Search results for query: poems

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  1. T

    Poems you like to read - if any?

    A forum search for "poems" in the title, revealed a =1&o=date']list of threads, but that is mostly for poems forum readers have made themselves. A search for "Poetry" gives =1&o=date']this list including some that deal with works of poetry, but perhaps we could have a general thread with more...
  2. Happy Poo

    Song Lyrics/Poems

    Hi, just like to share a few old song lyrics that I've written over the years. They sound a lot better and make more sense with the music, but it's nice just to be able to share anyway. Started doing them around 94' _ World Gone By See the lights on the horizon Fading by day Final journey...
  3. iamthatis

    A metamorphic ode and other poems

    ...teak-and-pearl typewriter – yes, I was two relics of another age – and adorning the tiny typed sign taped to us were the hopeful words “free poems, any topic you like,” our stacks of paper sun-stained and untouched for decades. On Friday I remembered I was supposed to be counting and was...
  4. loreta

    A marvelous book of poems by Mary Oliver

    Yesterday I discovered in an article the poet Mary Oliver and I read her little book of poems "Dog Songs". It is one of the best book about dogs that I ever read about them and how not just how fantastic they are, but how thanks to them we are present in this magnificent nature that surround us...
  5. melatonin

    My poems

    I often do poetry as a way of coping. (As a survivor of child abuse with CPTSD - so they are usually very dark) Havent done any in a long while, and deleted all the stuff i had. This is one i did recently:- It’s the edge that’s so painful. Peering over, looking at what I’ll never be or...
  6. Lumiere_du_Code

    two poems about planet, people and psychopathy

    ...writing poetry and short stories, in Russian, there are a few in English, but I'm not sure of their 100% accuracy. :D Now I want to share two poems about planet, people and psychopathy - I translated them from Russian into English. hereinafter I could translate some others. there is no...
  7. SMM

    Old poems

    I wrote these in a LJ blog back in 2010. I don't remember what spurred them on but they are about cosmic catastrophe. Reading Horn of Moses, alongside some other articles, reminded me of their existence. Blood-Fueled Hurricane I am a blood-fueled hurricane; spurting tempests & anguish-bitten...
  8. melatonin

    My poems.

    "The Road" As i drive along the road, trees over-hanging. Its late at night, and i cant see far-ahead. I keep going, picturing the beauty of nature in daylight. There are many turn-offs and diversions along the way. I trust myself and keep going straight forward. As the sun rises, the...
  9. L

    Poems to Convey the Wonder of Creation

    Today the snowdrops, the perseverant harbingers of spring, sway proudly in the dappled sunshine. The honey bees resisting the insidious, yet invisible force of the machine. Yielding not yet to the will of the blackness, perhaps not even aware. I watch and feel the quenching of their thirst...
  10. Ðekel

    I would like to share one of my poems addressed to an eight-year-old me.

    Here goes; Child of Eight ----------------- you are a child of splendor and simple heart you stared into the stars fearful only of entities without human heartbeats with faces akin to dolls of porcelain your eyes gazed upon two stars the registering of a shiver was there and your shiver is my...
  11. Heuristic

    One short scene, and two more poems

    A Divine Proposal PARTS IN THE PLAY GOD THE WORD INHALE EXHALE BREATH SCENE Somewhere in a Cosmos “when the muse was hidden between contractions, bubbles floated by with paragraphs inside,”1 and THE WORD used them to introduce GOD’S Divine Paradox to its Self. THE WORD: (Addresses BREATH)...
  12. little_star_orion

    translating my poems

    I write poems. I began to write them, to be able to do something with the feelings I had, that I did not understand. More like a way to deal with them and to think them over and to try to understand them. The poems are om my website :
  13. D

    3 Poems, 2 Very Short Stories

    I thought I would post a few poems and a couple of stories that I've written recently. I wrote these for voice, for open mic nights I've been attending, so the poems especially are more straightforward than ones written for the page. The Lineup: "The Spells of our Magician" -- a poem based on...
  14. Mountain Crown

    90's Poems

    I used to write.
  15. Approaching Infinity

    Some poems

    Here is a little set of pseudo-haikus I wrote a couple years ago. More to come. Ouroboros In Hell, a circle. Each receiving comfort, Wishing for another's. Instinct strikes a chord, Seeks resolution without. How difficult, choice. Seeking discomfort, Not the ease of old patterns. Then comes...
  16. Napoleão

    Hullo & Poems

    Hullo, I am a newcomer here. Napoleão is how Napoleon is spelled in my native language, Portuguese, and has been one of my sobriquets in school. Curiously, nobody knows who created it, and I don't personally regard myself as a revolutionary mind. Even less a mind inclined to bloodsheds and...
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