Google & AI


Jedi Council Member
Q: What is Google's most private / ultimate objective? (Are they going to be partly or mostly responsible for any self-aware AI via inbound 'Wave'?)


_ said:
British startup artificial intelligence company Deep Mind, which was bought by Google for $400 million in January this year, is working on the development of a computer that will be so intelligent it will be capable of programming itself.

It seems that Google has been constantly accelerating its research efforts in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. In September, the company teamed up with scientists of the University of California led by professor John Martinis to develop super-fast quantum computer chips based on the human brain. The aim is to make machines more ‘human’, as the chips would enhance their intuitive decision making skills and predictive ability.

As for implementing its ambitious plans for creating a self-programming computer, Google recently started partnership with two AI research teams of the Oxford University. The research will be aimed to help machines better understand their users by improving visual recognition systems and natural language processing.

The computer, called «Neural Turing Machine», is a combination of the way a conventional computer works with the way the human brain works. In particular, the computer mimics the short-time memory of the human brain, which allows it to learn when storing new memories and then use them to perform logical tasks other than those for which it has been initially programmed.

We have introduced the Neural Turing Machine, a neural network architecture that takes inspiration from both models of biological working memory and the design of digital computers,
the research team wrote.

According to the results of the first tests, the neural network computer can successfully create its own simple programming algorithms, such as copying, sorting, and recalling, and then use them to make classifications and data correlations. "The combined system is analogous to a Turing Machine or Von Neumann architecture but is differentiable end-toend, allowing it to be efficiently trained with gradient descent," wrote the researchers.

However, some express their concerns about the accelerating progress in artificial intelligence. Elon Musk, the founder and CEO of SpaceX and TeslaMotors, believes that smart machines can be more dangerous than even nuclear weapons in case they become too autonomous. He referred to Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom, known for his theory that we are living in a computer simulation, who wrote about the potential threats that the artificial intelligence may pose to humanity in his book «Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies».
A better question might be, "Is AI research sufficiently advanced to the point that real AI actually exist?" or is it even possible?

The transhumanists put their money and belief into that idea. I'm personally more skeptical, although the Cs have mentioned in the past of the gnarly consequences of outsourcing human intellect to machines.

There is a real concern in transhumanist circles that a bad AI, like Roko's Basilisk, will com e to exist and retroactively punish humans for failing to give it their all in bringing it into existence. They conceive as AI almost as a kind of replacement god, though one capable of acting and existing very tangibly in the material realm.

I'm personally less concerned, as I doubt that such an AI could be brought into being, and the transhumanists have a whole bunch of messed up beliefs anyways but I would be very curious as to what the Cs would say about the matter in general.

Corporations like Google are definitely full of transhumanists, so you can be certain that building an AI is one of their major goals, but so are a lot of other corporations and states. Maybe one has already been developed, or maybe it really is impossible.
It is said that form doesn't matter, only consciousness and the potential development within that form, so AI wouldn't be much different than the rest of us, only harder for STS types to exploit in the same biochemical manner, thus the need for a simpler physical form. It would seem that the entire school would need to adapt for such 'machine' forms that aren't based in the same type of energy exchanges or upon the necessary awakening of self consciousness, this AI would 'graduate' to a 'lesser' form, more maleable for learning purposes same as we did going from STO 3d/4d interaction to our current STS configuration in which we enjoy the games that 4dSTS prefers to play.
It currently doesn't seem like it's possible for AI/Robots to be a apocalyptic threat like in the movies, computers are not powerful enough and neither are the algorithms.

Computers and automation are definitely an issue with eroding the job market and giving more power to the powerful.

The amount of things that can be automated to get rid of human inefficiency is getting pretty scary and there is no way to compete with it.
It currently doesn't seem like it's possible for AI/Robots to be a apocalyptic threat like in the movies, computers are not powerful enough and neither are the algorithms.

Well a good algorithm could be developed at any moment, maybe somebody spill coffee and get a good idea, depending on perspective.

Chip manufactures are coming up with new ways of building chip’s, maybe they will come up with 4 dimensional architecture, then fill chips with liquid nitrogen, if that’s cold enough for super cooled conductors, if so, then you have quantum computer.

