Search results for query: Beam weapons

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  1. T

    Session 25. januar 2025

    Please post all comments in the original thread: Session 25 January 2025 Skriv venligst alle kommentarer i den oprindelige tråd: Session 25 January 2025 Dato for session: 25. januar 2025 Laura og Andromeda ved brættet Niall, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Princess Leia, Bella, Falkor, The...
  2. Faca Fritz

    Session 25 January 2025

    Thank you all
  3. Laura

    Session 25 January 2025

    Session Date: January 25th 2025 Laura and Andromeda at the board Niall, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Princess Leia, Bella, Falkor, The Lunar Module FOTCM Members attending via Zoom: 3DStudent, A Jay, Adobe, aimarok, Alana, Alejo, Aliana, Altair, aluminumfalcon, Ana, Anamarija...
  4. seek10

    CIA whistleblower target of directed energy weapons

    The video says 'Havana Syndrome" and it is foreign initiated. C's say it is false flag operation. Probably CIA or MOSSAD or some combination. session-29-may-2021
  5. Puma

    The Economist - 2025 cover

    Now it is clear why they put a figure of the sun next to the city and the planet lacks [Baja] California. People on social media are already linking what is happening in California to what happened in Hawaii, the use of energy beam weapons. Maybe just a coincidence.
  6. Puma

    Predictions and Prophecies

    ...23, 2023 the Cassiopaea entity called herself Jubilee and told us to expect more "terrorization" after confirming the use of energy beam weapons by the US Government. Jubilee also told us about the agreements between the military and aliens and that these aliens did not comply with the...
  7. Bluegazer

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    If these new physical principles involve some kind of plasma+laser manipulation, it's almost like saying the Russians invented the Phaser. It is not my intention to mix reality with fiction given the tone of the thread, but it strikes me that the article talks about: Then you go and read...
  8. T.C.

    New show: NewsReal with Joe & Niall

    I think you must have just misunderstood the point Joe was making in the moment. He actually says that in the Lahaina scenario, you can make the case, based on specific factors, that DEWS were used. But that when you compare that to what happened in Spain, nefarious interference by evil...
  9. Alejo

    New show: NewsReal with Joe & Niall

    No, I didn't get that at all, I think what Joe said was that you have to look at every situation independently, and because in one situation there was an answer, because of the specific details of that situation, it doesn't mean that the same answer applies to every situation where similar...
  10. Evan

    New show: NewsReal with Joe & Niall they were Poo-pooing the be weapons talk (maybe I misunderstood?), because the Cs said in the September 2023 session that it was beam weapons that were used. Can someone please clarify this for me? I’m positive about the Cs answer. So am I completely tripping? I did hear the part about...
  11. B

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    There is a link now between Stonehenge and the Orkney Islands. The altar stone at Stonehenge comes from the Orkneys. Archaeological digs at the Ness of Brodgar, in Orkney, are opening up questions about certain technologies and cultural signatures found at Stonehenge that most likely started...
  12. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    The Martian Stonehenge For those more familiar with my posts, they will appreciate that I have had a long-term interest in the planet Mars. Indeed, it was through a search I once did on the Monuments of Mars that I discovered Laura and the Cassiopaeans. The C’s confirmed my strong suspicions...
  13. Benjamin

    The Man From Planet X

    In the Cass substack, This Island Earth, a sci-fi movie from 1955, was mentioned for its depiction of a plane and the two protagonists being captured in mid-flight by a ufo. My dad had accumulated a small collection of these old sci-fi movies that he watched when he was a teen and since this was...
  14. M

    Session 18 May 2024

    I found Keit's question on the ''Sleeping Sayan' quite interesting, especially when the C's confirmed that they were part of an ancient technology system: Q: (Keit) In the session on 15th of April, 2000, it was confirmed that the Russian magnetics lab is located in a range of mountains called...
  15. avivalevy3

    Session 27 April 2024

    Thanks for your efforts. I am guess y'all have the same question in mind for the next session: what happened to the helicopter last night that was carrying the Iranians?
  16. Global Warning

    Session 27 April 2024

    Another interesting session. This time not so much political, not so much Earthy, but a bit supernatural, secret knowledge, etc. I wonder if Joseph Stalin has anything to do with that, or was he just a psychopath and a spawn of 4D STS. I think the latter, so it would be maybe someone around him...
  17. Laurentien2

    Session 27 April 2024

    About the Havana syndrome Keit) In the session on the 19th of May, 2021, you said about Havana syndrome, that it was caused by directed beam weapons; that it was more or less practicing on people, and that we should think 'false flag'. Recently, there was a 60 Minutes program blaming Russia. On...
  18. Laura

    Session 27 April 2024

    ...(L) Well, that's true. (Keit) In the session on the 19th of May, 2021, you said about Havana syndrome, that it was caused by directed beam weapons; that it was more or less practicing on people, and that we should think 'false flag'. Recently, there was a 60 Minutes program blaming Russia...
  19. lilies

    Havana Syndrome: Mysterious neurological symptoms are appearing in US diplomats and spies around the world

    What I would do in a compartmentalized Deep State Lab project, where electricity/power for experimentation is provided by free / advanced energy sources is: 1. Direct the output of such lab-equipment = "energy weapon" toward embassies. As they have long-standing personnel with detailed files for...
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