Autoimmune Protocol Plan B - Supplements


FOTCM Member
Since there's been some discussion of an alternate version to the Autoimmune Bug Killin' protocol, something that relies more on supplements than pharmaceuticals, I thought I'd share some of the things I've been thinking about that would be helpful. I'm hoping this thread will lead to some networking about it and maybe we can all come up with a feasible protocol for killing off stealth microbes.

This protocol will, hopefully, be a viable alternative for those who don't have access to the pharmaceuticals or find it's too expensive. It could also act as a "phase 1" protocol to both determine whether or not a person needs the "nuclear option" using the pharmaceuticals or as a way to mitigate the negative effects of the main protocol.

It should be stated, though, that we don't really know if a supplement protocol would be effective in the same way the pharmaceutical protocol is. It may be that it's simply not strong enough. I would caution anyone, therefore, not to dabble in this. If you threaten the microbes, but don't kill them, you could end up making the problem worse. If someone was to try something, but not seriously, they may end up simply driving the bugs further into stealth mode, hiding in biofilms or cysts. This is a long-term plan; possibly requiring one to be on it for years. For this reason, I think it's important to take this seriously before embarking on anything - make sure the diet is on track, do work that needs to be done first, like heavy metal protocols, getting the liver up to speed and making sure your channels of elimination are working as best they can (including lymphatic system, kidneys, colon and that you sweat properly through the skin).

What follows is what I've deduced and gathered from the main Autoimmune protocol thread, in my own research and knowledge base. It's by no means exhaustive, so it would be good if others could add what they know or what they find out. I'm sure there's stuff I've missed in the main thread also, so anyone who finds something there that isn't included here could migrate it over. The goal will be to find a viable alternative to the pharmaceutical protocol with alternatives that can account for availability of supplements. These are listed in no particular order.

Biofilm Dissolvers

Bromelain - A proteolytic (protein digesting) enzyme that breaks up mucous and protein component of biofilm. Also modulates thromboxanes (clotting agents released by lysed parasites) and acts as an anti-inflammatory to deal with Herx reactions. See the following posts in the main thread:,38053.msg591436.html#msg591436,38053.msg591441.html#msg591441,38053.msg591513/topicseen.html#msg591513

Other proteolytic enzymes - serrapeptase, nattokinase, lumbrokinase (more effective than nattokinase in studies), protease, papain

Monolaurin/Lauric Acid - solubilizes the lipids and phospholipids in their protective envelope. Inhibits replication of viruses by interrupting the communication and binding of virus to host cells. See here. Also kills Lymes and many coinfections.

Boron - Destroys biofilms and increases cellular integrity, preventing invasion. See this post from the main thread.

Lactoferrin - Chelates iron, blocking the ability of biofilms to form. Also bolsters the immune system the immune system, increasing phagocytic activity of leukocytes as well as stimulating the production of natural killer cells and cytokines.

Capryllic acid - helpful in breaking up biofilms. See here.

NAC - Considered a must have - breaks up mucous, dissolving biofilms. Precursor to glutathione, which is antiviral and the body's most important anti-oxidant (which will help with Herx reactions and in detoxifying all the toxic die-off "stuff). Also a liver protectant.

Nitric Oxide - "Nitric oxide has also been shown to trigger the dispersal of biofilms of several bacteria species at sub-toxic concentrations. Nitric oxide has the potential for the treatment of patients that suffer from chronic infections caused by biofilms." From Wikipedia.
There are several supplemental forms of nitric oxide, most are L-arginine and precursors (this for example, or this). I haven't figured out if these supplements simply increase N02 for body processes like increasing oxygenation, vasodilation and reducing inflammation or if they will also affect biofilms. I'm in the process of contacting the naturopath from AOR (I've met him a couple of times) to see if he can give me any insight.

Cellulase - a digestive enzyme, (not produced by humans but produced by the bacteria in our guts) used to break down beta bonds in carbohydrate molecules (ie. the fiber called cellulose). Some bacteria, including candida, incorporate cellulose into their cell wall as protection and this enzyme has been shown to destroy such bacteria. You can find cellulase in some candida formulas (see here - note this formula also includes protease for digesting proteins which would likely also be helpful for dissolving biofilms. See Proteolytic Enzymes, below). Cellulase has also been found to inhibit biofilm formation, at least on external surfaces.

Iron chelating agents - EDTA is probably the best one as it actually causes "detachment and killing of biofilm cells" (see here), but there's also IP6 and DMSA to consider. Also see Lactoferrin, above. By chelating free iron in the system, these substances starve biofilms of one of their much needed resources.