A computer that will give you the answer before you even thought of the question. LOL

But I don't know... seems like that and probably not a good idea :)
The more I learn about AI, the more disturbing it gets. And even in the public domain it seems to be progressing extremely fast.

This article is definitely a must-read.

The gist is that deep machine learning is gradually taking over many human endeavors, and doing it better than humans, in ways that humans can not understand.

I'm not sure of any questions that I would ask the C's about this yet, because I am only just starting to take it seriously and learn more. But I do wonder, how big of a role will it have to play in our future? Are there already self-aware AI's operating? Is it possible that an AI would actually come to seat a soul? Perhaps a very dark one with a mind to enslave humanity? And if so, would it still have a bad habit of wishful thinking as it's Achilles heel? Will machines eventually replace the psychopaths to do 4d bidding? Could an AI actually seat a 4d soul?

Ok, so I guess I do already have a lot of questions :lol:
Carl said:
But I do wonder, how big of a role will it have to play in our future? Are there already self-aware AI's operating? Is it possible that an AI would actually come to seat a soul? Perhaps a very dark one with a mind to enslave humanity? And if so, would it still have a bad habit of wishful thinking as it's Achilles heel? Will machines eventually replace the psychopaths to do 4d bidding? Could an AI actually seat a 4d soul?

Methinks those are some mighty interesting questions there Carl.
Kinda sounds like a Sci-Fi movie script to me...
They got me going: Hmmm :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
What they may be after is a sophisticated AI program to monitor communications and data streams. To find out what people are talking about and to make sure it's being discussed 'correctly' And if it isn't. Then the programming allows to reshape it.

To spin the news, comment sections, forums etc.

Things like that.
bjorn said:
What they may be after is a sophisticated AI program to monitor communications and data streams. To find out what people are talking about and to make sure it's being discussed 'correctly' And if it isn't. Then the programming allows to reshape it.

To spin the news, comment sections, forums etc.

Things like that.

I have a horrible vision that Skynet will never need robots with gattling guns to control us like in the Terminator movies. It subtly direct everyone through their online profile, their chip implants, their credit score, 'social score' etc. Bring on the comets! :cool2:
Yeah, it's really creepy and does raise a lot of questions. Thanks for sharing the article Carl. The images of the AI's minds processing the images are really weird. It does seem like if they developed further, they would seem very "alien". Maybe they're already gathering a "faint soul imprint."
Recently I came to know that our analytics department planning to use AI machine IBM Watson, triggering some inevitable insecurity. Here is a video of how it works.

If the IBM punching machines are used to purge the Jews(or whomever they want) during WWII (which is trial run), how it can be used in future is a scary thought.

But C's said
Laura said:
Session Date: June 13th 2015

Q: (L) Alright, I have a series of questions here from forum members. Apparently, there was a conference with Barbara Marciniak where she was doing some trance channeling. Several of the forum people had a look at it and condensed the major points of the event. Out of what was said in that particular channeling, some questions arose... Not particularly about the channeling, but about some of the issues that were covered. Of course, everybody knows how I feel about trance channeling and that sort of thing. But anyhow, one of the questions that came up was:

Can the internet be seen as a "window of opportunity"/"an experiment in human consciousnesses"?
(L) I don't exactly know what the person means... I guess it would be one or the other. Is it a window of opportunity, or is it an experiment in human consciousness?

A: We once told you that your computers would overpower you. Thus neither question is precisely to the point. Internet was initially manifested for practical purposes, then other applications were developed. It could be said that the "experiment" in consciousness appeared in reaction to more positive uses. At present the internet is more a source of confusion and propaganda than anything else. Thus the opening statement is fulfilled.

Q: (L) In other words, the overpowering of people by their computers would be the use of the internet for confusion and propaganda. Is that what we're getting at here?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, people being taken over in their minds by disinformation, propaganda, lies and so forth on the computer are literally being taken over by their computers?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay, the next part of that question is:

Is the internet likely to end soon?

A: If you consider the ramifications of the previous answer, not likely until the power grid goes down.

