Personal questions for the C's

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The Living Force
The purpose of this post is to bring together all comments where personal questions were repeatedly discouraged by the C's themselves:

Date format is YYYY-MM-DD

1994-11-02 said:
A: All will be okay. We feel important matters need discussion from here forward please.

Q: (L) Could you define important matters for us?

A: Of importance to all.

1994-11-26 said:
A: Her lesson, not yours. Please limit inquiries of a personal nature.

1994-11-26 said:
A: Partly. But remember, the primary point of this communication is to bring information to all that is of universal importance as opposed to personal exercises and data. We want to clarify and expand upon previous statement. It is alright if you would prefer to use this forum for personal data and gain, because that is of free will. However, if you would like this connection to retain its strength and, in fact, increase, then it would be wise to limit personal inquiries because that is of the service to self realm and that realm is limiting and will eventually lead to contamination by forces that are oriented toward service to self, unlike this one.

1994-12-05 said:
Q: (F) I think this should be noteworthy, if Karla Turner claims that you can't trust anything that comes from this source because it will only tell you what it wants you to hear and so forth, this proves that this source does not just tell us what we want to hear. (L) Most assuredly {Speaking sarcastically}. (F) It sometimes tells us what we don't want to hear and sometimes it tells us what ever it feels like. Another thing that should be noteworthy is, every time you try to do something to verify something, it keeps answering that verification does not depend upon personal information. (L) Does this mean that I have to can my last three questions?

A: Aren't things of universal significance more important?

Q: (L) Well, didn't you say before, when I was asking things that had to do with the various events of the past two years that knowledge of them was protection. If that is the case, why can't I ask about these things now?

A: Yes, but we have repeatedly told all you need to know for your protection.


Q: (L) Yeah, yeah. Is P__ Z__ going to accept the paper work for the mortgage assignment as it is being drawn up?

A: What are you going to do to help yourself?

Q: (L) Well, I am actually asking this as a test question to test your ability to predict because it doesn't matter a whole lot if he accepts it the way it's being drawn up because if he wants to have it changed we can always change it. It's no big deal.

A: This is deteriorating into a personal forum.

Q: (L) Well, somehow I don't feel that it is wrong to ask personal questions to test our source because that is the only way we can determine what kind of information we are getting.

A: Ask test questions that potentially affect all. P__ Z__ is not particularly well known in Katmandu, for example.

1995-01-07 said:
A: We have given enough personal data for this session

1995-02-18 said:
A: Yes, but please now less personalization.

1995-02-25 said:
A: Those are personal questions.

1995-03-04 said:
A: Enough said, remember, you have been learning slowly that personal issues hold minor significance.

1995-04-22 said:
A: We do not wish to be used for personal life direction by those who take an outwardly orientation. We have given answers for these people before, and you do not know what they have done with information.

1996-02-24 said:
A: Remember two things: Number one, there are better ways to access this information than to expect us to lead you by the hand, this is not learning. Number two, Too many personal questions begin to restrict the channel!

1997-06-21 said:
A: Alice, my dear, we have been patient with all of you. But we think the "time" has now arrived to move beyond using this conduit as a forum for personal STS oriented inquiry. We are talking about matters of importance to the realm of all of creation in its entirety. With all due respect, love and guidance, creation will survive the various vagaries of your shoulder!

1998-01-31 said:
A: Both efforts bring results when pursued simultaneously. Weekends provide this, so do evenings soon to be in new environment, if pursue correctly. Basically on the right track, just have patience and faith. Now, we suggest that future sessions delve more fully into matters of universal importance, then personal problems dissolve, or at least ease! Thank you and Good Night.
Thanks alot Data for this post! :) If my understanding is correct, asking personal questions at this juncture is a form of dishonouring the connection with the Cs, and is not being considerate of Laura's energies. The Forum is the appropriate place for personal issues.

Perhaps it is like watching your Mom struggle to carry water from the well, then wasting the water instead of gratefully drinking it; which is particularly inconsiderate knowing that Mom toiled for years digging the well also.

Would questions relating to subjects that were potentially beneficial to the Fellowship and/or others generally, be deemed of 'universal importance' I wonder, and thus be appropriate for asking?

Even if questions with the Cs don't get asked in a session, I am finding that by thinking, writing and redefining them seems to help to create many answers anyway. It is a great learning process itself. :)
miguel said:
Thank you Data for gathering all those excerpts. It really makes sense in an STO vs STS way.
Thanks Data, wholeheartedly agree and interesting to ponder.

Anam Cara said:
Even if questions with the Cs don't get asked in a session, I am finding that by thinking, writing and redefining them seems to help to create many answers anyway. It is a great learning process itself. :)

I'm finding that too Anam Cara.

In general day-to-day life we could say similar principles apply. When faced with a problem do we stop and try to fix it ourselves? or do we become reliant on others around us (often out of habit) and continue to take their time and energy?

