Search results for query: weapons of mass destruction

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    INOCULATIONS: The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction

    The Full title of the article I am hoping can be reviewed by Rebecca Carley, MD is...INOCULATIONS THE TRUE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION CAUSING VIDS (VACCINE INDUCED DISEASES)...Court Qualified Expert in VIDS and Legal Abuse Syndrome amended June 23, 2008. I checked in the "search" section with...
  2. wodasi

    Vaccinations, Weapons of Mass Destruction 56min lecture (2009) Desiree Rover

    tonight at the top of the hour between segments (coast to coast radio show) the national news reporter recommended getting painters masks (at local hardware store) to protect against bird flu ( no mention of any break out any where- just get em..) I'm sure some one would have exact text...
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