Search results for query: sargon

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  1. lilies

    Session 17 July 2022

    According to most if not all of his recent shows / interviews, etc.. if he would be sitting president, he would immediately take the Kennedy approach. End all wars. Concentrate on business with Russia, China, BRICS. Fix immigration to restrict it to high-ability peeps as it was decades ago: only...
  2. M

    Session 24 June 2023

    ...with any historically attested figure, although one recent suggestion among the exclusively Mesopotamian figures is Naram-Sin, grandson of Sargon the Great. There could be something in this since the C's provided us with a very intriguing comment about Sargon: Q: Oh, so it will be part of...
  3. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    ...also. C's break in as Laura is not understanding Perceval's question.} A: The lines blur. Rothschilds are similar in a smaller way to Sargon. Deep level punctuator. Curiously, the Hiéron attempted to demonstrate the origins of Christianity in the mystical Atlantis and worked to prepare the...
  4. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    Here is the presumed bust of Princess Meritaten showing her with a bald head, which failed to copy over when I originally posted the first part of my article.
  5. solarmind

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    I am not even at half of your last postings, but anyway, I want to express my thankfulness for this beautiful, analytic, and synergetic work. This is incredible. It will take me time to go through, as for me while I am reading this it is like my real-life retrospective journey from "time of no...
  6. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    I am sorry that much of this post has lines running through it. I will ask the moderators if it can be cleaned up. I tried to correct it and repost it myself but the same result occurred and I was then timed out. There may have been internet connectivity issues at the time I downloaded it, as I...
  7. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    ...of gods of the underworld. The Akkadian (Arcadia?) civilisation followed the Sumerian civilisation and would in due course be conquered by Sargon the Great, a Semite, Scythian Celt and a ‘deep level punctuator’ coming from the subterranean civilisation of the Nation of the Third Eye. This...
  8. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    ...the C’s told us that she was a “deep level punctuator” from the underground civilisation referred to as the Nation of the Third Eye, like Sargon the Great before her and Mayer Amschel Rothschild (the founder of the House of Rothschild) after her. However, we must also ask whether she herself...
  9. Jimmy Ssaz

    Session 13 May 2023

    But what do we have here... Laura Mr. MJF might be a suitable candidate to stand at the gates of time and release the dragon's egg. Thank you for what you wrote but I have to take issue with your description of the Grail being carried or transported perhaps Bluegazer had a close up on his...
  10. M

    Session 13 May 2023 Essene? But where then was the crossroads? One possibility I have suggested was Harran in Hittite Anatolia (although it was once part of Sargon the Great's kingdom or empire of Akkadia, etymologically similar to Arcadia), which was an ancient crossroads and has strong biblical...
  11. Jimmy Ssaz

    Session 13 May 2023

    I think it would be appropriate to link what the Cs also say in the session about (before the fall) since in your Rosicrucian journal you MJF also made mention of super ancient lineages..spoiler alert do you MJF consider yourself a PURE ROSACRUZ or in your past lives?
  12. M

    Session 13 May 2023

    ...the C's once mentioned that the founder of the House of Rothschild was a "deep level punctuator" like Nefertiti (Tutankhamun's mother) and Sargon the Great, who would seem to have been surface agents of the underground STS civilisation of the Nation of the Third Eye: Session 17 August 2003...
  13. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    ...Is it a correct assessment of the clues? A: Indeed! Session 17 August 2003: A: The lines blur. Rothschilds are similar in a smaller way to Sargon. Deep level punctuator. Q: (L) What is a deep level punctuator? A: One who emerges from seeming obscurity to "make a mark" on history. Don't you...
  14. iscreamsandwish

    Sesión: 17 de agosto de 2003

    Sesión del 17 de agosto de 2003 Laura, Ark, Andromeda, Perceval, Atriedes, Johnno, Mr. Scott, Galahad, SM1 & SM2 R: ¡Inténtenlo! ¡La práctica hace al maestro! P: ¿Y a quién tenemos con nosotros esta tarde? R: Iorhiaea. ¡El conocimiento protege! P: ¿Y desde dónde transmiten? R: Casiopea...
  15. seek10

    The World's Fair

    I watched those video of secret history and Mickoski's and thought they were very interesting. I find it striking is his mention of many US cities burned in 18th century. Probably there cosmic rocks burned the cities. If we look at the current day untouchable subjects, those are UFO's and...
  16. M

    The World's Fair

    ...We should not forget either the C's references to surface world agents of the Nation of the Third Eye either (which have included Sargon the Great, Nefertiti and in more modern times the Rothschilds). These esoteric groups operate as circles within circles, with overlapping memberships. Some...
  17. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    ...permeated Sumerian society over time. Eventually, these Scythians would take over the Sumeria empire and establish a new Akkadian empire under Sargon the Great, the first great 'Akkadian' king of Sumeria, who the C’s described as a ‘deep level punctuator’ (coming from the subterranean Aryan...
  18. humbertoemigar1977

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    One question if you had the Grail, what use would you give it? What use would it be? If that pure crystal skull or the head of Osiris were buried in France, what could you do with it? put it in a museum? Or it could look good as an ornament on a shelf and, if it is a talking head, it can be used...
  19. T

    Session 14 January 2023

    Thank you for sharing the session, there is much to think about and discuss. The talk about gods and China could relate to this excerpt: Session 20 August 2001 Here is more about China and the Yellow Emperor from the Wiki: A couple of days later, Session 23 August 2001 In the same session...
  20. whitecoast

    Zoroastrianism a Paleolithic Religion, Origin of Monotheism, Salvation Theology? Sumerian, after the well-known title “King of Sumer and Akkad.” Cuneiform writing was first developed in Sumer, but since the conquest of Sargon more writing was presented in Akkadian. In spite of this Sumerian writing never fell out of use until the second century BC. Sumerian was...
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