Search results for query: propaganda

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  1. Liliea

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    In fact, it should be recalled that the Mossad already used propaganda against Macron by naming Jean Michel on a billboard at the beginning of the war; we know that they used Grislaine in the Epstein case and now one of the suspicions about the threat of resignation of Spanish President Pedro...
  2. Z...

    Where is Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales?

    Indeed he was warning from very start and as a result from the one of the world’s top virologists he became persona non grata and pretty much ostracised everywhere. Its been a while ago so i might not be remembering the details correctly ( I might have even posted the link on Covid Vaccine...
  3. Cosmos

    Where is Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales?

    I find it quite unlikely that Sucharit Bhakdi would pull those statements out of thin air (namely, that the princess has been vaccinated and shortly after the coma started). I don’t think Bhakdi is the kind of guy that would say something like this unless he has good reasons to believe that it...
  4. DianaRose

    Dune (2020)

    I've only watched the 1st movie so far, but what you said was my issue. I've read the three first book in the Dune series and Dune (the 1st book is my fave novel of all time) but if I didn't have a good grasp of the story already, I would've been completely lost and I wouldn't have understood...
  5. Chu

    Where is Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales?

    ...hadn't heard about this princess. Well you have to thank the fact-checkers for giving some information! :lol: Leaving aside the obvious propaganda, on this link: Well...
  6. M

    Session 13 April 2024

    Perhaps it was just like this in Atlantis before that civilisation's destruction. Afterall, the C's once said that we are going through a repeat performance of the Atlantis scenario. The Atlantean elite may have been just as degenerate as today's western elite, perhaps even more so. On that...
  7. T

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    Some people live in an odd world, and Jordan Peterson has company About Scott Galloway: Some of those who say that they support Israel like Jordan Peterson, may be clueless, others like Former UK PM Liz Truss, may still have an idea of what is going on, they just chose to act as they do for...
  8. Carl

    Dune (2020)

    ...and the vision of Liet-Kynes is not really fleshed out (seems like a missed opportunity to throw in some climate change/environmentalist propaganda). Little of what is going on in Paul's spice-enhanced, prescient mind is shown properly. Why does he have to go Jihad again? Motivations of many...
  9. Possibility of Being

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    ...agree, that there is a moral decay of such students, but also historians, intellectuals, who bought into the the pro-Palestinian propaganda, that Israel is an apartheid state, that Zionists commit genocide... And now they target the weak when they see one. They pretend compassion for one...
  10. Breo

    Descriptions of the "afterlife"/5th Density

    I also wondered quite often about the different views on the light and the tunnel. Then I found this thread on the forum dedicated to this question: Is the bright white light and tunnel an alien trap for discarnate spirits? where this C´s session is quoted:
  11. aragorn

    Descriptions of the "afterlife"/5th Density

    ...even if the tunnel beckons you to come, you should turn your back and head the other way. Because, as their weird theory goes (or evil propaganda), the tunnel is a gateway to an endless cycle of reincarnation. The other way, they say, is the real way to freedom and ‘higher spheres’. At least...
  12. Daf

    Session 13 April 2024

    ...them as such. This was tolerated because they were projecting a fake world for all the normal people to see. This magic spell was called propaganda and when it was not working on the few resistant that could see the reality, the secret police would ruin them and prevent them to barter or...
  13. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...quite on the sly. Today, more than one locality has been liberated and in more than one direction. I wonder how the rhetoric of Western propaganda will change in the future? The development is as follows: in the beginning, after the retreat in the Kharkiv and Kherson regions, ukrops...
  14. Ellipse

    News from the PTB

    25 Ways the US is Being Destroyed
  15. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    I'm all for it, but the discipline and the finish line should probably be changed. There are several to choose from, and to achieve some of them he will have to overcome water obstacles. So it will be at least a triathlon, well, that's good - but it will also become an Olympic sport. By the way...
  16. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...that you are talking about nationality and based on this it becomes clear that your knowledge does not extend beyond what some Western propaganda mouthpiece (some English, German, French, etc. newspaper) told you. You write about the Russian Gulag as the most obvious thing,, but that's...
  17. Jones

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    Sure is an excellent interview. Michael Hudson seems to be an example of a specialist who is not constrained by the limitations of his own specialty and who stays informed by other fields. He has pulled a lot of information together from various threads to inform his answers. It basically...
  18. mabar

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    New York Post article is coming from I24NEWS reported, well known by its propaganda and lies, same texts over several media. I don't doubt that they are finding it very difficult to cope with the trauma, especially if they are constantly on the verge of attack warnings. I also don't doubt that...
  19. iamthatis

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

    It's looking like Zuckerborg has a role to play in the Gaze genocide. I thought that the trend in our age of 'information is the new oil' would be used moreso for suppressing domestic dissent, censorship, maybe even to the digital ID and CBDC...
  20. ImaPrototype

    I suggest a question about Lula (president of Brazil)

    ...either on TV or western media which have zero credibility around here my observations are based on real people i interacted with not on propaganda Lula, ROBBED the North states as much as any other if you think they're special you're naive beyond repair a google away and you see that 2...
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