Search results for query: propaganda

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  1. Voyageur

    Top Gun: Maverick

    ...Sandam's reactor (the the west was helping him build), long before the WMD scam). As recalled at the time, that was headline getting and propaganda theater (also later weaving it into themes of fiction by some authors), and they have kept that war whore show alive for 40 plus years since...
  2. EricLux

    Cs' sessions key sentences

    ...? Greek enforcers like your FBI. Are any books of the New Testament written by who they claim to be written by? No. Remember this is 70% propaganda. Is 30% then the truth or the actual teachings? Close. Enough you must decipher from instinct through meditation. Mark of Caïn - What is the...
  3. Cosmos

    2024 US election: A Kennedy presidency? Trump again? Will it be rigged?

    I was just thinking that part of what we see could maybe be explained by chaos breaking out in the propaganda mainstream? Sort of the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing? Where they were once able to present a coherent propaganda picture by just following one line and propagating...
  4. Mari

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    Just watch this documentary, at least from minute 12:56 to 31:00 Especially pay attention from min 28:40 and then a marvellous piece of propaganda from min 30:35. While watching it now, remember the same tactics used now during i.e. COVID. And that is how you start a war. Because your source is...
  5. Revolucionar

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    I have nothing to do with Arlind. This image you keep posting isn't funny, btw.
  6. Nević Nenad

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    You are such a great example of so called "croatian" post war propaganda (actually NATO's propaganda. Which goal is to prepare you for yet another war). Seems that after all being said here to you and Arlind, you still don't understand anything. I must assume you are having some cognitive...
  7. Revolucionar

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    Yeah everyone had a job and that's why the whole thing fell apart as it did. You had two people working the wardrobe in each factory, for Christ's sake. It was ridiculous and the mentality that was borne from this Yugoslav way of thinking and working is holding ex-Yu countries back to this day...
  8. BHelmet

    Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

    Fantastic post, Voyageur. When my daughter was in high school, she participated in Speech and Debate. To support her, I became involved in judging speech and debate for three years. It was quite an eye-opener. It was very educational, stimulating and it was a window into the educational system...
  9. Joan

    Chinese Sci-Fi, "The Three Body Problem"

    ...I think this presentation in Scifi, and one must remember, it was presented on Netflix. Not a most credible source, some could call it a propaganda steam, considering it's backers. I am always drawn to the works of Dune by Frank Herbert in his 6 book series, always left hanging in suspense...
  10. iamthatis

    Events in Russia

    Dmitry Orlov wrote a bit about this in technical detail: The theme of his piece is the punishment of the West. Once the war is over, he writes with some confidence that there will be new war crimes tribunals, although I...
  11. rognaill

    Julian Assange Discussion

    ...that was being put into motion and now out of gas/discredited. Expunging from the narrative references the shameful reporting/lies/propaganda (ie. narrative) and misappropriation by a faction of people whom it is being shown, are illegally occupying positions within the US Govt. by means of...
  12. Jono

    Chat GPT

    ...ahead with tech, I wonder how many of the MSM articles have been written by AI that we've been bombarded with over the years. Same with crypto. The AI texts that I've seen generated usually have a soulless feel to them, and that really fits the bill when it comes to the main propaganda outlets.
  13. Alejo

    Julian Assange Discussion to reveal something about someone.. but also Yes, all the democrats I know already started to adopt that angle "well, Biden finally corrected that mistake.. it happened under Biden" like when Obama "killed" Bin Laden... it's a propaganda piece designed to increase votes and add talking...
  14. Nević Nenad

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    ...authority for sure, I apologize if it sounded like I am. That's just my style of writing. And I really don't think there is "Croatian propaganda". More like "Western propaganda". I am aware that I am also victim of the propaganda. But, I think that we can call it a fact that there was a...
  15. H

    The end of the road for Macron? French political crisis

    thank you for your factual reporting. this is very informative.
  16. ava

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    ...fighting with each other”, it is a spin in a certain direction, and an assumption you are the authority on what is or isn’t Croatian propaganda, or even Croatian reality. For the same reason, try as I may, I can’t listen to that Malagurski guy, no matter how right he is on geopolitical...
  17. N

    The end of the road for Macron? French political crisis

    ...and Lower Chambers, and in accordance with the wishes of the overwhelming majority of the electorate in New Caledonia, are pure political propaganda), we can see the reliable old divide-and-conquer tactic being put to good use. Macron has also refused to allow the overwhelmed security...
  18. ScioAgapeOmnis

    Artificial Intelligence News & Discussion

    ...product) something private or personal as a rule of thumb. For everything else, maybe it’s not such a bad idea to let meta train from your posts? As long as your posts are truth focused, it would give the AI something to learn besides just the constant noise and propaganda encountered elsewhere.
  19. Nević Nenad

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    Of course that the West worked on all sides. On some more, on some less, depending on opportunities presented. On Croatian side more, just because there were more opportunities to do so. Milosevic was cooperative, or tried to be, but that wasn't in the script. Actually whatever he would do...
  20. ava

    Yugoslavia - What Really Happened

    ...had in mind when he was mentioning that certain positions seem to be established here on the forum. So if I may kindly ask, if Croatian propaganda is discouraged (and rightly so), that Serbian be discouraged as well. Namely, it is not an established fact that only Tuđman was supported by...
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