Oxidizing agents like hydrogen peroxide sound like they might not be the best option while the microbes are hidden in biofilms. See here and here (note that these studies are based on surface biofilms encountered in industry settings, but it doesn't seem reasonable to assume things would be different for biofilms inside the body). It may be that these would be useful in conjunction with known biofilm dissolvers however, as a kind of clean-up crew to kill pathogens once they're no longer protected.

Not much explanation for most of these as they've mostly been well documented.

Olive leaf extract
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Oregano oil - this is a good product; it's emulsified.
Saccharomyces boulardii
berberine (goldenseal, barberry, oregon grape)
glutathione - antioxidant, antiviral. Since glutathione is broken down by the digestive system, taking it in liposomal form is probably best. You can also take precursors (NAC, ALA)
1,3/1,6 Beta glucan
Medicinal mushrooms - agarikon, chaga, reishi, shiitake, cordyceps, maitake... Note that these mushrooms have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral compounds over and above just the Beta glucans. Two really great products here and here.
Caprylic acid
Undecylenic acid - 6x more effective than caprylic acid.

Cutting edge stuff
This is all stuff I've found in my research that is rather obscure and maybe difficult to obtain.

Phage Therapy - There's an experimental therapy known as "Phage Therapy" (see here), otherwise known as "biocontrol", which is apparently successful in treating pathogenic bacterial infections. It basically involves introducing an virus that replicates inside the bacterial cells. From wikipedia: "Bacteriophages are much more specific than antibiotics, so they can hypothetically be chosen to be indirectly harmless not only to the host organism (human, animal, or plant), but also to other beneficial bacteria, such as gut flora, reducing the chances of opportunistic infections.[3] They would have a high therapeutic index, that is, phage therapy would be expected to give rise to few side effects. Because phages replicate in vivo, a smaller effective dose can be used. On the other hand, this specificity is also a disadvantage: a phage will only kill a bacterium if it is a match to the specific strain. Consequently phage mixtures are often applied to improve the chances of success, or samples can be taken and an appropriate phage identified and grown." It all sounds a bit risky, but apparently it's currently being used successfully to treat antibiotic resistant ear infections caused by P. aeruginosa, as was reported in the journal Clinical Otolaryngology in August 2009 (see here)

Dispersin B - an enzyme that dissolves N-acetyl-glucosamine that composes the matrix of the biofilm. See here. Note that "Currently there is interest in Dispersin B as a commercial anti-biofilm agent that could be combined with antibiotics for the treatment of bacterial infections." It may pay for us to keep an eye on the market in case this shows up at some point.

Deoxyribonuclease - "(DNase, for short) is any enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolytic cleavage of phosphodiester linkages in the DNA backbone, thus degrading DNA." (see here). It looks like this is primarily being used for biofilms in the lungs at this point.


As with the pharmaceutical protocol, probiotics are an absolute must when you're killing things off. You need to "fill in the spaces" left by killing off the bad guys with good guys to prevent opportunistic bad guys filling in those spaces again. This is particularly true of fungus (which is why Nystatin is so important on the other protocol).

Probiotics should be high dose - 50 billion or above (I've seen as high as 450 billion). Ideally they should be taken daily, away from antimicrobials, definitely away from pharmaceutical antibiotics.


MCT Oil/Coconut Oil
Essential oils
Colloidal Silver
Vitamin D3
Vitamin C
Turmeric extract (curcumin) - to control inflammation and help the liver
Fermented foods - unpasturized sauerkraut, kimchee, pickles, etc.; provide friendly probiotic bacteria
Thanks, dugdeep - very good idea!

Here are my notes from the Klinghardt-lecture who advises to take the following herbs and nutrients - he advertises a lot of BioPure products, which I'mmsure are excellent, but they are expensive. I'v left them in for those who want to,give these a go.

Klinghardt Lecture

1. Loading system with binders
- Chlorella - diverts toxins away from the kidney into the gut
- Chlorokava - for those not tolerating above (about 10%), positive on erectile dysfunction, increased delta sleep
- green clay
- Zeobind - a form of zeolite pluse horsetail (capturing aluminium released by zeolite)
- Metalsweep - microsilica plus vitamin C

2. Specific kidney protection
- Liquid electrolyte added to pure water
- Microminerals then added to above
- Wild (or bear) garlic
- Galactose (Werner Reuter - - autoimmunity of the kidney, not using insulin, for mitochondrial dysfunction,

