November 1, 1997
Frank, Alice, Terry, Jan, Laura, Ark
Q: Hello.
A: Hello.
Q: And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Biominia.
Q: And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: We have here the Denver Airport Pictures which Chloe took on her trip and perhaps we would like to have a little bit of an interpretation on this very bizarre figure here. Is it supposed to be looked at this way or reversed?
A: Either.
Q: Could you give us a little interpretation on that picture; it’s about the strangest thing I’ve ever seen… well, no it’s not, but it’s right up there! {Laughter}
A: It is a rectagon.
Q: What is a rectagon?
A: Picture uniting numerous rectangular principles of photo optic representation.
Q: What's the point?
A: If one gazes at it long enough, they will involuntarily be placed into an alpha state.
Q: Okay. If they go into an alpha state, is there some other kind of message that the picture then conveys?
A: That is not the point!
Q: What is the point?
A: They then are open to programming of a level one order!
Q: (Ark) Does the scale of the picture matter?
A: It works better when one gazes at the mural itself, rather than a photographic representation of same. There are magnetic factors at the Denver Airport which play into the situation.
Q: What kind of magnetic factors?
A: Artificially contoured wave-like beams.
Q: These beams have a magnetic effect?
A: Magnetism.
Q: (Ark) If gazing at this picture produces an alpha state, how long does it last?
A: Indefinite.
Q: (T) How long do you have to look at the picture?
A: Each individual responds differently.
Q: (T) Does repeated exposure ... is it cumulative?
A: No.
Q: When you say indefinite in terms of time, do you mean it can vary from individual to individual?
A: Indefinite because the subsequent program is the determining factor.
Q: How does the program get installed? Is there something there at the airport that installs the program? That works in conjunction with the murals? Is the programming in the pictures? Or is it in some carrier wave? Or is it in the individual themselves, and the murals simply activate it?
A: Originates from underneath the complex.
Q: And it has something to do with the beams?
A: Yes.
Q: So, in other words, Chloe may have been subjected to some of this programming by going there and spending so much time looking for the murals?
A: In her case, no, because you warned her, therefore her conscious state was in the "awareness mode."
Q: (Ark) Is any one of these photographs, or any one element, more significant than the others? Anything we ought to pay more attention?
A: All are equally important. But, pay attention to the tiny details. You will see that the discovery process is neverending.
Q: (T) I searched the web to see if there was any way to order sets of pictures of these murals and there just isn't anything. (L) Yes, Chloe said that there was nothing in the gift shops there either. (T) I asked her and she said that she did not actually go in the gift shops because she doesn't do tourist things. (L) Okay, what is this picture? (Holds up photo.)
A: This is a pictorial representation of an essence of a concept.
Q: Essence of the concept of what?
A: Overt control.
Q: So, does this mean that overt control is NOT going to be used, since this huge ugly figure is lying there seemingly dead?
A: Phasic.
Q: It will be in phases. (T) Is Alex Christopher's general idea of the meanings of these paintings correct?
A: Close.
Q: (T) Is my take on what she said close?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So this overcoming of evil is just one of the phases...
A: You should learn what you can, discreetly, about masonic principles.
Q: (Ark) I would like to know if the Cassiopaeans, together with other STO, are participating in some of this programming?
A: There is no need for us to participate in programming.
Q: Why is that?
A: Because we do not violate free will directive!
Q: (T) It's 3rd and 4th STS that does it.
A: 4th, mostly.
Q: Now, we have been in a little bit of a pause mode for the past couple of months in terms of working, and now I have had this terrible blow with my computer... What caused my computer to crash?
A: Manipulative interference.
Q: By who or what?
A: 4th density STS.
Q: What was the actual mode of this interference? Was it just that the guy blew up the computer?
A: Agents and agencies are omnipresent. You were moving in a direction whereby the knowledge gained would be most compromising, if shared. We have suggested before that this forum was better served as an educational realm for you, rather than one from which to launch upon an effort to educate all others.
Q: Which particular line that I was following caused the problem?
A: Discretion opens the door to security.
Q: (Ark) Regarding this manipulative interference, what means can we use to prevent such interference in the future, if there are such means?
A: Patience with "glitches." Remember: who do you trust?
Q: No one. Who to trust the computer to or in general?
