Search results for query: "EMP weapons"

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  1. D

    Imminent Alien Disclosure?

    New interview with whistleblower Michael Herrera by youtuber UAP Gerb and reddit user u/joeyisnotmyname - The really fascinating part of the interview for me is where Michael talks about his meeting with an insider of the Program to recover and reverse engineer UAPs. He has done other...
  2. H

    Biological, chemical, nuclear, radiological, energy, and other potentially seriously harmful weapons

    thank you. yes, it is the perfect illustration of how much we love our fellow humans. it also shows the failure of religion to bring peace. all we can do is pray...
  3. T

    Biological, chemical, nuclear, radiological, energy, and other potentially seriously harmful weapons

    ...warns future International space station nukes may hit Earth Text: (18) Comment: (3) =1&o=relevance']Forum, title, EMP Forum, general, "EMP weapons" Forum, general, EMP weapons Electromagnetic weapon Title: (2) Russia develops electromagnetic weapons which could 'neutralize entire armies'...
  4. M

    Session 23 September 2023

    From memory, they have only found 44 skeletons in a city that at its peak could house 40,000+. Hence, the question is, if it were a plague, what happened to all the bodies? The city could have been abandoned en masse due to sudden climate change and lack of water I suppose but the C's said it...
  5. Pierre

    Mass Extinctions, Evolutionary Leaps, and the Virus-Information Connection

    Chapter 25: Electromagnetic Pulses (EMP) The two facts developed above: 1/ viruses carried by comets and 2/ viruses in the upper atmosphere being carried to Earth in the wake of cometary bodies don’t totally clarify the origin of viruses: how did viruses ended up in comets or how high...
  6. bianca etezete

    Session 10 October 2020

    thank you all for this new session! And a fast recovery to Ark! These Microwave/EMP Weapons are scary, and I agree that we see only the tip of the iceberg of what is possible with that stuff.
  7. Gary

    Greenland - movie trailer (fire in the skies)

    Possibly, or is it a deliberate ploy to confuse the issue. "Did comet / asteroid fragments just hit or are we under nuclear attack from some foreign power?" Although the interstellar comet mentioned in the trailer would likely be detected, hundreds or thousands of smaller 'space rocks' probably...
  8. Persej

    Session 23 May 2020

    If a big one ever hits us, the PTB have an excuse ready:
  9. Mr.Cyan

    Russian Passenger Plane Crashes Over Egypt

    Many thanks as well Perceval for the article much appreciated. The EMP weapon is indeed a possibility and is looking likely. Though the weather phenomena remains a possibility as well - I still think/feel that this act was deliberate as the target and timing was just too coincidental; and if it...
  10. Ca.

    Russian Passenger Plane Crashes Over Egypt

    Back to session February 2, 2003 Ark, Laura SF-guest and Galahad Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster in 2003 breakup rare footage. Uploaded on May 14, 2009 Home video of Columbia I shot in 2003. 3 minutes of footage as the shuttle passed over Nevada, Utah, Arizona...
  11. Andrian

    Russian Passenger Plane Crashes Over Egypt

    Thank you for clarification Joe and for posting the article, very interesting indeed, i'm curious how things will develop further(i hope they will develop)...
  12. Eboard10

    Russian Passenger Plane Crashes Over Egypt

    Thanks for posting the article Joe. The possibility of a directed EMP weapon is definitely possible given the data available. I am not familiar with how EMP weapons work (will dig into it) but can it also explain the sudden downwards "push" of the plane?
  13. Joe

    Russian Passenger Plane Crashes Over Egypt

    No. the "EMP weapon" is more likely to have been the cause.
  14. Andrian

    Russian Passenger Plane Crashes Over Egypt

    Just read Joe's article, so if i understood correctly, in theory the idea that some man made EMP weapon( used by the US, Israel...) to take down the flight 9268 is a damage control campaign promoted through western media(by the TPB) with the intent of obscuring the real cause of the downing of...
  15. Pierre

    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane

    Here is an extract from the book I'm finalizing. Those excerpts deals with the links between comets and EMP. Here is another excerpt describing cometary action at a distance (discharge events). It applies here to industrial plumes but the same goes for airplanes that act as a bug in a bug...
  16. Gwenllian

    Show #31: War Against Syria - Nevermind the Comets!

    I second that. :) Thanks for your thoughts and articles, Belibaste and Mr. Scott.
  17. Breton

    Show #31: War Against Syria - Nevermind the Comets!

    Totally fascinating twist to the whole thing! Good job guys!
  18. Pierre

    Show #31: War Against Syria - Nevermind the Comets!

    Indeed. Actually it's not only Iran which allegedly develops EMP weapons but also the USA and Israël. These rumors started a while ago, the oldest article I found dates back to 2008. This is a few years after 2002 when we started noticing an increase in fireballs activity, so the timing matches...
  19. Scottie

    Show #31: War Against Syria - Nevermind the Comets!

    What's most interesting to me about all these EMP weapons we hear about is that it's always like some Top Secret thing. IOW, everybody knows they've used MOAB bombs, and phosphorus weapons, drones, chemical weapons, etc. But the use of EMP weapons is more ethereal. They keep talking about them...
  20. Pierre

    Show #31: War Against Syria - Nevermind the Comets!

    Unlike missiles, cometary bodies carry a strong electric charge, so they are likely to discharge (lightning bolt between the asteroid and earth's surface and/or clouds). Apart from the obvious lightning bolts, local magnetic field might also show spikes due to the electromagnetic activity of...
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