Writing down or talking through questions with like-minded friends about personal problems can be a useful exercise in trying to find answers for them. - I was actually doing this earlier today and in doing so realised the answer was actually pretty obvious.

For many problems the information to solve them is there we just have to apply effort to collect it and work them through. One then takes responsibility for learning how to solve ones own problems too which is an important lesson in itself. - It certain situations it is the lesson.

It isn't easy, most of us want a "quick fix" to issues we have. An example would be being ill, going to doctor and taking a pill to mask the problem. - One can go through much greater healing by learning more about the root causes of where their symptoms maybe coming from. It does take far longer, requires much more effort but the results would be lasting.

Laura's results with the C's and the learning journey she has been on would be testament to that process.
This makes me think of all the intellectual forum threads, for instance about cognitive science, schizophrenia, trauma, covert depression, diet/health, etc. There has got to be a LOT of useful questions we could ask about these topics - how many threads hang idle with open questions? It is a perfect opportunity to get some help from the C's. We just need to notice when there's a big open question and we are at the limits of the available research.
One can go through much greater healing by learning more about the root causes of where their symptoms maybe coming from. It does take far longer, requires much more effort but the results would be lasting.

I think that is true Theseus. Sometimes it is difficult to 'see' these root causes or 'blockages'. Yet we can identify them by sincere observation as they "reflect what it is that they are unable to give", according to what the Cs said in the 17th May 2014 session below. But it still requires us to make the 'effort'. It occurred to me recently that there is SO much information here on the Forum, and SO much genuine, compassionate support - yet many of us still 'contemplate our navels', taking the Forum for granted or see it as an 'interesting pastime' or whatever - without seeing or unwrapping this GIFT. This does appear to seriously devalue so much of the incredible efforts of Laura and others. It seems highly probable that one day soon the lights will go out, or the internet will go down - how many folk will appreciate it's TRUE value then, when they will no longer have access to it I wonder?

Q: (L) Okay. I'm going to start the discussion with what's on my mind. Actually, there are two things. The first thing is that I noticed that after the last session, a lot of people discussing it in the forum thread volunteered information about what they were doing to help to do this, to do that, and the other thing. We had the impression here that when the information came through that a person must put another on the step behind them, that that meant directly in terms of the Work... That it had to be someone on the ladder, or on the stairway, or on the path so to speak. So, could you clarify that? Is that, in fact, what was meant? That you meant somebody who was really asking and engaged in working on themselves, etc?

A: More than that, it means thattotal engagement in energy exchange with the network. If a person benefits from the efforts of others and there is no return energy, there will be blocks of all sorts in their lives.

Q: (L) Okay, when you say, "There will be blocks of all sorts in their lives"... Blocks of what kind?

A:The blocks will reflect what it is that they are unable to give. If a person cannot be sincere, they will experience people in their personal lives who are not sincere with them. If a person devalues another's efforts, they will find their own efforts devalued. If you need to unblock a certain area of your life, make the effort to give what you want or need yourself.

Q: (L) But are you talking particularly about people engaged in the Work, or just anybody in general?

A: Anybody, but double in the work.
I personally don't find the sessions loaded with personal questions to be very interesting because they don't affect me at all. Occasionally there are some group dynamics to learn from or someone is going through a similar experience, but those are pretty rare cases and I think it leads to the questioner hanging onto the every word of some external source instead of making their own decisions. For someone unconnected to the sessions, asking questions from a broader perspective not only personally includes the reader into the session to a degree, I also find the "food for thought" to be much more intellectually stimulating.
True, but you have to get out of the muck before you can really assess the situation you are in... .and the 'muck' is always personal, even if others sense the similarity of the situation.

That said, what Data could have include are session quotes about how personal beliefs/attachmenst/feelings hinder the accuracy of the answers received... and this is again more 'muck' it seems, as some of those aren't just personal, such as questions about JC, which could have been left 'open' for later analysis, but they weren't, so a path taken in the 'wrong' direction has to be adjusted to get back on the 'right' path.. which takes time.
gdpetti said:
True, but you have to get out of the muck before you can really assess the situation you are in... .and the 'muck' is always personal, even if others sense the similarity of the situation.

Gaolea said:
so we must put more interest in universal issues and not to worry about personal matters? :huh:

I don't think there's a better place than the forum here, to discuss personal matters. It's like having a family you can go to, with any type of trouble/problem, and just share with them what's going on. And the family is comprised of so many siblings, aunts, uncles, fathers, mothers, etc, you will get a very well rounded advice in the end. So why ask the C's if you can simply type about a personal matter here? And this is a research forum: everyone's experience is helping everyone else when shared, increasing everyone's level of knowledge.
I believed like the C's said " if we lead you by the hand there won't be any learning", so I think that most of the answers we seek are within oneself and also this will be reflected on the choices one makes..

any thoughts would be greatly appreciated..
Xico said:
I believed like the C's said " if we lead you by the hand there won't be any learning", so I think that most of the answers we seek are within oneself and also this will be reflected on the choices one makes..

any thoughts would be greatly appreciated..

