Black Knight Satellite


Jedi Master
There is in orbit an unknown satellite that was apparently first noticed by Nicola Tesla. It's become known as "Black Knight" and there are some intriguing images/video of it from the space station & space shuttle.

Some folks around the web speculate it's been there for 13,000 years, but I've yet to see any compelling evidence of that. It does apparently have a retrograde orbit (which is apparently impossible for a natural object) and it's a bit of a mystery because sometimes it *disappears*, so it's very difficult to track.

Possible this is some kind of alien technology? What would be it's purpose?
Hello Lost Spirit, there are many thousands of objects being tracked by NASA, and maybe some of them are not man-made. I remember sighting the very first man-made satellite (Sputnik) back in 1957.
However, back in Tesla's time, there were no man-made ones, but you must admit that there are thousands of bolides entering Earth's atmosphere every day, and no doubt some of these would actually orbit the Earth for some time before their orbit decayed enough for them to burn up in the atmosphere.

You are right that it is rare for one to assume a retrograde orbit, but it is not impossible.

Some objects can become stuck in the Langrangian orbits, they are like a cosmic rubbish dump.

As for objects disappearing, if you are observing an orbiting satellite and it enters the shadow of the Earth (from the light of the Sun), it will seem to disappear. Especially on low orbits.

I have not heard of Tesla's observation, perhaps a link to the reference would be useful.




(Apologies to admin about links...I'm not sure what to do to secure them since I think this is the first time I've posted URLs!)
Lost Spirit said:




(Apologies to admin about links...I'm not sure what to do to secure them since I think this is the first time I've posted URLs!)

Very well done Lost Spirit. :thup:
here is what is mentioned on Wikipedia:
I'm curious as well. There's footage that folks are claiming may be this satellite launching probes over Jacksonville FL. _
Black Knight satellite corporate advertisement video

PepsiCo released a video about the Black Knight satellite that it has been sending messages to the human race since ancient times. In the Hollywood-grade video production the signals are decoded and revealed to be a voice that is broadcast everywhere and so is heard praising humans, how quickly they achieved so much.

Pepsi somehow forgets to mention the hundreds of millions of human beings humanity succeeded to slaughter during history..

Anyway if humans would like the aliens to return, then humans need to show that they are ready at the next full moon. So the humans 'come together and unite' [their wallets to buy more Pepsi Cola]. Every country makes large signs toward the sky - in 'Pepsi Cola'-style colors - using flags [held by people] or light-shows with fireworks. The Black Knight satellite comes to life and zooms its camera to several of these human signals, then finally turns toward 'heaven' or deep space and probably sends the signal. Video ends.

Aliens coming and everybody will be.. . .. happy? At least the music suggests uplifted moods. :)

I was listening to McCanney - as I finished listening to all of the Sott radio shows - and he says the The Black Knight satellite is real just the military doesn't wish to publicly acknowledge it.

If the satellite is real then that is [was/will be] a really big deal.. and so are the large Atlantean crystals buried in the ocean and all other such 'big deal' secrets hidden from the sheep populace, the insiders in the know are not telling us about.
Hummm, ‘if’ it’s real, it could be part of John Keel’s Eight Tower theory. This written in a book review:

“Keel then moves on to the actual 'Eighth Tower' of the title, but never properly defines it. The closest he comes to definitions are "a kind of electronic time capsule that continues to function purposelessly millions of years later" which was originally built by "super earthlings," or "Titans,' five million years ago, and "an energy transmitter" created by the same race to "broadcast to their biochemical slaves on biological frequencies" which has somehow survived the annihilation of its creators but is still functioning haphazardly today, so that it is, at present, a "senile machine playing out the end game."

Just a thought…

Thank you very much for sharing everyone. @Adobe, that does sound like a very pecular book, thanks for posting. I acually crossed paths with this info about this sattilate a few days ago...... one of the pictues was supposedly taken from STS-88 in 1998. (Wikapedia). The year 1899 :D ......when the atomic clock was changed. During his experiments in Colorado Springs which were appently backed by Mr. J.P. Morgan, he is said to also have tuned into a very interesting frequency coming from Saturn. Interesting events.....

