Search results for query: Khazars

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  1. Juba

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    ...h becomes g, as may be seen in such examples as Grodno-Hrodna and Girsch-Hirsch. It seems that after the fall of their kingdom, the Khazars adopted the Cyrillic script in place of Hebrew and began to speak East Slavic (sometimes called "Canaanic" because Benjamin of Tudela called...
  2. D

    "Throw the Jews Down the Well"

    ...of power manipulation, greed, money, war, death and destruction. Many true Torah Jews are highly-offended at the atrocities these Zionist Khazars Talmudic Jews have inflicted on mankind. From the huge massacre of Russian Christians under Zionist Bolshevik Communism, to the mass starvation...
  3. Laura

    The Hungarian Language: One of the true wonder of the Earth since ancient times

    Re: The Hungarian Language: One of the true wonder of the Earth since ancient ti Found this on the web:
  4. Juba

    Benjamin H. Freedman: The Role of the Jews in WWI and WWII

    ...all around ex-Yugoslavia but their strongest and most cohesious group was in Sarajevo (yes again Bosnia) made mostly of askhenazi (ex-Khazars), Jews were very active in WWII on side of Tito and partisans and gained high military ranks and like Moshe Pijade were Tito's right hand but on the...
  5. PepperFritz

    Anne Frank's Diary - A Hoax?

    ...race" invaded and took away Palestine from its original inhabitants calling it "Israel" even though the bandits were nothing else but phony Khazars who have no right whatsoever to their stolen loot. Mr. Frank and his lot and his phoney Foundation continue to ceaselessly spew hate propaganda...
  6. Laura

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    ...Arab Peninsula, who converted to Judaism in the fourth century) and the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe (refugees from the Kingdom of the Khazars, who converted in the eighth century). Unlike other "new historians" who have tried to undermine the assumptions of Zionist historiography, Sand...
  7. Laura

    Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

    ...historians believe the empire may have existed. "We can now shed light on one of the most intriguing mysteries of that period - how the Khazars actually lived," he added. "We know very little about the Khazars - about their traditions, their funerary rites, their culture." The Jewish...
  8. domi

    Empty and void messages

    Several missing posts in: History -> Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?
  9. bedower

    Jacob Franck, the missing link to grasp the madness of Zionism?

    Hi Sankara, Very interesting article; I'd never heard of Jacob Frank before. The following review does not mention Frank by name, but the article seems to tie in with your piece somehow. It's possible Frank is mentioned in the book itself. from _
  10. Ellipse

    Blueprints for Auschwitz camp found in Germany

    Thx Laura. Each time I'm stoke by the inability of my mind to Systematically question what is said to me.
  11. Laura

    Blueprints for Auschwitz camp found in Germany

    Maybe I expect the Israelis - many (if not most) of whom are descended from converted Khazars - are now counting the Palestinians who are evidently the Jews that stayed in Palestine and converted to Islam. That might make the count go up to 11 million...
  12. bedower

    Stan Deyo and

    There is also this interesting agreement with Laura's points about Jesus and the Jews: The article can be read in full at: _ How cool is that?
  13. Laura

    Revisiting The Horrors Of The Holocaust

    Looks like someone else is saying the same things - and he happens to be an expert AND a Jew!
  14. Adaryn

    Are the Olympic Games The Sign of The End?

    I've been checking some French sites dedicated to Nostradamus' prophecies, and several propose that the term Angolmois On this site (in French - only cache available) ...
  15. mamadrama

    Are the Olympic Games The Sign of The End?

    ...Aquitaine under Charlemagne's empire. Could the king referred to in this quatrain be from Aquitaine? Has that been considered previously? Does that still lead to the Khazars? I don't know. Frankly, I am amazed how you historians keep track of all these different lineages in your head. So...FWIW
  16. Nienna

    Russian Invasion?

    That is interesting when you add the fact that the Khazars are from the norther Caucasus. Wasn't it the Hitties or Huns that evicted some despicable women from their tribes and then these women could have possibly been integrated within the Khazars? And this would tie in very nicely with the...
  17. bedower

    Gog Magog

    ...height...(21:96,97) On another website, one poster climed that a 9th century monk, Druthmar of Aquitaine, equated the Gog Magog with the Khazars. While this is not believable, it is possible that they were perhaps genetically linked with the Hyksos - they were just as bloodthirsty and cruel...
  18. Laura

    Are the Olympic Games The Sign of The End?

    I figured that today was a good day to kick off a new board devoted to the Cassiopaean Experiment. The reason is that there are a couple of things I'd like to cover that really don't fit anywhere else. Some days ago, thinking about the fact that the Olympic Games were about to begin on 8-8-08...
  19. bedower

    Mighty Eagle brings peace to the Alah's land - sick bag anyone?

    ...But these verses concern what will happen to the Jews if they break the Lord's Covenant. The 'nation from far' could be the Persians, the Romans, or the Khazars. Although, interestingly, verses 28-67 describe exactly what is happening today in Gaza, and to a lesser extent, the West Bank!
  20. J

    Speculations about the Comet 17P/Holmes

    Hello :) It's my first message here. Usually I participate on the french forum (I’m french) because I don’t think I'm a « beast » in English (I surely slept too much during my english courses when I was in secondary school ;) ) but I will try to write a message because I would like to express...
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