
I didn't know where else to put this, so...After reading in "The Jadczyk Correspondence" about Germans going underground in Antarctica after WWII, I recalled a book I had ("Man-Made UFOs 1944-1994" by Vesco & Childress) which discusses Neuschwabenland, the Nazi-claimed section of Antarctica. It says there is a deep subsea trench of volcanic origin that was found to have "warm water lakes, caves, crevasses & ice tunnels, most of which were found to be suitable for human habitation."-->
-->According to this book, "U-977, under the command of Captain Heinz Schaeffer, did in fact leave Kiel Harbor in the Baltic Sea in April 1945, stopped at Christiansund South on the 26th, left the following day, & was not seen again until it surfaced at Mar del Plata, Argentina, on August 17, 1945 - a period of nearly 4 months. Where was the submarine all that time?" -->
-->The book alleges that an Anglo-American commission spent months in the U.S. Interrogating Schaeffer, trying to find out if the U-977 had taken Hitler to Antarctica. Schaeffer denied this. Tho officials supposedly believed Schaeffer & found nothing suspicious on his boat, the U-977 was sent to the U.S. & blown to bits. Do the C's say anything about Hitler escaping to Antarctica, or what is going on down there now?
Excuse me, then. I apologize for wanting to discuss it...I'll make sure I thoroughly search these forums front to back B4 I dare post another topic. BTW, what does Lenin As A Psychopath have to do with what I was talking about? Or is it buried in the middle of the thread?
Ominous said:
Excuse me, then. I apologize for wanting to discuss it...I'll make sure I thoroughly search these forums front to back B4 I dare post another topic. BTW, what does Lenin As A Psychopath have to do with what I was talking about? Or is it buried in the middle of the thread?
Ominous, this response of yours comes across as pretty angry. No one has said that it shouldn't be discussed; just that if you'd searched the forum that you might have found some interesting information. So, why so defensive/angry/aggressive?

While it does seem that 'transdimensional' could have phrased his/her comment more gently - does taking his/her response so personally really help you at all?
No, it doesn't help. It sucks. I've been vigorously struggling w/ this "Work" for only a few months & am extremely intimidated by these forums. I don't feel intellectually adequate to even POST...& when I finally get the courage to post something, that's the response I get? I desperately want to learn this Work but don't feel much kinship w/ ppl in these forums. It's extremely frustrating at times, esp when I get responses like that. I'm too sensative unfortunately. PEACE
well then maybe the Work should start with working on your hypersensitivty
;) (this is friendly remark just to clarify)
Ominous, in a spare time you might want to take a break in reading "serious stuff" and check posting history of some members of this forum. When you click on someone's nickname you'll see at the bottom of the page "user activity" and a link "show all posts". Go for the very first posts and then those most recent ones.

If you do it, you'll probably notice how confused rookies have turned into "bad-arse smart mouths" over time. Also, you'll probably see how often they got their feet into the fire initially. People learn, and I think that with your persistence, you'll learn too.

One thing I had to come to terms with at the very beginning of my presence here was the fact that suddenly I was among people much smarter and wiser than me. I might have been "THE MAN" in my dreams, but reality turned out to be quite different and it was painfull - my self importance suffered a serious blow. However, when I think about it now, it boggles my mind, how contradictory our "predator mind" is. There I was, a newbee, seeking knowledge and guidance, and when finally I have found my teachers - I WAS ANGRY! How much more ridiculous it could have get?? Who did I expect to learn from - the stupid?? :D

Just my five cents..
Ominous said:
I don't feel intellectually adequate to even POST...& when I finally get the courage to post something, that's the response I get?
I am laughing right now, but not because of the frustrations and anger on your part, but from recognizing so much of myself in it ;P
Omnius, it's not the end of the world if someone doesn't treat us in the way we expect or believe to deserve. Even if this new knowledge and people involved exploring it, including this forum - come to some of us like finding a lost family, that doesn't mean how we should be treated as little kids. Pampering our feelings of insecurity wouldn't get us very far ;) It's a big big world out there and most of it isn't friendly, to say the least...

