Strange 'explosion' turns night to day in the Urals


FOTCM Member
Pretty impressive!


A huge flash lit up the early evening darkness, as shown by images taken from a dashcam on a road close to Yekaterinburg. The sky suddenly turns orange-red at 17.39 local time (though the dashcam records it as 18.39). For the next 11 seconds an orange light with yellow and white in the middle engulfs the entire sky.

'For a few moments night turned into dazzling day, then everything went dark again,' said one witness.

The explosion came on 14 November but images only appeared of it today; strangely no sound was picked up.


Well, looks like a comet chunk entering the earth atmosphere behind the clouds and lighting them up.
RT just reported on it and so i came here :) Same video with the accompanying text:

A huge flash lit up the early evening darkness, as shown by images taken from a dashcam on a road close to Yekaterinburg. Emergency services refuse to comment cause of extraordinary blast in the dark sky.

Officials refuse to comment on cause of extraordinary light flash over Urals. #MeanwhileinRussia

Amazing :D it seems to reach an intensity and then 'burn out', in like 10 seconds? so like Pashalis I'd say some /rock entering the atmosphere; something like that...
I was stuck in a hotel room over the weekend, so I searched for RT news on TV and they had a very cool survivalist program made by RT in Spanish. They were showing how to survive in the forest, how to make a fire, which trees had medicinal properties and so forth. One of the participants was a light technician in a theater and he said as a matter of fact that since a meteor was going to end civilization next year, he was learning how to be with nature and survive there. It surprised me how he said it, as if the average person knew about it, discussing it like nothing. :huh:
Pashalis said:
Well, looks like a comet chunk entering the earth atmosphere behind the clouds and lighting them up.

An extraordinary phenomenon. But why no sound? And earthquake? Or something similar? If it was a comet so I am afraid (or happy) that there is maybe a beginning of the comets that are coming.
loreta said:
Pashalis said:
Well, looks like a comet chunk entering the earth atmosphere behind the clouds and lighting them up.

An extraordinary phenomenon. But why no sound? And earthquake? Or something similar? If it was a comet so I am afraid (or happy) that there is maybe a beginning of the comets that are coming.

According to the RT article, there was no reported blast.. and there's speculation about a rocket..but this could be a wrong guess or a diversion.

Here's RT's report: _

Chelyabinsk meteor #2? Massive flash over Russia’s Urals stuns locals & scientists
Published time: November 18, 2014 22:03
Edited time: November 19, 2014 10:52

An extraordinary bright orange flash has lit up the sky in Russia’s Sverdlovsk region in the Urals. While locals captured the massive ‘blast’ on numerous cameras, both scientists and emergency services still struggle to explain the unusual event.

Dark evening skies in the town of Rezh in Sverdlovsk region near Russia's Ekaterinburg turned bright orange for some ten seconds on November 14, with the event being caught on several cameras by the locals.

A driver filmed the massive flash with his dashcam, later posting the video on YouTube, with more people commenting they’ve seen it too. Teenagers in the town of Rezh also filmed the phenomenon with a mobile phone.

Theories of what might have caused the “blast” appeared both on social and traditional media, with a new meteorite or military exercise in the region being among the top guesses. Regional emergency services said no accidents in connection with the event had been recorded. No sound of explosion has been reported either.

According to, the emergency officials suggested the military were behind the flash, as they might have had a scheduled explosive ordnance disposal procedure. The city administration has also said such ammunition disposal might have taken place, while the military themselves denied they were behind the mystery.

“No exercise and training were underway on that day, and no military units are based in the region, so we have nothing to do with it,” a military press service told

A fireball caused by an asteroid’s collision with the Earth's atmosphere is among other presumed reasons for the burning sky.

“Looks like a falling bolide, which invaded us. Because of the low cloud cover it ceased to exist above the clouds and lit up the whole sky,” a member of the meteorites committee of the Russian Academy of Sciences Viktor Grokhovsky told

READ MORE: 556 asteroids size of washing machine hit Earth over past 20 years - NASA report

Another astronoma, Vadim Krushinsky, doubted his colleague's theory, saying the color of the flash does not support the asteroid speculation. The shade of light depends on the body’s temperature, and flashes caused by bolides are usually whiter, he explained to The observatory engineer suggested his own theory, saying a space rocket launch might have been the cause.

A path of launches from the Plesetsk cosmodrome lies above the area, Krushinsky said. But, according to Russian Federal Space Agency's website, the latest launch from the Plesetsk cosmodrome happened on October 29, with the next one planned for November 24.

People in the Urals witnessed a space ‘invasion’ event a year and a half ago, when the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite hit the region. A massive fireball explosion in February 2013 injured over a thousand people with shattered glass mostly, and damaged many residential and industrial buildings.
It looks something very cosmic, very far away, an explosion in another galaxy maybe? What is strange is that the light comes and then disappears as fast as it came.
There is this article on one of the Russian news sites (translated by google), where a member of the Committee on Meteorites in RAS Victor Grokhovsky talks about it probably being a meteorite.

Other theories are also being examined, like a launch of a rocket or an explosion of ammunition, but all the possibly responsible parties in the military deny any involvement. Besides, apparently the explosion was high up in the sky, so that cancels the ammunition explosion option, and there were no scheduled launches in the area.

Sure, there are also those, who say that it couldn't be a meteorite because of the color of the explosion (yellow and not white), or maybe there was a secret and unsuccessful rocket launch, but these ideas are not really serious.
The title is misleading as there is no 'explosion' as such?!

To me, it seems like some type of plasma discharge. A gas reaction between two layers of charged clouds? I dont even know if thats possible? We have seen something lighting up like that above the ocean a while back and the C's pointed to plasma... fwiw?
macyk said:
New flash in same place in Russia.


It looks like a lightning storm this time, imo. But who knows, with all the weird electrical phenomena all around the world lately, what ever happened the first time maybe opened a window to other stuff as well.
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