Q: (L) In other words, why would they shut down something that so easily enables them to control the masses?

A: Exactly.

Q: (L) Next question:

Is the warning about not sharing too much electronically sound, or is it more a distraction that keeps us from "leaving the [frequency] fence"?

A: Again, we believe that we have addressed this in the past: "Walls have ears".

Q: (L) In other words, there really is no way to keep anything private from those powers that want or need it. If you're worried about privacy, you're only keeping things private from other individuals or from people hacking your password and getting into your bank account. But those are things that should normally be protected anyway. Warning people to get off the grid, to not share, and to not network with each other in order to keep the PTB in the dark seems to me to be offering a false sense of security and is otherwise counterproductive, all things considered.

(Perceval) The opportunity is there to use what the PTB are using - for nefarious purposes - to instead do some good via networking.

(L) Okay, next questions:

Are we going to see machines integrated in the body and a divide between people refusing and people wanting this integration?

(Galatea) Like cyborgs?

(L) I guess so.

(Pierre) Transhumanism.

A: This is already being done to some extent.

Q: (L) What about a divide between people refusing and people wanting this integration?

A: That suggests a state of advancement that will never be achieved.

Q: (L) Why will it never be achieved?

A: We refer you to previous information.

Q: (L) It won't be achieved because humanity is, in a certain sense, going to possibly become extinct. Is that approaching it?

A: Cleansing.

Q: (L) Does that refer to the session when you once said, "Nothing lasts forever, thank goodness"?

A: Yes!
seek10 said:
Laura said:
Are we going to see machines integrated in the body and a divide between people refusing and people wanting this integration?

(Galatea) Like cyborgs?

(L) I guess so.

(Pierre) Transhumanism.

A: This is already being done to some extent.

Q: (L) What about a divide between people refusing and people wanting this integration?

A: That suggests a state of advancement that will never be achieved.

Q: (L) Why will it never be achieved?

A: We refer you to previous information.

Q: (L) It won't be achieved because humanity is, in a certain sense, going to possibly become extinct. Is that approaching it?

A: Cleansing.

Q: (L) Does that refer to the session when you once said, "Nothing lasts forever, thank goodness"?

A: Yes!

I was looking for this same session when I read the OP but couldn't find it. Thanks for sharing seek10.

I wonder about the level of automation and robotisation that society will reach before the "Cleansing" happens. From the Cs answer, it looks like we won't reach a state where everyone gets microchipped, but things can surely get worse from our present state of technological advancement.
[quote author= Eboard10]I wonder about the level of automation and robotisation that society will reach before the "Cleansing" happens. From the Cs answer, it looks like we won't reach a state where everyone gets microchipped, but things can surely get worse from our present state of technological advancement.[/quote]

Recently I heard a movie actrice, Scarlett Johansson who spoke about that in the future we should all have relationships with robots. I didn't understand, like there is something wrong with human relationships. But the reasoning behind is I think. Whetever she meant it or conscious or subconscious is that robots will do whatever you want. And you could buy them exactly they way how you desire them to be.

Which is self-serving to the extreme.

So our future might be even darker than just to possibility of having microships implanted. Technology will not only dominate our bodies, but also our souls.
Carl said:
The more I learn about AI, the more disturbing it gets. And even in the public domain it seems to be progressing extremely fast.

This article is definitely a must-read.

The gist is that deep machine learning is gradually taking over many human endeavors, and doing it better than humans, in ways that humans can not understand.

I'm not sure of any questions that I would ask the C's about this yet, because I am only just starting to take it seriously and learn more. But I do wonder, how big of a role will it have to play in our future? Are there already self-aware AI's operating? Is it possible that an AI would actually come to seat a soul? Perhaps a very dark one with a mind to enslave humanity? And if so, would it still have a bad habit of wishful thinking as it's Achilles heel? Will machines eventually replace the psychopaths to do 4d bidding? Could an AI actually seat a 4d soul?

