Search results for query: bioweapons

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  1. Keit

    Bioweapons, transhumanism, WHO and Big Pharma - discussion with Russian experts (in English)

    Here's the following discussion dubbed in English, something that is hopefully the beginning of a very beneficial trend. There are a lot of interesting talks or interviews in Russian, but most of them are unknown to English speaking people. Anna Shafran is one of the Russian journalists, who...
  2. Jacques

    The next attack are bioweapons and bacteria!

    ...seen the false pandemic coming in 2019. You can read all the interview or listen to it here : Heiko Schöning warns: The next attack are bioweapons and bacteria! (AUF1-Interview, shortened version) Another good one from 2021: Organised crime: COVID-19 and ANTHRAX-01 – Interview with Heiko...
  3. T

    Pests and pestilences including the possibility of bioweapons that threaten living organisms that serve as sources of food

    ...Earth Changes called Signs of global crop failures or just normal fluctuations there was I could not find a thread on the possibility of bioweapons affecting pigs and in a larger perspective the various 2D beings, like plants, birds, animals, fish, insects, mushrooms, etc that contribute to...
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