So, if recognizing the knowledge here, you appreciate, then also take into consideration how it's fallowed with many changes in our inner world as well and the necessity to recognize our own acts, opinions, assumptions. It's a whole package - the Work - not just reading and hugging each other because of the happiness of what we read ;P

I personally felt just like you many many times and expect to feel much more, cause it means I'm doing something right. Otherwise - it's the same old comfortable sleep...
Ominous said:
Do the C's say anything about Hitler escaping to Antarctica, or what is going on down there now?
transdimensional said:
Don't like to search it yourself?
Ominous, after about 20 seconds of searching, I found a number of references to things "going on" in antarctica in the sessions (see sessions 950520 and 951202 for example). If you don't have the sessions, you can get them at the Files section of the Casschat yahoo group. This way you won't have to depend on other members of the forum to do something that you can very easily do yourself.

Ominous said:
No, it doesn't help. It sucks. I've been vigorously struggling w/ this "Work" for only a few months & am extremely intimidated by these forums.
Ok, can you describe your vigorous struggle in the work, and which parts you found particularly daunting? Reading, collecting data, learning is one thing - but what about addressing your own machine, have you been doing that part of the work?

Ominous said:
I don't feel intellectually adequate to even POST...& when I finally get the courage to post something, that's the response I get?
Well first, how are "we" supposed to know that making a post for you is a struggle and a huge emotional/mental undertaking? If we can't possibly know this, why are you acting like we all know this and for some unknown reason just don't appreciate your courage? Is this a rational expectation or is it your machine/predator thinking?

Also, members of this forum are not generally congratulated on the mere fact that they managed to create a new post. Have you seen this anywhere? Why would you expect it for yourself? It sounds like you're saying "You should be proud of me that I was able to even make a post, so expecting me to be reasonable and externally considerate is entirely too much!"

Ominous said:
I desperately want to learn this Work but don't feel much kinship w/ ppl in these forums.
So it's not so much this thread all by itself causing you to think this way, it's a feeling you've been having for a while and just never mentioned it until now, if I understand correctly? Well then I'm really glad you mentioned it, because this provides a perfect opportunity to do the Work in a network. Use that emotional frustration and its energy positively then - question what you're feeling and get to the bottom of it. Do you really want to continue indefinitely interacting on a forum that you're so frustrated with? Sure sounds to me like an important thing to address and get to the bottom of once and for all. Allow me to say that there are many members on this forum that do not share your frustration and reluctance to post. So either they are not seeing what you're seeing, or - what you're seeing is subjective and not true, a clever product of your predator mind creating a certain "impression" for you, distorting your ability to perceive objective reality.

And if you really are interested in Truth and the Work, you'll dedicate yourself to figuring out exactly what the problem is - is it you or the forum? If you can analyze your posts and the responses to them, why do you think people responded as they did? If you can look at that while detached - without defensive emotional reactions being triggered because it is YOU they are responding to, and you're "special".

Ominous said:
It's extremely frustrating at times, esp when I get responses like that. I'm too sensative unfortunately. PEACE
Sensitive? This is one of those perfectly ambiguous words that we use to hide our own selfishness and internal consideration from ourselves. It is a "wonderful" word that is easy to use whenever we have a mechanical reaction to something, whenever we're angry or want to control someone or something, whenever we get irrationally upset because the world does not meet our demands. It's a baby word that does not differenciate between external and internal consideration, between useful and positive emotional reactions and destructive ones. It is similar in ambiguousness to "you hurt my feelings". Just what on earth does that even mean? What "feelings"? How were they hurt? Maybe it's just your ego or self-importance that was "hurt"? Doesn't matter, baby-words don't make that distinction, all "feelings" regardless of origin or legitimacy suddenly get the same treatment - it's "bad" to hurt them, period.