A: Both. Next time, be not so quick to take computer to be worked on.
Q: That was the week from Hell. The cat got killed and we had a rather cool response from UCF... just kind of a really bummed out week. And I lost my ring! And I was sick!
A: Too many.
Q: Can you tell me where I will find my ring or if I will find my ring?
A: You will.
Q: Are we going to be safe going to Gainesville, the kids and everything else?
A: For now.
Q: Is there anything we need to do relating to UCF other than what we have already planned?
A: Good things take effort to achieve... bad things are easily obtainable.
Q: (Ark) I want to know to what extent I was responsible for the computer crash...
A: 0.
Q: [Discussion of computer crash.]
A: Patience, Laura, is not your strong suit.
Q: Well, this event just took all the wind out of me. It is like falling out of a tree onto your back. I am just totally devastated by it. I have almost lost my will to work.
A: Then the 4th density STS are winning!
Q: I'll recover. Just give me a little time. (Ark) I really want to know where and how the 4th density STS interfaced with 3rd density to cause the computer destruction.
A: Repair.
Q: You mean the repair man?
A: Yes.
Q: (Ark) Who was behind it?
A: We have described for you before the Orion STS.
Q: Are these Lizzies or humanoid types?
A: There is something akin to a "chain of command."
Q: So it could be a human who is influenced by implants and thought control via a Lizzie who is controlled by an Orion... (Ark) Can you see any other impending danger?
A: One needs to always expect danger.
Q: (Ark) General rules for everyone.
A: No! This means you more than any others!
Q: Why did they say that?
A: Arkadiusz made reference to "general terms."
Q: Oh, so they were talking specifically to you!
A: And you, too, Laura!
Q: Thanks a lot.
Q: (T) Frank and I got off Scot free that time!
A: No!
Q: Could you give a general indication of which direction any or all of us ought to go in the upcoming months in terms of research, or any particular clue that might come our way? What to do? Which way to go?
A: Ridiculously vague question!
Q: I know, but I tried to fly it! (T) I would say to keep doing what you are doing and don't let outside influences sway you from your path.
A: Good.
Q: (Ark) Is there anything that I am doing wrong now?
A: Vague.
Q: (J) But, not 'ridiculously' vague! (L) Okay, you have a couple of teaching positions offered. Is either one of them optimal or should we pursue something in a different direction?
A: Patience pays best.
Q: Does that mean that he should not accept either of these and wait for something else. But, he can't do that. He has to give an answer now.
A: All there is is lessons.
Q: Okay, so he'll teach! (Ark) Okay, I want to know why this Susan Brana is being silent? (L) I think she was a fraud to begin with. (Ark) Okay, I want to know if that is the case.
A: Opportunity to mislead.
Q: (Ark) Was or is?
A: Both. Would have lead to trap.
Q: (T) Yes, that whole situation was amazing. The search I did on that word brought up so much strange stuff! (L) Yes, indeed. It blew open a huge door to a TON of stuff!
A: Expect tentacles to attempt to reach from Poland.
Q: What kind?
A: Legal and economic.
Q: Well, if they reach over here, we'll chop them off! (T) That's what you do with tentacles!
A: Not so easy as that.
Q: Okay, you brought it up, it must be an issue, so what do you want to tell us about it?
A: Redouble efforts here.
Q: Along what line? (T) Legal and economic?
A: Yes.
Q: I don't know what else to do. We are just waiting for time to pass so he can file. I do expect SOMEthing to happen because they were not expecting him to leave when he did and it was probably awhile before they even knew he was gone and they had a perfectly good hospital scenario set up. Okay, you said to redouble legal and economic efforts... is there something I am missing?
A: Patience pays.
Q: Is it possible to go to Mexico and get a divorce? Fairly quickly? Is this what you are talking about? I know that you can get a divorce about anywhere and make it stick anywhere else with a good lawyer.
A: Yes.
Q: Yes to the lawyer?
A: Yes. Vigilance.
Q: So, we need to see Fernando.
A: Up to you, but, not a bad idea.
Q: (A) Does the redoubling of economic efforts mean anything more than looking for a job?
A: Just be on the lookout for efforts to undermine coming from Poland.
Q: Okay, we are on the lookout. Is it from any source other than Anna?
A: Blended. Good night.
