Search results for query: Ethnic weapons

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  1. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    What would be involved in shutting down the Zaporozhye NPP Regarding the nuclear power plant in Zaporozhye, a reader suggested in a comment to Nuclear Terror - World's reaction to military strikes on Zaporozhye NPP -- that it might be better to shut the NPP down. This is not so easy as...
  2. Magnolia

    Mass Extinctions, Evolutionary Leaps, and the Virus-Information Connection

    Zak's posting and its supplemental information needs more reading than I have invested as yet. Nonetheless, it brings to mind: 1. "By extension, that's how proteins can 'dock' with different partner proteins, or latch onto specific nucleic acids to control gene expression, or assemble into...
  3. MK Scarlett

    Possible war between Kosovo and Serbia?

    What follows is not about Tito entirely (I need to dig further), but it might be interesting to read, nonetheless. They are all from Réseau Voltaire (except for the last link). Reading them, it seems to me that Tito might not have been the man we learnt he was, a bit like for Gaddafi...
  4. T

    Potential Food and Energy Shortage Across the World

    Vladimir Putin was warning about food shortages in March This speech, from March 16, 2022 by Vladimir Putin is historic, at least as far as developments with food shortages are concerned. Below is one part, since I could not find the speech mentioned in this thread. The speech is attached, if...
  5. Laurentien2

    Japan's ex-PM Shinzo Abe assassinated
  6. T

    Mass Shootings

    Actually, I don't think even the Danish Government or local press would usually be that quick to say Russia. The hesitancy to name details at the beginning has carried over. But let's see, this morning there was more. wrote: That the weapons were legal, may mean that they were...
  7. T

    Session 26 February 2022

    In this post, there is a collection of excerpts that mention the UK, the US, their alien backing, the intention and policies of the elites, including the depopulation and control agenda through green policies and a digitized economy. At the end, there are a few encouraging quotes about the value...
  8. T

    Session 26 February 2022

    The heart under attack? In the beginning of the session, there was mention of ACE2 and vaccines. The Wiki about ACE2 has: To put the ACE2 into the picture: The connection to the COVID virus is explained in Man-made...
  9. Benjamin

    From the Kremlin

    This is the opening address Putin gave to the group before the not-Q&A. At the end it says 'to be continued' but it hasn't yet so I think it won't be.
  10. Benjamin

    From the Kremlin

    The 77th celebrations of the Great Patriotic War took place. They look very different from the sombre events we have. Putin began May 9th by signed an executive order instructing higher education establishments to create 'special quotas' for the children of those security service members who...
  11. ziutek

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Maria Zaharova is furiously interesting as usual. An auto-translated interview from Russian that Maria gave at the request of the Spanish newspaper A-Be-Ce and the same newspaper later censored it. What is happening is inconceivable. Although after reading this interview I conclude that it is...
  12. sToRmR1dR

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    'Scapegoat: Ukraine is trying to drag Hungary into the conflict.' 'An attack on one member of NATO is an attack on all of its members.' Ukraine claims Hungary wants its territory 2 May, 2022 Article in full: (Translated by Google) A group of NATO fighters, at ultra-low altitude, approached the...
  13. Laurentien2

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine
  14. T

    Mass Extinctions, Evolutionary Leaps, and the Virus-Information Connection

    Thank you, Pierre, for making the material so rich and at the same time accessible in both style and presentation. I agree with many others who suggest that you publish what you have. If you learn something new about the subjects you have covered, you can present additional information in a...
  15. Gaby

    Session 23 April 2022

    That's a good question. It seems that our "junk DNA" has an ability to interact with RNA viruses in interesting and special ways. The human genome contains more viral than “human” genes. There's a bulk of this viral genes residing in our "junk DNA". Viral genes include the endogenous...
  16. Benjamin

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    RT: I don't know if I have this figured out but it seems that, per the article above, a sanctions 'loophole' for buying Russian gas is the government can't open a Rouble account in Russia but a private company can. In the case of Poland and Bulgaria, both gas companies are state owned (PGNiG...
  17. Altair

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Article by Vladimir Putin ”On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians“ July 12, 2021, Source.
  18. Benjamin

    From the Kremlin

    Kremlin: There was a meeting with Transneft but it looks like it's still being transcribed. Here is the transcript of the meeting. They are excerpts but I don't know how much more is going to be posted.
  19. happyliza

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Thank you Niall. Yes I totally agree about the issue being psychopaths everywhere. 46% in Israel years ago. I did mention the doubts we have known about Veteran's Today. Re the UK involvement. I noticed that too however, as we already knew their involvement in most regime changes / invasions...
  20. Niall

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    No, there isn't. Nothing is hidden. For almost 20 years, we have on this forum discussed Jewish involvement in modern history on every topic from the Bolshevik revolution to the Holocaust to false-flags to the NeoCon wars. In every instance we found that 'Jewish collective action' is evident to...
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