In Broad Dayight (on DVD)


The Living Force
FOTCM Member
Originally a book by Harry N Maclean and talked about on several forum threads, the movie version on DVD can now be obtained at a reasonable price at (Amazon traders were asking silly money for the -presumably- rare video ).

Brian Dennehy takes the lead role as the psychopathic town bully - full of bulky brooding menace and evilly long leering looks. Perhaps based on this performance Dennehy was chosen to play another psychopathic character, the notorious mass murderer John Wayne Gacy in the film To Catch a Killer one year later (where he gives a second similar chilling portrayal and this also is well worth a view).
This story is definitely worth reading for an example of how a psychopath can hold a LOT of people hostage as well as how people may finally stand up to such a monster. I'll see if someone can get me the movie as I would really like to see it and I don't think they ship overseas.
Can confirm that they do indeed ship to europe - I got a copy delivered to the UK within 2 weeks.
DVD cost $7.50 plus $5.50 overseas shipping.
That was a good find, nice one. Just ordered myself a copy. I've got the book, but never got round to starting it, always put off by the the smallest text i've ever seen in a book. Not sure if it just the version i have or not, but it should come with a magnifying glass.

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