Search results for query: Ashkenazi

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  1. BlackCartouche

    Jewish History, Jewish Religion - Israel Shahak's shocking revelations

    Your welcome I should point out I did make clear my lineage is rather distant, it'd be my great great grandmother or something, that would make me no more than 6.25% Jewish if that. But it didn't faze the Rabbi if the trace can be verified through the maternal line. This, I came to learn is the...
  2. Voyageur

    Jewish History, Jewish Religion - Israel Shahak's shocking revelations

    Yes, very good, Keit. Really enjoyed listening to Shahak - and a lot has happened since he died (2001) which would have be interesting to have had his views carried forward. I ordered the book so will get a better framework for his discussions. Now Shahak said something at around 26:00...
  3. Chu

    Jewish History, Jewish Religion - Israel Shahak's shocking revelations was very good. He brought up some interesting points, IMO. Even some obvious ones which I admit I hadn't questioned so much (e.g. how ashkenazi Jews are not necessarily THAT smart, and certainly haven't been thoughout their entire history, or how small a power Israel really is in spite of...
  4. Pierre

    Jewish History, Jewish Religion - Israel Shahak's shocking revelations

    ...of this kind of environment (nurture) might be even more striking when combined with the high prevalence of psychopathy (nature) among Ashkenazi Israelis (more than 50% according to a recent session). According to Psychopathy by Carl Frankenstein, it is this kind of specific combination of...
  5. goyacobol

    Session 1 December 2018

    Bastian, I don't know if I can add any clarification beyond the interesting previous observations but I did find a session reference that describes the 'Jews in "holocaust"' and Atlantean "religions". I know it is kind of an amalgamation of topics but maybe it is worth thinking about it...
  6. Approaching Infinity

    Session 1 December 2018

    Yep, Google tells me approx. 36% of Israelis are Ashkenazi according to Google. If 53% are 'psychopaths', that's 19% Ashkenazi Israeli psychopaths. That means 36% of the rest of the population are psychopaths ([.53x36%]+[.36x64%]=42%), which is still very high - higher than the 23% figure given...
  7. Approaching Infinity

    Session 1 December 2018

    No idea, but the only thing that makes sense to me at the moment is if they are using the term similar to how Lobaczewski used it: as a catch-all for what we call personality disorders. Reminder for those not familiar with Ponerology or who forget the details: he described various...
  8. Matthew

    Session 1 December 2018

    My assumption has always been that the C's use a word congruent to its meaning as Laura understands it given that she is channelling them. Thus, in this case, they use the word 'psychopath' entirely in line with how Laura would define it. Furthermore, if they feel that Laura's definition of a...
  9. T

    Session 1 December 2018

    ...been populations with a higher percentage of psychopaths, than the Israel of 2010. Next I will try to evaluate and the contribution of the Ashkenazi Jews to the pool of psychopaths in Israel. In 2008 there were 7.4 million people in Israel, now it it estimated to be around 9.0 million Israel...
  10. Joe

    Session 1 December 2018

    Ashkenazi could be anyone with more than 50% Ashkenazi genes. As for psychopaths, that's a good question. How do the Cs define it?
  11. Niall

    Session 1 December 2018

    Yeah, that's why answers with percentages/numbers must be taken with a grain of salt. Well, all answers are to be taken with grains of salt, but those kinds need lots of salt! They're too restricting, too limiting, because of the assumptions loaded into them by the questioner.
  12. Bastian

    Session 1 December 2018 @Pierre ). About this percentage : Reading it for the first time, I understood it clearly... or so I believed. I knew what an Ashkenazi Jew is, and (thanks to Lobaczewski) what a psychopath is. And these themes were already covered in previous sessions, so no special problem. BUT when I...
  13. G

    Session 1 December 2018

    Second question might have been the % of sociopaths after that psychopathic count.
  14. AzarHyun

    Session 1 December 2018

    PHOTO-SPREAD: Dedication of Altar for Third Temple
  15. Menna

    Session 1 December 2018

    They said California will fall into the ocean in a past session. I’m guessing Earthquake. They said soon so I’m thinking in a few years
  16. Juba

    Session 1 December 2018

    Dear Lord, it's more than half of mentioned population. :scared: So, Soros & Co. are typical representatives of Ashkenazi majority. Thank you all for another brainstorming session. :hug2:
  17. Turgon

    Session 1 December 2018

    ...that @Ant22 posted with the statistics of psychopaths, I always wondered why it was SO high among Jews, and at least in Pierre's question, Ashkenazi Jews. I came across this book Zionism in the Age of the Dictators which the author was heavily criticized for revealing the extent of Zionist...
  18. Ant22

    Session 1 December 2018

    Yeah, crazy, isn't it? But come to think of it, their actions on the global scene and at home do make it rather believable. Questions about psychopaths were also asked before and it looks like there are very few places we can go to hide from them: And there's also this post with specific...
  19. SlipNet

    Session 1 December 2018

    That statistic on Ashkenazi Jews though......53% was it? That's over one in two people, psychopaths.:shock:
  20. Laura

    Session 1 December 2018

    ...of the road? A: No Q: (L) It came from the bridge and the grassy knoll. A: Yes Q: (Pierre) What's the percentage of psychopathy among Ashkenazi Jews today? A: 53 Q: (L) That's more than half. Alright, anything else? (Possibility of Being) I have a question about gender insanity and...
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