3. System detox - Stimulate cells to elease metals
- Main researcher Ukijaki Umura
- Goal is to eliminate mercury and aluminium
- Cilantro-extract, up to 2 droppers three times a day before meals (for about two months)
- Matrix metal spray
- Curcumin - cancer healing, poorly absorbed, needs certain amount of specific black pepper, plus ginger for enhanced antiparasitic effect and enhanced curcumin absorption plus one teasp. of coconut oil, good for metal detox
- aphoresis

4. System detox - Stimulate cells to release organophosphate
- Strange synergism between aluminium and organophosphates (Glyphosate chelates aluminium, but also trace minerals and transports aluminium into the brain)
- Matrix minerals (humic acid and fulvic acid from bogs and peat) - effective of clearing organophosphates from body
- Certain plant adaptogens - açai, western plum, pomegranate, vitamin C from rosehip (200 times stronger than ascorbic acid) - Deep purple
- Deo - cilantro-based deodorant - extracts toxic material out of the skin

5. System detox - aluminium
- citric acid (lemon juice)
- cilantro most effective (electrolyte enhanced wild crafted cilantro)
- horsetail tea - small particle size bioavailable silica - easy to source in healthfood shops, don't use artificial silica products - still needs the binders, in this case zeolite

6. System detox - Lead
- 400-1000 times higher today than 200 years ago, main cause of osteoporosis
- zinc displaces lead from bone
- Core increases effects of zinc - 4-6 caps/ day

7. Shuttle of detoxing substances to gut
- sulph-hydrile containing amino acids: whey products
- main one: Chlorella
- in kids CGF - chlorella growth factor (ch. prurinedosa) - taller, look better, no tooth decay, normal dental arches, powerful anticancer agent - healer of children
- Chlorella vulgaris extract (CVE)
- Chlorella vulgaris (weaker cell membrane than prurinedosa, cell lyses and spills content, not much of a binder, more of a nutrient) - peeps,should be on both chlorella types for detox
- Chlorelyte - chlorella plus electrolyte, which ruptures the cell wall. If only one detox product, this is it - binder AND nutrient
- CGF-Chlorella - mix of chlorella with GCF - binder AND nutrient - for adults
- Freeze-dried garlic - antimicrobial effect, but huge detoxifyer

8. Electrosmog
- 25% of population sensitive, BUT it affects us all!
- breaks up DNA - cancerogenic
- affects function of blood-brain- barrier
- Stetzer filter to clean up "dirty power"
- Switch-off fuses at night
- No WiFi at home
- Minimise cellphone usage
- radioprotective underwear
- Propolis extract (Cape) - mimics effects of melatonin (which doesn't cross the blood-brain-barrier) - best brazilian green propolis
- Rosemary extract - healing agent for radioactive exposure (best researched is gamma) - radioprotective effect (cellphone radiation)
- GEOcube

9. Rejuvenation
- Hyaluronic acid - externally to regenerate facial,skin
- internally - best against Lyme-induced pain - sublingual
- hyaluronic acid is a delicacy for bugs - bait, that makes them move out of affected area - primary treatment for chronic infection - 4 pipettes twice daily, together with
- Cistus incarnus tea or tincture - main strategy for breaking up biofilms, also antiviral effect (best combined with horsetail tea)
- Bee venom ointment - facial and skin rejuvenation

10. Essential oils
- Fish oil - but not optimal for everybody, some do better with flax oil
- Astaxanthine - for everybody - up to 3x2 - from sockeye salmon (vegetarian fish - no mercury problems)
- Core - in Lyme: enzyme blockage increasing excretion of Vit. B6, molybdenum, biotin etc. - essentially substitutes what is being lost in higher doses
dugdeep said:
Nitric Oxide - "Nitric oxide has also been shown to trigger the dispersal of biofilms of several bacteria species at sub-toxic concentrations. Nitric oxide has the potential for the treatment of patients that suffer from chronic infections caused by biofilms." From Wikipedia.
There are several supplemental forms of nitric oxide, most are L-arginine and precursors (this for example, or this). I haven't figured out if these supplements simply increase N02 for body processes like increasing oxygenation, vasodilation and reducing inflammation or if they will also affect biofilms. I'm in the process of contacting the naturopath from AOR (I've met him a couple of times) to see if he can give me any insight.

Just a precautionary note on Nitric Oxide (NO).

In "Why Can't I Get Better", Richard Horowitz has seen bad results when increasing this system in certain conditions. Its great effects are known, but the deleterious effects should be addressed as well:

Several stressors like bacterial and viral infections increase NO and its oxidant product, peroxynitirate. It can act as a free radical and increase oxidative stress, which can damage DNA and proteins insiide the cell. Horowitz says that it increases the production of NF-KappaB, which can increase production of the "cytokine storm". Some of the notes on that are on the autoimmune protocol thread. In short, the underlying factors are best addressed and reducing the cytokine storm is the key. Several of the supplements listed here and there on the other thread help with that: ALA, CoQ10, NAC, Omega 3s, zinc,magnesium, and so forth.

