Search results for query: thermobaric

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  1. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    CNN journalist admitted that the Ukrainian authorities no longer control the situation in the country 03.03.2022 21:25 The Pentagon had to admit that the Russian Federation does not use vacuum bombs during a special operation in Ukraine 04.03.2022 10:48...
  2. bjorb

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    T90 tanks, and TOS-1A Buratino thermobaric rocket launchers. All state of the art.
  3. Ca.

    Mass Shootings

    ...October 23, 2021 at 7:09 pm Filed Under: CHP, Highway 17, Police Activity Video The Nashville bombing and Thermobaric weapons. Streamed live on Oct 22, 2021
  4. Bluegazer

    Beirut Explosion

    There are bombs in the arsenal that can produce such an atomic cloud effect: Aviation Thermobaric Bomb of Increased Power Perhaps, if you know how to use ammonium nitrate, you can create the thermobaric effect.
  5. anka

    Beirut Explosion

    A Czech alternative site brought an article discussing use of thermobaric bomb in Bejrut. One of the commentators there posted a video of explosion from the last year somewhere in Syria. Allegedly it could be some Russian thermobaric weapon used/tested. The explosion looks very similar to the...
  6. goyacobol

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    I think the Idlib terrorists are going to be feeling the heat soon...
  7. sToRmR1dR

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    ...Iraq, Russia in talks over S-400 missile defense system By Mohammed Ebraheem - May 4, 2019 IN VIDEO: SYRIAN ARMY DEPLOYS TOS-1A THERMOBARIC ROCKET LAUNCHERS AROUND IDLIB 04.05.2019 SYRIAN SU-22, SU-24 FIGHTER BOMBERS POUND TERRORISTS FORTIFICATIONS IN IDLIB AND HAMA (VIDEOS) 04.05.2019...
  8. sToRmR1dR

    Events in Russia

    ...technical solutions, assigned combat missions and combat efficiency and is unrivaled in the world. The TOS-1A is capable of firing both thermobaric rockets and smoke-incendiary munitions. The flamethrower is designed to set ablaze and destroy buildings and structures and damage an enemy’s...
  9. A

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    Is Russia bringing out the heavy "fire-power" to finish the job and push the U.S. and Turkey out of Syria? New Thermobaric Weapon Reportedly Joins Syrian Army (VIDEO)
  10. Possibility of Being

    Nuclear bomb dropped on Yemen? enter this url in your browser: and you will find the video still frame as: hydrogen/nuclear/ EM / neutron / thermobaric bomb dropped by: Israel/ Saudis / Russians in Yemen/ Syria. Even a "Russian secret weapon". But if you look at the date of publication, the...
  11. Seamus

    Nuclear bomb dropped on Yemen?

    I think you're probably right about that but who knows? Could be some kind of air detonated thermobaric weapon, that might explain the bright flash: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. sToRmR1dR

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    Policeman killed in armed attack on traffic police station near Moscow — source FSB operation to detain armed gang members underway in Russia's St. Petersburg Russia’s special forces officer wounded in FSB operation in St...
  13. bjorb

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    ...invasion I believe. The nuclear option is always the last one. But there are other options for being heavily outnumbered. They have thermobaric bombs which can produce blasts and aftershocks as powerful as a nuclear blast. Only the Russians have it in stock. It’s considered an alternative to...
  14. T

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    ...from November 23rd from November 20th During my reading of the blog on the ARES website, I did not encounter an analysis of the weapons found in the Donetsk Airport of Western...
  15. W

    Mystery of falling dead birds and masses of dead fish

    ...of falling birds The descriptions of the internal injuries reminded me of something I'd read about a new weapon. Something called a, "Thermobaric Grenade". I'm not suggesting that these birds were bombed deliberately, or even indirectly by human agencies. I just wanted to share the...
  16. RyanX

    Home made almond milk

    I used to make my own almond milk before switching to raw goats milk. I remember coming across news about the USDA plans to "pasturize" raw almonds with a certain chemical treatment which was concerning. This might be something for all you almond lovers to keep tabs on...
  17. Alana

    Hizballah: A Primer

    ...becoming land mines. Eyewitnesses in Beirut report that the pattern of destruction in hard-hit neighborhoods resembles that caused by thermobaric weapons, or "vacuum bombs," whose blast effects are innately indiscriminate. Lebanese doctors receiving dead and wounded have alleged that Israeli...
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