Search results for query: weapons of mass destruction

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  1. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    ...and in our own age we have seen how the application of modern scientific knowledge has led to the creation of terrible weapons of mass destruction, especially the thermo-nuclear bomb. For all we know, the Atlantean survivors who buried the secret knowledge stored at the base of the Sphinx...
  2. Benjamin

    From the Kremlin

    Here are a few sections from a Dec. 9 news conference in Kyrgyzstan where Putin answers questions from reporters. About the prisoner exchange of Victor Bout and Brittany Griner. Putin responds to the oil cap question. Putin answers some questions about the SMO. He clarifies the difference...
  3. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    The Templars and the Skull and Crossbones, the Nephilim and the Cabiri: Part 2 Ptah the Creator God Apart from these stone statues and images, there are numerous accounts of giants and other hybrids (demigods) in Greek, Roman, Celtic, and Scandinavian mythology. However, there is one group I...
  4. OpenMindOpenHeart

    Session 27 Aug 2022

    Much appreciated. Thank you.
  5. D

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine
  6. JEEP

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    From Global Research: Ukraine Plans to Use a Nuclear Weapon Says Russian Minister of Defense
  7. Benjamin

    From the Kremlin

    Here is the Q&A section with "The End of History" author Fyodor Lukyanov as moderator. I've removed some sections to keep it under the 64,000 character limit. Here is the entire 4:24:01 video. ... A comparison between political changes and earthquakes. There was a larger summery of the...
  8. Voyageur

    New show: NewsReal with Joe & Niall

    Which is what Bill Holter was projecting, what would be required to deflect: Bloody scary. If Russia avoids the 'dirty' play that would help the collapse to be falsely pinned upon them, what will they do? With no Russian scapegoat there would be plenty of pitchforks. Glad you can take a...
  9. Evan

    Putin’s Speech at Valdai Group One of its articles explains the cases when, why, in relation to what and how Russia considers it possible to use weapons of mass destruction in the form of nuclear weapons to protect its sovereignty, territorial integrity and to ensure the safety of the Russian people. Fyodor Lukyanov...
  10. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Notes from the briefing on radiation security by the Russian MoD, MoD Russia Attached are the images that went along with the presentation, plus a screenshot from NATO Press after Slovenia claimed to have found a picture they had taken in one of the slides, leading to NATO asserting that all...
  11. Ca.

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Ukraine's desperate measures and dirty bombs. Opinion and Speculation. Child soldiers being inducted by the UA Army. RT Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky said that the only “subject” capable of using nukes at present is Russia...
  12. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Here Sahra Wagenknecht also =AZUxAtjqa9t7xBLRxGVEYcwE_RL-xKXeJghjF8YLuYXMBwQCM67Sa62Oy3usLEJr2J45sbOYQ1rfz8U5Y_vjZf1htzpuWeH_06H7iKrbQVEs3HCWmI2kENJdqvKi6tBbleONg92oC3ElAx0INlV3RLSmECpfpYFmXLHws_4NeQ-6KKy1f8b9xqK9Y0AurWPOPKt8wGQIlnawvVdHHN_Qrvnt&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R']reposted on Bürgerinitiative...
  13. Adobe

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ...on Tuesday." "He said US President Joe Biden has said so before. Biden also said earlier that US troops won’t set foot on Ukrainian soil, Kirby said." "The official said the US doesn’t see any signs that Russia plans to use weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine."...
  14. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    That's what they allow themselves, I hope so far. It seems to me that our people need, for example, through the mouth of the "iron Dimon" (he has been able lately), to say that the author of such a statement automatically becomes a "legitimate target"...
  15. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    In the preamble to the article below, I will quote from the summary of this article. Yes, the comparison can be really monstrous, but how obvious are the coincidences! By now, a lot has already happened, but even from here we draw conclusions (someone for the first time, someone has done it for...
  16. Breo

    Putin's remarks on satanism

    Here is another link to this historical speech and the full text, if the rt link cannot be accessed:
  17. whitecoast

    Putin's remarks on satanism

    Thanks for the thoughts Alejo. I definitely thought the direct reference to Satanism was a turning point. As is the Nordstream sabotage. It really is a wonder how anyone could possibly believe the story about Russia being behind it. Anyone who can't see through that simple lie is in for some...
  18. T

    Vladimir Putin in the Cassiopaean transcripts

    ...of a coming ice age. Vladimir Putin has gone looking for WMDs, and they ARE there! Session 27 August "[T]hose famous weapons of mass destruction" can refer to the claim of their existence in Iraq in 2003, when they were used as a pretext to invade, but then, in spite of a very extensive...
  19. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    More on the US-UA bioweapon research efforts From Telegram there was a post on September 19 about the character of the bio-research that has been conducted in Ukraine. The text and slides from the presentation are included below. In addition. there were documents.. On the one hand, it may look...
  20. lilies

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    ‘Russia will always be Russia’: Putin’s full speech on accession of former Ukrainian territories Historical speech from a historical person, who should be President of Earth. A true exemplar of humanity: Below is the full text of Vladimir Putin’s speech, published by the Kremlin’s official...
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