End of Session
Frank, Alice, Terry, Jan, Laura, Ark
Q: Hello.
A: Hello.
Q: And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Biominia.
Q: And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.
Q: We have here the Denver Airport Pictures which Chloe took on her trip and perhaps we would like to have a little bit of an interpretation on this very bizarre figure here. Is it supposed to be looked at this way or reversed?
A: Either.
Q: Could you give us a little interpretation on that picture; it’s about the strangest thing I’ve ever seen… well, no it’s not, but it’s right up there! {Laughter}

A: It is a rectagon.
Q: What is a rectagon?
A: Picture uniting numerous rectangular principles of photo optic representation.
Q: What's the point?
A: If one gazes at it long enough, they will involuntarily be placed into an alpha state.
Q: Okay. If they go into an alpha state, is there some other kind of message that the picture then conveys?
A: That is not the point!
Q: What is the point?
A: They then are open to programming of a level one order!
Q: (Ark) Does the scale of the picture matter?
A: It works better when one gazes at the mural itself, rather than a photographic representation of same. There are magnetic factors at the Denver Airport which play into the situation.
Q: What kind of magnetic factors?
A: Artificially contoured wave-like beams.
Q: These beams have a magnetic effect?
A: Magnetism.
Q: (Ark) If gazing at this picture produces an alpha state, how long does it last?
A: Indefinite.
Q: (T) How long do you have to look at the picture?
A: Each individual responds differently.
Q: (T) Does repeated exposure ... is it cumulative?
A: No.
Q: When you say indefinite in terms of time, do you mean it can vary from individual to individual?
A: Indefinite because the subsequent program is the determining factor.
Q: How does the program get installed? Is there something there at the airport that installs the program? That works in conjunction with the murals? Is the programming in the pictures? Or is it in some carrier wave? Or is it in the individual themselves, and the murals simply activate it?
A: Originates from underneath the complex.
Q: And it has something to do with the beams?
A: Yes.
Q: So, in other words, Chloe may have been subjected to some of this programming by going there and spending so much time looking for the murals?
A: In her case, no, because you warned her, therefore her conscious state was in the "awareness mode."
Q: (Ark) Is any one of these photographs, or any one element, more significant than the others? Anything we ought to pay more attention?
A: All are equally important. But, pay attention to the tiny details. You will see that the discovery process is neverending.
Q: (T) I searched the web to see if there was any way to order sets of pictures of these murals and there just isn't anything. (L) Yes, Chloe said that there was nothing in the gift shops there either. (T) I asked her and she said that she did not actually go in the gift shops because she doesn't do tourist things. (L) Okay, what is this picture? (Holds up photo.)

A: This is a pictorial representation of an essence of a concept.
Q: Essence of the concept of what?
A: Overt control.
Q: So, does this mean that overt control is NOT going to be used, since this huge ugly figure is lying there seemingly dead?

A: Phasic.
Q: It will be in phases. (T) Is Alex Christopher's general idea of the meanings of these paintings correct?
A: Close.
Q: (T) Is my take on what she said close?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So this overcoming of evil is just one of the phases...
A: You should learn what you can, discreetly, about masonic principles.
Q: (Ark) I would like to know if the Cassiopaeans, together with other STO, are participating in some of this programming?
A: There is no need for us to participate in programming.
Q: Why is that?
A: Because we do not violate free will directive!
Q: (T) It's 3rd and 4th STS that does it.
A: 4th, mostly.
Q: Now, we have been in a little bit of a pause mode for the past couple of months in terms of working, and now I have had this terrible blow with my computer... What caused my computer to crash?
A: Manipulative interference.
Q: By who or what?
A: 4th density STS.
Q: What was the actual mode of this interference? Was it just that the guy blew up the computer?
A: Agents and agencies are omnipresent. You were moving in a direction whereby the knowledge gained would be most compromising, if shared. We have suggested before that this forum was better served as an educational realm for you, rather than one from which to launch upon an effort to educate all others.
Q: Which particular line that I was following caused the problem?
A: Discretion opens the door to security.
Q: (Ark) Regarding this manipulative interference, what means can we use to prevent such interference in the future, if there are such means?
A: Patience with "glitches." Remember: who do you trust?
Q: No one. Who to trust the computer to or in general?