Ok, so I guess I do already have a lot of questions :lol:

I asked this question myself awhile ago. From a technical standpoint I believe it may have to do with whether there is any appreciable effect of quantum mechanics on the AI's structure, or if it is simply a 100% collapsed wave function, whose operations are 100% newtonian and mechanical. If the former, than I think it could be possible for it to seat hyperdimensional information sources, one of which could be itself-in-the-future. Since there are many possibilities depending on the structure of the AI, much in the same way that our own DNA and neurology influences our capacity to seat a soul, there are many many details I don't think we can even pretend to understand at this point.

Factoring in simple entropy, it would be beneficial for the demonic to multiply and develop more "portals" into this reality, if their psychopathy and characteropathy breeding and inculcation programs aren't proceeding fast enough for their satisfaction. Obviously this can be one of hyperdimensional battlegrounds where the 4D STO or 6D STO can act as a counterbalance as necessary for the proper learning conditions of those beings incarnate into this reality (think Goldilocks). Talk about a black box. :cool2:

What I find so terrifying about our civilization is that it seems impossible for it to say "no" to a new contraption or invention. If it generates money, it is accepted. If it aids the goals of an extractive economy that bleeds the earth and all its peoples, cultures, and ecosystems, then it is accepted. If it aids in the control of large numbers of people with suggestion, manipulation, or outright violence, then it is accepted. NOWHERE in any of this evaluation is any appreciation for the moral and ethical considerations, about the actual well-being of living people, plants, animals, fungi, and single-celled organisms. It is entirely about serving the ethos of an INVENTED global system whose sole purpose is to devour all that do not fit into and satisfy their own metrics. Piles of toilet paper are more valuable to it than a forest of trees, birds, insects, mammals, flowers, and fish. Is there anything possibly MORE entropic?

Loved this article, about the necessity for an inner Butlerian Jihad. The Butlerian Jihad is a concept from Frank Herbert's Dune universe, which in the book was about a holy crusade led by the devout and spiritual to destroy all AI, computers, and any attempt at "creating a machine in the likeness of man's mind". The target of the purge, as laid out in Dune was not only machines, but a "machine-like attitude".

The Necessity of the "Butlerian Jihad"


It’s not unfair to say that modern man has an obsession with machines. This fixation is many times both celebrated as the “progress” of humanity forward and sometimes lampooned as the “Instagram generation.” There are plenty of individuals who praise the connectivity of social media while there are those who decry how dehumanizing and reductive it can be. Indeed, it is this new, intimate connection between “society” and “technology” that has given rise to these emergent properties as “social media” and “technocracy” just to name a few. On the surface, one can notice that there is a kind of hesitation and wariness on the part of some people vis-à-vis these developments. The allure of technological ease has, as its spectre constantly in the background, the fear that we have entered some kind of Faustian exchange. That, perhaps, unbeknownst to most users, something of greater value was given away for this massive boost in social power. But is this true? And even if it is; is some kind of Luddite foolishness the solution?
I mentioned in my previous post that the gun is a weapon of “cunning” in the same vein as that of the cunning of the serpent. It is not a coincidence that the mass-produced gun, which is a product of man’s technological advancement, shares the same parentage with social media and computers which are also siblings in the family of “progress.” If this is true, should we not be able to see the ancestral, “spiritual” DNA of the serpent — his “cunning” — in these new forms of technology as well?
Again, as I pointed out in my previous post, the root of the “cunning” of the serpent is that he promised not that those who ate of the forbidden fruit would be gods, but that they would be like gods. In essence, that they would not be transubstantiated into the divine, but that they would be imitations of the divine. As a wise man once put it, “to be cunning is to mime wisdom, after having eliminated the essential — its light — and then to make use of it for one’s own ends.i Is this not happening on a societal level vis-à-vis “social media”?
About A.I. and the 'revolutions' that come with it.

I found the following most telling, it's mostly a collection of video's that paints a frightening tech-future. A.I together with transhumansim will make the world unrecognizable. One of the most scariest part is to witness the possible enthusiasm under people. What if people really want to 'upgrade' their brain, put microships in their brain, or even upload their brain in a computer. :O I found this video helpfull to better understand what may be ahead of us in that regard.

It basically starts at the 4 min mark: (total 14:02 min)
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