I only say that because it's just another way your predator is doing everything it can to hide from you, to keep you from objectively understanding just what is going on under the hood. And perhaps this is the crux of your "struggle" with the Work - you address the easy stuff (like the topic of this thread about antarctica, underground bases, hitler, etc), but without addressing the really important inner stuff, you keep struggling trying to communicate and work with the "easy" stuff. And by easy stuff I mean whatever knowledge about the external world you're accumulating - whether it be Hitler and antarctica or whatever you read on SOTT, etc.

In my understanding, to really do the Work we have to balance external and internal Work, osit. Not one or the other. But it doesn't mean we should bite more than we can chew either. But neglecting either side will stunt our progress until we address what we've been neglecting and balance the internal/external stuff out, at least that's been my experience thus far. The beauty of this forum - it exists to help us with all aspects of the Work.
Ominous said:
No, it doesn't help. It sucks. I've been vigorously struggling w/ this "Work" for only a few months & am extremely intimidated by these forums.
Do you feel able to discuss this feeling Ominous? The feedback could help you. A problem shared so to speak. If you’ve been doing the work, have you come across the ‘mirror’ concept? The idea is that the last person to recognize a distortion or program in our thinking is often ourselves, so who better to help than people who’ve been through it or recognize it?
Ominous said:
I don't feel intellectually adequate to even POST...& when I finally get the courage to post something, that's the response I get?
Have a look back, can you see that the response you got from transdimentional wasn’t anything to do with the subject you were posting about, it was directed at your question at the end. I agree though that it could have been worded less harshly, but we’re all here to learn and maybe transdimentional has learnt something from this thread as well as the rest of us. So you starting this thread might be more help than you ever thought, and if you recognize these feedbacks as they are intended, you could gain more courage to post.

Ominous said:
I desperately want to learn this Work but don't feel much kinship w/ ppl in these forums. It's extremely frustrating at times, esp when I get responses like that. I'm too sensative unfortunately. PEACE
Can you expand on that and share your reasons for not feeling kinship here? Also, to get a better perspective, how many responses ‘like that’ have you had up to that one? It’s like at the moment your emotions could be feeling that you’ve had more responses like that than you actually have had, thus clouding your judgment. It's all part of the work.
For what it’s worth I sort of sensed your sensitivity because of your use of ‘PEACE’ after all your posts. Please don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with it, and I could be totally wrong with that.
Ominous said:
I desperately want to learn this Work but don't feel much kinship w/ ppl in these forums. It's extremely frustrating at times, esp when I get responses like that. I'm too sensative unfortunately. PEACE
Hi Ominous,
this situation reminds me of a little conversation in an earlier thread. The response of j0da quoted below helped me to understand for the first time that one doesn't need to be 'nice' or 'kind' to be 'likeable'. Let me quote:

jim46 said:
Hi Shane I am a little taken aback by your response. [...] frankly, I did not find your avatar to be especially friendly. It doesn't exude a feeling of "warm fuzzy" [...]
j0da said:
And yeah, Shane isn't "nice", but then, we aren't "nice" bunch of people in general :D However, we are likeable, once one gets to know us ;)
Nobody will intentionally harm or attack you here -- there is guidance -- BUT it is a Working place. You can either take or reject the opportunity.
First off, I'd like to thank u all for taking the time to reply. I'm unable to navigate around the site like most ppl because I'm stuck w/ my mobile phone browser. So I can't download PDF's & such. I can see now that it was my self-importance that was insulted by the initial response to my post. I spose I was expecting every1 to be all willing & ready to help a newbie...but I see now its not that kind of place. -->
-->That's ok. I've dealt w/ far worse things than being chastised for perhaps being a bit of a "baby." NBD. What I have difficulty w/ is comprehending & recalling data. I've suddenly stepped out of my familiar box & its a strange land. But I shot dope for 9 years...I've seen stranger. & I've gone from being the most self-serving jerk I knew to a totally different human being. But obviously, I've still got a long way to go. PEACE

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