A: Both. Next time, be not so quick to take computer to be worked on.
Q: That was the week from Hell. The cat got killed and we had a rather cool response from UCF... just kind of a really bummed out week. And I lost my ring! And I was sick!
A: Too many.
Q: Can you tell me where I will find my ring or if I will find my ring?
A: You will.
Q: Are we going to be safe going to Gainesville, the kids and everything else?
A: For now.
Q: Is there anything we need to do relating to UCF other than what we have already planned?
A: Good things take effort to achieve... bad things are easily obtainable.
Q: (Ark) I want to know to what extent I was responsible for the computer crash...
A: 0.
Q: [Discussion of computer crash.]
A: Patience, Laura, is not your strong suit.
Q: Well, this event just took all the wind out of me. It is like falling out of a tree onto your back. I am just totally devastated by it. I have almost lost my will to work.
A: Then the 4th density STS are winning!
Q: I'll recover. Just give me a little time. (Ark) I really want to know where and how the 4th density STS interfaced with 3rd density to cause the computer destruction.
A: Repair.
Q: You mean the repair man?
A: Yes.
Q: (Ark) Who was behind it?
A: We have described for you before the Orion STS.
Q: Are these Lizzies or humanoid types?
A: There is something akin to a "chain of command."
Q: So it could be a human who is influenced by implants and thought control via a Lizzie who is controlled by an Orion... (Ark) Can you see any other impending danger?
A: One needs to always expect danger.
Q: (Ark) General rules for everyone.
A: No! This means you more than any others!
Q: Why did they say that?
A: Arkadiusz made reference to "general terms."
Q: Oh, so they were talking specifically to you!
A: And you, too, Laura!
Q: Thanks a lot.
Q: (T) Frank and I got off Scot free that time!
A: No!
Q: Could you give a general indication of which direction any or all of us ought to go in the upcoming months in terms of research, or any particular clue that might come our way? What to do? Which way to go?
A: Ridiculously vague question!
Q: I know, but I tried to fly it! (T) I would say to keep doing what you are doing and don't let outside influences sway you from your path.
A: Good.
Q: (Ark) Is there anything that I am doing wrong now?
A: Vague.
Q: (J) But, not 'ridiculously' vague! (L) Okay, you have a couple of teaching positions offered. Is either one of them optimal or should we pursue something in a different direction?
A: Patience pays best.
Q: Does that mean that he should not accept either of these and wait for something else. But, he can't do that. He has to give an answer now.
A: All there is is lessons.
Q: Okay, so he'll teach! (Ark) Okay, I want to know why this Susan Brana is being silent? (L) I think she was a fraud to begin with. (Ark) Okay, I want to know if that is the case.
A: Opportunity to mislead.
Q: (Ark) Was or is?
A: Both. Would have lead to trap.
Q: (T) Yes, that whole situation was amazing. The search I did on that word brought up so much strange stuff! (L) Yes, indeed. It blew open a huge door to a TON of stuff!
A: Expect tentacles to attempt to reach from Poland.
Q: What kind?
A: Legal and economic.
Q: Well, if they reach over here, we'll chop them off! (T) That's what you do with tentacles!
A: Not so easy as that.
Q: Okay, you brought it up, it must be an issue, so what do you want to tell us about it?
A: Redouble efforts here.
Q: Along what line? (T) Legal and economic?
A: Yes.
Q: I don't know what else to do. We are just waiting for time to pass so he can file. I do expect SOMEthing to happen because they were not expecting him to leave when he did and it was probably awhile before they even knew he was gone and they had a perfectly good hospital scenario set up. Okay, you said to redouble legal and economic efforts... is there something I am missing?
A: Patience pays.
Q: Is it possible to go to Mexico and get a divorce? Fairly quickly? Is this what you are talking about? I know that you can get a divorce about anywhere and make it stick anywhere else with a good lawyer.
A: Yes.
Q: Yes to the lawyer?
A: Yes. Vigilance.
Q: So, we need to see Fernando.
A: Up to you, but, not a bad idea.
Q: (A) Does the redoubling of economic efforts mean anything more than looking for a job?
A: Just be on the lookout for efforts to undermine coming from Poland.
Q: Okay, we are on the lookout. Is it from any source other than Anna?
A: Blended. Good night.
End of Session