however that the Nordics are described as very dolecephalic, and there are the curious cases of the anomalous longheaded people that keep popping up in human evolutionary anthropological research that certainly look alien at first glance, and I've always been partial to the idea that there was some sort of alien connection there via "Nordic Covenant" or something else relating to the Nephilim.
Thank you for posting the link, the pictures are on pages 20-25. With only 57 pages, it is very much a booklet.
The track record of the C's really is astonishing, thinking about it all. I've been reading Cass/Sott since 2003, and I'm still absorbing more and more with each re-reading of articles and books. What is interesting to note is that I respond much more emotionally to material now, whereas in previous years I'd compartmentalise different subjects in my mind.

It's all hitting home now, in all its harrowing glory.
The drawings discussed in the session are actually from the Pulsar Project found on the same page starting on page 24. It's an even stranger little follow-up book to the Blue Planet Project. I believe the Cassiopaeans later said that most of the information about Nordics is false (P33-36) and that the only discernible difference was that the cranium was 3% larger. I did find it interesting however that the Nordics are described as very dolecephalic, and there are the curious cases of the anomalous longheaded people that keep popping up in human evolutionary anthropological research that certainly look alien at first glance, and I've always been partial to the idea that there was some sort of alien connection there via "Nordic Covenant" or something else relating to the Nephilim.

Yes, that's it! Thanks for locating it. Now I don't have to scan it.
Thanks for the links Neil / Thorbiorn,

Surprisingly this image is almost identical to the 'visitor' mentioned here :shock:


Interesting that they are described as around 4' tall also as 'it' was about exactly that height - which struck me at the time - as I'd pictured greys as shorter and 'rounder' of face...

This was interesting too -


Don't suppose anybody can recommend a (remotely plausible) direction for looking into who 'Vega' is in the zoo could they?

Appreciate any assistance.


[...] I believe the Cassiopaeans later said that most of the information about Nordics is false (P33-36) and that the only discernible difference was that the cranium was 3% larger. [...]

Incidentally, I think I found the statement in question that you're referring to (thank you for finding that link by the way):

Q: (L) This book describes the Nordic aliens as having blood with a different chemical base than ours...

A: This is trivial disinformation, "Nordic" Physiology is identical to yours, with the exception being their cranium, which averages 3 per cent larger. Discuss for insight. Must end session.

Q: (L) Thank you.

End of session
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