Search results for query: electromagnetic pulse

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  1. davey72


  2. W

    Danger, Will Robinson! WaySeer Propaganda!

    Okay. . . --I used most of AI's edits directly with only a couple of minor changes. . . 1) Took out reference to Nazis, Soviets and Neocons and gave it a more generally accepted attribution so as to avoid semantic escape-routes from the core message via volatile differences in political...
  3. Approaching Infinity

    Danger, Will Robinson! WaySeer Propaganda!

    Here are my suggestions on Woodsman's commentary. I'm thinking it might also be a good idea to make our OWN version of this video, expanding on Laura's post here: For this one, though, I think there should be an introduction...
  4. W

    Danger, Will Robinson! WaySeer Propaganda!

    I second that. The following is very first-drafty, so to everybody, please offer up any advice and editorial suggestions you can muster. This is very rough, but it might serve as a beginning. If somebody else is already at work on this, then perhaps there is something in here which might be...
  5. Laura

    Session 5 October 1994

    My notes in {curly brackets} October 5, 1994 Frank and Laura Q: Hello. A: You are good to do it this way without ritual. Q: (L) What ritual do you want us to do? A: None. Q: (L) Does ritual enhance or prevent communication? A: Constricts. Q: (L) What is your name? A: Donarra. Q: (L)...
  6. Laura

    Session 2 February 2003

    February 2, 2003 Ark, Laura SF-guest and Galahad Q: Hello. A: Hello group from Cassiopaea. Q: One of the first questions we want to ask tonight is about the event of the Space Shuttle that was lost. First, was it an explosion, or was it just disintegration, or breaking up? A: It was a...
  7. RyanX

    Magnetic Therapy-it really works!

    Re: Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome and Magnetic Therapy Here's one of the references from the Sonja Barrett article above:
  8. Laura

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies... be to assess the impact of high altitude nuclear explosions on radio transmission and radar operations because of the electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and to increase understanding of the geomagnetic field and the behavior of the charged particles in it. This gigantic experiment created new...
  9. SeekinTruth

    Colloidal Gold

    For the last couple of weeks, my brother's been researching colloids on the internet, including colloidal gold, platinum, copper, etc. He started out reading the research into copper, spirals and electromagnetic energy thread by Jonathan on the forum and began wondering about colloidal copper...
  10. K

    Detoxing with tones and codes

    The above is from my Newbie introduction and a few members inquired as to posting more information on the topic. Here is a bit of background on my particular process: My practitioner began as a patient. She did all the usual and recommended cleanses and saunas and fasting which didn't make a...
  11. Nathan


    That could be a very likely possibility. When you think about how a high-altitude nuclear detonation in the US would generate an electromagnetic pulse large enough to send the entire country into the stone age, and then you consider that electromagnetic pulses may be generated by cometary bodies...
  12. Laura

    Another Hit for the Cassiopaeans? - TWA Flight 800

    From WRH: All things considered, I think the Cs were on target and the "missile" theory is propagated to further conceal the actual technology and that this technology was later used on 9-11, the Haiti earthquake, and other possible events. See...
  13. Laura

    Mind Control & HAARP

    Re: HAARP used in Pakistan floods? Notice: rant coming (yes, even I feel like ranting now and again!) Haven't you people been reading the Comet Series linked on the left on SOTT, down, under the image of Al Gore getting hit in the head by a comet? Don't you know that all this sort of thing...
  14. WIN 52

    432 Hz vs 440Hz

    Here is a piece on frequency vibration taken from here. _ [link deactivated by moderator]
  15. vectis

    Mother of all gushers - BP Oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico

    More info on the possibility of nukes... :( ‎*Why BP is readying a 'super weapon' to avert escalating Gulf nightmare* _ (interesting source links included on the website)
  16. Laura

    Matter and Spirit - The Experimental Evidence

    This is from Charles Hapgood's book "Voices of Spirit".
  17. ScioAgapeOmnis

    EMF protection

    Found some stuff connecting silk to electromagnetic fields, but no real data that helps me understand it better.. From _ I'm not sure how true the above is, and how it is related, but just throwing it out there as something that can be...
  18. transdimensional

    Mystery Disease Linked to Vanished Israeli Scientist

    ...Moshe driving his red VW automobile several miles through downtown LA before his car’s engine was reportedly knocked out by an electromagnetic pulse. Moshe refused to exit his car when ordered several times by the police, and after the driver’s window of his VW was smashed out by a robotic...
  19. rofo6850

    Monarch - A Documentary

    I searched for information in my job and found some interesting sources I had used to present my conclusions in the company I work in. In this article you can read this: It is clearly stated that technogenic ELF EMF can “entrain brain waves...
  20. Juba

    Session 25 April 2010

    Thanks Laura and C's, great session (as usual :)), Quote from the session: Q: (L) I've often wondered when these names come up. They're just such strange things. What is it that they mean? A: They relate to the specific vibrational frequency of the moment as expressed by the numerical...
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