Session 8 November 1997


FOTCM Member
November 8, 1997

Frank, Ark, Laura

Q: Hello.

A: Hello.

Q: And who do we have with us this evening?

A: Napponiz.

Q: And where do you transmit through?

A: Cassiopaea.

Q: You once made a remark that, to use the source for personal issues, would cause it to become an STS corrupted source. Now, of necessity, it seems, and that may just be my perspective, but it seems that we have used this source some percentage of the time for personal issues and questions. Has that, in any way, corrupted the flow of information and tended to sway it in the direction of the STS mode?

A: Only when excessive.

Q: And, I am hoping that you will warn us if, at any point, it becomes excessive and we need to bring it to a halt; as you have in the past.

A: Yes. Ark, more pressure, please.

Q: We have had a couple of interesting events recently on our travels, the most recent being the blowout of the tire on the interstate after we both had some sort of premonition the previous day. And, on the same day of the flat tire, and it seemed to be connected, we had two encounters with people who questioned us about the UFO bumper stickers. One of these people even came up and asked Ark if he was an alien. Okay, these were two very unusual incidents. Was the blow out of the tire some kind of attack or interference?

A: Not directly.

Q: Was the blow out of the tire some sort of symbolic event and was there some sort of meaning or lesson in this?

A: Attack is one of "blanket coverage" mode.

Q: Well, once before you stated that I was being 'cloaked,' and now you use the term 'blanket coverage.' Could you please tell me what is being implied or indicated here?

A: No need to assume nuances. Next portal: French. You should not let this one "get away" from you, lest it result in unnecessary heartache/heartbreak.

Q: When you say that I should not let this one 'get away,' what do you mean?

A: Neglect? Opens the door to full bore attack... Possibility of tragedy, if one who is in delicate state, as in the twins of Gemini, should be driven to drastic ends.

Q: Does this mean that we should try to prevent him from publishing anything about us at all?

A: What it means is: keep a very close watch on the situation.

Q: We are talking about Tom French and the article, right?

A: You have misgivings about this lately, and yet, you do nothing. This is a disturbing trend developing.

Q: After I agreed that he could write about me, and he has spent all this time these past two years doing the interviews and so forth, I am not even sure that I could stop it. And, I don't want to be in an adversarial mode with him because then what he writes would be negative.

A: Did he not promise you perusal of copy prior to publishing?

Q: Yes he did, and I will call and remind him of that, or I will write to him right away. I am supposed to have some degree of control or input.

A: This would be "forgotten" if not communicated, i.e.: neglected.

Q: What, in particular should I look for to request that it be omitted or changed?

A: You will know what would cause harm to innocent persons.

Q: Anything further on that subject? Okay, I guess that 'blanket coverage' and being 'cloaked' just means being attacked from any and all directions that are available.

A: Close.

Q: Was there any particular significance to the two funny encounters we had on the day we had the blow-out?

A: Well, what do you think?

Q: I don't know what to think. Both of them were bizarre, but the second one was the most bizarre because the van was running hot, we stopped to check the oil, the guy came up and asked Ark if he was an alien, the van had nothing wrong with it, and ran fine when we got back on the road. It was really funny.

A: You are being watched like never before. And we have warned you before that this was serious. Still your vigilance is not "up to par!!"

Q: (A) Why did I run off the road at that particular moment? Was it because I was tired?

A: Must be more like a soldier, less like a picknicker.

Q: What more can we do? And still be living in the real world? We could lock ourselves in the house with Uzis. We could mount a turret gun on top of the van.

A: It is mental, psychic... not as much material.

Q: (A) So, what can I do to avoid such slips of attention?

A: If one is a soldier in the trenches, just how much "daydreaming" does one do when the shells are exploding all around??

Q: Okay, I think we have gotten the point. Is there something else on this subject?

A: Good. Soon you will need to "be on your toes" to an extraordinary level!

Q: Are there any further things I can do to increase the safety factor where the children are concerned?

A: This requires much discussion, as you are losing the battle there. As you know by now, the attack seeks the weakest link in the chain for the greatest assault. And for you, the children are a very weak link, indeed...

Q: In what sense? Why?

A: In many "senses," and because of the last response.

Q: Is it because of the remark about discussion? That we need to discuss more with the children?

A: Weak link.

Q: Because of the weak link. I see. Let me just point out that I am only a human being, a third density person, and I really don't like to have to spend all my time in a state of constant fear that something bad is going to happen to one of my children...

A: Not fear, when one is vigilant.

Q: The point I am getting at is that it is fine for me to be vigilant and aware, but if I tell them things, they DO have free will and can act against their own best interests. I am afraid that they will ignore my warnings. I live in constant fear of that.

A: Not if you discuss it with them "on the level."

Q: So, we need to discuss with the children more, and level with them...

A: Avoid condescending approach.

Q: Well, I don't think I have ever treated my children in a condescending way. I have always treated them like human beings with brains.

A: Who are human beings with brains in a subordinate position?

Q: I understand.

A: Discussion requires feedback and free associative dialogue.

Q: Just let me point out that if we spend all our time discussing with the children all the dangers of the world, watching out for all these dangers ourselves, thinking about it and analyzing it, then there will be very little time left to work. Does this project just consist of staying alive?

A: Wrong!!!

Q: There is a whole lot involved in just staying alive here.

A: Groove the channel, and it becomes "second nature."

Q: (A) I would like to know if this 'soon' is a question of a week, a month, a year...

A: Indefinite.

Q: Can you tell us what it relates to?

A: All possibilities, including those dramas which are played out on the grandest of all stages.

Q: The grandest of all stages? Life? What is this?

A: Stages implies viewership, as well as participation.

