Search results for query: nootropics

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  1. benkostka

    Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

    It’s an interesting situation. Mikhaila just released her latest venture of nootropics that will cure your hangovers to her followers. Jordan essentially lets her run his social media companies, and the flavor of the posts on both of their accounts is the same….. His take is that she’s brave...
  2. 3DStudent

    Iodine and Potassium Iodide

    There is a really old NAC thread, so I figured this might better go here. I recently came to notice some reddish brown spots on my NOW NAC pills. I thought it might be oxidation or mold and was reluctant to use them. But I saw that it happens to other batches:
  3. Agron

    The Field - Important Findings Valuable to All! an antioxidant and heavy metal chelator, improves memory & cognition, lowers symptoms of depression, and boosts libido.” (L-DOPA – Nootropics Expert ) It has to be taken with some caution and self monitoring tho. Too much dopamine can cause issues. I also found coenzyme coQ10 in powder...
  4. Persej

    Daydreaming/Imagination/Memory and relation to environment

    I think that the next two articles are also a very good description of MD.
  5. Miracle

    A question for coffee lovers experimenting is the only way to figure this one out for yourself. Another research thread that might be worth your while would be nootropics (brain performance enhancing techniques): Search results for query: nootropics . Many on this forum have found benefit from experimenting with...
  6. Foxx

    NeuroFeedback, NeurOptimal and Electroencephalography

    The NeurOptimal system is, so far, the one that I find the most interesting, primarily due to its not needing or using a diagnosis, the ability to self-administer treatments, and because it appears to not push the brain in a specific direction. As far as I can tell, qEEG diagnoses basically...
  7. Adaryn

    With Alzheimer’s, keeping the mind active slows deterioration

    I came too late, the show is not available anymore (though it will be rebroadcast on the 6-8th October). However, for anyone interested, in the comments section, someone gave the list of supplements recommended during the show:
  8. Wu Wei Wu

    How to increase intellectual capacity?

    ...and IQ but I'm willing to bet there's a strong 4-10 point increase. I'm assuming your metric is one of the IQ tests. You could also do nootropics, but there are inferior compared to the Ketogenic diet. Otherwise, practice makes perfect. Sharpening your will and gaining more being will make...
  9. Hitsu

    Meta analysis by independent researcher shows that Nicotine is strong nootropic

    Preface: _ Just look at Performance _ Soo Nicotine is strong nootropic and most harm is done from 'tobacco' (mainstream one?). Interesting points highlighted :)
  10. sarahelizabeth


    ...- I've tried both Piracitam and Rhodiola (both on a keto diet) and I have noticed a difference using both. My partner raves about nootropics, but the most important thing to do, to eliminate the brain fog, increase concentration and therefore improve information absorption, is the keto diet...
  11. N

    How to increase your memory?

    ...5 days and I have to say my body is feeling great. I feel more refreshed and the urge to smoke is gone which is good. When you talk about nootropics, the first thing that comes to mind is adderall. I have tried it a handful of times but my body and mind always ends up feeling terrible when it...
  12. L

    How to increase your memory?

    ...combination of a SSRI-type antidepressant and a subtle stimulant. It's safe and non-addictive. Works wonders for me (but it's not about cannabis in my case). Also, nootropics can be helpful in memory recovery. PS. And, of course, take to your heart all the advices about diet and...
  13. Wu Wei Wu


    ...probably lowers IQ, and certainly contributes to an unhappy life. You'll get huge benefits by cutting it out slowly, moreso than with nootropics. Its difficult, but definitely worth it. PS. There are a few nootropic boards where people post their stacks and self-experiments you can check...
  14. Wu Wei Wu


    Having taken nootropics and been involved in the industry in the past, I can tell you that they do work and can give you a useful IQ boost. Piracetam is inferior to Noopept btw, although piracetam is the classic one discovered decades and known for its remarkable lack of toxicity. Piracetam (and...
  15. W


    Hi, I have been reading about nootropics, also known as "smart drugs" and I was wondering if anyone on here has tried them? And do they work? They are natural and nonpharma and supposedly are great for brain fog, anxiety and depression.
  16. Foxx

    Ketogenic Diet - Powerful Dietary Strategy for Certain Conditions

    ...Theanine: _ It looks like black tea may have more Theanine than green tea in some cases: _ I've taken Theanine as a supplement before and found it to be quite...
  17. melatonin

    Ibogaine for emotional trauma/PTSD.

    ...few months. Ive been recovering repressed memories from trauma for a few years now - had the usual , EMDR, tapping, hypnotherapy, used nootropics like 5htp to help stimulate memories. This all works to a degree. Anyways i stumbled across ibogaine. I was always intrested in physcedelics for...
  18. Vulcan59

    Ginkgo Biloba

    Hi Masamune, Did you have a look at this topic Nootropics & Acetylcholine Precursors? There is some post about gingko biloba. Hope you find it useful. :)
  19. JGeropoulas

    Drugs, Hedonism and Genetic Reverse Engineering

    There are certainly no shortage of neurons firing in these authors' brains. But, as bright as they seem to be, I doubt they realize the full import of their visionary proposals, which seem to amount to attempts to "fix" what 4D "broke" when they hacked into our DNA and programmed us for misery...
  20. N

    Smoking is... good?

    Nootropics & Acetylcholine Precursors Hi christX11, Thanks.. strangely I recognize 2 of the articles and it never clicked. hahaha! I can't believe it didn't click for me ROFL! Thanks for the visual aid (props) :) Laura: "I put some articles about gluten sensitivity on SOTT health and...
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