Dealing with the underlying infection, immune issues and inflammation, and supporting detox, addressing imbalances (hormonal, nutritional, sleep disorders, etc.) is very important in that sense.

In any case, L-arginine is one supplement to be added to the protocol for endothelial health though. Here are the reasons:

Chlamydia pneumonia and the like are infamous for provoking atherosclerosis. The protocol addresses these bugs and it could potentially ward-off a future heart attack that way. But it could also create some trouble on the endothelium when there are "local Herx reactions", leading to angina, vasoconstriction and heart problems. Not good!!

Richard Horowitz recommends L-arginine on the section of mitochondrial support, but he also warns that it is not advisable in case of severe Herx reactions, that is, on the beginning. For example, it will dilate the vessels a little bit too much in people with migraines or others who have very low blood pressure either from Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, adrenal fatigue and other inflammatory issues. L-arginine will be safe for those with normal - highish blood pressure though.

As a precautionary note, we'll add it for endothelial health but somewhere after the second month onwards when severe Herx reactions stop. That way we make sure the worst of the "cytokine storm" is dealt with and people are more protected against any possible vasoconstriciton due to endothelial troubleshooting.
dugdeep said:
Medicinal mushrooms - agarikon, chaga, reishi, shiitake, cordyceps, maitake... Note that these mushrooms have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral compounds over and above just the Beta glucans. Two really great products here and here.
I found an interesting article about mushrooms, link:
Greetings all.
I am financially in a small way able to make some choices concerning my health. I have RA. I was rereading up on the treatment with Metro. I am concerned about treating myself with Metro or even a natural supplement. My kidneys are working at 35 percent. Diabetes and medication caused. Would it even be wise to think about trying to begin an autoimmune protocol now. Would the toxins released and the medication push the kidneys over the edge? I cannot find a doctor who isn't feeding out of the drug manufacturers hands. They are not here to heal. The Kidney specialist told me to go on a carb diet as my protein level was up. When I questioned him on this, he simply said to use common sense. Something he seemed in short supply of. :huh:
My back and hips are where the RA is located. It is literally wearing me down.
Thanks for listening. Blessings, Tarri
Tarri said:
Greetings all.
I am financially in a small way able to make some choices concerning my health. I have RA. I was rereading up on the treatment with Metro. I am concerned about treating myself with Metro or even a natural supplement. My kidneys are working at 35 percent. Diabetes and medication caused. Would it even be wise to think about trying to begin an autoimmune protocol now. Would the toxins released and the medication push the kidneys over the edge? I cannot find a doctor who isn't feeding out of the drug manufacturers hands. They are not here to heal. The Kidney specialist told me to go on a carb diet as my protein level was up. When I questioned him on this, he simply said to use common sense. Something he seemed in short supply of. :huh:
My back and hips are where the RA is located. It is literally wearing me down.
Thanks for listening. Blessings, Tarri

Metronidazole should be fine, however you should only take this medication under medical supervision, as severe side-effects can occur (changes in white blood cell count).
Hello Tarri,

In case of RA, doxy or minocycline works pretty well. I started taking doxy after the summer and my joints felt better and I don't even have an "official" label of RA.

The RA protocol calls for doxy or minocycline and a few cycles of metro. This is something that could be considered if you don't make progress with detox, diet and supplements including iodine. The antibiotics which really affect the kidneys are usually not part of the autoimmune protocol.

Have you done coffee or probiotic enemas?

Protein consumption in case of kidney failure should stay around 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of ideal weight per day. It is the same amount suggested in the longevity research.
Thanks guys. Have not done the enigma's. But am on iodine, and supplements. Will pay closer attention to how much protein. I don't believe I am going over by much. I am still anemic. So I don't need the additional side effects on top of that. I think will do slow detox with supplements.
Tarri said:
Thanks guys. Have not done the enigma's. But am on iodine, and supplements. Will pay closer attention to how much protein. I don't believe I am going over by much. I am still anemic. So I don't need the additional side effects on top of that. I think will do slow detox with supplements.

Iodine lowers the iron deposits in the body, so if you are doing iodine and have ferropenic anemia, iron would have to be considered. On the other hand, if it is anemia of chronic disease, then just keep an eye on your iron deposits to make sure they don't go too low. We can help you interpreting them, it is basically checked with transferrin, iron, ferritin, iron saturation and total iron binding capacity.
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