Well, I think it's possible and likely that there are things in orbit around our planet that have been there a long time and that we don't know much about.

A: ... Here is something for you to digest: Why is it that
your scientists have overlooked the obvious when they
insist that alien beings cannot travel to earth from a
distant system???

Q: And what is this obvious thing?

A: Even if speed of light travel, or "faster," were not
possible, and it is, of course, there is no reason why an
alien race could not construct a space "ark," living for
many generations on it. They could travel great distances
through time and space, looking for a suitable world for
conquest. Upon finding such, they could then install this
ark in a distant orbit, build bases upon various solid
planes in that solar system, and proceed to patiently
manipulate the chosen civilizations to develop a suitable
technological infrastructure. And then, after the
instituting of a long, slow, and grand mind programming
project, simply step in and take it over once the
situation was suitable.

Q: Is this, in fact, what has happened, or is happening?

A: It could well be, and maybe now it is the time for you to
learn about the details.

Q: Well, would such a race be 3rd or 4th density in

A: Why not elements of both?

Q: What is the most likely place that such a race would have
originated from?

A: Oh, maybe Orion, for example?

Q: Okay. If such a race did, in fact, travel to this location
in space/time, how many generations have come and gone on
their space ark during this period of travel, assuming, of
course, that such a thing has happened?

A: Maybe 12.

Q: Okay, that implies that they have rather extended life

A: Yes...

Q: Assuming this to be the case, what are their lifespans?

A: 2,000 of your years.

Q: Okay, assuming such a bunch have traveled...

A: When in space, that is...

Q: And what is the span when on terra firma?

A: 800 years.

Q: Well, has it not occurred to them that staying in space
might not be better?

A: No. Planets are much more "comfortable."

Q: Okay... imagining that such a group has traveled here...

A: We told you of upcoming conflicts... Maybe we meant the
same as your Bible, and other references. Speak of... The
"final" battle between "good and evil..." Sounds a bit
cosmic, when you think of it, does it not?

Q: Does this mean that there is more than one group that has
traveled here in their space arks?

A: Could well be another approaching, as well as
"reinforcements" for either/or, as well as non-involved,
but interested observers of various types who appreciate
history from the sidelines.

Q: Well, SWELL! There goes my peaceful life!

A: You never had one!

Q: Well, I was planning on one! Is this one of those items
we should NOT put on the net, or are you addressing it
because you want it on the net?

A: We will leave that until a bit later.

Q: Any other comment?

A: You chose to be incarnated now, with some foreknowledge of
what was to come. Reference your dreams of space attack.

Q: Okay, what racial types are we talking about relating to
these hypothetical aliens?

A: Three basic constructs. Nordic, Reptilian, and Greys.
Many variations of type 3, and 3 variations of type 1 and

Q: Well, what racial types are the 'good guys?'

A: Nordics, in affiliation with 6th density "guides."

Q: And that's the only good guys?

A: That's all you need.

Q: Wonderful! So, if it is a Grey or Lizzie, you know they
aren't the nice guys. But, if it is tall and blond, you
need to ask questions!

A: All is subjective when it comes to nice and not nice.
Some on 2nd density would think of you as "not nice," to
say the least!!!

Q: That's for sure! Especially the roaches! Maybe we ought
to get in touch with some of these good guys...

A: When the "time" is right.

So, yes, this thing could be any of a number of things related to the above scenario... or none of them. It could just as easily be a mythical construct as the Wikipedia article declares. It could be a red herring. If so-called aliens can control humans and human infrastructure, why would they need a "mystery satellite"? If these "aliens" can manipulate us through space-time, do they necessarily need a nuts and bolts object?

Notice what the Cs said about installing their "space ark" in a DISTANT orbit while they spend centuries maneuvering and manipulating.