Q: So 'grandest' would be a lot of viewers and a lot of participation? Are you talking about volume here?

A: Getting "warmer."

Q: I'm such a whiner. I just want to go and live a nice quiet life and grow roses in the country.

A: There was a time, recently, Laura, when you craved and anticipated otherwise.

Q: Yes, I'm sorry. Sometimes I am just tired. Now, change of subject: MicroData has accused me of stealing their harddrive! No mention of all the terrible things they did to my computer and the video card they stole... could you give me a pointer on how to handle these people?

A: Soon, you will need to learn the art of non-confrontational association.

Q: Well, I'm not the one who created this situation!

A: We were not speaking of any one instance.

Q: Okay, we have been talking about whether or not we need to get another car, whether or not we may need to sell this house if Ark gets a job in Orlando, and whether we should get this mortgage to get the house fixed so that a) if we stay in it, it will be comfortable, or b) if we have to sell it, it will be more saleable, so I would like to know what your advice on this is since this gal has worked so hard to put this mortgage deal together? Would it be advisable to refinance the house and do the repairs?

A: Green light.

Q: Does that mean to do it?

A: Sure.

Q: Will we be able to make the payments?

A: Yes.

Q: Is it possible, or has it happened, that someone from Poland has contacted the UCF people to spread lies or cause problems?

A: Main thing you should concern yourself with is the future with respect to this, and related subjects.

Q: If someone over there has contacted UCF to say nasty things, it definitely would have an effect on the future. In what respect are you urging us to be concerned with the future?

A: Just be vigilant!

Q: Well, we also sent the cv to USF...

A: When you re-read these transcripts, the meanings and messages will be clear.

Q: Last week I asked some questions and you indicated that you could not answer them and I had the impression that it was because of other persons present. Is that the case?

A: Maybe.

Q: Also, in a past session you made a comment 'pass the test.' I would like to know to what test this comment referred? What test must we pass in order to move to the next level of knowledge?

A: This you will know when you reach it.

Q: Alright...

A: Do you wish many repeat incarnations in 3rd density?

Q: Of course not! I want OUT of this density!

A: Then expect testing aplenty.

Q: (A) I want to know about this guy who wrote about the sun cycles... is he just another crackpot?

A: Detailed.

Q: This fellow sent some information that was talking about planetary catastrophe related to solar maximums which is, essentially, the same thing I thought of back in 1985...

A: On right track.

Q: But then, when Ark asked for more information, the guy launched off on being the prophet of God and so forth...

A: Cloak.

Q: The religion thing is a cloak?

A: Yes.

Q: Does HE know it is a cloak?

A: Yes.

Q: So he knows it and is using it...

A: Protection device. Throws off "dogs."

Q: Well, that is all fine and good, but he also wants to offer instructions to people about how to survive such an event, which he proceeds to do, and then launches off into the religion thing. So, if he is cloaking, he is doing a very good job of it because it seems pretty real.

A: Mixed.

Q: (A) Also, he sends a description of a machine he invented which he wants me to help him build. Is this the most important thing about this?

A: No. Investigate further.

Q: I suggested that Ark ought to tell the guy to go and look at the C's web page and if he can handle that, go from there... but, of course, Ark does better if he doesn't follow my advice...

A: Okay.

Q: Okay that he doesn't follow my advice?

A: For tonight, good bye.

End of Session
Thanks Laura. The more I know the less I know. Physics has always interested me. Vigilance, vigilance vigilance and more vigilance.
Q: So, we need to discuss with the children more, and level with them...

A: Avoid condescending approach.

That is my constant worry about my kids and how I, we, influence them. I am behaving in protective and superior manner. And although I think of them as human beings with free will I still do not allow them to do things of their own. They need to listen. I am worried especially about my son now 7. He understands a lot but we are not discussing with him like he was equal. We are preaching.

Another thing to do!

Thank You!
One of the hardest things for parents ( myself included) is discussing their children as if they were not there! I think it's because we get so used to them that it's almost like they are extensions of ourselves. We forget that however young they may be, they still have independent and questioning minds. If we learn to really listen empathetically and take time to formulate our responses with humour, love and wisdom, we can build their characters.

My 2 cents
Q: Also, in a past session you made a comment 'pass the test.' I would like to know to what test this comment referred? What test must we pass in order to move to the next level of knowledge?

A: This you will know when you reach it.

Q: Alright...

A: Do you wish many repeat incarnations in 3rd density?

Q: Of course not! I want OUT of this density!

A: Then expect testing aplenty.

Q: (A) I want to know about this guy who wrote about the sun cycles... is he just another crackpot?

A: Detailed.

Q: This fellow sent some information that was talking about planetary catastrophe related to solar maximums which is, essentially, the same thing I thought of back in 1985...

A: On right track.

It is true that those who are committed to fulfilling their destiny (and move up a notch) are asked for more input and contribution in the various fields of life.

I noticed however, that some people are involved in diversifying their activities(various jobs, more skills developed, innovative actions, etc), and others do more of the same, although they could go deeper into a limited number of issues.

Tested and promoted means lesson learned. So both approaches could be valid ways therefore one should never be condescend neither with children, nor with "simple people"(many "intellectuals" disregard those who are more of a down to earth thinking and living). Right living is to be useful to your environment, both people and nature, whether one aspire consciously to graduation or not.

Regarding the solar maximums and subsequent planetary events , it would be interesting to know what that information was about.

Thank you!
Thank you Laura for posting these sessions. I found them to have great value, in inspiration, and knowledge. Its a testament to the goodness of what humans can be i think and even more interesting the dynamic of the C's and what they are communicating in conjunction with your own way of life and its challenges, tribulations. I appreciate the time and the difficulty it takes to release these.

Thanks again for all you do!!!
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