Yes, I would say so - but sharing what we learn is all important, that is, essentially 'putting someone on the step behind'. So networking is crucial in this regard. On the subject of learning, we have this excerpt from an earlier Cs session.

session 14th July 1996:

Q: (L) And some of the manifestations of a Realm Border Crossing are that some people graduate or transition to 4th density, that their awareness changes, everything changes, the playing field is leveled. So, what happened in Germany was a 'practice run' but what is going to happen is that the 'playing field' is going to be leveled, so it will not be exactly the same scenario, is this a correct assessment?

A: Maybe. Alright, my dear, you want the facts, so we will give them to you, and hopefully you will comprehend. If not now, then when necessary maybe... Fact number one: All there is is lessons. Fact two: this is one big school. Fact three: Timing as you perceive it, is never, NEVER definite. Fact four: What is to happen, as you state it, is a ways off, and will not occur until you have reached that point on the learning cycle, and you are not close yet. Now ponder before more facts are given!!

Q: (L) Okay, this being one infinite school, and we all seem to be wandering around in the darkness...

A: Fact five: The learning cycle is variable, and progress along it is determined by events and circumstances as they unfold.

Q: (L) So, the events and circumstances of our lives, individually and collectively, can indicate where we are on this learning cycle? And we are asking to have things told to us, or revealed to us about things which are, in themselves, the necessary lessons? And it would be virtually useless to be told about them since they must be experienced?

A: Partly correct. If you want hints, then hints shall we give. But, if you are looking for a "road map?," forgetitski!!

As has been said many times on the forum; this quote by Laura, "There is no free lunch in the universe, if you think there is - you are it!" But, learning is fun too! :)
Anam Cara said:
Xico said:
I believed like the C's said " if we lead you by the hand there won't be any learning", so I think that most of the answers we seek are within oneself and also this will be reflected on the choices one makes..

any thoughts would be greatly appreciated..

Yes, I would say so - but sharing what we learn is all important, that is, essentially 'putting someone on the step behind'. So networking is crucial in this regard.

I'd agree with the importance of networking and that within us we do have many of the answers. I think the problem is that left to our own devices on our own and without learned assistance we can easily make choices that are detrimental to our development - potentially irreversibly so. Guidance in the form of the experience of others or direct input is invaluable to help us learn where we can find those answers. It enables us to stay on a trusted path where we can learn from our choices but not to the extent we completely fall off it.
Gaolea said:
so we must put more interest in universal issues and not to worry about personal matters? :huh:

I don't think there's a better place than the forum here, to discuss personal matters. It's like having a family you can go to, with any type of trouble/problem, and just share with them what's going on. And the family is comprised of so many siblings, aunts, uncles, fathers, mothers, etc, you will get a very well rounded advice in the end. So why ask the C's if you can simply type about a personal matter here? And this is a research forum: everyone's experience is helping everyone else when shared, increasing everyone's level of knowledge.

Yeah! i think is a way to learn better, networking really help, research and looking by yourself you gained more expierence i think : )

I totally agree, if we take the time to read as much of the core material as possible we will already be able to work out the answers to most of our questions ourselves. So long as we are vigilant, analitical and so long as we don't lie to ourselves. Deep down we probably already know the answers to most of the questions we may ask.
Gaolea said:
so we must put more interest in universal issues and not to worry about personal matters? :huh:
Not necessarily not to worry about them, of course we must heal ourselves before we can begin to think about helping others. I believe the point is that we can deal with our own personal matters ourselves and as a network and not create noise in asking the C's to deal with our problems for us.
Anam Cara said:
Perhaps it is like watching your Mom struggle to carry water from the well, then wasting the water instead of gratefully drinking it; which is particularly inconsiderate knowing that Mom toiled for years digging the well also.

I like this analogy. To me it seems so simple, why on earth would I expect the energy from this completely unique connection, never before seen in our history, with the ability to potentially save our sorry butts to be wasted on answering whether I should dump my boyfriend or not? It seems silly to me that some people would even consider asking trivial questions like that.
Theseus said:
Anam Cara said:
Xico said:
I believed like the C's said " if we lead you by the hand there won't be any learning", so I think that most of the answers we seek are within oneself and also this will be reflected on the choices one makes..

any thoughts would be greatly appreciated..

Yes, I would say so - but sharing what we learn is all important, that is, essentially 'putting someone on the step behind'. So networking is crucial in this regard.

I'd agree with the importance of networking and that within us we do have many of the answers. I think the problem is that left to our own devices on our own and without learned assistance we can easily make choices that are detrimental to our development - potentially irreversibly so. Guidance in the form of the experience of others or direct input is invaluable to help us learn where we can find those answers. It enables us to stay on a trusted path where we can learn from our choices but not to the extent we completely fall off it.

I completely agree!
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