NB: the whole of that session, 9 August 1997, is worth reading.
Curious thing is that i've received an e-mal today, since it seems that i am on some mailing group connected to VT (huh - can hear some thundering outside; that did not happen down here for 3 - 6 months) in which is claimed:

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Kuiper Ring, the network of physical Chimera bases in the outer Solar System, has been almost completely removed. Last remnants of the Chimera fleet are in disarray, scattered throughout the Solar System and hiding near the position of plasmatic nodes with the highest concentration of plasma strangelet and toplet bombs, using those bombs as a shielding mechanism.

When the physical Chimera network throughout the Solar system is disintegrating fast, the plasma accretion vortex with its strangelet and toplet bombs remains a far greater challenge at least for now.

As the power of Chimera decreases, there will be more exchange of intel between the top people of various positive factions without fear that this intel will be intercepted by the Chimera and without threat that Chimera will retaliate if top people of various positive factions talk too freely. Therefore the Resistance will soon release substantial intel to Eastern Agarthan network and to various Secret Space Program factions and some of that intel will then precipitate to the surface population. Most SSP factions were seriously mind-programmed against the Pleiadians and against other positive ET races and soon the Resistance will present them with solid proof of Pleiadian benevolence.

The Resistance will also give them technological know-how to remove nanites and other similar technologies that are falsely described as AI (artificial intelligence) . As someone has put it brilliantly in a comment on my blog: "Cobra was talking about robots and nanites (miniature robots) which were invented by the Chimera to control reptilians and humans. These robots and nanites can be so sophisticated and process information at such a high speed that they give the illusion or impression of being sentient, alive, and intelligent. But they are really just machines that are easily turned off."

A key defense factor against those technologies is a balance between emotions and mind. Those technologies can only manipulate a mind that has suppressed emotions and can not handle strong emotional currents.

On the surface of the planet, there is progress.

Laura said:
Well, I think it's possible and likely that there are things in orbit around our planet that have been there a long time and that we don't know much about.

A: Even if speed of light travel, or "faster," were not
possible, and it is, of course, there is no reason why an
alien race could not construct a space "ark," living for
many generations on it. They could travel great distances
through time and space, looking for a suitable world for
conquest. Upon finding such, they could then install this
ark in a distant orbit, build bases upon various solid
planes in that solar system, and proceed to patiently
manipulate the chosen civilizations to develop a suitable
technological infrastructure. And then, after the
instituting of a long, slow, and grand mind programming
project, simply step in and take it over once the
situation was suitable.

So, yes, this thing could be any of a number of things related to the above scenario... or none of them. It could just as easily be a mythical construct as the Wikipedia article declares. It could be a red herring. If so-called aliens can control humans and human infrastructure, why would they need a "mystery satellite"? If these "aliens" can manipulate us through space-time, do they necessarily need a nuts and bolts object?

Notice what the Cs said about installing their "space ark" in a DISTANT orbit while they spend centuries maneuvering and manipulating.

NB: the whole of that session, 9 August 1997, is worth reading.

Interesting that the plot of my 2nd and 3rd novels was basically about two arks racing towards Reptilian and one Nordic!

Must have read this at some point and just didn't remember it :)

(Good thing I gave Laura a acknowledgement!)
it makes me wonder......since signs and symbols rule this world, not words or laws........maybe the "black night satellite" really represents what is known to some as the "black moon" or Rahu in Vedic astrolgy.....interesting one, that Rahu
A: Even if speed of light travel, or "faster," were not
possible, and it is, of course, there is no reason why an
alien race could not construct a space "ark," living for
many generations on it. They could travel great distances
through time and space, looking for a suitable world for
conquest. Upon finding such, they could then install this
ark in a distant orbit, build bases upon various solid
planes in that solar system, and proceed to patiently
manipulate the chosen civilizations to develop a suitable
technological infrastructure. And then, after the
instituting of a long, slow, and grand mind programming
project, simply step in and take it over once the
situation was suitable.

When the animal is weak and dying there are always many vultures feasting on it s flesh. As above so below.
But I think there are many possibilities if this object is real and not desinfo, maybe leftover from some more ancient civilizations that were here on earth like Atlantis and others, other 3D or 4D civilizations still alive or perished that were here in the past or were probing planet, something like the case with the Moon.
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